Anyone fancy startin 30 day shred tmro :-)



  • Tupelo64
    Tupelo64 Posts: 36 Member
    I am starting this this tonight.. I looked and researched the calorie burn..and although it really does depend on how much you "give" during the work out.. I know I will give it 100% -why waste your time otherwise is my thinking, plus I am only really cheating myself. So after an afternoon of research. I chose 180 calories for the 20 minute work out.. there is a thread somewhere where a gal broke it down by the minute..

    So I am on board.. Good luck to all..!
  • Cheylaing
    Cheylaing Posts: 99
    was a bad girl an never done shred yesterday because i was hungover but there will be no more of that from now on....i done level 3 then 2 today but found i got bit off balance wi 3 lol ilove that eeveryone is stickin to it....few different experiences on how we'r gettin on with it but....WE CAN DO IT,well done eveyoone:flowerforyou: thats day 5 tmro already whoop whoop
  • 1RareJewel
    1RareJewel Posts: 440 Member
    How do I subscribe to this blog?
  • MoonMyst3
    MoonMyst3 Posts: 423 Member
    I'm starting the 30 Day Shred tomorrow... babysitting my grandson today/night. I have had it since last summer and haven't even opened the package!!! Thanks for motivating me to start this challenge... off I go. Also, can someone tell me how to get that little ticker on the bottom that tells you what day you're on? Thanks!

    Ya, I figured out the ticker!! :tongue:
  • bexdc
    bexdc Posts: 202 Member
    How do you log the shred in your exercise diary? Starting today.
  • Cheylaing
    Cheylaing Posts: 99
    I'm starting the 30 Day Shred tomorrow... babysitting my grandson today/night. I have had it since last summer and haven't even opened the package!!! Thanks for motivating me to start this challenge... off I go. Also, can someone tell me how to get that little ticker on the bottom that tells you what day you're on? Thanks!

    Ya, I figured out the ticker!! :tongue:
    lol i only just got my ticker on to ha
  • Cheylaing
    Cheylaing Posts: 99
    How do I subscribe to this blog?
    just join in....your welcome to add me as a friend :smile:
  • Cheylaing
    Cheylaing Posts: 99
    How do you log the shred in your exercise diary? Starting today.
    hey most ppl put circuit training,everyones different....iv stored level 1 as 190cal....level 2 as 240 an level 3 as 270 i think but it might be bit more or less...from wat iv looked up on the net its about that.....hope that helps:smile:
  • Cheylaing
    Cheylaing Posts: 99
    Does anyone doing the 30 day shred do it more than once a day? I do mine on a morning, I'm thinking of doing it again in the early evening. just to give myself an extra boost.
    hey im gonna be doin 2 of shred a day,iv tried all levels an managed level 2 and 3 this morning cause its the only proper exersice i do an i want to get results asap lol i have other dvds i normally do but just gonna stick to shred till i complete my 30 can try do a couple levels an you'l no yourself by wat your body tells you...give it a bash:smile:
  • tltincher
    tltincher Posts: 107 Member
    Level 1, Day 5 completed last night! Feeling better everyday! Still cranking the energizes me:bigsmile: Next week, after I measure on Monday, I'm going to ADD in Ab Ripper X and my Leg Magic machine on a daily rotation 5 days out of the week. Like on Monday: Ab Ripper, Tues: Leg Magic and so on.
  • jbgypsy
    jbgypsy Posts: 13
    ok I got the dvd on thursday and started on Friday morning. I just did my second day... whowww everything hurts but im going to stick with it and see what happens on day 30. I should do my measurements today... thanks for everyones post, they keep me encouraged and by saying something on here, now i feel accountable to everyone including myself. SHRED ON:flowerforyou:

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  • shallo
    shallo Posts: 353 Member
    I need some help. I had to take a break already. It isn't because it is too hard or my muscles are sore, which is it and they are. lol! It is because it is killing my ankle. I severely sprained it a few years ago and it never healed correctly. All the jumping around on it has made it hurt to almost the point of what it felt like when I sprained it. I want to do the video but need to do something else for the cardio parts. I know it wouldn't be as intense but does anyone think that just walking in place for the cardio part would be okay for right now? Or any ideas of what I could do instead. I'm still a good 50+ pounds overweight so I'm hoping that when I lose some more I will be able to start putting her cardio in but right now I physically can't do it.
  • sthorp1179
    sthorp1179 Posts: 104
    Hi there Shallo :)

    I'm also having problems with my lower limbs although my problem is my knees, i have been substituting some of the jumping jacks and the skipping with the squat punches when i feel it is too much for me. i have also purchased a sports specific knee support today which i'm hoping will help to support my knee and help it to get stronger.

    Just do what you can and keep going, I have a significant amount of weight to lose (about 55lb) and i am determined not to give up I'm now doing my day 8 of level one and going to attempt level 2 tonight as I'm feeling brave!!!!!
  • SSampley
    SSampley Posts: 153 Member
    OK! I just finish and I am still on level 1 but day 5 (skipped thurs because of 14year old but made up fri by doing it in the morning and at night) I have noticed I am doing alot better at keeping up and some of the harder excersises that I couldnt do for the whole time with out taking a break or just doing a few, I am able to almost do the whole thing. (I figure once I can do the whole workout with out a break then I can move on) I will measure next week. I can feel a difference not sure if I have lost anything but I feel better and the soreness is ALOT better! I am still also doing the c25k and walking during the week I think they are a nice pair together! So glad some of you are just starting because of us already doing!! Thats great! I am also glad to see those ahead of me!! Keep posting girls!!!
  • shallo
    shallo Posts: 353 Member
    Hi there Shallo :)

    I'm also having problems with my lower limbs although my problem is my knees, i have been substituting some of the jumping jacks and the skipping with the squat punches when i feel it is too much for me. i have also purchased a sports specific knee support today which i'm hoping will help to support my knee and help it to get stronger.

    Just do what you can and keep going, I have a significant amount of weight to lose (about 55lb) and i am determined not to give up I'm now doing my day 8 of level one and going to attempt level 2 tonight as I'm feeling brave!!!!!

    Thank you, I may just do the punches for now. I don't have the money to buy a brace just yet. I had to stop for a couple days because it hurt to just stand on it. I will be going back to it tonight. I don't know if I should count this as day 3 or start over. I'll probably start over.
  • MoonMyst3
    MoonMyst3 Posts: 423 Member
    Day 1 completed!!! :tongue: Wow... you ladies weren't kidding about it kicking your butt the first few times. I haven't been exercising regularly (or at all) and wanted to change that so with the motivation I get from you, I committed to this 30 day challenge. This DVD is definitely doable thanks to the three 6-minute circuits... that's not to say it's easy. I KNOW I had a reeeally good work out and yes, I had to push myself but I DID IT!! And I'm going to do it again tomorrow... sore muscles and all! :bigsmile:

    For Shallo - I also have a bad ankle and am roughly 80 lbs overweight. Obviously, I am not a doctor but this is my attitude and 'modifications'. I did my absolute best and really pushed myself... Did I do the DVD to specification? No. Why? Because I can't yet. Is it good enough? Of course because that's what my body is physically capable of doing at this time and it kept my heart rate up for the cardio benefits. My belief is that the rewards will be the same as someone who is able to do it to perfection, as we are both pushing ourselves to our individual limit(s). My modifications were these: Jumping Jacks - I did the first two sets then modified the remainder by stepping together and apart with my feet - shoulder width - in time with the jumping jacks while still pumping my arms. Skipping - I simply jumped (or stepped) one foot at a time instead of using both while twirling the rope with my hands/arms. WEIGHTS: I used the weights for EACH exercise until my muscles were fatigue (i.e.: my arms were going to fall off), then did the remainder of that exercise without the weights. I will, of course, continue to push myself and incorporate the unmodified version of the exercises as soon as I'm able to. I'm a newbie to the site and look for these types of tips myself so I thought I would share... or ramble. This is just what I did - hope it helps.

    Lastly, I took my measurements and a few photos this morning before I started the challenge. I am very excited to see what my body is going to look like after the 30 days!! I'm hoping the results will motivate me enough to continue with another 30 days. Keeping my eye on the prize!! :wink:
  • scrappymomma
    scrappymomma Posts: 5 Member
    Just joining this thread, but I've been doing the Shred since Valentines Day. I was really sore the first few days, but then I loved it. I can't fit it in everyday, so it took me exactly two weeks to get the first ten sessions of level one in. When I started level two, I thought - No Way! Now I'm on day three of level two and I like it pretty well. I'm also trying to do C25K, but I'm not consistent enough with it. I don't like to run after dark and my work schedule doesn't leave much daylight time to do it before or after work, so I pretty much only do it on the weekends. Today after doing C25K, I tried to do level 2 of the Shred and I made it about halfway through the cardio part of the first circuit and my body was saying "You are overdoing it," so I had the good sense to stop. I believe in pushing myself, but I've also learned to listen to my body:-) The good news - today I bought three new pairs of pants and a new belt. Yay me, lol. Thanks MFP and Jillian!
  • sdgirl22
    sdgirl22 Posts: 225 Member
    Level 1, Day 2 complete!!

    Everything that was posted by those who have gone before me is true.. my poor muscle are in agony!! :happy:

    I've been working out for about 45-60 minutes 5 days a week prior to starting shred, so 20 minutes doesn't seem like much (although I'm working much harder doing this!!!). I was wondering who else is supplementing this workout with extra time at the gym? I think I'm going to add 20 minutes of moderate cardio daily. Also, how many are doing this daily? I'm planning on doing 9 days, then 1 day off, of each level, and that will be my 30 days.
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    Day 4 completed earlier today..... did it in the evening before dinner, and it was a bit hard going...!
    But I got through it.......

    I usually do some form of cardio afterwards.... Wii Zumba Fitness class or 20 minutes on the treadmill
  • MoonMyst3
    MoonMyst3 Posts: 423 Member
    Day 2 done... wowzers! Had some sore muscles today but worked through it and they felt better after exercising.

    Question: Does anyone else have to go in and update their ticker manually or is it supposed to update itself?