30 Day Challenge Part 2



  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    I know I've felt unstoppable after a good workout and daily now, I'm even thinking of taking up running or jogging, I've never been a runner even though I've always wanted to be! I couldn't even put me and running in the same sentence before. My fiance is supportive too but like you Angela, he's not 100% because he hasn't changed his lifestyle any active-wise, only with the healthy stuff I'm force feeding him sometimes, lol.

    @jess - I was overweight my whole life and I decided that I wanted to start jogging before I turned 30. It was amazing. It's the highest calorie burning exercise you can do. If I could start doing it anyone can! I made a few mistakes and got injuries along the way, so make sure you read up and/or join a running group (there all over the place, so look around online and see if you can find one in your area). The best running groups have a fee (mine was lik3 $75 for 3 months) so they can pay a trainer, but they also usually have perks like free shirts, hats and other gear. Start slow, push yourself, but not to the point of injury and ALWAYS stretch. Happy to support your interest in running any way I can! Go jess go!
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    So excited that so many people are into this next challenge. I have the following people who have volunteered to do challenges for the 6 weeks:
    3/14/20 ceejay000
    3/21/27 Olivia (myself)
    3/28-4/3 singer201
    4/4/10 nikki8marie
    4/11/17 roselynsy
    4/18/25 jessicamarie81

    If I missed someone who wants to contribute, let me know, we can have 2 people in 1 week, 1 to do food challenge the other to do the exercise challenge. Hope ceejay, you're cool with starting us off? Do these weeks work for everyone? If someone wants to change, let me know. jess, i put you last so you have time to recover from running this one.

    If someone has not already done so, I'll start us a new message board today.

    I was hoping those of us doing this could move to a mail for the rest of the conversation, but I don't think you can message multiple people at once. Please someone correct me if I'm wrong.
  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 560 Member
    Regarding today's challenge: I am a born skeptic, so I read the nutrition labels before I believe anything. It sure makes choosing prepared food easier these days! Currently, I'm avoiding most processed foods by buying fresh fruits, vegetables, and meats. That's the only way I can keep my daily sodium intake at a reasonable level. I checked the DiGiorno pizza in my freezer--calorie count 400+ and 1100mg sodium /slice (1/6th pizza). I'm not sure now that I'll even be able to bring myself to eat it, since when I bought it, I wasn't paying attention to sodium.
  • ceejay000
    ceejay000 Posts: 402 Member
    So excited that so many people are into this next challenge. I have the following people who have volunteered to do challenges for the 6 weeks:
    3/14/20 ceejay000
    3/21/27 Olivia (myself)
    3/28-4/3 singer201
    4/4/10 nikki8marie
    4/11/17 roselynsy
    4/18/25 jessicamarie81

    If I missed someone who wants to contribute, let me know, we can have 2 people in 1 week, 1 to do food challenge the other to do the exercise challenge. Hope ceejay, you're cool with starting us off? Do these weeks work for everyone? If someone wants to change, let me know. jess, i put you last so you have time to recover from running this one.

    If someone has not already done so, I'll start us a new message board today.

    I was hoping those of us doing this could move to a mail for the rest of the conversation, but I don't think you can message multiple people at once. Please someone correct me if I'm wrong.

    I have a question about the challenges. Are we supposed to come up with daily challenges for the week we're assigned, or just weekly challenges? I can do the first week if it's weekly challenges, but next week is a big week for me in school, and I don't think I'll be able to keep up with daily challenges. Let me know.
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Hey everyone....hope you are all having a good weekend so far. To ceejay, I think we talked about doing 1 food challenge and 1 exercise challenge per week but it's your week so I'd say you can choose whatever you would like to do. I know we have all gotten used to the daily challenges but if I understood correctly, it's weekly challenges now to make it simple. What are everyone elses thoughts on this? I would still like to see everyone log on our message board daily for motivation and share with us any new tips, recipes, new exercises you are trying, or just tell us about your day:) We all have our down days and need to get in touch with the group for support.

    Ok we are almost to the end of this 4 week challenge and tomorrow is Sunday so we try to be easy on you. You should be so proud of yourself for sticking with the diet and exercise challenges. For most of us, we are starting to see the results. I will admit when I started this challenge, it was tough for me! I had just joined a few days before and I told Jessica we should start a challenge! I had not exercised in a long time and had been eating whatever and whenever I wanted. Bad! Now I think before I eat anything and sometimes even log the calories first before I eat it to make sure it's not too fattening. I don't sit still at work anymore, I'm always moving doing something. Wow it has made a huge difference!!! I stopped drinking my sweet tea (that I loved) and now only drink water. I have a glass or water bottle next to me all day and now crave water. Anyway, enough about me and on to the challenge.......................

    ******Sundays Challege*******
    Get the proper amount of sleep. I read the other day, that just by going to bed early and rising early, it boosts your metabolism! So ladies, make sure you are getting plenty of sleep so you will feel energized enough to get your work out done and everything else you need to do in a day. Catch those ZZZZ's:)

    ~P.S. Don't forget to set you clock forward 1 hour before hitting the bed for daylight savings time~
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    Good challenge, I'm bad about not getting enough sleep! School keeps me up late at night because that's when I can finally have peace and quiet. I need to make a point to get to bed earlier though because it's always hard to get up in the morning, my son gets up everyday at 7 AM without fail.

    Thanks for the motivation on running Olivia! I always envied runners and I'd love to do the Couch to 5K program. I believe it would be a great way to work up to running! I'm not sure about running groups in my area. I live in a small town with not a lot going on! We may be moving to a bigger city soon though and I'm looking for a great place to start running.

    Angela, I gave up my beloved sweet tea too, I didn't think I could do it but it's been surprisingly easy!
  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 560 Member
    I work until midnight, and my daily schedule now lets me usually sleep until I wake up in the morning. (When I still had kids at home, that was NOT the case!) However, I'm working tonight and need to rise a bit earlier than usual to start out on a trip tomorrow. I'll be able to get my extra sleep Sunday night.

    Since I won't be at home on Monday, I'll use Sunday's weight so I have a weight from my own scale.
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    I got us a topic started for spring into fitness challenge. Paste this link into your browser: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/191992-6-week-challenge-spring-into-fitness

    To clarify as angela said, we're going with 2 challenges for each week: 1 exercise and 1 dietary. So when it's your week you'll provide 1 of each. it's totally up to you how to do it: both challenges together in 1 post; spread it throughout the week; 1 main challenge with variations, etc; do what works for you!

    So glad that the connections we made here will carry through for another 6-weeks!
  • roselynsy
    roselynsy Posts: 128 Member
    i already have my two so ive plenty of time to tweek them lol
  • roselynsy
    roselynsy Posts: 128 Member
    HELP help HELP

    just wanted to know if you guys know how to change you start weight on this site. i lost 2lbs before finding the site and didnt really think about but now that 13lb loss is mocking me as 1 know its 15lb when i got to a stone it was a real killer and would just like to change ie cheers
  • ceejay000
    ceejay000 Posts: 402 Member
    HELP help HELP

    just wanted to know if you guys know how to change you start weight on this site. i lost 2lbs before finding the site and didnt really think about but now that 13lb loss is mocking me as 1 know its 15lb when i got to a stone it was a real killer and would just like to change ie cheers

    From your home page, click on "Check-In" at the top of the page. It'll have spaces where you can enter in your weight and measurements. Below all that, there's a link to "Edit Previous Entries." Click that, and you can change your starting weight!
  • roselynsy
    roselynsy Posts: 128 Member
    woop woop the 13 mocks me no more thankyou ceejay xx
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    Got my sleep, my hubby got up with the baby this morning and let me sleep in after the concert. So I'm well rested, until I have to get up an extra hour early tomorrow that is.

    And regarding the challenge earlier in the weekend - my new exercise was dancing. I don't do that much but it was certainly a fun way to burn cals (and have date-nights!).
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I usually do my exercising later in the evening so sleep is no issue for me; I'm exhausted by then.

    @ Olivia - thank you so much for organizing & setting up the 6-week challenge. :flowerforyou:

    To Everyone - what a successful 30-day challenge we had! I can't wait until Olivia shares with us all this week on what our total weight loss was for the 30 days. We did a great job of staying committed & keeping our posts active.

    I went onto our new 6-week challenge thread and am so excited to see all the new people who are joining us. I hope everyone can sustain for the full time; it should make it a great challenge.

    Sorry that I didn't volunteer for one of the weeks. I'll throw out an exercise & food suggestions for whomever does have a week and gets stuck with thinking of something. Exercise - for those who work - take a walk during your lunch break. Food - eat a vegetable that you haven't had in your diet from the last week.
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    No problem aab, I'm happy to get this new challenge started as this one wraps up. It'll be good to have our cohort from the 30 day challenge but also add some newbies as well!

    I'm a little worried about tomorrow's weigh-in. Sure, I danced a lot this weekend, but I also drank beer and ate burritos (which I'm sure were LOADED with salt and fat). I'm definitely retaining water and today the scale is not kind to me. But I'm drinking a lot of water and sneaking in lots of exercise and eating very healthy today being careful to really watch my sodium intake, so hopefully I'll see 174 tomorrow. That would rock my world!

    Catch you all at our final weigh-in tomorrow and on Tuesday I'll post of total loss numbers. I too am excited to see what success teamwork can bring!
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    As much as I hate having this challenge end, I'm excited for the new one!

    Tomorrows challenge:
    Just a link but a really good one:

    These workouts remind me of the 30 Day Shred which did help me see changes fast, short interval workouts with good results, just 20 minutes!
    Try them out and see!
  • hoosteen84
    hoosteen84 Posts: 14 Member
    14/2/11 - 235.4
    21/2/11 - 235.6
    28/2/11 - 233.0
    07/2/11 - 232.2
    14/3/11 - 233.0

    Overall I've done pretty rubbish this month, but at least I've lost a little bit. But on the plus size I've dropped a dress size so must be losing inches :)
  • roselynsy
    roselynsy Posts: 128 Member
    :smile: hello all i had a bad week last week but did my best to pull it back.
    my sw was 196lb my gw is 187lb
    21st 194lb
    28th 191.8
    7th 189.6
    14th 188.6
    this weeks loss 1lb
    total weight lost 7. 4lb :) not as much as i had hoped for but still a good months work

    mesurements lost in the last 30 days
    bust lost 4cm is that a good thing :)
    upper wiast S lost 5.5cm
    lower wiast B lost 5.5cm
    upper leg lost 2.5cm
    calf lost 2cm
    upper arm lost 3cm
    neck lost 1cm

    again i im really happy with my loss but gutted i slacked in the last week.
  • tatiana_13
    tatiana_13 Posts: 325
    My last weigh-in for the challenge:

    SW: 115
    CW: 114

    So, I've lost 1 pound. My goal was 6. But, at least the scale is going in the right direction! Thanks for sticking with me for the 30 days, everyone!
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    SW: 183
    CW:175 (I know the scale will say 174 tomorrow, always lose 1 lb day after weigh-in. weird)
    My initial GW for this challenge was 175, and 1/2 way through I set my sights lower, to 173, which would have been 10 lbs. But, 8 lbs in 4 weeks, I'll take it!?!?!

    Measurements are the same as last week. But here are the differences:
    neck: 14 to 13
    waist: from 42 to 39.5
    hips: from 42.5 to 40

    This challenge has been amazing, motivating and supportive beyond what I could have imagine. Thankful for the lbs lost, the health I've regained and the friendships I've made. Ready to move on the next challenge. Let's "Spring into Fitness everyone!"