*Snowflakes to Sunshine* Discussion Week #8 (CLOSED GROUP)



  • CassieH818
    CassieH818 Posts: 221 Member
    I feel good about this week. I started 30DS and i think that def. contributed to my weight loss. I have been sick and didnt each much for a day or 2 so that did as well. Overall im happy. Im in the 180's for the first time in a LONG time :happy:
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Question: For those that have loss 4-5 lbs in a week, how is that possible? What do you do? The most I've ever lost is 3lbs.

    i wonder this too! even when i first started losing weight i think the most i lost in a week was MAYBE 3 or 3.5lbs, definitely no more than that. maybe there's a secret we're missing out on! lol ;)

    I always tell people to remember a few things: water retention, coming off TOM, zig-zagging calories, netting 1200 calories(I am not always sure about this, because I have not tried it), and people's metabolism or starting weight.

    For example, a friend of mine asked me how I can drop 4lbs some weeks, etc. But like I tell her...I was 250lbs...I have A LOT more weight to lose and it is easier for me to see big numbers than someone who is 150lbs. KWIM? So those are some things to keep in mind. Everyone's body is different. Just like some people can drop 5lbs and drop a pants size and for some people it takes 10 or 15lbs. The important thing is paying attention to your body's natural losses.
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    I had a great week aide from not exercising.

    I am now 10 days binge free. I'm really proud of that. I haven't gone that long without binging since I put on this 30 pounds over the fall. My TOM is over. Yesterday and today I weighed in at 167.5 :smile:

    I just hope to continue progressing like this.

    That is so wonderful that you haven't binged! I know that is a huge accomplishment for you! I am so proud of you for this! Great job....keep it up!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    I don't think I am going to see a loss on the scale this week. Boo :cry:

    However... the small victories - went to Yoga class last night and I can hold the positions with better form and longer. Additionally, I am more flexible now than I have been in years! Another small victory - I was doing bicep curls and looked down at my arm and actually saw muscle!

    I think that my lack of weight loss is twofold. One is that I am incorporating more strength training into my workouts and the second is that I am sooo broke and I need to do some serious food shopping. All that is left is a lot of CRAP! One more week of the crap food and then I can stock up again with the healthier stuff.

    My plan for the week is to continue to drink lots and lots of water, take a couple days off from exercising to let my body recover, and then hit it hard again starting Sunday!

    Sunday: Turbo at the gym
    Monday: Turbo at the gym (I have Monday off so I can take this class w/my fav instructor)
    Tuesday: 30DS L3 (day 1) & Pilates
    Wednesday: 30DS L3 & Pilates
    Thursday: Yoga & cardio

    Friday - go shopping!

    I love that you formed your post with what you were upset about AND then your small victories...and then your goals! That is a great way to look at it, "Accept it, celebrate, and then move on and set goals to do better" That is awesome! And like ttv said....you WILL see the results of your hard work! Trust me...I went through this very same thing and then I had that week where I dropped 5lbs! Sometimes your body has to just catch up...just make sure to keep pounding the water! You are doing great!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Good Morning !!!

    YEAH! I'm up 2 pounds. NOT A HAPPY CAMPER!!! But I got back on track yesterday, So I'm back on the band wagon..

    You are totally ok! You have been kickin butt since the beginning....you will be right back to kicking some more next week!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    I had a great week! I lost 2 pounds, and I am so proud of myself. I was very picky about everything I ate, and paid more attention to my exercise and water intake. It paid off-and I am really excited! I really want to get the weight loss going-and hoping that I have found a good rythem!!!

    Im so happy for you! Way to not give up!
  • Dhathri
    Dhathri Posts: 323 Member
    For the last couple of weeks my weight remained the same. But I am finally happy to post that my scale moved and now showing 188.6. I have just posted my weigh in the tracking form. Can someone please tell me what does the color code mean? I do not see the colour legend in the excel sheet.

  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    For the last couple of weeks my weight remained the same. But I am finally happy to post that my scale moved and now showing 188.6. I have just posted my weigh in the tracking form. Can someone please tell me what does the color code mean? I do not see the colour legend in the excel sheet.

    way to go! and i was wondering about the colours as well
  • leandread
    leandread Posts: 166 Member
    I cried during my workout this morning because I gained 2 lbs. I am only 3 lbs. from where I started on this challenge. I feel like such a failure, I was so angry with myself and quite frankly, I want to just give up. But I ask myself, and then what? Just be miserable with yourself forever? Originally, I posted this message in the wrong area (the weigh-in page). Before I cut and pasted, I read to through everyone's comments and now I am feeling a bit better. I am so happy for everyone else who is seeing losses and want to say thank you to the people who are able to maintain a positive outlook. It is happily contagious.

    I have to be messing up somewhere. Probably with my intake. I am so proud of myself because I have never been able to say that I work out more than 3 days a week on a consistent basis and now I work out 45-60 minutes 5 days a week. I have been doing that consistently for the last three weeks now and gaining weight. But I know something is amiss, maybe I am probably underestimating my calories, serving sizes...something. Or maybe I am still retaining water. I can't see a way around that. But I've just opened my diary to friends. I am also going to keep the measuring cups handy so I can compare what I think my intake is to what i am really putting on the plate. I am anxious to make my diary viewable because of the usual reasons--the fear of being judged. I know the first thing everyone will notice is the amount of sugar/cream I drink in my coffee. Believe me, I'm working it a little bit everyday. I am not making excuses, but this is a lot less coffee, creamer and sugar I was drinking a year ago. But if I am going to trust someone to be encouraging yet help me be accountable, it may as well be MFP and the women of this challenge rather than anyone else..

    Have a good weekend everyone.
  • bhonniered

    I love that you formed your post with what you were upset about AND then your small victories...and then your goals! That is a great way to look at it, "Accept it, celebrate, and then move on and set goals to do better" That is awesome! And like ttv said....you WILL see the results of your hard work! Trust me...I went through this very same thing and then I had that week where I dropped 5lbs! Sometimes your body has to just catch up...just make sure to keep pounding the water! You are doing great!

    Thanks Krys! It took me a while to realize that there are some victories even if the scale didn't move. Appreciate the support here!
  • Suzeesmu
    Suzeesmu Posts: 159 Member
    Yeah! After very little downward movement (I mean .10 of a pound one week, lol) in the last few weeks, I finally dropped to my first mini goal weight (which I was aiming to hit 1/28) so I am behind where I wanted to be, but at least I'm moving in the right direction :)

    I think the difference for me was really watching my carb intake. I've done the low carb thing in the past (Protein Power) and it really seemed to work for me. Felt crummy after baking ALLLLL weekend last weekend for a fundraiser, so I didn't exercise (boo me), in fact laid VERY low. Wasn't till Tuesday that I thought "let's see what happens if I watch my carbs back to the Protein Power days." Well, 3+ pounds came off so I'm going to keep with that AND watching the calories and see what happens next week. Got to find that book (buried somewhere) to make sure I'm going closer to the guidelines now that quite a few years have passed.

    Just trying to make sure the carbs I do eat are good, healthy ones - not the reject pecan bars or extra lemon bars from the dessert auction :-)
  • forgiven4life
    I cried during my workout this morning because I gained 2 lbs. I am only 3 lbs. from where I started on this challenge. I feel like such a failure, I was so angry with myself and quite frankly, I want to just give up. But I ask myself, and then what? Just be miserable with yourself forever? Originally, I posted this message in the wrong area (the weigh-in page). Before I cut and pasted, I read to through everyone's comments and now I am feeling a bit better. I am so happy for everyone else who is seeing losses and want to say thank you to the people who are able to maintain a positive outlook. It is happily contagious.

    I have to be messing up somewhere. Probably with my intake. I am so proud of myself because I have never been able to say that I work out more than 3 days a week on a consistent basis and now I work out 45-60 minutes 5 days a week. I have been doing that consistently for the last three weeks now and gaining weight. But I know something is amiss, maybe I am probably underestimating my calories, serving sizes...something. Or maybe I am still retaining water. I can't see a way around that. But I've just opened my diary to friends. I am also going to keep the measuring cups handy so I can compare what I think my intake is to what i am really putting on the plate. I am anxious to make my diary viewable because of the usual reasons--the fear of being judged. I know the first thing everyone will notice is the amount of sugar/cream I drink in my coffee. Believe me, I'm working it a little bit everyday. I am not making excuses, but this is a lot less coffee, creamer and sugar I was drinking a year ago. But if I am going to trust someone to be encouraging yet help me be accountable, it may as well be MFP and the women of this challenge rather than anyone else..

    Have a good weekend everyone.

    Girl I am right there with you. I'm so disappointed in myself that I just can't stay on the bandwagon. I've only lost 4 lbs since the start of this challenge and I will be lucky if I make it even halfway to my goal by June. I just don't know why I am having such a hard time staying focused this time. I am disappointed, but if I really look at what I am doing, I'm not doing my best. For instance, last week I was sick so I used that as an excuse to eat poorly, saying I didn't feel like cooking or I just didn't want to eat healthy. And when I think about what I ate, it was so not worth it! It didn't even really taste great because since my smeller was all stopped up, nothing tasted the same. And I am hit or miss with my exercise most of the time. So I know I can do better! You are not alone in this and we are all here to help one another through our struggles. We will eventually get there. It just might take us longer to get there! ((((HUGS))))
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    good afternoon everyone-

    weighed in this week only dropping 1 lb, but I am ok with this. I am coming off TOM and it seems that I always stay bloated for a week or so after. I am hoping that when I do my official weigh-in on Tuesday I see a bigger loss. the 1lb loss is from our last weigh-in, i'm actually up a pound since my official weigh-in.

    I think that I have been really tired this past week because we got a puppy which has been interrupting my sleep. I am looking forward to heading home and relaxing and getting a nap in. I also accomplished a huge fitness goal today- ran 2 miles without stopping!

    I think something we all forget about because it is so easy to get caught up in the numbers on the scale is that what really matters is living a healthier life. Obviously being 228.5 lbs at 5'10" is not healthy and as I change my lifestyle with eating right and exercising 6 times a week for at least 30 minutes the weight will come off and the health will come on. If I never lose another pound but I know I am healthy and can accomplish all of my fitness goals that is all that really matters to me. I think that at the end of the day we should all keep this in mind and take a deep breath. The pounds will come its health that really matters.
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Well I am personally pleased with having a loss even if it was only 1lb! I will take it and it puts me that much closer to ONEderland! I am very excited about that milestone! So any loss that puts me closer to it..I am all about it! LOL

    This week I am going to try to jog three times this week! Also, I am going to pick up some resistance bands tonight on the way home from work, so that I can truly start doing the strength training on my jogging days.

    So the rest of this week will be:

    Tonight- Zumba Cardio Party

    Saturday-Jogging 2 miles and Weight Training

    Sunday- Zumba Sculpt and Tone and 20 Minute Abs

    Monday- Jogging 2 miles and Weight Training

    Tuesday- 20 Minutes and 20 Minutes Abs

    Wednesday- Zumba Cardio Party


    Friday-Jogging 2 Miles and Weight Training

    I am excited for what this week has in store. Good luck everyone! You all are doing weight. Excatly 1 month until our Progress Pics. :)
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    For the last couple of weeks my weight remained the same. But I am finally happy to post that my scale moved and now showing 188.6. I have just posted my weigh in the tracking form. Can someone please tell me what does the color code mean? I do not see the colour legend in the excel sheet.


    Great job! If you all look at the tabs on the bottom there is an explanation.
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    FINALLY....I had a great weigh in. I hoped that I would get 2 pounds, and I went over . I'm trying to keep up so I can hit my goal by June1st!
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    For the last couple of weeks my weight remained the same. But I am finally happy to post that my scale moved and now showing 188.6. I have just posted my weigh in the tracking form. Can someone please tell me what does the color code mean? I do not see the colour legend in the excel sheet.


    Great job! If you all look at the tabs on the bottom there is an explanation.

    oh i see it now! so is it possible then to shift colours if you begin losing different numbers etc
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    I cried during my workout this morning because I gained 2 lbs. I am only 3 lbs. from where I started on this challenge. I feel like such a failure, I was so angry with myself and quite frankly, I want to just give up. But I ask myself, and then what? Just be miserable with yourself forever? Originally, I posted this message in the wrong area (the weigh-in page). Before I cut and pasted, I read to through everyone's comments and now I am feeling a bit better. I am so happy for everyone else who is seeing losses and want to say thank you to the people who are able to maintain a positive outlook. It is happily contagious.

    I have to be messing up somewhere. Probably with my intake. I am so proud of myself because I have never been able to say that I work out more than 3 days a week on a consistent basis and now I work out 45-60 minutes 5 days a week. I have been doing that consistently for the last three weeks now and gaining weight. But I know something is amiss, maybe I am probably underestimating my calories, serving sizes...something. Or maybe I am still retaining water. I can't see a way around that. But I've just opened my diary to friends. I am also going to keep the measuring cups handy so I can compare what I think my intake is to what i am really putting on the plate. I am anxious to make my diary viewable because of the usual reasons--the fear of being judged. I know the first thing everyone will notice is the amount of sugar/cream I drink in my coffee. Believe me, I'm working it a little bit everyday. I am not making excuses, but this is a lot less coffee, creamer and sugar I was drinking a year ago. But if I am going to trust someone to be encouraging yet help me be accountable, it may as well be MFP and the women of this challenge rather than anyone else..

    Have a good weekend everyone.

    It is OK! I know how this may feel and we ALL get there. Don't look at what weight you HAVEN'T lost, look at the weight you HAVE lost and how much healthier your lifestyle is. I will let you in on a secret..when I opened up my diary to my MFP friends I found myself eating healthier because I didn't want anyone to see that I wasn't trying my hardest. I had a theory of, "How am I going to complain about not losing weight if I am eating McDonald's 3x a week!" LOL Also, looking at other people's diaries helps in the fact that you can see what other people that are seeing a consistent loss are eating. But don't beat yourself up....you could have saw that gain and went and ate a piece of cake...but YOU DIDNT you worked out! Like seriously?! That is AMAZING! And I am so proud of you and I know all the other ladies are as well!

    You can do this....you can't let your mind entrap you..because it will. You are strong and you are better than that! Keep working at it and take the suggestions and feedback you get from your food diary. Don't stop now, because your happiness is worth it girl!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    For the last couple of weeks my weight remained the same. But I am finally happy to post that my scale moved and now showing 188.6. I have just posted my weigh in the tracking form. Can someone please tell me what does the color code mean? I do not see the colour legend in the excel sheet.


    Great job! If you all look at the tabs on the bottom there is an explanation.

    oh i see it now! so is it possible then to shift colours if you begin losing different numbers etc

    I believe it is...because you may start having bigger losses which will mean it will project a bigger loss by June 1st.
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    FINALLY....I had a great weigh in. I hoped that I would get 2 pounds, and I went over . I'm trying to keep up so I can hit my goal by June1st!

    Great job! Great job!