*Snowflakes to Sunshine* Discussion Week #8 (CLOSED GROUP)



  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Good evening everyone. Sorry I did not check in earlier but I've had to take care of my mother who has been ill but hopefully she's on the mend. Having said that I lost 4 lbs this week and quite happy with myself. I've been on my modified cleasing program from the naturopath and feet great. Today was one of the days that I was able to ignore the program and eat what I wanted. I had a small slice of homemade apple pie but let me tell you my system does not like it. I've had to take digestive enzymes to settle my stomach. Most of my family is gluten intolerant and i'm know realizing that I am as well. Well hope everyone has a great week.
    Best wishes to your mother! :flowerforyou: Naturopaths are AMAZING!! Good for you for working with one! I was sensitive to wheat, and my friend has Celiac, so I totally know what being intolerant is like! It's probably the healthiest thing that can happen to you. :laugh: You'll find alternatives, and avoid the bad stuff, and it'll all be good. It took me YEARS to cut out all my sensitivities from my diet, and I recently found out from the naturopath that I have even MORE than I thought I did. :sick:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,384 Member
    OMG, I am at work....and I am like, "Don't people see that I am trying to look at MFP here!" LOL Yeesh! I am really trying to get home and workout. Very excited, I have jambalaya in the crockpot brewing...can't wait to get home and eat it. Going to be a good workout tonight and an early sleep night, since I have to wake up and getting the jogging on at 6am. I am pretty excited about incorporating it into my week 3 times a week.

    Also, I got my resistance bands....Yeahhhhh. Will look up some exercises tonight online for arms. I am looking for a good number this week on the scale with the jogging. I know running and jogging is a great way to drop pounds quicker, and it's perfect since I will be running that 5k in May.

    I did however, eat a candy bar today.... "BAD KRYSTLE!" LOL, but not going to beat myself up over it going to have a good workout tonight...and going to log it in my food diary...it's about being accountable and honest, right? But I totally know that I had it because it is TOM...it reared it's ugly head but with DEPO its not a real one, it's the "spotting" (TMI) So just going to be downing these waters and working out all week to see a good number Friday!
    1 candy bar is not bad at all Krys.......:-) Especially since you worked out. Have a good run tomorrow!
    Good evening everyone. Sorry I did not check in earlier but I've had to take care of my mother who has been ill but hopefully she's on the mend. Having said that I lost 4 lbs this week and quite happy with myself. I've been on my modified cleasing program from the naturopath and feet great. Today was one of the days that I was able to ignore the program and eat what I wanted. I had a small slice of homemade apple pie but let me tell you my system does not like it. I've had to take digestive enzymes to settle my stomach. Most of my family is gluten intolerant and i'm know realizing that I am as well. Well hope everyone has a great week.
    Congrats on 4 lbs weight loss!:flowerforyou:
  • punkrawkcutie
    punkrawkcutie Posts: 439 Member
    Man after a good week last week, this week is off to a BAD start! I went out, not one night but 2 over the weekend. And it wasn't the drinking that killed me, it was the food the next day.... and no work outs... EFF! Hoping to get back to my regular routine this week and still post some sort of a loss this week...
    Good luck with the second half of the week everyone!!!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    So I wanted to share some things that I think are important...

    First, rewire your mental circuitry. Your beliefs can prevent you from achieving certain things in life. For example, if you believe you will always be fat, you'll always struggle with your weight. As a solution, change your mindset. Recite your goals as affirmations every day. Condition yourself to recognize the positive in situations and acknowledge your successes. For example, pat yourself on the back for making good food choices at the end of the day, instead of kicking yourself for your one indulgence.

    Second, visualize. As you visualize, you mentally rehearse the desired result and plant a message in the subconscious mind. That message can change reality. Because the mind has a hard time distinguishing between what is real and what is not, the more you visualize, the more ingrained the neural patterns become. To make the process work, your visualizations must be rich in "real life" detail. For example if you visualize yourself thin, you must feel what it would be like to be thin. How would you eat? What activities would you do? Who would you interact with? What emotions would you feel?

    Most people either lack confidence or lose sight of their goals. Success requires building from the inside out. You must get your mind on board to achieve permanent weight loss. And this goes along with the idea of "mental toughness" You HAVE to be mentally tough. There are the ups and downs to the journey, but you have to be mentally tough enough to DIG DEEP!

    I think the phrase, "dig deep!" Is one of my favorites because it is true...when you are feeling weak or like you can't do it...DIG DEEP!

    Sometimes we get so caught up on how much weight we have to go, instead of how far we have come thus far, mentally and physically. Now, I don't even think about how much more weight I have to go....I think about the fact that I've lost 40 FREAKING pounds and dropped 4 sizes in less than a year...and to think that I was not nearly as intense in the beginning!? I can just imagine the possibilities since I have become 100% dedicated to this journey!

    And this is what I want all of us to do...think about how far we have come, dig deep and be mentally tough. We CAN do this! It is one day at a time and 1lb or inch at a time...Let's kick it up a notch Snowflakes! 25 days until mid-way pics and stats...
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Good evening everyone. Sorry I did not check in earlier but I've had to take care of my mother who has been ill but hopefully she's on the mend. Having said that I lost 4 lbs this week and quite happy with myself. I've been on my modified cleasing program from the naturopath and feet great. Today was one of the days that I was able to ignore the program and eat what I wanted. I had a small slice of homemade apple pie but let me tell you my system does not like it. I've had to take digestive enzymes to settle my stomach. Most of my family is gluten intolerant and i'm know realizing that I am as well. Well hope everyone has a great week.

    Awesome job on the 4lbs! Woo!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,384 Member
    Most people either lack confidence or lose sight of their goals. Success requires building from the inside out. You must get your mind on board to achieve permanent weight loss. And this goes along with the idea of "mental toughness" You HAVE to be mentally tough. There are the ups and downs to the journey, but you have to be mentally tough enough to DIG DEEP!

    I think the phrase, "dig deep!" Is one of my favorites because it is true...when you are feeling weak or like you can't do it...DIG DEEP!

    Sometimes we get so caught up on how much weight we have to go, instead of how far we have come thus far, mentally and physically.

    Thanks Kris for the entire passage, but I really needed to be reminded of this one since it hits home for me especially. That is why I always remind myself of how far I have come and not think so much of how far I still have to go. Making small goals seem less intimidating. Awesome post!
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    I was doing so well with food and my workout. Now I am sick with a chest cold and have not motivation to do anything. I have been eating soup for the last couple of days so my sodium has been high. UGH well once I feel better I will get back to it.
  • forgiven4life
    Alright Snowflakes, I am making a grocery list because I need to get some healthy foods in the house. So far on my list I have: broccoli, strawberries, bananas, rotisserie chicken and flank/skirt steak. Give me some ideas of things you like to eat that are good for you.
  • healthydoseofglitter
    Hello, hope everyones week is going well. I was BAD Sunday and Monday. I had a lot of carby stuff for dinner that I normally dont eat. I also was a LAZY BUTT and did not work out. I will be adding 2 more days to my 30 Day Shred. I do not think I can double up on level 2 like I did the one day when I missed one during Level 1.

    Workout this week
    Tues- 30DSL2 and 20 Minute Zumba
    Wed- 30DSL2
    Thurs- 30DSL2 and 20 Minute Zumba
    Friday- 30DSL2

    Drinking lots and lots of water today, really want to be 225 (currently 227.4) by March and would love to be 220 for my yearly checkup at the lady doctor which will be some time at the end of March/ beginging of April. It will be the lowest she has seen me and I know she will be happy.

    I am thinking about adding more cardio to the 30 Day Shred routine ... some days I have extra time to workout and I think the 20 Minute zumba dvd will be perfect to get a lil extra in.

    Also, when is our half way mark ... Mid March correct?
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    I was doing so well with food and my workout. Now I am sick with a chest cold and have not motivation to do anything. I have been eating soup for the last couple of days so my sodium has been high. UGH well once I feel better I will get back to it.

    Get yourself better, that is the most important part! And then you can get back to it. No sweat girl...feel better!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Alright Snowflakes, I am making a grocery list because I need to get some healthy foods in the house. So far on my list I have: broccoli, strawberries, bananas, rotisserie chicken and flank/skirt steak. Give me some ideas of things you like to eat that are good for you.

    Hmmmm let's see....

    1) Bags of Mixed Greens and Spinach for salads. I like to buy those and tomatoes, green onion, cucumbers, carrots, chopped onion, etc.....this is so I can make a big salad and then use that throughout the week to take to work.
    2) Low Sodium Canned Tuna, or Low Sodium Canned Chicken or Tyson Cooked Chicken Breast (These are for me to add to the salad...great protein)
    3) Almonds (Raw and unsalted)
    4) Egg Beaters Liquid Egg Whites
    5) Whole Eggs (I boil these in the morning and take them for snacks) I eat one whole one and just the white of another one
    6) Granola (look for ones lower in sodium and sugar)
    7) Quaker Oats Plain Oatmeal (This is my morning staple meal lol) I just get the big tub
    8) Blueberries (Great antioxidant and I do .33 to 1/2 cup on my oatmeal)
    9) Finely ground flaxseed (2 tbsp mixed in my oatmeal every morning)
    10) Boneless skinless chicken breast, might as well get a ton of these LOL
    11) Chicken Wings
    12) Whole Wheat Organic Pasta
    13) Spaghetti Sauce...look for ones lower in sodium or organic if possible
    14) Ground turkey ( I like to keep this on hand to make a turkey patty in the morning for my lunch at work)
    15) Bidsweet Steamable Veggies (They are great side dishes, and low in sodium)
    16) Brown Rice (I use Uncle Ben's)
    17) Black Beans
    18) And as many snack veggies, fruits, anything that will keep you away from grabbing high fat, sodium, calories....

    *That is all I can think about for now.... :) I hope this helps!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,384 Member
    Alright Snowflakes, I am making a grocery list because I need to get some healthy foods in the house. So far on my list I have: broccoli, strawberries, bananas, rotisserie chicken and flank/skirt steak. Give me some ideas of things you like to eat that are good for you.
    Since I know you know any veggies, fruits and lean meats -- below are a few of my favorites.

    Red Florida Grapefruits are excellent this time of year.


    Mozzerella cheese sticks (60 to 80 calories)

    Trader Joe's Cheddar cheese sticks (70 calories)

    Trader Joe's individual size trail mix (approx 150 calories)

    Vitalicious snacks are nice healthy treats -I prefer all of the chocalate products they have that are only 100 calories. The Banana nut vita top is delicious also. These are good substitutions for sweet tooth. See link: http://www.vitalicious.com/
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,384 Member
    Hello Snowflakes,

    Do any of you eat Quinoa? If so where do you find it in the stores? By noodles and rice? I know I have seen it and now that I am looking for it, I can't find it. I still have to hit the larger stores. The knock off or discount groceries do not carry it.

    Also if you eat Quinoa, do you have any good receipes for it? Thanks in advance for any replies!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Hello, hope everyones week is going well. I was BAD Sunday and Monday. I had a lot of carby stuff for dinner that I normally dont eat. I also was a LAZY BUTT and did not work out. I will be adding 2 more days to my 30 Day Shred. I do not think I can double up on level 2 like I did the one day when I missed one during Level 1.

    Workout this week
    Tues- 30DSL2 and 20 Minute Zumba
    Wed- 30DSL2
    Thurs- 30DSL2 and 20 Minute Zumba
    Friday- 30DSL2

    Drinking lots and lots of water today, really want to be 225 (currently 227.4) by March and would love to be 220 for my yearly checkup at the lady doctor which will be some time at the end of March/ beginging of April. It will be the lowest she has seen me and I know she will be happy.

    I am thinking about adding more cardio to the 30 Day Shred routine ... some days I have extra time to workout and I think the 20 Minute zumba dvd will be perfect to get a lil extra in.

    Also, when is our half way mark ... Mid March correct?

    It is March 18th :) Exciting!!!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Hello Snowflakes,

    Do any of you eat Quinoa? If so where do you find it in the stores? By noodles and rice? I know I have seen it and now that I am looking for it, I can't find it. I still have to hit the larger stores. The knock off or discount groceries do not carry it.

    Also if you eat Quinoa, do you have any good receipes for it? Thanks in advance for any replies!

    I don't eat it...although, I did think about checking it out once I got tired of brown rice lol...I am pretty sure a Trader Joe's or Whole Foods carries it. I would look at allrecipes.com and type in quinoa they should have some great recipes for it.....That website is godsend LOL
  • forgiven4life

    Hmmmm let's see....

    1) Bags of Mixed Greens and Spinach for salads. I like to buy those and tomatoes, green onion, cucumbers, carrots, chopped onion, etc.....this is so I can make a big salad and then use that throughout the week to take to work.
    2) Low Sodium Canned Tuna, or Low Sodium Canned Chicken or Tyson Cooked Chicken Breast (These are for me to add to the salad...great protein)
    3) Almonds (Raw and unsalted)
    4) Egg Beaters Liquid Egg Whites
    5) Whole Eggs (I boil these in the morning and take them for snacks) I eat one whole one and just the white of another one
    6) Granola (look for ones lower in sodium and sugar)
    7) Quaker Oats Plain Oatmeal (This is my morning staple meal lol) I just get the big tub
    8) Blueberries (Great antioxidant and I do .33 to 1/2 cup on my oatmeal)
    9) Finely ground flaxseed (2 tbsp mixed in my oatmeal every morning)
    10) Boneless skinless chicken breast, might as well get a ton of these LOL
    11) Chicken Wings
    12) Whole Wheat Organic Pasta
    13) Spaghetti Sauce...look for ones lower in sodium or organic if possible
    14) Ground turkey ( I like to keep this on hand to make a turkey patty in the morning for my lunch at work)
    15) Bidsweet Steamable Veggies (They are great side dishes, and low in sodium)
    16) Brown Rice (I use Uncle Ben's)
    17) Black Beans
    18) And as many snack veggies, fruits, anything that will keep you away from grabbing high fat, sodium, calories....

    *That is all I can think about for now.... :) I hope this helps!

    Great list! Good to know I already have quite a few of these things. #3, 5, 7, 9 (I bought this when I was doing Atkins. Can you taste it in the oatmeal?, 10, 16 (I love, love Uncle Ben's fast and natural brown rice. So yummy!)

    Now I just need to add a few things to it and eat them!
  • leandread
    leandread Posts: 166 Member
    Alright Snowflakes, I am making a grocery list because I need to get some healthy foods in the house. So far on my list I have: broccoli, strawberries, bananas, rotisserie chicken and flank/skirt steak. Give me some ideas of things you like to eat that are good for you.

    I like to buy chicken breast/thighs/legs and throw them in the crock pot or large stock pot to slow cook them off the bone. Its less expensive than always buying only chicken breast and can be then fixes many different ways (bbq, teriyaki, a chicken pot pie, and so on)

    Do you like berries? Cherries? Navel oranges have been really sweet and delicious where I am so maybe they'll be good where you are right now.
  • onlyhalfcrazy
    onlyhalfcrazy Posts: 114 Member
    Good morning ladies!! Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying their workouts. I must say I am feeling that same old, "Ok your jeans arent tight so you can slow down." I have done this so often, this time I really want to stick with it and change my way of living. Last week was a very low week for me so I think that added to this mindset. None the less I am going to stick with my goal and keep aiming for it.

    Pray for atleast a 1 lb loss this week, if not I will look at changing things up next week!!

    By the way, I have never had grapefruit to my knowledge, are they bitter? Or is that a false assumption Ive always had?
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member

    Hmmmm let's see....

    1) Bags of Mixed Greens and Spinach for salads. I like to buy those and tomatoes, green onion, cucumbers, carrots, chopped onion, etc.....this is so I can make a big salad and then use that throughout the week to take to work.
    2) Low Sodium Canned Tuna, or Low Sodium Canned Chicken or Tyson Cooked Chicken Breast (These are for me to add to the salad...great protein)
    3) Almonds (Raw and unsalted)
    4) Egg Beaters Liquid Egg Whites
    5) Whole Eggs (I boil these in the morning and take them for snacks) I eat one whole one and just the white of another one
    6) Granola (look for ones lower in sodium and sugar)
    7) Quaker Oats Plain Oatmeal (This is my morning staple meal lol) I just get the big tub
    8) Blueberries (Great antioxidant and I do .33 to 1/2 cup on my oatmeal)
    9) Finely ground flaxseed (2 tbsp mixed in my oatmeal every morning)
    10) Boneless skinless chicken breast, might as well get a ton of these LOL
    11) Chicken Wings
    12) Whole Wheat Organic Pasta
    13) Spaghetti Sauce...look for ones lower in sodium or organic if possible
    14) Ground turkey ( I like to keep this on hand to make a turkey patty in the morning for my lunch at work)
    15) Bidsweet Steamable Veggies (They are great side dishes, and low in sodium)
    16) Brown Rice (I use Uncle Ben's)
    17) Black Beans
    18) And as many snack veggies, fruits, anything that will keep you away from grabbing high fat, sodium, calories....

    *That is all I can think about for now.... :) I hope this helps!

    Great list! Good to know I already have quite a few of these things. #3, 5, 7, 9 (I bought this when I was doing Atkins. Can you taste it in the oatmeal?, 10, 16 (I love, love Uncle Ben's fast and natural brown rice. So yummy!)

    Now I just need to add a few things to it and eat them!

    I cant taste it at all...especially since I had the fresh fruit to the oatmeal as well.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,384 Member
    By the way, I have never had grapefruit to my knowledge, are they bitter? Or is that a false assumption Ive always had?

    White grapefruit is sort of bitter, but Florida Red grapefruits are sweet and sour! Try one and see if you like. I love them and eat them six months out of the year. It is hard to find reasonable priced ones in the sumer and early fall. Winter and spring they are plentiful and reasonably priced.