*Snowflakes to Sunshine Challenge* Discussion: Week #9 2/25/



  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Wow... Please check if your name is down there, cause chances are that I've responded to you.

    Mollie... Sounds like a tough week! I hope you feel better now! :flowerforyou: Maybe take a moment to see if you can come up with anything motivating you can do to keep you going strong over the weekends. Some things I might do are: belly dance, watch The Biggest Loser or some other type of weight loss show, try on some smaller clothes and see if you fit them yet, say positive affirmations (ie "Every day, in every way, I'm getting fitter and fitter, YES!"), and don't underestimate the power of pre-planning your weekend meals! :drinker:

    Thanks Step!! I am sorry about my double post here......:-)
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    I am so ready today. I love seeing signs of spring on the way. New beginnings and time to get ride of those coats so it is time to step it up for me. I need to get some more weight off so I can wear summer clothes hanging in my closet for 2 years now. Yes I am losing weight to get healthy but I am also losing weight to feel good about myself and to LOOK :smooched: better also. And I will do it, one day at a time.

    My March plan is: To focus on eating healthy and under my calories most days of the month. I am taking a page from WW with their bonus points system. On weekends I will give myself an extra 1000 starting Saturday to be divided however I want to eat them between Sat and Sun.

    This will not include exercise either. If I exercise this is additional food I can eat and probably will.:wink: This should work well. This will give me wiggle room without going overboard and not feeling deprived for special occasions or events over the weekend. My goal on weekends is to maintain. Eating 500 to 1000 extra calories over the weekend for me will not be a gain with or without exercise.

    I will lose more than one pound in March as I get one year older this month. Have a good week everyone and let's do our best to stick to our plans and goals whatever they may be!:flowerforyou: TTYL!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    So I've been cleared to workout, but starting back slowly and not diving head first into a shallow pool.

    My plan for the rest of the week is:
    Wednesday: zumba and training
    Thursday: zumba
    Friday: strength only

    I don't want to look too far into the future. Its probably best to just do it in a few days at a time. So that's the plan. I'm excited to go back to zumba, it seems like I've been gone forever.
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    Is it March already!? wow I really cant believe how quick time has been flying by!! it is unbelieveable!!! Everyone is doing amazingly well in this challenge. I'm not where i want to be but I'm making progress it may be very slow progress but hey, progress is progress. I am in the 150's!!! I seriously havent been here in about 3 or so years (cant remember exactly but I know it has been a while) and so i dont care if it is taking me forever to get to my goal atleast I am doing it!!!:happy: I am so excited and I cant wait to be in my new healthy toned body :tongue:
    Another big announcement is that I called the doctor yesterday and made an appointment to go in for a consultation to talk about my options for lasering away my nasty stretch marks!! unfortunately my appointment isnt for 3 weeks and I am a little nervous that the actual price may be waaay more than i can afford, but if there is any way i can pay for this i am definately doing it!! I would give anything to not have these damn things!!!
    So snowflakes it is almost spring which means the heat will be rising so lets crank up the burn for march :glasses: lets get bikini ready!!! Woot Woot!!!
  • onlyhalfcrazy
    onlyhalfcrazy Posts: 114 Member
    Hello Snowflakes, .... how many are glad we are getting closer to the sunshine!!!! I am!!!! Ready for warm weather.

    I must have needed those couple of down days over the weekend because yesterday and today I have felt more focused and on track with my food and exercise. Last nights workout was amazing!!!! I did bootcamp for 45 mins, ran on treadmill for 25 min, then took an hour zumba class!! Had a great time and burned 915 calories!!!! that is the most I have ever burned in one workout session!!!

    Cant wait to see biggest loset tonight!!!

    Hope all you ladies are doing great and ready for our next weigh in!!
  • forgiven4life
    Is it March already!? wow I really cant believe how quick time has been flying by!! it is unbelieveable!!! Everyone is doing amazingly well in this challenge. I'm not where i want to be but I'm making progress it may be very slow progress but hey, progress is progress. I am in the 150's!!! I seriously havent been here in about 3 or so years (cant remember exactly but I know it has been a while) and so i dont care if it is taking me forever to get to my goal atleast I am doing it!!!:happy: I am so excited and I cant wait to be in my new healthy toned body :tongue:
    Another big announcement is that I called the doctor yesterday and made an appointment to go in for a consultation to talk about my options for lasering away my nasty stretch marks!! unfortunately my appointment isnt for 3 weeks and I am a little nervous that the actual price may be waaay more than i can afford, but if there is any way i can pay for this i am definately doing it!! I would give anything to not have these damn things!!!
    So snowflakes it is almost spring which means the heat will be rising so lets crank up the burn for march :glasses: lets get bikini ready!!! Woot Woot!!!

    I can't believe it's March already and almost time for halfway shots! I am so not ready for those, but maybe I will be surprised. So excited for you that you made your appt for a consultation. Too bad it's not for 3 more weeks. Let us know how the appt goes when you see him/her.
    Happy Tuesday Snowflakes!

    There's a 2 hour Zumba-Thon going on at the campus recreational facility on Friday. And its only $3! I got so excited when I saw it, but then of course, I got super nervous. The negative thoughts ran through my mind, about being this "old" lady faculty member doing zumba with a bunch of undergrads, whether I could make it for 2 hours and how I've never actually done Zumba in public. But hey, I am going to go for it anyway. Whether I make it or not, I am already proud of myself for going out of my comfort zone. I love Zumba so how could I not love it?

    You can do it!! Even if you have to stop for a little while to catch your breath, keep going! Take a breather and then get back out there and shake it! I love Zumba too, but haven't been to a real class before. Only Wii. :happy: Age is only a number pretty lady! I'm sure you will be zumba-ing as well as those undergrads. :laugh:
    Well - feeling so much better now only mild pain from the RA. I slept in this morning which was great, but that means exercise tonight!

    So glad you are feeling much better! If yoga is helping, I would continue with that as much as you can.
    Firefox browser allows you to press "right click" and "T" to open a new tab, and not have to switch around.

    I don't use Firefox, but thanks to you I figured out how to do mutiple quotes in one reply. Thanks!! It helps not bog down the thread with multiple replies. :flowerforyou:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Happy Hump day everyone!

    Just stopping by quickly to post an inspiration. Do you have a hard time accepting a compliment? If so read below.

    Daily Inspiration for March 2, 2011
    Katie Jay, MSW

    Recognize your worthiness.

    There are those of us who think we are not worthy of success. We cannot accept prosperity. But how happy are you when you see an underdog succeed? How genuine is your praise of other people who have struggled to reach a goal?

    The joy you feel for another person is the same as the joy someone feels for you when you reach your goals. Accept praise with joy and gratitude. Don't say, "It was nothing." You are worthy of praise and you have earned it. You only diminish the joy of others when you dismiss their praise of you. The rewards of your work are not just the numbers on the scale or your pants size, but also the respect and recognition you get from friends and family.

    Action for the day: Allow people to share their joy for you. It is a gift you can give them that will lift you up, too.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Amanda... You are doing FANTASTIC girl!! :drinker:

    Brandy... I'm glad you figured out how to reply to multiple people in one post!! :bigsmile: My background in HTML comes in handy for something every now and then...

    Mollie... Thanks for the daily inspiration there! :flowerforyou:

  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    Hello Snowflakes :) I hope everyone is having a wonderful week so far!! So I have decided I really need to get myself back into getting up early and working out, it seems like the best time for me to do it!! I am glad everyone is staying on track this week!! Oh and I tried a new recipe for dinner tonight that I thought I would share with you ladies!!

    Oven Fried Chicken
    Gina's Weight Watcher Recipes
    Servings: 6 • Serving Size: 1 drumstick • Old Points: 3 pts • Points+: 4 pts
    Calories: 170.7 • Fat: 6.6 g • Protein: 14.5 g • Carb: 14.7 g • Fiber: 3.1 g
    • 6 medium bone-in skinless drumsticks
    • 2 1/2 cups bran flakes
    • 3 tsp kosher salt, less if you are using regular salt
    • 1/2 tsp garlic powder
    • 1/2 tsp paprika
    • 1/2 tsp fresh black pepper
    • 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper
    • 5 tbsp Hellman's light mayonnaise
    • 1 tsp Dijon mustard
    • Oil spray
    Preheat oven to 400°. Line a baking sheet with foil and set a rack above. Spray rack with oil.

    Crush cereal in a food processor or chopper. In a bowl mix crushed cereal with salt, paprika, garlic powder, black pepper and cayenne pepper. Place in a shallow dish or ziplock bag.

    Combine mayonnaise and Dijon mustard. Using a cooking brush, brush onto chicken then coat chicken with crushed cereal mixture. Place chicken on wire rack and spray with oil. Bake 35-40 minutes.

    Only modification is do not use that much mayo!!! it is seriously waaay too much, i wasted a lot of mayo :(
    But it really is tasty, and my non healthy eating bf loved it too!!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Hey Snowflakes! Wow, I can't believe that I didn't get post anything today! Yeesh! Well I hope everyone is doing well this week...I started late on the grind this week with my normal regimen, so we will have to see what numbers the scale shall bring on Friday. And I'm annoyed that TOM is still here...really!!? Be done already!

    I did my first day of C25K...and it wasn't that bad. I'm looking forward to doing it again Friday morning. I have decided to do it every other day..since I am having to wake up at 6AM to do it. And I will say...I'm so not a morning person! But we all have to make sacrifices in order to get to where we need to be!

    Looking forward to having a Zumba day tomorrow...I need that in my life right now!

    And I will add, that it is SOOOOO hard for me to net 1200 calories...OMG! I am cruising at about 1000 today and I'm ok with that. Especially since I was normally waaaaay below that.

    In other news lol, I am stocking the FedEx man for my TurboFire. LOL! I am ready to switch some stuff up and this will be the true test of how in or out of shape I am lol. If this doesn't work to break my plateau, I may get serious about the zig-zag thing...its just hard because I can barely eat over 1200 calories without eating something that I shouldn't lol (i.e my cheese pastry from Panera Bread today)

    We are suppose to have pizza tomorrow at work...but not me, bringing my lunch as usual...I refuse to let work sabotage my healthier lifestyle. My turkey burger and salad is going to be just as good, and healthier than that pizza! :)

    Ok enough rambling from me...just wanted to catch everyone up :)

    Have a great night everyone :)
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Hello Snowflakes :) I hope everyone is having a wonderful week so far!! So I have decided I really need to get myself back into getting up early and working out, it seems like the best time for me to do it!! I am glad everyone is staying on track this week!! Oh and I tried a new recipe for dinner tonight that I thought I would share with you ladies!!

    Oven Fried Chicken
    Gina's Weight Watcher Recipes
    Servings: 6 • Serving Size: 1 drumstick • Old Points: 3 pts • Points+: 4 pts
    Calories: 170.7 • Fat: 6.6 g • Protein: 14.5 g • Carb: 14.7 g • Fiber: 3.1 g
    • 6 medium bone-in skinless drumsticks
    • 2 1/2 cups bran flakes
    • 3 tsp kosher salt, less if you are using regular salt
    • 1/2 tsp garlic powder
    • 1/2 tsp paprika
    • 1/2 tsp fresh black pepper
    • 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper
    • 5 tbsp Hellman's light mayonnaise
    • 1 tsp Dijon mustard
    • Oil spray
    Preheat oven to 400°. Line a baking sheet with foil and set a rack above. Spray rack with oil.

    Crush cereal in a food processor or chopper. In a bowl mix crushed cereal with salt, paprika, garlic powder, black pepper and cayenne pepper. Place in a shallow dish or ziplock bag.

    Combine mayonnaise and Dijon mustard. Using a cooking brush, brush onto chicken then coat chicken with crushed cereal mixture. Place chicken on wire rack and spray with oil. Bake 35-40 minutes.

    Only modification is do not use that much mayo!!! it is seriously waaay too much, i wasted a lot of mayo :(
    But it really is tasty, and my non healthy eating bf loved it too!!

    Thanks for the recipe...I love fried chicken..so anything I can get close to it will be great LOL
  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
    Hey everyone! I know...I've been nonexistent lately, test week will do that. Well, I did take a break last night to go shopping and I had a BLAST! I couldn't narrow down all the cute clothes that I found! And I'm a Large shirt now! :smile: I love my new clothes and my new body!

    I will try to weigh in tomorrow, but after that I'll be gone until next Sunday in Mexico, so my weigh in will be late. My goal is to just maintain and not gain, while allowing myself to enjoy my vacation!

    Hope everyone is doing well! I promise I'll be back soon! :smile:
  • forgiven4life
    Hey everyone! I know...I've been nonexistent lately, test week will do that. Well, I did take a break last night to go shopping and I had a BLAST! I couldn't narrow down all the cute clothes that I found! And I'm a Large shirt now! :smile: I love my new clothes and my new body!

    I will try to weigh in tomorrow, but after that I'll be gone until next Sunday in Mexico, so my weigh in will be late. My goal is to just maintain and not gain, while allowing myself to enjoy my vacation!

    Hope everyone is doing well! I promise I'll be back soon! :smile:

    Whit have a great time on your trip! Enjoy yourself, but don't go crazy. (I know you won't :happy: )

    That's awesome! I can't wait until I can go clothes shopping, but it won't be until I HAVE to. It won't be long, though, until I can go shopping in my own closet. I've got so many pants/skirts/tops that I just can't wear right now because they are a bit too small. I did try on a pair of my dress pants that is one size smaller this morning and I could actually get them on! They don't button comfortably right now, but it won't be long! That is exciting! The last couple of days I have really noticed how I am slimming down. I've only lost 9 lbs since I starting back logging, but I must be losing a lot of inches. I was looking at my reflection in a window this morning and my waist and tummy are getting smaller. Yay!!

    Oven Fried Chicken
    Gina's Weight Watcher Recipes
    Servings: 6 • Serving Size: 1 drumstick • Old Points: 3 pts • Points+: 4 pts
    Calories: 170.7 • Fat: 6.6 g • Protein: 14.5 g • Carb: 14.7 g • Fiber: 3.1 g
    • 6 medium bone-in skinless drumsticks
    • 2 1/2 cups bran flakes
    • 3 tsp kosher salt, less if you are using regular salt
    • 1/2 tsp garlic powder
    • 1/2 tsp paprika
    • 1/2 tsp fresh black pepper
    • 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper
    • 5 tbsp Hellman's light mayonnaise
    • 1 tsp Dijon mustard
    • Oil spray
    Preheat oven to 400°. Line a baking sheet with foil and set a rack above. Spray rack with oil.

    Crush cereal in a food processor or chopper. In a bowl mix crushed cereal with salt, paprika, garlic powder, black pepper and cayenne pepper. Place in a shallow dish or ziplock bag.

    Combine mayonnaise and Dijon mustard. Using a cooking brush, brush onto chicken then coat chicken with crushed cereal mixture. Place chicken on wire rack and spray with oil. Bake 35-40 minutes.

    This sounds really tasty! I will have to try this one. Thanks for posting. I love getting new recipes.

    Speaking of new recipes, Krys, I was looking at your food diary (yes, I do peek at people's diaries to get some food ideas) and a lot of the recipes you eat sound really good. You should share!

    I plan on going on my second C25K run of the week today. I am on Week 4, Day 2. I have invited some other people to meet me there, but I haven't had any responses so I will probably be running alone. Well I'm sure there will be other people at the park, but you know what I mean. I really should get fitted for some proper running shoes. I'm just not prepared to shell out a lot of money on tennis shoes right now. This is a heavy bill month for my family with 2 insurances due along with the rest of the bills. :sad:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Hello all!

    Ok since I am really struggling right now with food intake and I love tickers. I decided to change my exercise ticker to food instead because exercise is not an issue for me. It is part of my lifestyle now and has been for some time now since I gotten back on track last March. It was so much easier for me to get back into the routine of moving my body with limitations. I guess when you force yourself to get around at 500+ pounds for years; it was not as hard to force myself to exercise over the years--even prior to WLS.

    So now I have to do something for the food end to keep me motivated. That is what I am focusing on this month. Food issues and the mind issues that go with food issues:frown:

    So the ticker queen that I have decided to count publically how many days I can keep my calories under 2000. I have been doing this since November and I have yet to get over 8 times within the month under 2000 calories.:grumble: My goal is 23 but anything between 12 and 20 will suffice for March. Since I am a person not into perfection anymore I will take what I can get. One day at a time.:happy:
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Hey everyone! I know...I've been nonexistent lately, test week will do that. Well, I did take a break last night to go shopping and I had a BLAST! I couldn't narrow down all the cute clothes that I found! And I'm a Large shirt now! :smile: I love my new clothes and my new body!

    I will try to weigh in tomorrow, but after that I'll be gone until next Sunday in Mexico, so my weigh in will be late. My goal is to just maintain and not gain, while allowing myself to enjoy my vacation!

    Hope everyone is doing well! I promise I'll be back soon! :smile:

    That sounds like so much fun going to MX! Have a great time...just stay away from the margaritas lol...And a large shirt...WOO! I know it definitely feels good to see yourself getting smaller and just feeling better! So proud of you and your positive attitude. Have fun in Mexico!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    That's awesome! I can't wait until I can go clothes shopping, but it won't be until I HAVE to. It won't be long, though, until I can go shopping in my own closet. I've got so many pants/skirts/tops that I just can't wear right now because they are a bit too small. I did try on a pair of my dress pants that is one size smaller this morning and I could actually get them on! They don't button comfortably right now, but it won't be long! That is exciting! The last couple of days I have really noticed how I am slimming down. I've only lost 9 lbs since I starting back logging, but I must be losing a lot of inches. I was looking at my reflection in a window this morning and my waist and tummy are getting smaller. Yay!!

    Yes, soon soon you wlll be new clothes shopping and it is going to feel great! And for me...it is the inches that really count and just having that slimmer look!
    Speaking of new recipes, Krys, I was looking at your food diary (yes, I do peek at people's diaries to get some food ideas) and a lot of the recipes you eat sound really good. You should share!

    I will have to...most of them come from allrecipes.com or foodnetwork.com and then just take stuff out (salt) or add different stuff (lean turkey), etc. But I will definitely start sharing :)
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Hello all!

    Ok since I am really struggling right now with food intake and I love tickers. I decided to change my exercise ticker to food instead because exercise is not an issue for me. It is part of my lifestyle now and has been for some time now since I gotten back on track last March. It was so much easier for me to get back into the routine of moving my body with limitations. I guess when you force yourself to get around at 500+ pounds for years; it was not as hard to force myself to exercise over the years--even prior to WLS.

    So now I have to do something for the food end to keep me motivated. That is what I am focusing on this month. Food issues and the mind issues that go with food issues:frown:

    So the ticker queen that I have decided to count publically how many days I can keep my calories under 2000. I have been doing this since November and I have yet to get over 8 times within the month under 2000 calories.:grumble: My goal is 23 but anything between 12 and 20 will suffice for March. Since I am a person not into perfection anymore I will take what I can get. One day at a time.:happy:

    So what are your issues that you have with food? Is it overeating, frequency, etc. Maybe I can help.... :flowerforyou:
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    Hey everyone! I know...I've been nonexistent lately, test week will do that. Well, I did take a break last night to go shopping and I had a BLAST! I couldn't narrow down all the cute clothes that I found! And I'm a Large shirt now! :smile: I love my new clothes and my new body!

    I will try to weigh in tomorrow, but after that I'll be gone until next Sunday in Mexico, so my weigh in will be late. My goal is to just maintain and not gain, while allowing myself to enjoy my vacation!

    Hope everyone is doing well! I promise I'll be back soon! :smile:

    :glasses: Omg i am super jealous of you!!! That is awesome!! You are going to have soooo much fun!!! and I cant wait to get to the point to buy some new clothes!! i am still not down a size :sad: but have a wonderful time and enjoy yourself!! dont stress over counting and working out, a little time off will be wonderful :happy:
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    Hello Snowflakes :glasses: I have to say it is a beautiful day outside and it has definately improved my mood :happy: I seriously cant believe tomorrow is the weigh in!! I feel flike this week just slipped away from me!! I have only worked out twice this week so far :sad: these damn headaches are seriously killing my workouts!!! I did get my prescription filled so hopefully i will start feeling up to working out again!! I am going to try to get a workout in tonight!! I will definately be back on track next week!! I am a little depressed however...I stepped on the scale this morning and I know i shouldnt have but i was up 3 pounds!!!:noway: seriously how is that even possible!?!?! I just want to get back on track to meet my goals!! I adjusted my goals last night and put dates with them, so now I have an idea of when I need to be at what weight. anywho I am starting to ramble so I will just say, good luck to everyone in the the weigh in tomorrow!!!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Hello all!

    Ok since I am really struggling right now with food intake and I love tickers. I decided to change my exercise ticker to food instead because exercise is not an issue for me. It is part of my lifestyle now and has been for some time now since I gotten back on track last March. It was so much easier for me to get back into the routine of moving my body with limitations. I guess when you force yourself to get around at 500+ pounds for years; it was not as hard to force myself to exercise over the years--even prior to WLS.

    So now I have to do something for the food end to keep me motivated. That is what I am focusing on this month. Food issues and the mind issues that go with food issues:frown:

    So the ticker queen that I have decided to count publically how many days I can keep my calories under 2000. I have been doing this since November and I have yet to get over 8 times within the month under 2000 calories.:grumble: My goal is 23 but anything between 12 and 20 will suffice for March. Since I am a person not into perfection anymore I will take what I can get. One day at a time.:happy:

    So what are your issues that you have with food? Is it overeating, frequency, etc. Maybe I can help.... :flowerforyou:

    Thanks so much Krys! I am working thru it best I can.:grumble: Just having your support and this group is very helpful to me.:smile: I vent when I have time. I am mindful of the problem I have which is food addiction and BED (Binge Eating Disorder). I have come a long way and I still have a ways to go. I keep treaking where I can and go with it. Thanks again!:flowerforyou: You are the best!!