SAHM 2/28-3/6



  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Welcome Katrina!

    Katie, I'm not exactly sure what I'm doing to get abs by 30. :laugh: Seriously. I'm doing a lot of core workouts so I don't lose muscle mass from that area, and doing a little at-home strength stuff to help me burn the fat. I'm planning to get some kind of weights to use at home when I get a little stronger. I'm not sure if I'm going about it the right way, but I'm doing what I'm capable of doing right now. Hopefully it'll work!

    Tink, don't worry about that one serving of chips and cookies -- at least you tried to be mindful! That's something. And yay you for taking responsibility and doing the extra workouts. :)

    My husband is currently making indoor s'mores with our daughter. Argh!
  • swtchrypie
    Hey katrina welcome!

    Aj~ I completely understand about the homeschooling issue, I was having an OCD breakdown last night when I realized I had to send my son to school and I knew that homeschooling wouldn't work out for his personality. Keep praying God will give you peace in which decision is right.

    Randi~ I am so sorry the little one is sick! I hope that they feel better soon!!!

    Katie~ LOVE the new pic!!!!! and OH a fire would be nice at my house! We had the heater turned off for the past few days cause it was so nice outside then today we left for the day and it didn't get out of the 30's so our house was like 65 when we got home, chillily!

    So today was a really nice day. We had a family day and went up to St. louis. We walked the mall and some shops. I put my little girl in the mobi wrap so I carried her for a good "work out" haha. Then we split a dinner.

    I also have GREAT motivation for right now to get in good shape my best friend is getting married and I am in the wedding. She choose really amazing wedding dresses!!!! I am SUPER excited!

    Ok ladies off to take care of my lil monkies!! I hope everyone is having a great weekend!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Swtchry, I have to laugh because I keep our house at 67 in the winter! 65 wouldn't feel that bad to me. with the fire going It was like 80...LOL Yay for being in the wedding! What does the dress look like? The new pic is me in my bridesmaid dress, it came yesterday, the wedding is in May. I'm a bit irritated though because I custom ordered it, added an inch to the waist, and it is still a little snug. And the shoulder straps are too long...grr! Hoping they at least refund me the custom sizing charge. I do look great in it though!

    Aj ~ I need to get better at core work, and really focus on doing it every other day...maybe that's what I'll do tomorrow :)
  • EverythingCubbies
    EverythingCubbies Posts: 172 Member
    Swtchrypie - hahaha, 65 sounds pretty good to me, I also keep my house at 67 most days. I was born during a blizzard so my mom always jokes that it's in my blood. ;) When is your BFFs wedding?

    Katie - Great pic and you look smokin in that dress. I'd so be *****in for a refund if they didn't size it right. Maybe then you can have someone local do the straps if they are too long for you. The color is beautiful.

    Randi - Congrats on 10 years! Sorry about the sick kiddo. I agree, they always get sick on the weekend/at night or my favorite is when they have a high temp for several days and then when you take them in it's all of sudden gone until you get back home and then it magically shoots thru the roof again.

    AJ - We are in the same boat with school. The school system here is so weird but private around here is expensive (most school are over 7K per kid/year). I'm actually touring a Lutheran school next week, hope they are a bit more reasonable but it stinks that it's a bit of a drive for me. We won't know what public school we got in until May so we plan on having a back up incase we don't get one of our top two choices. There is an awesome Christian school right by us but I'm not sure how we would manage tuition once both boys are in school.

    Nicole - Mmmmmmmmm chips and cookies, hahaha. Man, our hubbies all need man camp so they can learn to stop torturing us. That would be like wearing your birthday suit around the house and then saying oh sorry honey, I was just cooling off, I don't want to get it on tonight.

    AJ - You'll totally have some ripped abs by 30, you are working so hard. Have you checked on the success stories board? Maybe someone there has a good DVD they can recommend.

    I was bummed that I couldn't C25K tonight b/c of rain but I think it'll be nicer tomorrow. Might be a bit cold but I can handle that. I'm in desperate need of going to the grocery so I plan on doing that before or after church. We even ran out of salt and hubby doesn't do too well without his two staples: salt and diet coke. I don't even have any pita bread left so I was just staring at my hummus dreaming of eating it. Good news is all the fruits and veggies were gone, I use to always throw some away each week but lately they are all gone. YAHOO! My oldest even asked for specific fruits and veggies from the store. He's pretty picky so I'm happy to p/u his special "good nutrition" choices. :)
  • Victorious_One
    Victorious_One Posts: 174 Member
    Stupid computer--I typed a whole book, and then *poof* it was gone! :explode: If it double-posts somewhere, that's what happened.

    AJBeans - I'm on IV nutrition because I had severe vomiting for about 7 months after my weight loss surgery. No one knows why. It was never food coming up, always stomach bile. I couldn't/didn't want to eat, which made me malnourished: the vomiting only added to the lack of nourishment. I went into protein malnutrition, so they had to put me on an IV (TPN for you medical types). It's not a common side effect of surgery at all, but it does happen on occasion. People get back to normal nutrition 100% of the time, but it just takes a while. I'm going into my 6th week on it, and I anticipate my doctors will want to keep me on it for another 6 weeks or so. The nutrients in the IV make you gain weight, so there's precious little point of me being on a scale. ~ On another note, I hear you about home school! It's so great for some kids and families, but for others, not so much. It would never work for my daughter and me! She really needs the school environment.

    DJJW - Thanks for the validation about being a kid at home with a parent! I tell you, I could have stayed out of a lot of trouble with some supervision. It wasn't so bad in high school because I had a job, but middle school...oy. :bigsmile:

    Katapple - I had a comfort food day, too! Everyone needs it occasionally. Logging that stuff in was a nightmare for me.

    PNC - NICOLE! :happy: It sounds like you have a plan for dealing with snacks. Let us know how it works out for you--we're all looking for strategies that work, I'm sure. With me, no snack is safe! :laugh:

    Swtchrypie - I rarely see an amazing, fashionable bridesmaid dress, so you have to post pictures!! Your bride loves you guys if she did that for you. All my bridesmaid dresses were a nightmare. You ever see that move, 27 Dresses? Yeah...:bigsmile:


    I found a church locally that has Saturday evening services. We went last night, so I'm playing hooky from my home church today. I LOVE Saturday services! Our old church in Florida had them, and I went all the time. I really like the church we're in now, but they only have services on Sundays. I'm having a rare, "unexcused" absence today. :happy:

    No walking for me today--it's rainy! Great napping weather. I'm going to use housework as today's exercise.

    Have a great Sunday, everyone!
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Swtchrypie, my kids LIVED in the wrap when they were babies. Best idea ever! I want pics of this dress too. :)

    Katie, that's so irritating about your dress! But you'll lose that inch anyway. No problem. :) And you DO look great in it, if that's the dress in your picture.

    Amy, I hope you guys can find a school that works for you too. Ugh, why do these things have to be so difficult? YAY for an empty produce drawer! :) I love when that happens. Doesn't happen too often around here, but we're throwing away less and less every week. Usually if we throw something away, it's because I forgot I bought it -- I've wasted two delicious packages of broccoli that way. Bummer.

    Nicole, that sounds miserable. :( I hope the next few weeks pass quickly for you and you can get back to normal living. I've never been to Saturday services anywhere -- I don't think Lutherans do that. :laugh: We did decide to do 8 am instead of 10:30 though, because by the time 10:30 rolls around, we're just SO lazy and dont' want to go. 8 works better, even if it does make early morning a bit more hectic.

    I'm wearing size 6 pants. :happy: Of course, they're Ann Taylor, so they're vanity sized, but whatever. :laugh: I'm just happy I can wear them because now I have something nice to wear to church! I was too fat for my church pants and was wearing jeans. Ick. Today I wanted to take a walk but it's freezing cold outside, so I guess I'll send the kiddos to the basement to play and I'll do a long workout. I'm feeling extra motivated lately, and I don't want to waste that energy!

    Have a great Sunday!
  • swtchrypie
    Katie & Amy~ ohh my hubby would love y'all! Haha I was born in Phoenix so I hate being cold and some days the 74 degrees we keep our house is too cold for me. When we lived in Hawaii my hubby had the at on at 64 everyday. I LIVED in sweats! ( I don't think our ac actually kept it that cold but it was still very chilly for me! )

    Amy~ I hope that the weather is nice outside for you to do your C25k today!!!

    Victorious_one~ I was lucky, my friends wedding is in Vegas and she wants awesome dresses! Plus I was really nice to the with my brides maid dresses. So she is returning the favor. She actually found the line she liked and let me choose the ultimate dress, which was great cause we both liked the same one!!!

    Aj~ NIIIICE size 6 pants! Oh I want size six. I am snug in my 8s and some of them are way too snug to put on.

    Well today I have been cleaning playing with the kids. Its been nice and relaxing!

    As soon as I get the dress in I will take pictures for y'all! I can not wait! AH! I found shoes I liked for it yesterday and they were AWESOME! 6 inch heals bright purple!!!! AHHHAHAHAH!!!! But there 100 bucks and right now, yeah….haha. I told my hubby even if she doesn't like them for the dress I WANT THEM! I so went shoe crazy yesterday.

    Well ladies I hope everyone had a good weekend!
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Swtchrypie, most of my pants are 8. I just got to where they actually fit comfortably -- I was wearing them, but looking back I reeeeally shouldn't have been wearing them. :( But these pants are a big 6. I have some *actual* size 6 pants that won't even come up over my butt. :laugh:
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Amy ~ Yes, I have already sent them an email. They should get back to me Monday or Tuesday. Luckily my mom is pretty handy when it comes to fixing things :)

    I did try the dress on again this time using a safety pin on top to hold the zipper up, and it fits much better! I am probably going to wear my hair down so I'm thinking of adding a clear strip (like a clear bra strap) on the upper back of the dress to keep the shoulders from sliding off. That with taking them in a little should do the trick. I love how thin my waist looks in it though!

    <<<<<----new picture of me in it :) Just need to find shoes, she said we can pick whatever we want! Trying to decide what color and is May 7th in ND, not going to be that warm, so I'm sorta not leaning towards sandals..what do you think?

    AJ ~ yeah on size 6!! I can comfortably wear an 8 now in many different brands...hopefully it's not all vanity sizing! My 10s are getting quite loose on me, gotta belt them all.

    Swtchry ~ 64 is a bit excessive in HI! LOL In the summer I keep the house at 75...I'm cheap, what can I say? 6" heals?!! my gawd, I couldn't do that. Remember, you will be standing them all day! :laugh:
  • binabodu
    binabodu Posts: 120 Member
    Hi ladies,

    Sorry I have been MIA, we have been fighting croup this week and had a very busy weekend on top of it. I have completely had an "off" weekend and feel horrible about it. Not just emotionally but physically too. I am going to just move on and try to get a workout in and a salad for dinner. Tomorrow is a new day.

    Now to go back and try to catch up before the new thread tomorrow.
  • randi50
    randi50 Posts: 112
    Randi-It is!! I developed it AFTER I had my gallbladde removed because I still had a couple of stones in the bile duct. Last winter they removed the first and never told me about the second. The specialist was confused as to why they didn't remove that one as well, but I'm just happy to know my pancreas is ok. I've been following a strict pancreatitis diet, so it's nice to know I'll be able to eat eggs again and have the occassional alcoholic if I want to. The pain for me was worse than being in labor!

    AJ-Sorry to hear you're stressed on the school decision, but yay! for feeling better and almost being in the normal weight range!

    Welcome Katrina!

    Katie-At least you made it up! Enjoy the fire this afternoon/evening! We've had a wintry mix here today, but the temperature is near 40 so I had the windows open most of the day! :)

    I was doing pretty well with my foods today until DH came home with chips and dip and cookies! Gah!! I'm doing well with eating just one serving, but I really need to work on cutting it down to half if I'm going to partake. I did 20 minutes of jogging with the Wii today, and will probably do 20 more, plus my routine after the kids (and DH) go to bed tonight. I need to make up for the chips and cookies.

    YES MUCH worse than labor!!! Terrible!! My dr squirted something in my duct and did some sort of xray or something durig the surgery to make sure there wasn't any stones in the duct. I had to be in the hossy for liek 3 days on liquid diet before I could get my surgery while the enzyme levels went down. MISERABLE! I had NEVER been away from my kids. It was so hard, I would just cry and cry if I thought about my kids. They came and saw me once, and Karson was scared. It was just bad. :(
  • PNCTink
    PNCTink Posts: 232 Member
    YES MUCH worse than labor!!! Terrible!! My dr squirted something in my duct and did some sort of xray or something durig the surgery to make sure there wasn't any stones in the duct. I had to be in the hossy for liek 3 days on liquid diet before I could get my surgery while the enzyme levels went down. MISERABLE! I had NEVER been away from my kids. It was so hard, I would just cry and cry if I thought about my kids. They came and saw me once, and Karson was scared. It was just bad. :(
    They knew about my second one, but didn't remove it and didn't tell me about it. I guess I should have requested the report. I was on IV for two days and then liquid diet the third day. I was released that day too. DD still has MAJOR seperation anxiety from it and I hadn't been gone from my kids either. It's sad. We decided to not have them visit because we knew DD would scream when it was time to leave.

    As for serving sizes on snacks, it's simple for me. If I eat too much it makes me really sick. I'm on a really low fat diet right now because of the gallstone.

    Katie-The dress looks great!!

    I also wore both my kids in wraps, and they were a life-saver! I will be wearing DS at the airport when we go to England in September because I don't want to have to deal with a stroller as well as two Radians and a walking DD. If she weighed less I would probably wear her too. LOL!

    We keep our house at 70 in the winter because if it's any lower we get condensation on all of our windows. The ac is turned to 72 in the summer, but last year we didn't put them in until mid-July.

    Bina-WB. I hope everyone starts to feel better in your house and you are able to get back on track.

    I ended up in bed early last night so I didn't eat dinner. That helped with the snack calories. I haven't had a chance to workout yet today, but plan to tonight after the kids go to bed.
  • randi50
    randi50 Posts: 112
    Thanks all! Kaden is feeling much better, went to sleep easily tonight. He sounds a lot better!

    Hi, Katrina, welcome!
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Hello all, I would love to join :D

    I am a single SAHM of two small ones, A almost nine year old girl and a 15month old boy. I have been on this site for ages and strangly only learned today what SAHM meant, hence why I have never looked in here before. I always thought it was one of those dodgy pay for diets lol. Anyway, I am about halfway to goal and need all the motivation I can get :)
  • LilOlMe69
    LilOlMe69 Posts: 89 Member
    Hello! Would love to join this great group!

    I am a SAHM of 13yrs, to two teenagers! I think I'm more stressed out now than when they were little ones!

    I retired from Alaska Airlines,in Seattle in 1998, and have LOVED being with my kids ever since!

    Hoping with all this support I can reach my goal weight by May! :)
  • EverythingCubbies
    EverythingCubbies Posts: 172 Member
    Welcome ladies, glad you found this group. :happy:

    Katie - Hmmm, I :heart: shoes so I'd probably get two pairs to take. One sandal and one peep toe heel in a chocolate brown. I've been in two wedding were the weather was the opposite of what I was expecting so I've learned to have two shoes and two wrap/coat options just in case. That dress is great, it's not often you actually get a bridesmaid dress than can truely be worn again. Your stomach looks so flat, great job!!

    I did two workouts today and am so proud. :bigsmile: The weather was spotty so I did 30DS after breakfast and then this evening it was nice enoug to do C25K. It's been a great day!! Well, I actually had a third workout today but :blushing: I ain't listing that. :smokin:

    Have a wonderful Monday morning!
  • BrookeEspinosa
    Hey. My name is Brooke. I am a stay at home mom, and couch potato. My daughter is almost two. This is my third time to try MFP. Hopefully, this time I will stick with it. I lost about 20 lbs last year, only to gain it back over the fall and winter plus a few more. I'm so glad to see other stay at home moms.
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Hey. My name is Brooke. I am a stay at home mom, and couch potato. My daughter is almost two. This is my third time to try MFP. Hopefully, this time I will stick with it. I lost about 20 lbs last year, only to gain it back over the fall and winter plus a few more. I'm so glad to see other stay at home moms.

    Hi Brooke! Join us over on the newer thread, we start a new one each week :)