Starting c25k again tomorrow!!!!

bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
I got up to week 6 last fall but then was sick with bronchitis and scaled back to walking only. I want to complete the program and I'm starting 3/1/11.
Anyone want to join me??

Here is the link to the plan:

Hope I have some company.


  • strandedeyes
    strandedeyes Posts: 392 Member
    Ill be joining you!
  • HalfofHilary
    I am starting tomorrow too! it will be great to have people who are just starting out on day one as well!!
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    are you guys doing the coolrunning program???
  • HalfofHilary
    Yes, I am. I will start week1 exercise 1 today.

    Also, I have to find the link, but a friend of mine gave me a Podcast that coincides with the Coolrunning program. I will post it if I can find it again.
    Found it

    "The podcast is nice. It plays music for however long you are to run, bells go off when it's time to walk, then music starts when it's time to run again. It's nice. You don't have to be looking at your watch the whole time"
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    do any of you have an iphone?
    i do and i use the runkeeper app for my walks/ can set up the entire cool running c25k program and use your own gives you the cues when to run and when to walk and tells you your time and distance and speed etc....i love runkeeper and highly recommend it....i know there are other phones it goes on so check it out...

    going out for wk 1 day 1 during my lunch hour.....will finish up my lunch time walk after i finish the first c25k workout for a total of 45 mins or so today....

    yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhh USSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!
  • HalfofHilary
    hahah, I am lame, I don't have an iPhone or a smartphone. I am going on my lunch break as well. I am pretty excited about it, but a little nervous as I am NOT a runner and have never liked running. I am hoping that this way it eases me into it and will help me change my mind about running. I want to love it, I really do :)
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    just finished wk1 day 1 - 2.77 miles with extra walk back to my office...41 mins total

    boooyaaaaa onto wk1 day 2 tomorrow or thurs??
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    who did what today???
  • Kwilliams75
    Kwilliams75 Posts: 231 Member
    Ok so yesterday I walked 2 miles at lunch! Then in the evening I run all but 3 of my 12 laps to make a mile. I was pretty impressed with myself. Then I walked my second mile and my third plus a few laps I did a walk run alternating!! but oh my bad knee is plenty sore today!!
  • LarryPGH
    LarryPGH Posts: 349 Member
    Ok so yesterday I walked 2 miles at lunch! Then in the evening I run all but 3 of my 12 laps to make a mile. I was pretty impressed with myself. Then I walked my second mile and my third plus a few laps I did a walk run alternating!! but oh my bad knee is plenty sore today!!

    way to go! make sure to rest that knee -- nothing's more frustrating than an over-use injury early in the game!
  • ofccat
    ofccat Posts: 284 Member
    I am on week 4. I am actually redoing week 4 as I had trouble finishing it 100% each day last week.
  • Kwilliams75
    Kwilliams75 Posts: 231 Member
    Yesterday I did the actual day one of C25K! My knee is doing much better today!! I actually feel pretty good about this!
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    i just walked on3/2(wed)...i will be doing c25k w1d2 today (3/3) at lunch..
  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    I am stating the today...I am nervouse. Does anyone know how fast you should walk and jog on the treadmill? It says walk 5 min brisk and then jog but not sure how fast that is. I am so excited to be starting this.
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    i would say just try out the different paces/speeds and see what feels good...when i do the treadmill, a run/jog for me is about 5mph and a walk is just need to play with the speeds to see what is comfortable....good luck and have fun...i'm heading out in a bit to do day 2 of week 1 outside by the water near my office....i love my lunch time walks and am going to be sad when it is tooooo hot here in sunny south florida to do this....i have been spoiled the last few months....
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    I'm on another thread starting C25K this week, but I'm going to join this one as well just in case the other one doesn't keep going.

    I did W1D1 yesterday. Completed it without any problems, but it definitely felt like a workout!

    Since I began on 3/2, I'll do W1D2 tomorrow.
  • ejb245
    ejb245 Posts: 195 Member
    I just started on Monday, Feb 28th. Done two of the days and while its a little rough (still a little chilly outside), I'm excited about actually running a 5k in a couple of months.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    I am stating the today...I am nervouse. Does anyone know how fast you should walk and jog on the treadmill? It says walk 5 min brisk and then jog but not sure how fast that is. I am so excited to be starting this.

    If you can do this outdoors, it's easier.

    But on the treadmill, brisk would be as quick as you can go and still carry on a conversation.

    For the jogging, pick a pace that you can do for the 60 seconds that are in the interval. I'd say try a ten minute mile (6mph) on the first interval and then make adjustments based on how you're feeling.

    The entire point of this program is to ease you into running so that you won't push too hard and then give up. Speed isn't the goal here--jogging for the time is the goal.
  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    Thanks everyone....I am just afraid I won't be able to complete day 1! I have taken a 2 month break and haven't worked out in awhile.
  • TiredOfBeingRound
    TiredOfBeingRound Posts: 41 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I'm planning on starting also...but had a question. I know the program starts by walking, jogging, walking...but did any of you do anything to "prepare" for this? Or did you just start with day one?

    I've been walking 2-3 times a week to get myself used to doing it before I decide to hit the "start" button! i get what i think are shin splints in my left leg, but when i wear my sketcher shape-ups (i know, they're super funky looking!) i have no pain at all. does anyone use a "shape-type" shoe for jogging? mine are good for walking, but i'd be afraid i'd break my ankle if i tried jogging in them.

    good luck to everyone...i plan to start soon also!
