30 Day Challenge Part 2



  • ceejay000
    ceejay000 Posts: 402 Member
    Great challenge! I started taking a multivitamin (One A Day Women's) right around the time I joined MFP. I don't drink a lot of milk, and I realized how little calcium and also iron I was getting in my diet. I can't say I've noticed a difference, but it feels good knowing I'm getting in all of my vitamins and minerals. I don't take any other supplements.

    As far as the real challenge goes, I think I need to eat a few more veggies during the day. I've been eating a lot more fruits and vegetables over the last few weeks, but it never hurts to get a few more in. :smile:

    Edit: I also wanted to add that I usually take my vitamin with dinner because in the morning I might want to have something caffeinated, and I think I've heard that caffeine and carbonation can decrease the absorption of some vitamins and minerals (specifically calcium). That's just something to think about.
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    I started taking the One A Day VitaCraves, you take two gummies a day, I like them because they are kinda like a little "candy" treat, lol.
  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 560 Member
    I've been using Costco's Mature Multi-vitamin (just checked the other day and it doesn't have iron--may have to look into that), fish oil, cinnamon, and calcium. Also take glucosamine/chondroitin for ouchy knees. Just added biotin to see if it will improve the quality of my fingernails.

    I learned about the benefits of cinnamon, glucosamine/chondroitin, Omega 3's, and biotin supplements from having horses. We were also very careful of what we fed them as older horses can become, and many ponies and thrifty horse breeds just naturally are, insulin resistant. It's easy to eat what's right if someone else has all the control, and the bad stuff just isn't available! As a human, I have to do that for myself.
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Good morning~ The challenge today is to get in ALL your food groups so I had to look at see what is recommended. For anyone else that would like to know, here it is:
    2-3 servings of Milk, yogurt, cheese
    3-5 Vegetables
    2-4 Fruit
    2-3 Meat, Fish, Poultry, Dry Beans, eggs, and nuts
    6-11 Breat, cereal, rice & pasta

    That is why I like taking a mulit-vitamin to ensure I'm getting what my body needs because on most days I know I'm not getting in all this. I also take extra calcium and take Omega 3 (fish oil) daily. So let's work towards this for today, at least getting in all food groups in although getting the recommended amount may not be possible. With dieting, you may be eliminating a food group that you think is fattening such as bread but there are healthy choices out there. Always choose whole wheat with your breads and crackers and even your pastas. They are so much better for you.
  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 560 Member
    I just planned my meals for today. I'm eating the Primal Blueprint way, so I limit breads, grains, and starchy vegetables, and aim for 75-100g carbs per day and a 1200 net calorie goal.

    This is one of my better primal days, since I didn't have my half bagel this morning.
    69g carbs, 83g fat, 96g protein, sodium 1259mg, 7 calories under net goal

    Meats 6 servings (eggs, salmon, bacon)
    Veggies 11 servings (at least 7 different kinds)
    Fats 3 servings (coconut oil, butter, salad dressing)
    Fruit 2 servings (half pear, 1/2 cup blueberries)
    Dairy 4 servings (yogurt, cheeses)
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Singer I'm not familiar with the primal blueprint but sounds interesting and I also avoid high starchy foods. I'm so glad for supplements since although I did get in all food groups, I wasn't able to eat enough of several. Here's mine for the day:
    Bread - 1 serving
    Dairy- 2
    Veggies- 6
    Fruit 2
    Meat/nuts 4
    How did everyone else do?
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    2-3 servings of Milk, yogurt, cheese
    3-5 Vegetables
    2-4 Fruit
    2-3 Meat, Fish, Poultry, Dry Beans, eggs, and nuts
    6-11 Breat, cereal, rice & pasta

    2 - milk, yogurt
    6 - veggie
    1 - fruit (I watch my sugar & am disappointed with how high sugar is in fruit)
    4 - fish, pork, nuts
    1 - cereal (although I'm not doing the "Atkins Diet"; I've kept carbs to a very, very low amount

    I tried Almond milk for the first time today. Not bad! 40Cal, 3.5gFat, 180mg Sodium, 180mg Postassium, 2gCarb, 1gDietary Fiber, 1g Protein. Less calories & carbs than skim milk

    Any suggestions on low sugar fruit?
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    today was a survival of the fittest kind of day. Thank goodness I'm getting fit! Food plans went out the window when I was unexpectedly thrown into a classroom today to pick up the pieces of a very ill staff member. Had fun, but didn't eat quite the way I wanted to. Def got my carbs in, but that's about it. For dinner I am making up for it with homemade sweet potato oven fries, HUGE salad with mixed baby lettuce and red and yellow peppers and grilled salmon. Good lean protein with omega-3 fatty acid and TONS of veggies.

    Been thinking about starting a vitamin supplement. I fell off the wagon right after I had my daughter (unbelievably almost a year ago!) and stopped taking pre-natal vitamins. Going to get a one-a-day kind of thing this weekend.

    Now rush, rush, rush to make dinner, get kid bathed and bedded and WORKOUT cause I need to burn off some stress (and carb calories)!
  • tatiana_13
    tatiana_13 Posts: 325
    I did a sun-up to sun-down fast for lent...so, I had one, gigantic meal for dinner and a snack. So, just a tiny bit less than I would have had for a normal day...and today was a little starchier than usual...the popcorn was sort of a "treat" for fasting.

    Starch: 3 (brown rice, popcorn)
    Protein: 2 (salmon)
    Dairy: 1 (yogurt)
    Vegetables: 3 (cucumber, cabbage, zucchini)
    Fruit: 1

    I tend to feel fine without 6-11 servings of grains...especially since vegetables and fruit have tons of fiber. But grains certainly are yummy, aren't they? As I've become wheat intolerant, I've developed a special love affair with popcorn...and I'm really happy that even although its a "snack" food, it also counts as a whole grain! When you make your own (not in the microwave, pre-buttered bags), its not a bad treat...in moderation.
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    I tried to get all the food groups in today, tried to eat lots of veggies which I have always struggled with. I think I did pretty good, made another home made pizza for lunch and had salad for supper. Carbs never seem to be a problem for me!

    Tomorrows challenge:
    I'm all about the "mental" challenges. My challenge for you tomorrow is for you to tell us what gets you motivated when you feel less than motivated? Is it a certain visual image of where you'd like to be? Is it something you tell yourself like a quote or phrase? Is it a reward that you promised yourself when you reach a certain weight loss goal? To be honest, the last few days I've felt "de-motivated". My son has been sick and hasn't been sleeping well, so neither have I. Today though I kicked it into gear because I realized that there is no way I'm going to gain those ten pounds back that I've lost so far. All the hard work and diligence will not be done in vain! So what motivates me is realizing how easily I could slip up and go back to my old ways, it's important to not lose focus!
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    Sorry, I was a bit of a slacker yesterday and didn't post our losses. Then I was going to do it this morning, and my baby woke early, so my morning "me time" disappeared. Here are our latest losses:
    lesleed 2
    microem1 1.75
    oliviawink -0.5
    hoosteen84 -0.8
    tatiana_13 -1
    ceejay000 -1
    jessicamarie81 -1.5
    misserrint -1.6
    swtchrypie -1.8
    hnason -2
    kylakesgal -2
    julesnpdx -2
    Melissaol -2.2
    roselynsy -2.2
    singer201 -2.8
    abbylane35 -3
    sheilabennett -4
    nikki8marie -4
    (ultrawoman is with us but had scale issues :grumble: )
    I'm pretty sure I missed some people, so if I did, please speak up. I don't want to cut anyone short. Together this week (with 18 that I have as weighed-in) we have lost 28.65 lbs this week. Total we have lost 61.1 total lbs. It would be amazing if we hit 80 total lbs lost next week, wouldn't it. Keep up the great work everyone!

    Challenge: THIS keeps me motivated. Knowing each week that when I "do the numbers" my loss helps all of us look and feel good. Also keep my spirits in check when I'm down-and-out be reminding myself how I feel like a totally different person when I'm healthy and how good it feels to know I look hot!
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Woohoo Olivia the weight loss looks great! Just think how much farther we have come as a group vs. doing it alone:)!! We are all getting closer to our goals a little bit at a time and by the time beach weather arrives, we will be ready to sport our bathing suits:) Nite everyone.....work tomorrow so heading to bed~
  • roselynsy
    roselynsy Posts: 128 Member
    :smile: hmm this is a hard one as the last 3 days ive seem to of lost my motavation, so i guess one of my main motavations is this site as this is why im on here to try and pick myselp back up (it is also lady time of the month for me so thats not helping) i also look up illness that can be caused by being overweight and think of how much time i want to be here with my children. that helps me get back on track. today will be a good day :smile:
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I'm pretty sure I missed some people, so if I did, please speak up.

    @ Olivia - please add me! -1
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Together this week (with 18 that I have as weighed-in) we have lost 28.65 lbs this week. Total we have lost 61.1 total lbs. It would be amazing if we hit 80 total lbs lost next week, wouldn't it. Keep up the great work everyone!

    WE ARE KICKING *kitten*!!!!
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    WOW, what an amazing weight loss we've had combined. Now that makes me motivated!! I have a sore throat today and am not feeling very motivated but I'm gonna try and crunch something out anyways!
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    Woohoo Olivia the weight loss looks great! Just think how much farther we have come as a group vs. doing it alone:)!! We are all getting closer to our goals a little bit at a time and by the time beach weather arrives, we will be ready to sport our bathing suits:) Nite everyone.....work tomorrow so heading to bed~

    Oh lordy, you had to say bathing suit, lol. It's funny you mention that though because that is one of the things that got me started in all this, just knowing my son will want to go swimming plenty this summer and I've gotta be looking somewhat decent!
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    I knew you would love my mention of "bathing suit" Jessia! That is part of my motivation. I live only about 8 miles from Kentucky lakes and usually every year we go every weekend or at least every other but last year, I was so uncomfortable wearing a bathing suit that I only went one time!! I want to be able to wear a bathing suit again (not a bikini lol) and not feel self -conscious. I love the water and want to be able to go boating and swimming again. Gaining weight kinda sneaks up on you. I know last summer I was overweight but as the winter came on and progressed I was having to get a larger clothing size. I have a limit on my clothing size and once that size gets tight, it's time to do something different. Thanks to my cousin Jessica who told me about mfp and the awesome inspiring people on here, I am headed toward reaching my goal:)
  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 560 Member
    My motivation is being ready for retirement in much better shape than I am right now. I want to be able to ride my horse without overtaxing him with my extra weight. I want to be healthier and not physically limited. There is also this cute riding jacket that I bought a long time ago that I'd like to fit into eventually.

    MFP and this challenge is keeping the road interesting, and I feel that I'm finally changing my eating habits to something that I can sustain the rest of my life.
  • walkforever
    Hey all of you fine and fabulous folk!

    I committed to this 30 day challenge at the beginning of march, but over the first week of march I had a setback, and although I am back on track I don't think that I can keep my original goal. I still want to try, but I also don't want to fail and then get discouraged...

    (I hate setbacks! I always do so well for a while but then ill see something like a glazed coffee roll or a reeses peanut butter cup and I will think ok Ill just have a little, and ill fit it into my calorie goal, but then something just goes crazy in my head and i cant stop myself... or at least I dont stop myself. I have to change my mindset to think - yes I CAN stop myself, and more importantly ONLY I can stop myself. - whew rant over, thanks!)

    Anywho - my stats for this challenge are as follows:

    Current weight: 164
    Goal Weight by April 1: 158!

    So that is three weeks, six pounds totally doable.

    More importantly, other goals:

    - track every bite every day... no excuses
    - exercise at least 3 times per week, but preferably 4-5.