Before you started eating healthy..what was your WORST food



  • NikkisNewStart
    NikkisNewStart Posts: 1,100 Member
    Appetizer, dinner, and dessert... which I would obtain each from different fast food restaurants... drive one place and get my 'appetizer,' drive another place and get my main meal, then drive to a 3rd place and get a dessert... shameful but true. I was eating myself into an early grave.
  • jnknzxD
    jnknzxD Posts: 55 Member
    I never had a nasty habit of foods really. I did crave for foods but they were very random. Although my favorite worst food was cakes, especially Cheese cakes.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I had cheeseburgers and fries quite a bit. Ironically I blame them for my weight gain in the first place. Now I only have them maybe once every month or two. My problem wasn't so much what I ate but the amount of it I ate. I love food way too much and I have a big appetite so I can eat a lot. I still indulge every now and then but I'm eating much less most of the time.
  • pandafoo
    pandafoo Posts: 367 Member
    even as recent as 2 months ago, before i joined MFP, i'd sometimes go on fast food binges... for a week! i think part of it was the "i've messed up already, what's the point?" mentality. also, fast food is so yummy and addictive! so it might be popeye's fried chicken one day, followed by mcdonald's the next, then wendy's, five guys burgers, chipotle (healthy but they can load it up!), wendy's again, etc.

    ugh... it's kind of disgusting when i think about it now. i hope i won't ever regress into that fast food binge pattern again. ;P i cook a lot of healthy stuff these days, and altho i haven't eaten popeye's since the new year, i kind of miss it! :)
  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
    I haven't changed _what_ I eat much, more about how often and how much.

    I still munch on donuts from time to time and even found myself in a McDonalds recently.

    It's the accounting and awareness that's doing the trick for me!
  • Kjarlune
    Kjarlune Posts: 178
    Kentucky fried chicken
  • kouzzzz
    kouzzzz Posts: 540 Member
    Man, I'm hungry...
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    I haven't changed _what_ I eat much, more about how often and how much.

    I still munch on donuts from time to time and even found myself in a McDonalds recently.

    It's the accounting and awareness that's doing the trick for me!

    Same here with the exception of fast food, thats like a once every 2-3 years I bother with fast food joints.

    I never really had a "bad" food...just didn't exercise moderation.

    Biscuits, would be 5 or 6...only once a week but still a meals worth of food in just a few bites. Roast em, no problem having them but not 6!
  • fatbegoneblog
    KFC! Original lol...
    Bad! bad! girl... I know... with no time to cook a decent meal (or maybe I just never made a real effort...) and K's a short ride... It became my private catering kitchen lol... I have not had any in over 3 months... Im glad...
  • Sis73
    Sis73 Posts: 28 Member
    McDonalds, ranch dressing, pizza, wine and cheese. McDonalds isnt that much of a craving its just sometimes convenient on those short nights where I do not want to cook. The others on the other hand,,,,,
  • moonshine_bek
    KFC, Pizza Hut, Chinese Buffet, and McDonalds, I'm still finding it really hard without them. The TASTE is amazing but the calories and fat aren't, that's what I have to keep saying :flowerforyou:
  • K127_DC
    K127_DC Posts: 1 Member
    Chipotles! I used to eat it all the time when I was pregnant and I still have a weakness for it.
  • flausa
    flausa Posts: 534 Member
    Family size bag of Doritos all to myself. I don't know why I used to do it either. Because only the first few tasted good. But I felt compelled to finish the whole bag. Haven't touched a dorito sinced I started MFP, and I haven't missed them at all!

    Someone else mentioned Kraft Mac n Cheese. I know it's horrible stuff, but that was another one of those that I would eat the whole box myself. And of course, since the "cheese" wasn't tasty enough, I would always cut up more cheese to go in. Bleurgh.
  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,732 Member
    Mexican food! Mac & cheese! Pizza rolls!
  • JenCM
    JenCM Posts: 195
    Candy and soda, were prob my tops.

    Also, while some bread isn't bad...I was a breadaholic. I would sit down and make cheese soup, and eat like over half a french bread, dipping it in the soup. =/
    Mmmm, nothing like white bread and fake cheese soup. *eyeroll*
  • Jaccilatt5
    Jaccilatt5 Posts: 46 Member
    Anyone on here ever been to Swensons??? Id have two Galley boys and not think twice about it...ohhh and I LOVED cheap bowling alley style nachos with all that fake horrible (yet yummy) cheese....yuck!
  • WTFitness
    WTFitness Posts: 77 Member
    "Oh my! Flamin hot cheetos dipped in nacho cheese sauce to boot..the whole bag!"
    Omg I remember they introduced those in Canada like a decade ago and I singlehandedly cleared shelves of them! Fortunately for my waistline, they were quickly discontinued. I was furious.

    +1 on the cinnamon rolls.

    I used to eat entire bags of potato chips and Doritos in one sitting. Taco Bell crunchwrap supremes. Eating only the skin of KFC chicken. Instant noodles. Cherry cheese danishes and donuts for breakfast. Samosas by the dozen (there are Indian sweets shops in every corner where I live).

    True story: For a month, I worked at a bakery and ate deformed pumpkin donuts as they came off the conveyor belts after being submerged in lard! (otherwise they were to be thrown out... it was a rescue mission!)
  • MikeInAZ
    MikeInAZ Posts: 483 Member
    2000 Calorie Burritos and chips and salsa stuff like that. Pizza, fried chicken, fried anything!
  • confuseacat
    confuseacat Posts: 137 Member
    Big ol' bag of Lays Plain Potato Chips.The whole bag with sour cream to dip them in. You really CAN"T eat just one.:blushing: I try to avoid at all cost now. Also, Burger King Double Whopper and large fries, large Coke (the non diet variety) Sweet Tea , Sweet Tea, Sweet Tea. I still drink it occasionally but not nearly as much as I used to.
  • leomentlines
    leomentlines Posts: 440 Member
    2 main culprits:

    1. Checkers fries - they are hands down my favorite fast food fries! Since I'm a vegetarian, I'd go there and get a large one with a banana shake - I shudder to think how many calories though!

    2. McDonalds Cinnamon melts - I stumbled upon them one day on a menu and would go back and order them (sometimes 2 of them) almost every couple of days!

    **this extra one hit me around holiday season**
    Dunkin Donuts Pumpkin muffins - SOOOO yummy! They taste fantastic, but have nothing nutritionally sound in them - I would pair it up with a pumpkin coffee, which would be loaded with sugar.