Starting c25k again tomorrow!!!!



  • Kwilliams75
    Kwilliams75 Posts: 231 Member
    I knew it felt like I hadn't posted on here in awhile! LOL Friday night I completed W5D3 and actually ran the complete twenty minutes. Tonight I will begin W6D1!
  • Kwilliams75
    Kwilliams75 Posts: 231 Member
    Completed my W6D1 only made two miles this time because mt thighs were killing me from Core class!!
  • shannonaufman
    I finished week 4 today!! A week ago, I was PETRIFIED about week 4. 5 minutes running? Are you CRAZY? But I made it through, one step at a time. Now on to week 5. I think the first 2 days will be ok, but that big 20-minute run is looming large!!

    Good luck, all! For those who are farther than me, keep up the amazing work. For those of you just starting out -- it's so worth it. Stick with it -- it actually becomes kind of... dare I say.. fun?
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    I finished week 4 today!! A week ago, I was PETRIFIED about week 4. 5 minutes running? Are you CRAZY? But I made it through, one step at a time. Now on to week 5. I think the first 2 days will be ok, but that big 20-minute run is looming large!!

    Good luck, all! For those who are farther than me, keep up the amazing work. For those of you just starting out -- it's so worth it. Stick with it -- it actually becomes kind of... dare I say.. fun?

    i'm heading out in a little bit to do w5d2 on my lunch hour....i'm really worried about friday's w5d3 20 min run as well but i'm just gonna DO IT!!!!! i just need to put one foot in front of the other and move my @ss....hope everyone is doing well...
  • LarryPGH
    LarryPGH Posts: 349 Member
    I finished week 4 today!!


    How did running two days in a row work out for you? In general, I'd have to say that I think it's important for someone who's trying to work their way into running shape to make sure they keep at least one rest day between each running day. But, if you're young, or already in shape, or just lucky, then you can probably get away with skipping a rest day here and there. Once you're in shape already, you can probably pack on the miles, but just starting up? Wow -- you still need time to rest, so that your muscles and bones get used to handling the extra load!
  • denise_earheart
    Ok I start tomorrow !!!!
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    Ok I start tomorrow !!!!

    welcome to our little group :)
  • Kwilliams75
    Kwilliams75 Posts: 231 Member
    Everyone is doing an amazing job!!
  • Kwilliams75
    Kwilliams75 Posts: 231 Member
    When I did my 20 minute run I went into it with no doubt that I was gonna be able to do it. I found myself a slow steady pace and got my breathing right and before I knew it I was half way through! I think the biggest thing for me is to not worry yet about how far or fast I am making it but to find myself a doable pace and just push myself through it!! Also makes a difference if you keep up beat music on yur ipod while you do it!! :happy:
  • shannonaufman

    I've decided not to push it. I've been lucky in that the only soreness I had was in my Achilles' tendon in the first week, but now that I'm following a stretching regiment it's much better. I'm probably just going to stick to every other day. Instead of rushing through C25K, I've added some light cardio (stationary bike, walking) on my off days. I think my interest in skipping rest days is the result of impatience. So I'm going to stick to the every other day, and hopefully I'll continue avoiding injury! Thanks for everyone's advice. I just need to remember C25K is a process, not a race!
  • Kwilliams75
    Kwilliams75 Posts: 231 Member
    I completed W6D2 yesterday! Tonight is the big 25 minutes of running!! I got this though, slow and steady!!
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    i attempted w5d3 last night...on wk 5 i switched to distance instead of tim...stupid stupid 3 is 2 miles or 20 mins running....i had my runkeeper set to 2 miles and the most i have done in a million years is 1 mile + straight running....soooo i modified on the fly.....i walked the 5min warmup and then ran well really jogged for 1 full mile which i think was about 12 mins...then i walked for less than a 1/4 of a mile and then ran the rest of the way back which was about 1 more mile then walked to my car to cool down for a total of 35 mins....i am going to change my program to 20 mins of running and try to complete w5d3 AGAIN today at lunch...i know i could count it as complete but it really is not in MY head...if i dont feel like running at lunch i might just walk and then finish up wk 5 tomorrow while the kids are at gymnastics plus some extra intervals since i typically have 45 mins to run while they are doing their classes.....before the end of this week, wk 5 will be complete and i'll start onto wk 6 even though i'm getting scared AGAIN's funny, i'm more than half way to the end and i'm starting to doubt myself AGAIN....i can do this....i will do this....
  • shannonaufman
    W5D1 today. I killed it! It felt so good! I really feel like I pushed myself today. W5D2 doesn't seem too bad -- 8 minutes will be hard, but definitely doable. But then is the dreaded W5D3 -- the 20-minute run. I'm already nervous!
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    i posted yesterday on my page...but i'll post here too....i changed my program to be 20 mins running for wk5d3 and that was what i was going to do...but then i went out and as i was doing my run i just decided, dont be afraid just do the 2 miles (which is the other option)....i did it....i walked 1/4 mile, ran 2 miles and then walked another 1/4 or so and ran another 1/4 or so and then i was just about back to my kids gymnastic place....i felt onto week 6....
  • ejb245
    ejb245 Posts: 195 Member
    Finished W6D3 this weekend. Wahoo! 25 minutes running with no stopping. Hopefully doing W7D1 tonight, but they're calling for a high of 87 today (high yesterday was 53 or something), so I'm not sure if I'll be running outside in the heat. If not, I'll do it tomorrow and do something else tonight.
  • Kwilliams75
    Kwilliams75 Posts: 231 Member
    On Friday I completed W6D3, I ran three laps short of 2 miles not a very fast speed but very proud of myself for running the whole time!!
  • shannonaufman
    Week 5 Day 2 done! I'm half way through the program, which makes me feel great!! I'm a little nervous about the next run -- the big 20-minute run. But it should be ok!! I nailed the 8-minute runs, so I think I can do it!
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    @ shannonaufman
    just take your time, find your pace and just gooooooo...i was freaking out the first time i was supposed to do it and then when i did it again 2 days later and switched to the 20 min option and i ended up doing the 2 mile option cause i just pushed myself telling myself i knew i could do CAN do it too......

    i did w6d1 today with one extra 5 min run and some extra walking on the end back to my car...planning on doing w6d2 wednesday
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    i was curious how far i made it on the c25k program last time when i didnt finish due to bronchitis....
    i just went back to my records and i completed the program up thru w6d3...i repeated wk 5 and 6 a few times before making it to w6d3......i WILL make it past wk 6 this time and i WILL finish this program sometime before the end of may....
  • shannonaufman
    Denise -- thanks for the tip. I think I'll see how I feel at the end of the 20 minutes and how far I've gone and I may push it to the 2 miles. Maybe :) You've totally got this! I have a feeling you'll finish it by the end of April. You're so motivated and committed. You have it under control!