*Snowflakes to Sunshine* Discussion Week #8 (CLOSED GROUP)



  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    good afternoon everyone-

    weighed in this week only dropping 1 lb, but I am ok with this. I am coming off TOM and it seems that I always stay bloated for a week or so after. I am hoping that when I do my official weigh-in on Tuesday I see a bigger loss. the 1lb loss is from our last weigh-in, i'm actually up a pound since my official weigh-in.

    I think that I have been really tired this past week because we got a puppy which has been interrupting my sleep. I am looking forward to heading home and relaxing and getting a nap in. I also accomplished a huge fitness goal today- ran 2 miles without stopping!

    I think something we all forget about because it is so easy to get caught up in the numbers on the scale is that what really matters is living a healthier life. Obviously being 228.5 lbs at 5'10" is not healthy and as I change my lifestyle with eating right and exercising 6 times a week for at least 30 minutes the weight will come off and the health will come on. If I never lose another pound but I know I am healthy and can accomplish all of my fitness goals that is all that really matters to me. I think that at the end of the day we should all keep this in mind and take a deep breath. The pounds will come its health that really matters.

    I'm with ya! I am 5'10 as well and I could never say before that I even worked out 1 DAY a week! And now I'm over here burning 500 to 1000 calories...like seriously, even when I don't see a big loss I am happy that I am taking strides to make my life better! Great outlook girly...you got it!
  • Val_Gets_Fit
    Val_Gets_Fit Posts: 210 Member
    I am going to have so much reading to do tonight and this weekend to catch up on everyone's posts and, hopefully, get some comments in! The kids are about to get off the bus, and I had to work this morning. Ugh! I need more time in the day to play on MFP!

    After having a 0.6 pound loss last week, I was hoping to come back strong this week. I was thrilled to see a 1.7 pound loss! What had me even more excited was that I got out of the 160s! I'm at 159.3. :bigsmile: I almost cried. I can't believe that I'm doing this!!! It is definitely not easy, so I know I'm earning every 1/4 of an inch that melts off and every tenth of a pound that goes down.

    I finished the 30 Day Shred last week and started Jillian's 30 Day Slimdown. I'm on Day 4 of that. I'm wearing pants that I had stored away in the "too small" tote. My husband has been pointing out the changes he is seeing. I've even been flexing when I walk passed mirrors. :laugh: :blushing: Never would I have imagined I'd be doing something as silly as that! I used to HATE my arms!

    I still need to be better about my water intake. I have good and bad days on that.

    I'll get back on here later and see how everyone is doing! You are all wonderful! Have a great Friday!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Girl I am right there with you. I'm so disappointed in myself that I just can't stay on the bandwagon. I've only lost 4 lbs since the start of this challenge and I will be lucky if I make it even halfway to my goal by June. I just don't know why I am having such a hard time staying focused this time. I am disappointed, but if I really look at what I am doing, I'm not doing my best. For instance, last week I was sick so I used that as an excuse to eat poorly, saying I didn't feel like cooking or I just didn't want to eat healthy. And when I think about what I ate, it was so not worth it! It didn't even really taste great because since my smeller was all stopped up, nothing tasted the same. And I am hit or miss with my exercise most of the time. So I know I can do better! You are not alone in this and we are all here to help one another through our struggles. We will eventually get there. It just might take us longer to get there! ((((HUGS))))

    You CAN stay on it! Can't should not be in your vocabulary because you are better than that. Look at it this way (and this may sound harsh at first, but I totally don't mean it that way) do you know what stuff you should eat to lose weight? Do you know that you HAVE to exercise to lose weight? Do you want to be unhappy with how you look and feel for the rest of your life? Then you have to put 110% effort into changing your life for the better. This is exactly what I had to ask myself when I was "off the wagon" back in the November and parts of December. I had to ask myself these questions, because I knew that I was tired of being unhappy with myself! I mean honestly, my theory is (I know I have a lot of theories LOL) How will you know what you can achieve...if you never push yourself?

    And as a mom, I know you can relate to this, I had to think about what kind of example am I setting for my son? Do I want him to see his mother as a quitter or someone who sets out to do something and fails....not because I can't do it ....but because I just WON'T?

    Don't beat yourself up about being sick and eating bad...because we all do it. When I am sick I either don't eat at all or eat like crap also. Just know that, now that you are better you can do it...and you will! Give yourself a schedule and stick to it! This is so important for me to do...I have to have a weekly schedule as far as working out goes, and also knowing what I am going to eat in advance is crucial for me as well.

    But don't give up lady. Stay on that wagon, and don't worry so much about reaching the 40lb by June...focus on the fact that you have 100 women that are here with you and that are here to help you in losing as much as YOU possibly can.
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    I am going to have so much reading to do tonight and this weekend to catch up on everyone's posts and, hopefully, get some comments in! The kids are about to get off the bus, and I had to work this morning. Ugh! I need more time in the day to play on MFP!

    After having a 0.6 pound loss last week, I was hoping to come back strong this week. I was thrilled to see a 1.7 pound loss! What had me even more excited was that I got out of the 160s! I'm at 159.3. :bigsmile: I almost cried. I can't believe that I'm doing this!!! It is definitely not easy, so I know I'm earning every 1/4 of an inch that melts off and every tenth of a pound that goes down.

    I finished the 30 Day Shred last week and started Jillian's 30 Day Slimdown. I'm on Day 4 of that. I'm wearing pants that I had stored away in the "too small" tote. My husband has been pointing out the changes he is seeing. I've even been flexing when I walk passed mirrors. :laugh: :blushing: Never would I have imagined I'd be doing something as silly as that! I used to HATE my arms!

    I still need to be better about my water intake. I have good and bad days on that.

    I'll get back on here later and see how everyone is doing! You are all wonderful! Have a great Friday!!! :flowerforyou:

    That is awesome! Great job! And I know what you mean about earning every inch and every pound. Because Lord knows I feel the same way! But the great thing about earning every one is that you will so appreciate the road you travelled to get there...and you will NEVER want to put yourself in that position again. I am so proud of you girl! You are awesome!
  • leandread
    leandread Posts: 166 Member
    So I know I can do better! You are not alone in this and we are all here to help one another through our struggles. We will eventually get there. It just might take us longer to get there! ((((HUGS))))

    But don't give up lady. Stay on that wagon, and don't worry so much about reaching the 40lb by June...focus on the fact that you have 100 women that are here with you and that are here to help you in losing as much as YOU possibly can.

    100 women strong who will all get there!
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
  • emma44ny
    emma44ny Posts: 141 Member

    Question: For those that have loss 4-5 lbs in a week, how is that possible? What do you do? The most I've ever lost is 3lbs.

    This is the first week in a long string of weeks that I have lost that much (4.2lbs). But I have to say, I did mix some things up at the gym and I think that made a HUGE difference. I've never been a runner and even when I was "in shape" I hated to run, but I \'ve always known that if I want to lose weight, I need to run. Outdoors or on a treadmill, it's always been the only way for me to really drop weight and burn fat quickly. This past week I started running during my treadmill workout. I warmed up on 3.6MPH for 4 minutes than up to 3.8 than 4.0. and then I would run/ jog at 5.1 and 5.5 for two straight minutes, then back down to 4.0 (never going lower than 4.0 until cooldown) for 4 minutes. I did this pattern for 42 minutes, 4X this week and I really think it made a HUGE difference. In addition, I tried to be on the elliptical for 40 min and swim 20 laps 4X a week as well. It's kind of a lot but there are 3 whole days a week that I did NOTHING in the way of exercise so it's sort of a trade off. And diet-wise there is not too much I've sacrificed; I had wine on Valentine's day and on Thursday and even a few pieces (tiny ones) of chocolate. So I never really felt like I was missing out on anything... just kept my calories close to their limit (didn't eat exercise cals) and that's that. I will probably NOT pull this off again next week, but it won't be for lack of trying. I am seeing big results now and I definitely want to keep things going this direction.

    Good luck! This road is not an easy one, but it is TOTALLY worth it! WE are all TOTALLY worth it! :)
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I cried during my workout this morning because I gained 2 lbs. I am only 3 lbs. from where I started on this challenge. I feel like such a failure, I was so angry with myself and quite frankly, I want to just give up. But I ask myself, and then what? Just be miserable with yourself forever?
    I am so proud of myself because I have never been able to say that I work out more than 3 days a week on a consistent basis and now I work out 45-60 minutes 5 days a week. I have been doing that consistently for the last three weeks now and gaining weight.
    leandread... My progress is slow too, especially since I started the Shred, but look at how much you are working out now! That's awesome!!! And I was worried about the public food diary at first too! We won't judge you. :drinker: Just make you more aware of what you are eating, and how to maybe improve it, or cheer you on!!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I am excited for what this week has in store. Good luck everyone! You all are doing weight. Excatly 1 month until our Progress Pics. :)
  • Kaylasmom
    Kaylasmom Posts: 116 Member
    I am finally checking in here for the first time all week. I am disappointed and was thinking about giving up on another diet plan. I usually do end up quitting and I really want to succeed this time. Thanks to Krys for checking on me, it was the incentive I needed to decide to keep trying to do this.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I need to change something about my eating. I maintained this week, and I'm noticing great things from the Shred, like shoulder muscles that I never had before. (WHAT?!?! :noway: I hardly have shoulders!! It feels so weird to feel real muscles there!!) But my eating is everywhere. My sodium is high. My water is a little lower than it should be (like 7-ish cups instead of the 10 I aim for). I should try an log my food for the day, the day before. I'll do that in the morning, and STICK TO IT!! :angry:

    With level 2 of the Shred yesterday, I strained my back by pushing it too hard, so I didn't get that in today again. I think I might do level 1 and after that, do only the moves that don't strain my back from L2... I really want to get a Curves membership, since it's so close to me (walking distance), but I don't want to do circuit stuff, I want to gain serious muscle! I need a personal trainer to show me the ropes, but I can't afford it right now (nor a Curves gym membership). I NEED TO USE THE GYM THAT I AM A MEMBER OF!! I NEED TO TAKE THE BUS TO THE GYM SINCE I DON'T HAVE A LICENSE, and I NEED TO LEARN WHAT BUS TO TAKE!! :angry: Someone kick my butt and make me go!!

    I have less than 100 days until an event I want to look fantastic at, and I've only lost 5 lbs since we started! I know I'm doing good with the Shred, and I'm aware of my eating for the most part. WHY IS MY WEIGHT LOSS SO STUBBORN?!?! :huh:

    What I plan on doing this week:
    Sat - D12 L1/L2 Shred.......Sun - D13 L1/L2 Shred......Mon - D14 L1/L2 Shred, Zumba......Tues - D15 L1/L2 Shred, Zumba
    Wed - D16 L1/L2 Shred, Cycling......Thurs - D17 L1/L2 Shred, Fitness class......Fri - D18 L1/L2 Shred

    Not too much variety... Only the first Zumba class is certain, since the other one and the cycling and Fitness class would be at the gym. I was so excited to get my membership at the start of the year! I do enjoy the workouts, but I don't particularly like that there seem to be a lot of young people that go there... I feel like they judge more than more mature (supposedly older) people. I have seen this awesome more mature woman working out at the gym, and a few middle aged men, but mostly young guys. I feel like this could just be an excuse I'm making to keep me out of the gym, but it sort of bothers me, even though I know I shouldn't let it get to me. :frown:
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    I am finally checking in here for the first time all week. I am disappointed and was thinking about giving up on another diet plan. I usually do end up quitting and I really want to succeed this time. Thanks to Krys for checking on me, it was the incentive I needed to decide to keep trying to do this.

    I'm so happy that you decided to give it another shot! I knew it wasn't like you to not weigh-in. Where do you feel like you are having difficulty? I am here to try my best to help everyone and keep you all motivated! I want nothing but success for all os us because I know you are worth it! Let us know where you are struggling and let us try to help you get through it :). Glad to habe you back though!:flowerforyou:
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    I need to change something about my eating. I maintained this week, and I'm noticing great things from the Shred, like shoulder muscles that I never had before. (WHAT?!?! :noway: I hardly have shoulders!! It feels so weird to feel real muscles there!!) But my eating is everywhere. My sodium is high. My water is a little lower than it should be (like 7-ish cups instead of the 10 I aim for). I should try an log my food for the day, the day before. I'll do that in the morning, and STICK TO IT!! :angry:

    With level 2 of the Shred yesterday, I strained my back by pushing it too hard, so I didn't get that in today again. I think I might do level 1 and after that, do only the moves that don't strain my back from L2... I really want to get a Curves membership, since it's so close to me (walking distance), but I don't want to do circuit stuff, I want to gain serious muscle! I need a personal trainer to show me the ropes, but I can't afford it right now (nor a Curves gym membership). I NEED TO USE THE GYM THAT I AM A MEMBER OF!! I NEED TO TAKE THE BUS TO THE GYM SINCE I DON'T HAVE A LICENSE, and I NEED TO LEARN WHAT BUS TO TAKE!! :angry: Someone kick my butt and make me go!!

    I have less than 100 days until an event I want to look fantastic at, and I've only lost 5 lbs since we started! I know I'm doing good with the Shred, and I'm aware of my eating for the most part. WHY IS MY WEIGHT LOSS SO STUBBORN?!?! :huh:

    What I plan on doing this week:
    Sat - D12 L1/L2 Shred.......Sun - D13 L1/L2 Shred......Mon - D14 L1/L2 Shred, Zumba......Tues - D15 L1/L2 Shred, Zumba
    Wed - D16 L1/L2 Shred, Cycling......Thurs - D17 L1/L2 Shred, Fitness class......Fri - D18 L1/L2 Shred

    Not too much variety... Only the first Zumba class is certain, since the other one and the cycling and Fitness class would be at the gym. I was so excited to get my membership at the start of the year! I do enjoy the workouts, but I don't particularly like that there seem to be a lot of young people that go there... I feel like they judge more than more mature (supposedly older) people. I have seen this awesome more mature woman working out at the gym, and a few middle aged men, but mostly young guys. I feel like this could just be an excuse I'm making to keep me out of the gym, but it sort of bothers me, even though I know I shouldn't let it get to me. :frown:

    Well I can tell you from personal experience that lowering your sodium and drinking tons of water does wonders! As SOON as I started tracking my sodium and took a day off or two when my body was sore...that was the week I saw that 5lb drop. Sometimes we feel if we work out 5 or 6 times a week that we HAVE to lose 2 or more pounds every week. But listening to your body is crucial and plain and simply put the eating is even more crucial. 80% Nutrition, 10% Exercise and 10% Genetics! So no sweat girl...I will take a look at your diary and see if I can see anything :)
  • Suzeesmu
    Suzeesmu Posts: 159 Member
    I cried during my workout this morning because I gained 2 lbs. I am only 3 lbs. from where I started on this challenge. I feel like such a failure, I was so angry with myself and quite frankly, I want to just give up. But I ask myself, and then what? Just be miserable with yourself forever? Originally, I posted this message in the wrong area (the weigh-in page). Before I cut and pasted, I read to through everyone's comments and now I am feeling a bit better. I am so happy for everyone else who is seeing losses and want to say thank you to the people who are able to maintain a positive outlook. It is happily contagious.

    I have to be messing up somewhere. Probably with my intake. I am so proud of myself because I have never been able to say that I work out more than 3 days a week on a consistent basis and now I work out 45-60 minutes 5 days a week. I have been doing that consistently for the last three weeks now and gaining weight. But I know something is amiss, maybe I am probably underestimating my calories, serving sizes...something. Or maybe I am still retaining water. I can't see a way around that. But I've just opened my diary to friends. I am also going to keep the measuring cups handy so I can compare what I think my intake is to what i am really putting on the plate. I am anxious to make my diary viewable because of the usual reasons--the fear of being judged. I know the first thing everyone will notice is the amount of sugar/cream I drink in my coffee. Believe me, I'm working it a little bit everyday. I am not making excuses, but this is a lot less coffee, creamer and sugar I was drinking a year ago. But if I am going to trust someone to be encouraging yet help me be accountable, it may as well be MFP and the women of this challenge rather than anyone else..

    Have a good weekend everyone.

    You know what has helped me a ton? A kitchen scale! It was actually very eye opening to see what I thought things weighed compared to reality. Do you realize how small a 3 oz serving of meat is??? OMG - when I went to weigh the steak I was having last week - what I used to think of as a regular serving of sirloin - 1/2 a piece(from Costco - so yeah, it's big) was well over twice the 3 oz! Also, scale weight and measuring cup (volume) amounts can very significantly. That's why it's good, when you can, to weigh your food. The scale is one of my most used tools in the kitchen - even used it to measure my 1 oz serving of sweet potato chips (that was a pleasant surprise). Looking everything up in the data base and adding to it is wonderful and I use the recipe calculator whenever I want to know how much my dish is per serving. Use the nutritional analysis from restaurant websites to help you be more accurate when eating out - also helps you plan before you go!

    Don't be discouraged! You're working out a ton, probably retaining water (drink more), and you'll find that opening up your diary will help you - it did me. And you should have seen what I ate today - BAD day, lol! But I know that tomorrow I'll go back to being more careful, so I'm not overly concerned. Oh, and when people do make comments, it's out of support of you - not anything else! I've gotten called out on my sodium (normally quite below what MFP set), and smiling nudges about some of the not so healthy snacks I've chosen - but it's all good - so don't worry and HANG IN THERE!!! You CAN do it!!
  • Dhathri
    Dhathri Posts: 323 Member
    I cried during my workout this morning because I gained 2 lbs. I am only 3 lbs. from where I started on this challenge. I feel like such a failure, I was so angry with myself and quite frankly, I want to just give up. But I ask myself, and then what? Just be miserable with yourself forever? Originally, I posted this message in the wrong area (the weigh-in page). Before I cut and pasted, I read to through everyone's comments and now I am feeling a bit better. I am so happy for everyone else who is seeing losses and want to say thank you to the people who are able to maintain a positive outlook. It is happily contagious.

    I can speak from my personal experience that the first month I started I exercised religiously for the first 3 weeks including a lot of cardio. And my scale went up. I wasnt much happy either. But I kept going. I took a break in the middle not intentional but for personal reasons, I went crazy on food. I thought the scale could curse me surprising it went down. The second time I noticed this month. When I have been sincere in workout it didnt show that much result on the scale. I gave a 3 day break last week and boom the weight lowered. You need to find how your body works. Each body is different. Try to vary your routine or calorie in take. I thought it would take forever to see my goals but I am glad over time the scale is moving consistently in the right direction. Wish you good luck. You can do it.
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    Happy Satruday Snowflakes!!! :happy: I had a loss of .5 this week but isnt huge but I will take it!! I have finally come to the mindset of a loss is a loss no matter how small!! its always better than maintaining or gaining!!!!!! I am so proud of everyone on such big losses this week!!! thats awesome!!!
  • 2LiveAgain
    Hi snowflakes! I think this is the first time I have ever posted on a discussion post, but I am here because I had lost motivation-completely- until this morning, I got on the scale after forgetting to weigh in yesterday (probably because I was so afraid to weigh in) and I lost a whole pound! I am so excited, surprised and confused all at the same time! I honestly have not exercised since sometime in the end of January, and I haven't been really watching what I eat either and have also slipped back into drinking more sweet tea when usually i would only drink a glass with my dinner and the rest of the day was water. So I was so afraid the scale would go back up, but it went down! I am so happy, I don't know where my motivation went or why I lost it, but I think this 1 pound loss even when not doing anything to get it has opened my eyes, I want to continue to see the number go down and get to where I'm happy, and obviously I CAN get there. So, I am sooo happy that I am actually gonna go get in my exercise right now, it's calling to me and if I don't get up and do it now I may not do it at all today! I want to thank Krys for starting this group, and all of you and my MFP friends for always being so encouraging, being a part of this group and knowing that I have to weigh in every Friday is what has kept me from giving up completely! If I had not found this site or this group I probably wouldn't of even stuck with exercising and counting calories for more than a week, and I would not have the 8 pound loss I have today! THANK YOU ALL!!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Well I can tell you from personal experience that lowering your sodium and drinking tons of water does wonders! As SOON as I started tracking my sodium and took a day off or two when my body was sore...that was the week I saw that 5lb drop. Sometimes we feel if we work out 5 or 6 times a week that we HAVE to lose 2 or more pounds every week. But listening to your body is crucial and plain and simply put the eating is even more crucial. 80% Nutrition, 10% Exercise and 10% Genetics! So no sweat girl...I will take a look at your diary and see if I can see anything :)
    Thanks for your support Krys. :flowerforyou:
    I can speak from my personal experience that the first month I started I exercised religiously for the first 3 weeks including a lot of cardio. And my scale went up. I wasnt much happy either. But I kept going. I took a break in the middle not intentional but for personal reasons, I went crazy on food. I thought the scale could curse me surprising it went down. The second time I noticed this month. When I have been sincere in workout it didnt show that much result on the scale. I gave a 3 day break last week and boom the weight lowered. You need to find how your body works. Each body is different.
    Dhathri... That's good advice for everyone.
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Hi snowflakes! I think this is the first time I have ever posted on a discussion post, but I am here because I had lost motivation-completely- until this morning, I got on the scale after forgetting to weigh in yesterday (probably because I was so afraid to weigh in) and I lost a whole pound! I am so excited, surprised and confused all at the same time! I honestly have not exercised since sometime in the end of January, and I haven't been really watching what I eat either and have also slipped back into drinking more sweet tea when usually i would only drink a glass with my dinner and the rest of the day was water. So I was so afraid the scale would go back up, but it went down! I am so happy, I don't know where my motivation went or why I lost it, but I think this 1 pound loss even when not doing anything to get it has opened my eyes, I want to continue to see the number go down and get to where I'm happy, and obviously I CAN get there. So, I am sooo happy that I am actually gonna go get in my exercise right now, it's calling to me and if I don't get up and do it now I may not do it at all today! I want to thank Krys for starting this group, and all of you and my MFP friends for always being so encouraging, being a part of this group and knowing that I have to weigh in every Friday is what has kept me from giving up completely! If I had not found this site or this group I probably wouldn't of even stuck with exercising and counting calories for more than a week, and I would not have the 8 pound loss I have today! THANK YOU ALL!!

    No need to thank me....THANK YOU for not giving up completely. I will say this, I have found that let's say I watch what I eat 1 or 2 days but I didnt exercise...I get on the scale and see a loss..exciting! And then I start to thing, "Well dang, what if I would have worked out those two days...I would have lost even more!" This is what helped me to make the weight loss journey, two-fold with exercise and eating right. You can do it girl. Just set mini-goals for yourself that you can reward yourself with each time you make it! For example, I am trying to hit 210 by the 22nd so I can go get a massage...and I wont get one until I hit that goal.

    It just takes changing your mind set to, "I can and I will do this"
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Happy Satruday Snowflakes!!! :happy: I had a loss of .5 this week but isnt huge but I will take it!! I have finally come to the mindset of a loss is a loss no matter how small!! its always better than maintaining or gaining!!!!!! I am so proud of everyone on such big losses this week!!! thats awesome!!!

    This is what I have come up with as well. Congrats on the 150's girl...and I will say that with you being that small...you will typically see smaller losses because even though your goal weight is one thing (probably) pre-baby depending on your genetics that may no longer be your optimal weight. Prime example my mom is about 5'4 maybe 5'5 and before having kids I have seen pics of my mom where she was like 120 or something. Well 2 kids later...she is about 140-145 and still looks amazing! So it all depends on what your optimal weight is too. But great job sticking with it girl! I am very proud of you for keeping it positive! :heart: