*Snowflakes to Sunshine* Discussion Week #8 (CLOSED GROUP)



  • leandread
    leandread Posts: 166 Member
    Hey Snowflakes!! I hope everyone had a good weekend! I however am sick and have a sick baby and bf so it has not been a great weekend at our house :( Not to mention it is TOM (started this morning) soI have been laying around most of the day and eating non stop. I went over calories and didnt workout :sad: I'm hoping tomorrow will be better. Although I have to start studying for an anatomy exam that I have on friday and have to get the little one in to the pediatrician so im not sure how much free time I am going to have or if I am even going to feel like exercising so i guess i will just try to focus on staying under calories for the most part. Good luck this week everyone!!!

    Feel better. Drink your water so you can flush the icky sicky right away....
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,384 Member
    Have a good week everyone!!:flowerforyou: Something I found today and wanted to share. If you don't like quotes, etc, then don't read.....:-) Hugs!!:heart::heart:

    If you're not getting what you want from life, chances are it's because you have not defined your objectives clearly enough. When you can clearly and precisely articulate what you seek to create, you're well on your way to creating it and it will indeed come to be.

    Whatever advantages or disadvantages you may have, you absolutely have the means and the ability to experience the life you wish to experience. To utilize the power of that ability, though, you must be completely clear about where to direct it.

    Think about it, and you'll realize that you are extremely well equipped and intended for achievement. Since the moment you were born, you have found a way to get your way.

    However, when you're vague or inconsistent about where you want to go, you won't go much of anywhere. An absolutely essential part of success is precisely defining what that success is.

    Go beyond merely wishing for something better. Figure out exactly what that something looks like, what it feels like, and how it will impact your life.

    Forget about what you don't want, and get completely clear about what you do want. Then you'll discover that you are indeed able to make it happen.
    " Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step". Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Now, I know its only the level 1, but I breezed through it today. Those side lunges and arm raises used to assassinate me. Not today. I finished strong and pumped out those bicycle crunches. As a woman over 250 pounds, I smiled inside thinking, I KILLED that workout. What a happy feeling I had and a motivating reminder that change is coming, even if the scale doesn't say so!
    leandread... Great job! I remember how tough L1 was for me when I started on Feb 6th. I can't imagine coming back to it after months, and being able to do the whole thing! Fantastic job on maintaining (and gaining!) strength!!
  • Kaylasmom
    Kaylasmom Posts: 116 Member
    Good morning snowflakes...thanks for all the good advice from this group. I am sticking to it and know I will succeed with all the help from the snowflakes. I am in the process of selling my home and the stress of it has led me straight to the emotional eating that I tend to gravitate to. So I have been trying to drink water instead of graze. We'll see what the scale says on Friday....:bigsmile:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,384 Member
    Good morning snowflakes...thanks for all the good advice from this group. I am sticking to it and know I will succeed with all the help from the snowflakes. I am in the process of selling my home and the stress of it has led me straight to the emotional eating that I tend to gravitate to. So I have been trying to drink water instead of graze. We'll see what the scale says on Friday....:bigsmile:

    Awesome Kayla! Drink, drink, drink! Once you make this a habit you will be surprised how soothing water can be! Keep up the good work!
  • klwa
    klwa Posts: 61
    bump for later!
  • barefootbeauty
    barefootbeauty Posts: 188 Member
    Hi everyone! I am really loving the inspirational posts in this thread. It is nice to know that we all have our struggles, fears, and hurdles. :)

    This past week was pretty decent for me - another small loss (slow and steady seems to be my pace). But, I'm really having trouble with over-indulging the day after I weigh-in. Its like I get so excited about my progress that I allow myself to eat more than I should. And I also need to start exercising.

    Right now, I'm struggling with a fear of exercising and gaining weight. I read posts by people that are working out every day and gaining or not losing at all and I'm scared for that to happen. I know that muscle is good, but I am so close to being under 180 that I can't imagine stalling. A couple of years ago, I started working out like a mad woman and I lifted weights with a trainer for 2 months. In that 2 months I never lost a single pound... but I looked great and felt great. For some reason I just want that number on the scale to go down!

    Anyhoo... I am looking into a gym membership. I can't really afford it, but I also can't afford not to do it, right? :)
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,384 Member
    Hi everyone! I am really loving the inspirational posts in this thread. It is nice to know that we all have our struggles, fears, and hurdles. :)

    This past week was pretty decent for me - another small loss (slow and steady seems to be my pace). But, I'm really having trouble with over-indulging the day after I weigh-in. Its like I get so excited about my progress that I allow myself to eat more than I should. And I also need to start exercising.

    Right now, I'm struggling with a fear of exercising and gaining weight. I read posts by people that are working out every day and gaining or not losing at all and I'm scared for that to happen. I know that muscle is good, but I am so close to being under 180 that I can't imagine stalling. A couple of years ago, I started working out like a mad woman and I lifted weights with a trainer for 2 months. In that 2 months I never lost a single pound... but I looked great and felt great. For some reason I just want that number on the scale to go down!

    Anyhoo... I am looking into a gym membership. I can't really afford it, but I also can't afford not to do it, right? :)

    Hello Bearfootbeauty,

    I had a similar experience with trainer but it was still worth every cent! I had a trainer for six months and only lost about 5 to 7 pounds. I know it was under 10 pounds, but I was not eating right so I can't blame it on the exercise. Like you I did lose awesome inches. I think because I was working out like a demon I felt that I could eat more and I did and therefore I did not lose much weight.

    Please do not FEAR exercising......:-) That would be a big mistake. We need to exercise for those days when we are not perfect and just because it is good for us too. I have avoided commenting on this matter but if you are actually scared to exercise I had to speak up today.

    The gaining muscle stuff is over-rated. It takes 3 weeks to really gain muscle and even then if eating right it is not enough to gain more than a pound or 2. Once you get the eating in order you will not gain weight with exercising. Don't believe that. If exercising caused weight gain, how are they losing weight on the Biggest Loser and other weight shows. The key is check the eating. If you are gaining more than 1 to 2 pounds then it is not the exercise. It is the eating. Another thing to check is the water. You may need to up the water intake also. Not sure if you watch the biggest loser but if you saw the weeks people gained a lot of weight, how did they do this with all the exercise they do? They do it because of the eating. Eating is 80% of weight loss. Exercising helps you lose more IF you are eating right. Exercising has so many other benefits,:wink: so just get moving as soon as you can.

    If you can't afford a membership get you some good exercise DVD's, plain old walking until you can afford it. I use Leslie Sansone. Many use Jillian Micheals. Just doing something everyday. You don't have to have a gym membership to exercise. Sure it will help more but all is not lost if you do not have one and can't afford it. You can buy some small weights for at home. The other options are endless. Park districts are not as fancy as a gym and not as many machines but they are cheaper and better than nothing.

    Keep up the good work!:flowerforyou: And get moving!:bigsmile:
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Hey everyone! I took a look at the spreadsheet and I am surprised at how many people haven't weighed in yet. Its still soo early in the challenge, even if its a gain, there's still plenty of time to turn it all around!

    Eating has to be near perfect this week. I don't think I will be able to get into the gym at all this week. I will still do upper body strength training because that's about all I can do. I walk "laps" from my front door to the back door. that's just so my knee doesn't get stiff.

    Going to the doc later, can't wait to see what she says!
  • Suzeesmu
    Suzeesmu Posts: 159 Member
    Happy Sunday Snowflakes..

    Its overcast here in Illinois so this is my cooking/cleaning day. I've got tossed salads lined up, grilled salmon to throw on top, bbq tofu and a host of other goodies to keep me armed and dangerous this week. Its gonna be a good one! This morning I didn't feel like doing yoga so I decided to do a quick warm up using yoga and then hit Jillian Michael's 30DS. This experience reminded me of the power of zumba....I've been doing mostly zumba and yoga for the last month and I haven't touched 30DS in about 3 months. Now, I know its only the level 1, but I breezed through it today. Those side lunges and arm raises used to assassinate me. Not today. I finished strong and pumped out those bicycle crunches. As a woman over 250 pounds, I smiled inside thinking, I KILLED that workout. What a happy feeling I had and a motivating reminder that change is coming, even if the scale doesn't say so!

    YAYYYYYYYYYYY *happy dance*

    Great attitude, woman!! Love seeing the salad and salmon on your menu!! I think if you try to work in more natural foods - the lean meats, veggies, a little fruit, and watch the fat and sodium you'll see the scale heading downward more quickly. The low to non-nutritional fillers (rices, noodles, basically the starches without fiber) just add lots of calories without giving you nutritional "bang for your buck." I found that even the canned chicken from Costco is high in sodium - so maybe I'll just go back to baking my own chicken breasts (more work, but healthier).

    Awesome to see your "get to it" attitude!!! Good luck this week!!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Go beyond merely wishing for something better. Figure out exactly what that something looks like, what it feels like, and how it will impact your life.

    Forget about what you don't want, and get completely clear about what you do want. Then you'll discover that you are indeed able to make it happen.
    Mollie... Thanks! :heart: I love these 2! VISUALIZE!!! And think about what you WANT! Not what you DON'T want. You attract what you think about.

    "Whether you think you can or whether you think you can't, you're right." -- Henry Ford (One of my faves!)
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    This past week was pretty decent for me - another small loss (slow and steady seems to be my pace). But, I'm really having trouble with over-indulging the day after I weigh-in. Its like I get so excited about my progress that I allow myself to eat more than I should. And I also need to start exercising.

    Right now, I'm struggling with a fear of exercising and gaining weight. I read posts by people that are working out every day and gaining or not losing at all and I'm scared for that to happen. I know that muscle is good, but I am so close to being under 180 that I can't imagine stalling. A couple of years ago, I started working out like a mad woman and I lifted weights with a trainer for 2 months. In that 2 months I never lost a single pound... but I looked great and felt great. For some reason I just want that number on the scale to go down!

    Anyhoo... I am looking into a gym membership. I can't really afford it, but I also can't afford not to do it, right? :)
    barefootbeauty... Don't be afraid to exercise. It does soo many more wonderful things for us than just help us lose weight or gain muscle. It will make you feel FANTASTIC! :drinker: I totally can relate to all the above. You may have read that I'm not seeing much progress (30 Day Shred: promises losing up to 20 lbs, but not to me!!) But I AM losing inches. I am SOO close to being under 180, it's not even funny! :angry: I am finally seeing a little loss because I am really watching what I am eating for the past few days. To do this, I'm pre-logging what I plan to eat for the day, and it REALLY helps me. You might try it too, especially the day after weigh-ins if that is you most challenging day. Instead of thinking you can allow yourself a treat, be sure to PLAN your treat (and maybe cut the portion in half), so that it falls in your goals. I also couldn't really afford the gym membership either, but I'm sure you can save up for it if you spend less on [insert your coffee, doughnut, special indulgence here]! It's a great investment! I gotta start going again, before mine expires!! I also agree with Mollie though. If you really can't afford it, there are dumbbells and DVDs galore! I have plenty in my collection!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Hey everyone! I took a look at the spreadsheet and I am surprised at how many people haven't weighed in yet. Its still soo early in the challenge, even if its a gain, there's still plenty of time to turn it all around!

    Eating has to be near perfect this week. I don't think I will be able to get into the gym at all this week. I will still do upper body strength training because that's about all I can do. I walk "laps" from my front door to the back door. that's just so my knee doesn't get stiff.

    Going to the doc later, can't wait to see what she says!
    Hope it's good news!!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Hi everyone! I am really loving the inspirational posts in this thread. It is nice to know that we all have our struggles, fears, and hurdles. :)

    This past week was pretty decent for me - another small loss (slow and steady seems to be my pace). But, I'm really having trouble with over-indulging the day after I weigh-in. Its like I get so excited about my progress that I allow myself to eat more than I should. And I also need to start exercising.

    Right now, I'm struggling with a fear of exercising and gaining weight. I read posts by people that are working out every day and gaining or not losing at all and I'm scared for that to happen. I know that muscle is good, but I am so close to being under 180 that I can't imagine stalling. A couple of years ago, I started working out like a mad woman and I lifted weights with a trainer for 2 months. In that 2 months I never lost a single pound... but I looked great and felt great. For some reason I just want that number on the scale to go down!

    Anyhoo... I am looking into a gym membership. I can't really afford it, but I also can't afford not to do it, right? :)

    You have to have to workout. Embrace it! :) And I am going to be honest with you... a lot of time people gripe about gaining wait even though they are working out....however, a lot of the time it is they aren't drinking nearly enough water...or they are not eating right. Plain and simple! As much, as people don't want to admit it, nutrition is key! And just staying under your calories is not what it is all about. It is about putting the right kind of nutrients in your body...the right protein, healthy fats, complex carbs, etc. You can't eat bad or barely eat, and think that your weight loss is going to be long term. So people can either take that as it is, or not.

    So do not let the fear of gaining weight by exercising intimidate you. Exercise is crucial to your psyche and energy level. It will give you the inches you want to lose, tighten loose skin, bring out muscles (that essentially help you burn more fat even when you are not being active). Rest assure you will be ok! :)
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,384 Member
    So do not let the fear of gaining weight by exercising intimidate you. Exercise is crucial to your psyche and energy level. It will give you the inches you want to lose, tighten loose skin, bring out muscles (that essentially help you burn more fat even when you are not being active). Rest assure you will be ok! :)

    So true Kris!:happy:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,384 Member
    barefootbeauty... Don't be afraid to exercise. It does soo many more wonderful things for us than just help us lose weight or gain muscle. It will make you feel FANTASTIC! :drinker:
    Absolutely true!:happy: :drinker:

    You may have read that I'm not seeing much progress (30 Day Shred: promises losing up to 20 lbs, but not to me!!) But I AM losing inches. I am SOO close to being under 180, it's not even funny! :angry: I am finally seeing a little loss because I am really watching what I am eating for the past few days. To do this, I'm pre-logging what I plan to eat for the day, and it REALLY helps me. You might try it too,
    Good for you Steph!! Keep up the good work. You are right. At you size and any one under 200 really have to eat right to lose those pounds. I hate to use the word perfect but you really need to be near perfect most days to lose. That is why that activity is so important because you have a little wiggle room when you exercise. The larger you are the more wiggle room you have.

    Keep up the good work and you will reach your goals!:flowerforyou:
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    OMG, I am at work....and I am like, "Don't people see that I am trying to look at MFP here!" LOL Yeesh! I am really trying to get home and workout. Very excited, I have jambalaya in the crockpot brewing...can't wait to get home and eat it. Going to be a good workout tonight and an early sleep night, since I have to wake up and getting the jogging on at 6am. I am pretty excited about incorporating it into my week 3 times a week.

    Also, I got my resistance bands....Yeahhhhh. Will look up some exercises tonight online for arms. I am looking for a good number this week on the scale with the jogging. I know running and jogging is a great way to drop pounds quicker, and it's perfect since I will be running that 5k in May.

    I did however, eat a candy bar today.... "BAD KRYSTLE!" LOL, but not going to beat myself up over it going to have a good workout tonight...and going to log it in my food diary...it's about being accountable and honest, right? But I totally know that I had it because it is TOM...it reared it's ugly head but with DEPO its not a real one, it's the "spotting" (TMI) So just going to be downing these waters and working out all week to see a good number Friday!
  • rjlam
    rjlam Posts: 149
    Good evening everyone. Sorry I did not check in earlier but I've had to take care of my mother who has been ill but hopefully she's on the mend. Having said that I lost 4 lbs this week and quite happy with myself. I've been on my modified cleasing program from the naturopath and feet great. Today was one of the days that I was able to ignore the program and eat what I wanted. I had a small slice of homemade apple pie but let me tell you my system does not like it. I've had to take digestive enzymes to settle my stomach. Most of my family is gluten intolerant and i'm know realizing that I am as well. Well hope everyone has a great week.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Good for you Steph!! Keep up the good work. You are right. At you size and any one under 200 really have to eat right to lose those pounds. I hate to use the word perfect but you really need to be near perfect most days to lose. That is why that activity is so important because you have a little wiggle room when you exercise. The larger you are the more wiggle room you have.

    Keep up the good work and you will reach your goals!:flowerforyou:
    Thanks Mollie! I really do have to be strict with the calories to see results. Even when I was over 200 lbs!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Also, I got my resistance bands....Yeahhhhh. Will look up some exercises tonight online for arms. I am looking for a good number this week on the scale with the jogging. I know running and jogging is a great way to drop pounds quicker, and it's perfect since I will be running that 5k in May.

    I did however, eat a candy bar today.... "BAD KRYSTLE!" LOL, but not going to beat myself up over it going to have a good workout tonight...and going to log it in my food diary...it's about being accountable and honest, right? But I totally know that I had it because it is TOM...it reared it's ugly head but with DEPO its not a real one, it's the "spotting" (TMI) So just going to be downing these waters and working out all week to see a good number Friday!
    Running really does help! I can vouch for when I stuck with it for 3 months back when I was in high school. Also, I had pie today, so... Oh well! :ohwell: Once it goes down, all you can do is be accountable. :flowerforyou: