SAHM 2/28-3/6



  • KC1206
    KC1206 Posts: 90 Member
    Hey Ladies!! Sorry I was MIA yesterday…I had marathon meetings…one in the morning and then I was home for about 2 hours and then I was off to the gym for step class and then straight back to work for an evening program I had to lead a part of. I ended up meeting my base calorie goal, but there was no way that I could have eaten back all of my exercise calories—or even come close. Oh well.

    Welcome to Jess and Heather!

    Amy—I can’t wait for Army Wives either! I didn’t get into it for a while, but now I am totally hooked.

    Christi—So sorry to hear about your husband leaving earlier than you had thought. I can feel your pain—I am a military wife too. It always seems to get SO hectic and overwhelming right before they leave. You can get through this! HUGS!!

    Barb—Good luck with your weigh in! I have totally felt like this week has been dragging….I am going out of town tomorrow though, so I think that is part of it for me though. I have had a busy week, but that hasn’t seemed to help.

    I leave super early tomorrow morning for CT to celebrate my Gram’s 88th birthday, so I probably won’t be on a lot until Sunday when we come back. I hope everyone has a great couple of days.

    OH! I mentioned earlier this week about the bathroom renovation that DH and I did last weekend. We finally finished last night! YAY!
  • clcole522
    clcole522 Posts: 68 Member
    WOW...I just took a new class tonight at my gym...Called Cardio Fusion! And it was a great workout, burnt just about 600 calories in that hour... Its a cardio workout mixed with a variety of strength training through a variety of modalities, kick boxing, stablility ball, just basic aerobics..It was awesome! I am thinking if I haven't been taking Body Pump for the last 4 weeks, I would be waking up very sore tomorrow.... I did find some of the exercises tweaked my lower back, I have a bad lower back....Have to find some modification for some of them...But its a class I will be going back to....

    Hope everyone had a great Thursday...YaY to Friday.... :)

    Good Night Mom's
  • EverythingCubbies
    EverythingCubbies Posts: 172 Member
    Katie M - WOW, what a jerk, I think eventually he will show his true colors to his Bishop unless he's really good at sucking up. Sounds like you MIL has a good plan to attend therapy, I'm so happy she is seeing him for who he is and won't accept it anymore. Just remember that often when someone goes through a split up they go through similar stages that a person mourning goes through. Praying she stays strong and utilizes the support she has w/your family. Our babies are close in age, mine just turned 17 months and I can't believe how much he's changes in such a short time. I'll probably cry when he turns 2, he "might" be our last one so I'm savoring all his "baby" moments.

    Heather - It happens and you did what we should all remember to do, stick with it. There are going to be bad days, plateau days and good days but no matter what if we stay the course we will see the fruit of our labor. Good job!! I hope you rock the scale next week.

    Cat - That class sounds awesome! What a great combo of workouts mixed into one. Do you use a HR monitor? I was so excited b/c my dad had one for me to use but it tells your current h/r and not how many cals you burned. He doesn't have the manual so I'm going to google it to see if that's a feature I can program on it.

    KC - YAY someone to talk Army Wives with. I love it and can't wait for it to start Sunday. There isn't much on Sunday nights so that's how I first found it and I've been hooked since the first episode. Have a safe and fun trip!!

    Barb - Hope you have a great weigh in today!!

    Stacey - Maybe we should start a H2O drinking challenge on here, I'm also having to constantly remind myself to drink, drink, drink. I did great yesterday but it's hit and miss with me.

    AJ - Hope AF is being kinder to ya today.

    It didn't rain last night as predicted so I got a late C25K walk/jog in and again I did an extra lap at the end and it felt great. I'm so happy to be jogging again, I had no idea how much I missed it. One thing I do need to buy is a new sports bra, the two fitted ones I have are too small and too big. The small one is from my slimmer days and the bigger one is from right after I had my first son and I was still nursing. Hope to get one this weekend along with some heavier weights. No plans yet this weekend but glad to have some time for R&R. Anyone doing anything fun this weekend?
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!

    clcole-Glad you found a new class to keep things fresh and interesting!

    KC102-Have a great time celebrating with your Grandma, so nice that you could be there!

    Barb-Good luck on your weigh in!

    Stacey-I've considered putting my scale away as well, I don't get upset if it goes up a little but I am a little OCD about it.

    KatieM-Glad your MIL left. I'm sure her husband has told all kinds of lies to the Bishop to get them to convince your MIL to come back. I went through something like this with my first husband. We went to the minister first, begged me to go with him the next time then the minister wanted to see me privately after that. It was at that time he told me that yes I needed to leave but he didn't think my husband was stable enough to tell HIM that during the session. What a mess it was. I hope you MIL stays strong and doesn't give in to the pressure from her husband or the Bishop. Getting a good taste of what it feels like to have the freedom to be yourself and feel safe is a good thing for her. You are wonderful people to help her at this time. A lot of other people don't want to get involved in a situation like this.

    I've done well this week, a workout everyday. Yesterday I did Zumba at home then took the girls to the zoo for a few hours. Will head to the gym today to get some more lifting in and cardio as well. Considering trying the Zumba class at the gym tomorrow morning, the teacher I had the first time wasn't very good so that was frustrating. I am losing little by little which is good but I want to get past 137 (currently 138.2) that is the lowest I've been in the past 4 years. Last time I was that low there was a lot of stress in my life and I literally wasn't eating. To get there the right way would be awesome!

  • mamato4boys1girl
    I haven't had a chance to catch up on everything yet but thank you all for the nice words. I know I can do this I've done it before but it's that last week before he leaves that always gets to me for some reason. Speaking of, there a a ton of things we want to do before he leaves so I have a feeling this next weeks workouts may be few and far inbetween. I know once he is gone I will get back to "my" routine and back to working out better but I am betting this next week will be bad. On that note I didn't workout yesterday, ate McDonalds for lunch & made tacos for dinner then wouldn't you know it my scale actually went down this morning. Haha I swear I have no clue, I workout & watch what I eat and nothing then I have a "bad" day and the next morning my weight finally goes down a little. So I promise I am going to jump on when I can & try to stay caught up & I will be checking on everyone but don't be surprised if you don't hear much from me until next Friday. Hope everyone has a great weekend.
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    ♫ ♪ ☼ Walking on sunshine ☼ ♫ ♪ And DON”T IT FEEL GOOD!!! ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪I feel alive, I feel alive I feel alive!! ♫ ♪ Walking on sunshine baby!! ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ And DON”T IT FEEL GOOD!!! ♫ ♪ ♥♥♥

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I lost 2.4 lbs this week!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Check in this week was nice to me! :laugh:

    I'm so glad the weekend has finally arrived!!! How is everyone's day going so far?

    Got a small workout in this morning. Hoping to get some cleaning done now, then wait for my daughter to get home from school so we can start her robot project for school.....and then another workout tonight!

    I'll be back probably after lunch to check in with everyone. Have a great day!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • randi50
    randi50 Posts: 112
    Been a little busy, so hard to get in the swing of the board ;)

    Barb~way to go!!! Keep up the good work!
    Holly~You can totally do it and get to 137! Wonderful that you are doing it healthy and it isn't caused by stress this time! :)
    DJJW~I have a terrible body image :( Hopefully getting this weight off will help!

    Hi to everyone else, I just kind of jumped in on this page again!

    Wed was our anniversary and I had to work so DH took off Thurs and we went to the lake. VERY NICE. We didn't have a sitter for Kaden so we took him too. He did great, I was less than optimistic that i would have a stress free time on the boat with him, but he did awesome! :)
  • swtchrypie
    Happy Friday Ladies! Sorry I have been MIA! Today has been a crazy keep me moving kinda one. Nothing bad just go, go, GO! Andi has an explosion diaper and then we had a chocolate milk incident. haha so needless to say we are cleaning up today.

    CONGRATS to all the loses in weight! Super exciting for all the good workouts! Sorry I am making this short I am going to get everything organized around here.

    Have a a wonderful Friday ladies!!!
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Aww, happy anniversary, Randi! I'm glad you had a good time.

    Barb, WTG!

    Christi, I think sometimes being a little "bad" with our diet can help jump-start the metabolism. Yay for you!
  • DJJW
    DJJW Posts: 519 Member
    Blue!! WTG! What a great weightloss!

    Randi- Happy Anniversary!! We always end up taking our kids to dinner:) But it always ends up nice.

    It looks so nice outside but not yet warm. But I can see my ROAD!!! I know it sounds crazy, but I haven't seen it since November. So I think I will celebrate with the kids remembering that they have bikes. LOL. Not to mention that the entire yard looks like a swamp with all of the melting.
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Been a little busy, so hard to get in the swing of the board ;)

    Barb~way to go!!! Keep up the good work!
    Holly~You can totally do it and get to 137! Wonderful that you are doing it healthy and it isn't caused by stress this time! :)
    DJJW~I have a terrible body image :( Hopefully getting this weight off will help!

    Hi to everyone else, I just kind of jumped in on this page again!

    Wed was our anniversary and I had to work so DH took off Thurs and we went to the lake. VERY NICE. We didn't have a sitter for Kaden so we took him too. He did great, I was less than optimistic that i would have a stress free time on the boat with him, but he did awesome! :)

    Happy Belated Anniversary!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    randi-Happy Anniversary! How long have you been married?

  • PNCTink
    PNCTink Posts: 232 Member
    Glad you had a nice anniversary, Randi! :)

    We're back now and I'm beat. Heading to bed in a minute because we barely slept while we were gone. Good news from the doctor is that I have another gallstone in the common bile duct and not pancreatitis. Woo hoo! I did manage to jog in the living room for 25 minutes today, but didn't get my routine in because the batteries in the Wii remote died and we don't have anymore. I go shopping tomorrow. :)

    I hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • Victorious_One
    Victorious_One Posts: 174 Member
    Thanks for the advice and encouragement regarding taking a job (it's a few pages back on the thread).

    I decided to back out of my interview and not to pursue the job. I really believe that God will work the money situation out, and that being at home with my daughter is most important right now. She's a middle schooler, so she's not a baby (she's just MY baby!). Some people think that only little kids need their moms full time, but I know from having been a latchkey middle schooler myself that ALL kids of any age can benefit greatly from the frequent presence of loving, active parents at every stage of their development.

    So...that means that I need to get to pouring myself into my online business! I will be sharing more about it soon.

    As far as my weight goes, I've been on total nutrition by IV for about five weeks. I found out recently that it usually makes people gain about 25 lbs. Yowza! So far, I've only gained about 5-7 lbs. That's a huge blessing! That means that my weight loss surgery is doing its job, and doing it well. I am trying not to focus on the scale, but to instead focus on the balance of what I'm eating--making sure I'm hitting the goals in my signature. Water is the hardest thing to me because my IV nutrition is all fluids for 12 hours. I feel like I'm waterlogged! I'm craving carbs like crazy, too, and that's its own monster. Hopefully my blood work will be normal in the next few weeks and I will be able to get off the IV and get back to fitness.
  • randi50
    randi50 Posts: 112
    Glad you had a nice anniversary, Randi! :)

    We're back now and I'm beat. Heading to bed in a minute because we barely slept while we were gone. Good news from the doctor is that I have another gallstone in the common bile duct and not pancreatitis. Woo hoo! I did manage to jog in the living room for 25 minutes today, but didn't get my routine in because the batteries in the Wii remote died and we don't have anymore. I go shopping tomorrow. :)

    I hope everyone has a great weekend!

    I had pancreatitis a couple years ago! SOOOO painful! Needless to say, I no longer have a gallbladder. FEEL soooo much better!!! I went over a year having terrible pain!

    We have been married 10 years! :)

    Got a sick little one today :( Thinking an Urgent Care trip may be in store. Not sure why my kids always want to get sick at night and on a weekend.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Nicole, it sounds like you've made the decision that will work out best for your family. Good for you for thinking it through and not rushing into anything. I don't think either decision would have been wrong, but you know what's best for your family. God will get you through it. :) Can I ask why you're on IV nutrition? I must have missed it if you mentioned it already. Or feel free to ignore me if it's none of my business. :)

    Randi, I hope the kiddo feels better! They do always seem to get sick on a Friday night, don't they? Mine always do. Take care.

    Tomorrow we're going to a church in the next town over to watch the kids from the Lutheran school there perform a play. We're considering the school and were invited to the play. I'm nervous about this school decision -- the public school in our town isn't the awesomest, but the winters get really bad here and the only other options for us are at least 20 minutes away. (There's a Catholic elementary in town, but we're not Catholic, so that's not something we want to pursue.) So if we do choose one of the out-of-town Lutheran schools, I worry about driving in the winter. I've been praying about it, but I just can't get comfortable with any of the options we have. I'd just homeschool, except I know that C would not be happy with that. She needs to get away from me -- she needs that validation of knowing that other adults think she's a good kid, not just us, if that makes sense. And I didn't realize that we need to decide before March 15 to opt out of the local school district. Nobody told us until I just happened to hear about it last week. So I'm stressing.

    In better news though, I'm only about 5.5 pounds away from being in a "normal" weight range. That makes me happy. Still wearing all the same clothing, BUT I'm not feeling like my jeans are about to eat my hips off by evening. :laugh: I really should have been wearing at least one size up. I took some new pics yesterday and they renewed my hope of abs by 30. I think I can make it. :)

    Have a great Saturday everybody!
  • kat2475
    kat2475 Posts: 159 Member
    I would love to join in. My name is Katrina. I'm a 36 year old SAHM in MI to 2 girls (23 mo. and 3.5 years.) Lately I am seriously lacking motivation but have about 70 pounds to lose.
  • DJJW
    DJJW Posts: 519 Member
    Hi katchez- welcome

    aj- schools are such a stress!! I don't even have one in school yet! You'll "know" where to take them. Just ask the man upstairs.

    Randi- so hope your little one feels better!

    victorious- I had a parent at home for most of my life...kept me out of ALOT of trouble.

    Just going to try to enjoy the weekend. Hubby is working today. Would like to have 2 days off in a row.....too bad.
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Hi Foley! Sorry about the plateau, have you tried switing up your routine?

    Swtchrypie ~ Loose dogs scare to crap out of me! My neighborhood is pretty good, and a lot of times I just go on a bike path.

    Amy ~ The dog never returned after we left, I was going to call if he was still here...

    DJ ~ I still have a horrible self-image. Like this new picture I have up? I don't see the skinny but I've gotten so many comments about how great I look and how far I've come. Why don't I see it?? :cry: Let's see the pictures, and I bet you we think you look fabulous!

    Heather ~ Sorry about the gain, but great job about going to the gym instead of drowning the sorrows in food, that's a huge victory! WAY TO GO!

    Stacey ~ LOL!! You are so funny, what do you say Katie? Maybe we could make some money?? ;-P

    KC ~ Hope you are having a fabulous weekend! Congrats on finishing the bathroom, you should post pics!

    Clcole ~ That sounds like an awesome workout!! How did you feel yesterday?

    Barb ~ Congrats on your loss!!

    Randi ~ 10 years? Congrats girlie, somehow I missed this on FB LOL! Hope Kaden (??is that who is sick?) Feels better!

    Victorious ~ Glad you were able to come to a decision!

    AJ ~ Sorry about having make tough school decisions :( So what workouts are you doing to get your abs by 30? I'm starting to see a little more definition on top, you know, on the sides where there is less that makes me happy! LOL

    Welcome Katrina!!

    Yesterday was a comfort food kind of day, and for those on my friends list, yes I actually tracked it! I did a double workout today to make up for it :) Surprisingly was only up a half pound this morning! Now I'm going to spend the rest of the afternoon on the couch in front of the fire...wish this rain would go away!
  • PNCTink
    PNCTink Posts: 232 Member
    Randi-It is!! I developed it AFTER I had my gallbladde removed because I still had a couple of stones in the bile duct. Last winter they removed the first and never told me about the second. The specialist was confused as to why they didn't remove that one as well, but I'm just happy to know my pancreas is ok. I've been following a strict pancreatitis diet, so it's nice to know I'll be able to eat eggs again and have the occassional alcoholic if I want to. The pain for me was worse than being in labor!

    AJ-Sorry to hear you're stressed on the school decision, but yay! for feeling better and almost being in the normal weight range!

    Welcome Katrina!

    Katie-At least you made it up! Enjoy the fire this afternoon/evening! We've had a wintry mix here today, but the temperature is near 40 so I had the windows open most of the day! :)

    I was doing pretty well with my foods today until DH came home with chips and dip and cookies! Gah!! I'm doing well with eating just one serving, but I really need to work on cutting it down to half if I'm going to partake. I did 20 minutes of jogging with the Wii today, and will probably do 20 more, plus my routine after the kids (and DH) go to bed tonight. I need to make up for the chips and cookies.