Before you started eating healthy..what was your WORST food



  • kaymd
    kaymd Posts: 470 Member
    I've never actually admitted this to anyone but I used to make a box of chicken flavored Rice-a- Roni and eat the whole thing by myself for a meal :noway: . Not anymore :happy:
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,167 Member
    Good old famous daves. Ribs, fries, beef brisket and some really good roasted chicken. Hmmm I swear everytime I go there I must eat a little over 1500 calories :D
    I will still go there on special ocassions :D
  • dr1981
    dr1981 Posts: 76 Member
    Hmmm...can't narrow it down at all. I just know I ate too much of it in one sitting and I ate it too often
  • bromk
    bromk Posts: 34
    Pints of "Everything but the" Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream; containers of chocolate chip cookie dough from Papa Murphy's. Yuck!
  • Nigel99
    Nigel99 Posts: 498 Member
    Worst thing I was consuming regularly would have been sodas, and ice cream (mostly based on too frequent, and too much at once). Less frequently, pizza, Chinese food, and the occasional 2 filled donuts breakfast had their appearances on my daily diet.
  • Bermudabarbie
    Bermudabarbie Posts: 568 Member
    Full boxes of Good and Plenty; Cranberry Orange Scones from Starbucks; medium packages of M&M pretzels; Chinese buffets; deserts at American buffets -- would have a "taste" of 3 or 4 and maybe a "few" giant cookies or chocolate truffles too (in one meal); Oh... you name it -- I probably ate it and loved it! Totally unaware of what I was doing!
  • MoM2LayLa09
    MoM2LayLa09 Posts: 152
    Chocolate.. still to this day, if it were in the house.. i'd eat it all! So... I don't buy it and I don't allow it in the house. If I am at a birthday party or somewhere special i'll have some but man, when I go to the store I'll say NO HEATHER! YOU ARE NOT BUYING THAT CRAP!! And then when I get home LOL i am so mad at myself for not buying just a little bit ... haha
  • Shannon7713
    Shannon7713 Posts: 76 Member
    Wow, reading this is making me hungry and sick at the same time, LOL....... Where to begin...... my weakness was Nacho Doritos and regular sour cream...... Not just 1 serving, but I would demolish an entire bag, BIG BAG, and an entire container of sour cream in one sitting. When I started eating healthy, I tried the Baked Doritos... GAG..... and fat free sour cream.... GAG.... Have not had it since!
    I used to work as a sous chef in fine dining, so I can bang out some awesome food.... UNHEALTHY, FULL OF FAT food...... so its been a challenge to cook healthy.... I miss the food, but not the feeling that came along with being over-wgt.
  • Trista87Marie
    Trista87Marie Posts: 180 Member
    Oreo cookies. A whole row at a time, downing it with a glass of 2% milk.
    Extra butter and salt pretzels from work with a 32 oz ICEE.
    When I worked at Tim Hortons I would eat at least two Apple Fritter Donuts a day.
  • AZChatterB
    AZChatterB Posts: 248 Member
    Great topic! and hard to believe I used to eat like this, but...

    Fast Food on a regular basis (Carl's Jr Western Bacon Cheeseburger was a favorite), french fries anytime anywhere, Ben and Jerry's - hard to believe that pint is actually four servings, Cheetohs of which I could eat half a bag in one sitting.

    I used to think I was "being good" because I would only buy the Cheetohs on a monthly/bi-monthly grocery shopping day and it was my "treat" and because I would only buy B&J when it was on sale, which it most often was and I would buy one of every flavor I liked and two of my favorite flavors.

    MFP has really been a great motivator for me. The first time I logged french fries made me realize they just weren't worth it and I haven't had them since (about nine months), and I have really cut back on dairy and junk food so no B&J or Cheetohs.
  • sprinkies
    sprinkies Posts: 309 Member
    i definitely ate 10 wings + small fry COVERED in ranch, and 3-4 blue moon beers. ummm yeah and i'd eat this almost 2x a week there for a while!

    burgers and fries covered ranch and the burger dipped in ranch. with lots of beer.

    potato chips!! ahh i miss them!! and pizza.

    gosh, i just on't get how i didn't see that this food was bad! i didn't realize that my metabolism was not on par with superwomans...
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    ok I was pregnant but the worst was probably a jar of Nutella with a complete loaf of bread!!!
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    Del Grande Nachos. For lunch. Maybe a veggie works burrito to go with it.


    I had 24 tortilla chips yesterday and felt siiiiick. LOL! I'd now rather have Subway if it's fast food or come home and make something.
  • carrieloveshk
    carrieloveshk Posts: 128 Member
    Pizza with extra cheese, more cheese... and parmesan cheese on top!
    Braum's milkshakes. Specially cookie dough flavor.
    Cookies and cream Hershey's.
    McDonald's food! And their ice cream.
    Dunkin Donuts and Krispy Kreme were my friends too.

    Oh no. Too much unhealthiness!
  • miovlb6
    miovlb6 Posts: 339 Member
    ok I was pregnant but the worst was probably a jar of Nutella with a complete loaf of bread!!!

    OK sorry, but I actually laughed out loud at this one--I LOVE NUTELLA! But right now, this time of year, my biggest weakness is Cadbury Creme Eggs. I know the filling is made of some kind of carcinogenic sweetened plastic (or worse), but they're SOOOOO yummy! I seriously have to avoid going into stores for the next month or two because if I see them, I WILL eat them!
  • Anidorie
    Anidorie Posts: 291 Member
    german chocolate cake icecream, mocha blueberry cheesecake icecream, shall i go on?
  • ms_erica
    ms_erica Posts: 173 Member
    Starbucks Venti white chocolate mocha w/whole milk and extra whip cream mon-fri for about a year straight....:noway:
  • katdanash
    katdanash Posts: 1,390 Member
    Before MFP it was nothing for me to have a full size candy bar with lunch and dinner. Two cheeseburgers , fries, and sweet tea. loaded baked potatoes, mashed potatoes, steak, fried chicken. ............ Seeing a pattern here I loved all food except the veggies and my favorite of all things BUTTER.:devil:

    Feel so much better since I gave that all up. I stil have tea but not everyday and when I do i budget it into my calories.:smile:
  • EricInArlington
    EricInArlington Posts: 557 Member
    fast food of all kind, pizza, hotwings, 12 pack of beer on Friday and another all day Sat. 2 hot dogs for lunch everyday with a bag of chips or two and to drink 64oz soda or two. I would spend $8-10 a day at QT Mon-Fri at work.

    For Dinner it was pasta 2-3 times a week with cheese bread, no the other days would be Tex-Mex or processed food. a case of Coke Zero a week just for me sometimes more

    donuts, cookies and candy bars were the norm, every time I hit the store I would buy them up and pass them out to the kids like I was giving them something good........this makes me sad just thinking about that

  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Absolutely anything sweet.
    Absolutely anything salty.

    For me it wasn't the type of food... it was all portion control. Even now I know I could easily eat a box of cookies in one sitting, or a giant sized bag of salt & vinegar chips, or 3 or 4 chocolate bars. I love the taste of yummy unhealthy foods.