30 Day Challenge Part 2



  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    I thought I'd share this link, great for grocery shopping!


    I don't know why you can't make links click-able on here but there ya go!
  • tatiana_13
    tatiana_13 Posts: 325
    What gets me motivated...well, as you all know, although I have weight loss goals...they are actually secondary to my maintenance goals. Sure, I'd like to lose 10 more pounds, but the most important goal to me is that I don't gain back the 60 that I've lost. Sixty pounds may not seem like a lot in the age of the biggest loser and folks losing 200+ pounds, but I'm a short one, so 60 pounds on me put me not only into the obese category, but pressing right up to the edge of the morbidly obese category. (Us short people don't get much wiggle room, unfortunately.) So my motivation is to remember what if felt like to be that overweight. And to look at pictures of me when I was larger. I was too young to have diagnosed health problems, but I had plenty of quality of life issues..I would sweat and breathe hard from simply walking. My joints hurt sometimes. I had chronic, year-round allergies. And buying clothes was just a nightmare (I was too fat to be petite, and too short to be "plus-sized"). I don't EVER want to go back to the person I use to be.

    Since my goal is 90% maintenance, I use MFP and the scale to keep me motivated. I continue to weigh myself weekly and use MFP to do various weight loss or fitness challenges. So, even when I don't lose much (or anything), it helps to keep me mostly on top of things. Especially during moments in my life when I'm not particularly internally motivated. Because losing weight is hard work. You really don't want to have to lose any pound more than once.
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Whew long day at work and then to come home and try to figure out something healthy to cook. I ended up doing something simple, I baked some tilapia, fixed some brown rice and had stir fried aspargus, broccoli, carrots and cauliflower. It only ended up being around 300 calories and I'm full. We are all getting healthier and making better food choices so I thought this challenge would only just benefit us even more.

    ****Thursdays Challenge*****
    Do some different type of exercise
    I know our bodies get used to the same type of exercise everyday so add a little variety to your workout. If you normally don't get your heart rate up....then try something a little harder to get your heart rate increased. Just try something different that you normally don't do. Jumping jacks, lunges, squats, dancing, running in place, sit ups, ab workouts, do the twist, just to name a few. Try an exercise that works other muscle groups or areas that maybe you haven't been working out. If you do a cardio workout normally, take a break and go for a relaxing walk. The ideas are endless. Check in tomorrow and let us know what you did different.
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    I'm pretty sure I missed some people, so if I did, please speak up.

    @ Olivia - please add me! -1

    you are added. sorry I missed you!
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    Hey, I was just realizing that we're going to start our new "Spring into Fitness Challenge" in just a few days, Monday 3/14. There have lots of great ideas floating around and I wanted to synthesize what I think the plan is so we can start moving forward.

    Details (please correct me if I'm wrong):
    ~ staring 3/14 and continuing through 4/25 (Monday after easter)
    ~ various people will each pick a week in which they will present a weekly challenge, supplemented by additional daily challenges
    ~ we'll weigh in weekly on mondays
    ~ first monday we'll state our CW, mini-challenge GW
    ~ every monday after we'll state SW, each week's weight including CW

    What did I miss or what do I have wrong????

    I will happily run the spreadsheet again tracking weights and posting weekly on Tuesdays individual and group losses.
    Here are the other things we need to do for this challenge:
    ~ Figure out who's in for taking a week to set challenges. These are the weeks:
    * 3/14-20
    * 3/21-27
    * 3/28-4/3
    * 4/4-10
    * 4/11-17
    * 4/18-24 (with the assumption we end 4/25)
    ~ someone to set up the new message board with the challenge details, that way we can get some newbies into our challenge
    ~ someone to keep track of who take each week and remind them when it's their challenge week (we don't want anyone forgetting on us)

    I'd like to take the week of 3/21, b/c I'll be on spring break (and staying home with my little one) so I'll have some time to research, get ideas, etc and it'll help keep me on track when I'm home and surrounded by temptations, instead of at work when I only have set portions.

    So excited for the next challenge coming up!
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Good morning~
    Olivia, that sounds great. Someone had pointed out that our challenge should run to the 16th since there were only 28 days last month but I think ending on Monday would be fine. What does everyone else think?
    Also, we will only be doing weekly challenges so we will need some volunteers. I think this next challenge will run for 6 weeks so we only need 5 more people to volunteer to do challenges since Olivia has chosen a week. Although me and Jessica have enjoyed posting challenges, we would like to see some fresh new ideas. We would like to see everyone continue this journey with us:)
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    Olivia that does sounds great! You are on this!
    I think ending Monday would be fine too. I'm proud of me and Angela for doing this challenge, it hasn't been easy thinking up challenges every other day so I'll be glad when we get a break! :) This challenge has been so motivating though and I can't wait till the next one! We need volunteers to keep things up and running.

    I wanted to share something today for those of you who might be feeling discouraged. Even though the scale isn't moving fast enough for you, just take heart in knowing that your body is getting so much better. I've seen people who weigh 200 pounds in better shape and more toned than some people who weigh 120. It's not about the scales sometimes but about the way you look and feel. The scale is just a number. So if you didn't meet your goal this round, it's ok. Keep on doing what you're doing and continue to push yourself and you'll get the results you've been desiring! Even though I'm not going to reach my goal this challenge it's ok because the way I feel is spectacular, I feel so great and have much more confidence, and dare I say it? SEXIER! LOL!
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Jessica it's great to feel sexier......you go girl:) It is sure a huge confident builder when you are losing weight and toning up. Sometimes it is hard to not discouraged (admit it we all get discouraged) but that is when you need to log on here more often to get the encouragement and support you need. I'll admit my husband is supportive but not supporting in the confidence building I need. I get that from all of you! So ready for this next challenge and what we are going to accomplish in this next 6 weeks! Cheers to all of us and a much sexier body with attitude:)
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    I know I've felt unstoppable after a good workout and daily now, I'm even thinking of taking up running or jogging, I've never been a runner even though I've always wanted to be! I couldn't even put me and running in the same sentence before. My fiance is supportive too but like you Angela, he's not 100% because he hasn't changed his lifestyle any active-wise, only with the healthy stuff I'm force feeding him sometimes, lol.
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Exactly Jessica. I make my crew eat what I do and most of time and they don't complain but last night I was baking fish and my teenage son wanted his fried so I did. Anyhow, they are going to get healthier right with me even if they don't want to!! I've stopped buying ANY types of sweets only buying fruit which my hubby loves but every now and then he will ask where are the cakes? Not having that temptation in my house! Ha sorry but he will have to get that out somewhere away from me!!! Just too hard to resist that junk crap sometimes and my willpower lately has been really strong but still...........out of sight , out of mind:)
  • walkforever
    Today is hard, ive already eaten my usual calorie limit and its not even dinner yet! a friend is visiting from out of town and so we will probably go out to dinner tonight (and probably drinking too) so im really hoping that I can stay strong and committed and eat reasonable portions.

    maybe ill get a chance to do a quick workout but im not sure...

    ah todays rough... but TGIF!
  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 560 Member
    I'll take the week of Mar 28 - Apr 3 for the Spring into Fitness Challenge.

    Today I'm going to try adding some strength exercises to my workout. It's dry today, so also going to get my 30 minutes of walking done.
  • nikki8marie
    nikki8marie Posts: 107 Member
    Put me down for a week too. I don't really have a preference for when though. A little added responsibility might be just the thing to kick me in gear. As for my motivations, I just want to be healthy. I keep hearing about all these health risks to obese people. I'm 24, I don't want to have to worry about diabetes. I also want to be a good mother and wife one day. I figure since I'm kinda in a holding pattern waiting for grad school replies this is a good time to work on me.
  • roselynsy
    roselynsy Posts: 128 Member
    im happy to do a week aswell dont mind when:happy:
  • ceejay000
    ceejay000 Posts: 402 Member
    I don't know how many people have responded, but I'll take a week... don't really care when I guess. Another idea - we could do multiple weekly challenges if we have enough volunteers. Perhaps one food and one exercise challenge? Just a thought.
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Ceejay,If I counted correctly I believe that you are volunteer #5. One food and one exercise challenge sounds great to me. The more challenges the better:) Hope everyone has a great low calorie weekend for the weigh in on Monday:)
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    I love the idea of coupling food and exercise challenges. Keep the ideas coming ladies. This new challenge is really going to be a great extension of this on!
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    I'm loving the ideas too! I've seen lots of different challenges around this site, such as walking challenges and such, it doesn't matter which week I do either.
    Oh, for the different kind of exercise I did today for the challenge, I did some jumping jacks while my son was taking a bath, I hate those things but it was different from the norm, lol.

    Ok for Saturdays challenge, it's a little lengthy and mostly info:

    Be informed! How many times have you went grocery shopping and looked at food products and packaging that claimed to be "all natural"? Those buzz words like "natural", "sugar free", etc. I've become one of those grocery store label readers and have seen where it's so easy to become misinformed. I have some good links for you to take a look at. Baked chips are not as healthy as you think. Yes, they're lower in fat. But they're still high in calories and low in nutrients, with little fiber to fill you up.

    Smarter Sub: Popcorn
    You'll get the salt and crunch of chips plus fiber, and around 65% fewer calories per cup. Look for oil-free microwave popcorn or brands that are air-popped or popped in healthful oils such as olive or canola.
    Health Bonus: Heart-healthy whole grains
    Adults who eat popcorn take in as much as 2 1/2 times more whole grains than people who do not, according to a recent study published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association.

    Another thing is vitamin water, I was raving about SOBE Life Water only to find out its not as innocent as I thought:

    Think I will stick to my plain ole water, no added artificial stuff for me. My cousin Angela informed me that our bodies do not even know the difference between regular or artificial sugar! Diet cokes, etc..should be taken in moderation. I picked up 3 SOBE Lifewaters and yes they were good but I believe they will not become an every day thing, just an occasional treat.

    This link from prevention.com is a good eye opener too and is very helpful when choosing the right things:

    So now we are adding fuel to the fire when it comes to the difficulties of eating healthy! But it's good to be informed so we can have healthy, sustainable weight loss. I don't want to do anything to jeopardize my weight loss.
    I just want to make sure I'm choosing the healthiest options. Advertisers will say anything to get you to spend your money. They know a lot of people are into eating healthy now and will say anything to get you to buy their "natural" products.
    SO tomorrows challenge is to read up so you will be in the know. If you have ever been fooled before then please share with us!
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    All this is soooo true and another thing I've noticed is that if the product is low on something, you can be sure they added something extra to it. I read all labels now! If it says low fat or low cal, check the label against the regular brand and usually there is very little difference and usually has higher sodium and the calorie difference isn't that much. If I'm going to pay a higher price for something, then it had better be healthier!! Just read the labels and you might be surprised. Also talking about reading the labels, check ingredients and if sugar is listed in the top few ingredients then it might not be something you want to buy. I'm amazed at how many items contain sugar . Great challenge Jessica to make us all aware:)
  • roselynsy
    roselynsy Posts: 128 Member
    walkers quavers 88 cals (not bad for a packet of crisp) maybe ill have that as a treat, NO MORE theres 4.9 grams of fat per pack.
    walkers have a whole range where they put the cals of the front of packets and its easy to think they are not to bad for you.