Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - March Challenge!!



  • prila13
    prila13 Posts: 222 Member
    I managed to hit my March goal of drinking 4 glasses of water today. I hit 5 8 oz glasses!
  • Mary830
    Mary830 Posts: 64
    QOTD- What is your favorite way to relax

    I wish I knew! Seriously- it would be great if I could really unwind sometimes, but I never seem to destress. :ohwell:

    Rachelly- it sounds like March is definitely off to a great start. Where are you in the Couch to 5K?

    Hillhall- I am bad about water intake on days I don't workout too. I just can't seem to remember to drink it otherwise!

    Tjradd- 5000 calories in a month sounds like a great goal to push for in March!

    Peachy- I struggle with binge eating too. Good luck with your goal!

    Mking- congrats on your run! As far as speed work goes, I use a treadmill, so it's easy for me to work on increasing speed. Where do you run?

    Meag- it's great that you were able to have some decompression time and a good conversation. I have a lot of those with my husband right now. I know how you feel about it sometimes being cyclical and a little disappointing, though. I'm 27 and still trying to figure out what I want to "be" when I grow up!

    edryer- Baby steps are great! Good luck with 4.1!!

    GuamGrly- sounds like a really rough day at work. I don't know the whole story but I would be royally pissed if that was my boss. Jerk! :mad:

    eleanoreb- Just my $0.02. I was in the fitness industry from Sept 2006 until Feb. 1st of this year. I've worked as a personal trainer, group fitness instructor and gym manager. I focused most of my CEU's on nutrition so, while I may not be a nutritionist- I feel I have a solid foundation. That said... I KNOW all the right things to eat. I KNOW all the "nutrition" without having to rely on logging it in to tell me how I am doing. And I KNOW me. When I don't have this sort of accountability- I fall off the wagon, and I fall hard. Right now I am focusing just on tracking for a few days, and then I will begin the process of substituting back in healthier options.

    My point is- your nutritionist is very knowledgeable and I am sure her advice is outstanding. But only YOU really know YOU. If you aren't comfortable giving this up- I wouldn't do it!

    Meredith- I can understand insane weeks! Congrats on your loss. Hopefully things settle down for you soon.

    Seripha- congrats on the non-scale victory!

    AFM- Two great workouts today (gym with a friend and running at home). Otherwise kind of "eh" I didn't eat nearly enough, but by the time I realized that it was after 10pm and I just don't feel like eating now! Will have to do better tomorrow!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Mary-thanks! I just added a calories burned ticker (thanks to the advice of Meag!) now I just need to figure out how to add my cals burned to it every day :) LOL Great job on the TWO workouts today!

    Prila-great job on getting in MORE than your 4 cups!
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    Meag~ I wish I had something amazing and wise to say to you about your foot, but I got nothing. Ill trade you! My left foot does 3 miles a week but im sure with a good teacher it can learn to run more!~!~! You find a doctor for a foot transplant and Im down. Oh, and you have to fly to Germany to get it done. (Ill buy you a Alcoholfrie Bier!~!)

    KBell~ I laguhed out loud at my computer when I read that you learned how to drive!~!> I dont know why it was funny to me, maybe cuz I totally forgot about it and when I read it I remembered all your storied about trying to learn. IDK, thanks for waking me up though!~! Your positivity is awesome! I love that you listed all of your accomplisments for Feb, awesome way to keep up the motivation!~!~! Congrats on your midterms and papers~!~!

    Radd~ My sodium is ALWAYS through the roof! And if its not, then I realize that I forgot to put in the "dash" that I added while eating dinner. I feel like on this weightloss journey TOM is out immortal enemy!~!~! There is no way to kill him or get rid of him, he is just there, making us FAT!~! Maybe we should look at him as extra motivation to drink more water, workout more, just to kick him in the *kitten*.

    Mary~ Welcome (sorry im late)

    Serphia~ Your awesome!~!~! fancy dinners, small pants... your my hero~!

    ~~~~ Sorry I didnt respond to everyone, my mind is insane. I am reading everything though. I just dont want my head to explode.

    AFM~~ Ehhh. Crappy. Depressed and scared. NOt doing well with eating and stuff yesterday and honestly I dont have many plans to be awesome this weekend. I am scared about leaving on Sunday, 6 weeks is a long time. I am going to allow room for comfort food and relaxing time, as long as I dont drink, it will be a productive weekend.
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    happy friday everyone! for most of you this means the weekend is hours away....for me its a day off...when you run a business you got to work weekends....alk good though! love how supportive everyone is being on here this week....really good to see! keep up the great work....longer post tomorrow when I am back on a computer!
  • crystalfaith
    crystalfaith Posts: 23 Member
    Happy FRIDAY everyone!!!! There's just something about Fridays that always makes me feel so relieved, like ahhhh i made it another week! :) Anyways, today marks my husband and I's 6 month anniversary since our wedding. And in those 6 months I have managed to gain 15 pounds, and then lose 5 of them...still a work in progress clearly :P I never thought I would be one of those girls who gains a ton of weight once they get married, but I guess its harder than I thought! oh well, I'm back on the right track now so hopefully by our 1 year anniversary ill be back at that hot honeymoon body I loved so much ;) I just bought a heart rate monitor yesterday that shows calories burned and Im SO excited for it to get here!! I can't wait to finally have a more accurate way of telling how much I'm burning off! yay! I'm going to have to squeeze in a workout tonight after work before my husband's hockey game...i HAVE to do it! no excuses! ugh. But anyways, sorry for the completely self-absorbed post! I just needed to ramble for a bit! You guys all have a wonderful day and a fabulous weekend! Hope to hear from you soon! Best! :)
  • mmahabee
    mmahabee Posts: 1
    Hi. My name is Michelle. My goal is to exercise and maintain my weight. I want to learn how to exercise by doing everyday routine things not by joining the gym. Have a good day. :~)
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    mmahabee- Welcome! Please find the most recent list of goals and copy and paste it with yours added on to the bottom.

    crystal- sounds like you are on the right track. I have noticed that I have had a much higher chance of achieving my goals since I got my HRM. I love it!

    Cait- Enjoy your day off!!!

    Kan- Hang in there girl! You are making such awesome choices to change your life for the better and I am so proud of you. I think what you have done is one of the hardest things a person can face and you are doing it bravely and with dignity. Keep your head held high and believe you can do it because I believe in you!

    TJ- love your calorie burned goal! I think its awesome that you are really pushing yourself to accomplish it!!

    Meag- I hope your foot is not to sore today after what seems to be a busy night at work. I hope your job keeps getting better!

    AFM- after running 2.5 miles yesterday my legs were dead this morning. The meager attempt at running was a big fat flop, but that's ok. I walked for 2 miles then did some serious stretching. The hubby and I are going to venture into downtown(I live in DC for the new peeps) this weekend to visit some muesuems so that will be good walking! I hope you guys have a great day!!
  • edryer123
    edryer123 Posts: 502 Member
    So yesterday wasn't as promising as I hoped. My body rebelled a bit and I could only walk yesterday. I was very very bummed, but today is a new day.
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Good Morning all!! Although I'm sure its nearing lunch time for most of you.

    jnlynch - Hopefully you're negative thoughts will pass soon. For not, just focus on finishing nursing school in 18 days. Thats a huge accomplishment and I am sure you will be so happy to close that chapter of your life and see what the next one brings you.

    Meredith - you finished W3D2 so thats a huge win in my book!! Hopefully things will slowly work themselves out so that life isn't so crazy. *hugs* And if you decide to repeat W3, let me know cause I will definitely repeat it with you. I like having someone thats doing the same level with me. I think it holds me more accountable.

    seripha - great job on going down a pants size!!! I think that means more to me than the number on the scale.

    Meag - I think my fave part about shopping is still having the mindset that we're still the bigger size and then when it comes down to actually trying it on, its way too big!! And glad that night #2 at the bar went better than the first.

    Aly - hopefully you are able to find something permanent full-time. I have noticed a lot of companies going through agencies now so that they don't have to take on the liabilities of the new employee...benefits, vacation, etc. But I am now in the same boat as you and hoping to find something soon.

    Kandace - *hugs* Sorry to hear that you are depressed and scared. 6 weeks is a long time but those 6 weeks mean a lifetime of change. You are doing this for you, your husband, your brother. What you put into these next 6 weeks will make a world of difference. I am so behind you all of the way on this one!!! *hugs*

    Crystal - I agree!! Its like Fridays are the downward slope to 2 days of being able to do what we went (for those of us that work Monday-Friday)!! And Happy 1/2 Anniversary!!! Getting a start on those 10 pounds now should definitely have you back to your honeymoon body by your one-year anniversary. And what kind of HRM did you get? I am in the market to buy one but have no idea what to get so all input is appreciated.

    Megan - good job on still doing something despite your legs not wanting to cooperate. I would have been more likely to throw in the towel and be done with it until another day.

    AFM...thank you to all for the warm thoughts and wishes. I am actually taking this all a lot better than I figured I would. I finally had a chance to talk to my bf last night and tell him all about it. Like everyone else, he said he would still be pissed. I'm not gonna lie, it still hurts and my ego and pride will be scarred for a while but holding a grudge is only gonna turn me into a bitter b!tch and thats not who I am. So I have decided to embrace this change and just go with it. It will be nice to have less responsibilities at work. I only have 10 weeks of school left so I can focus on that and my kids. I am a strong believer that everything happens for a reason so I am ready to let it all just unfold.

    Happy Friday all!! Hope you make it a good one!!
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    Reposting with Mmahabee's goal.......

    Jessyas - Incorporate strength training into my workouts in order to build more muscle while I'm burning the calories, keep learning new recipes and cooking for myself, get down to 133lbs or less!
    atrayubrandy - to lose 7lbs, drink 64oz of water a day, cut down on sugar, and quit diet soda. I also want to build lean muscle mass.
    lolahippie - to exercise at least 4 times a week, not binge, and to get below 134lbs!
    froggytank3- lose 10lbs, cut down on sugar, and stay under cals without eating exercise calories.
    Allie7383- get into the 140's, stay on schedule with TurboFire, get in at least 8 glasses of water/day, increase my running distance.
    KanCrav-152 lbs-strength train 4 days a week-only 3 caffinated drinks a day-80 oz water a day.
    Rachellynch83- Finish my 30day shred, be able to run 3 1/2 miles without stopping, try to eat the majority of my exercise calories, and stay below my calorie goals at least 29 days this month.
    Toshiette - go 120km/75miles this month and get comfortably into the 140s.
    mkingraham- lose 7lbs, run a 5k without stopping, strength train 3 days a week
    meagalayne- maintain between 125lbs and 128lbs, complete weeks 8 and 9 of HH 1/2 Intermediate Training Program, YogaFit 1 time/week, strength train 2-3 times/week, and eliminate sweetener use by the end of the month (eeek!)
    hizzle85- lose 8 pounds, complete the pushup and squat challenges, eat under/ right at my calorie limit, exercise at least 4 days a week, work on increasing my water intake, start the c25k program.
    eleanoreb- Get below 135 pounds, eat more veggies and less chocolate/candy
    Ngoat- lose 3 lbs, drink more water, cut down on my sugar intake and be sure to excercise at least one day of the weekend
    NicNac86 - lose at least 4lbs (avg 1 a week), drink more water, more Wii, more dog walks
    echoicmemories- down to 130lbs, lose 2" from waist and 1" from hips, continue workout plan with alternating days at least 4x week, increase elliptical to 15, begin C25K
    cheralicia - Walk to or from work (or both) at least 4 days a week, track on MFP 90% of the month, yoga 2x/week, start to love running!
    GuamGrly (Bethany) - continue to incorporate more fruits and veggies into my diet, drink my water, workout 3-4 times per week, and continue C25K training
    kristinlough- lose 6 lbs, exercise 5 days a week, water and/or tea only, no more white carbs, 20 pushups a day 3 days a week, plank for 60 seconds
    maggiemay131- stay on track with half marathon training, kick the Diet Coke habit, and reach comfortably into the 150's (162 current!)
    Lostalykat- Work out 4-6 days a week with my training, Make 1 new recipe a week, Track everything that goes in my mouth, try 1 new yoga class.
    shelsab-lose 5 lbs. Try 3 yoga classes. strength training 3x week. Try new clean eating recipes.
    Sams111- Get into 220's, Spin 3x a week, gym 5x a week, and increase calories.
    mamabearr- Lose 7-10 lbs. Try to work out at least 5 days a week (even if it's only for 20 minutes) and eat healthier.
    brittfam- continue to work out 6x's a week, more stength training, goal weight loss for this month is 8lbs
    emmarie1630- lose 4 pounds, at least 4x a week workout with strength training, lengthen gym time, tons of water- cut out diet soda, find wedding dress
    Mary830- scale: lose 9lbs, jog/run 50 miles, track my food every day, and 64+ oz of water a day
    edryer123 March Goal Weight is be under 140lbs and get to where I can run a full mile without stopping (almost there but still fighting weather outside)
    CaptainJim157to lose around 7-10 lbs, if I can, get at least 30-60 min of exercise a day, that's my main thing! And try and only have a pop once a week, instead of like, everyday
    Mary830- scale: lose 9lbs, jog/run 50 miles, track my food every day, and 64+ oz of water a day.
    Meggonkgonk: Make strength training workouts more of a priority (30 min 2x/wk minimum); Eat 1 fruit and 3 different vegetables everyday; Try 3 new recipes (do not have to be “perfect” just delicious).
    jnlynch- lose 5 pounds (be at 118 lbs), workout at least 4x a week; completing my 30 Day Shred & starting the 6 Week Six-Pack, & eat breakfast on weekdays.
    rmarin18- scale: lose 5 lbs, non-scale: Drink at least 72oz of water a day & strength train 2x per week.
    prila13-5 lbs weight loss, Drink at least 4 glasses of water per day. (I have only been able to reach 2 so far LOL), Be able to walk 3 miles per day by the end of March.
    gofatties-make it to hand stands class 1x a week. and to cut down on late night emotional eating.
    Huni3bee-lose 10lbs, drink 10 cups of water a day instead of 8, and when I walk home I'll take the long way home instead of the shortcut... I'm also going to try and cut back on sugar, I'm going to actually push my self when working out no matter how bad it burns.
    Paigeb15: Drink at least 48 oz of water a day, Maintain 110-115 lbs, Make myself go walk at the park down the street on my lunch on nice days, less alcohol
    wardiemelissa-continue to maintain between 120-125 lbs. ; continue to follow Hal Higdon 1/2 marathon training (starting week 9-race is on April 2nd); continue to find and try out new recipes for dinner at least 4 nights a week; make time for my family :o)
    Finncmh- see a loss on the scale, continue lifting 2-4 times a week, run 1-2 times a week, walk to work at least 2 times a week, play outdoors more, keep eating clean! Be supportive on new people on here giving honest opinions and input.
    JacciLatt5- Ive never done this before but here it goes. I want to do the 30 Shred Dvd this month; eat less processed foods; try atleast 2 new workouts; be down @least 4 lbs
    kbellnurse - Get into the 140's! (lose at least 4lbs), workouts 4x/week (at least), school work on EVERY school day - make it to church for at least one Sunday.
    NLG139-I would like to lose 4lbs in March, drink 64oz of water a day, and get in my long runs every weekend (I'm training for a half marthon in May).
    Whitneysaenz - Lose 7 lbs (GW for March 31st: 160lb), drink at least 64oz of water a day, eat more vegetables, and exercise at least 4 days per week!
    DowntimeDesings-Start and stick with insanity workouts
    SexyInASizeSix-lose 15lbs, and drink 10 glasses of water per day
    tjradd73-to lose 6lbs, drink 80ozs of water/day, 3 days of arms/week, and burn at least 5,000 calories/month
    rivingtonst-I'm doing the 4x4, haha, In the next 4 weeks I will: lose 4lbs, workout 4x week, and make 4 new recipes.
    stuartme123: Check in with this thread 3-4x a week.- 30 min of cardio 4x a week - Continue C25K - reach W4 by Spring Break! - Curb unhealthy snacking - - Add veggies - Try one new healthy recipe a week - Lose 1lb a week and maintain over Spring Break for a total of 3lbs. MarchSW = 155.4.
    hilhall822: up the water intake- be better about precooking meals so I don't snack all day!
    runteachrun-For the month, I want to lose 15 pounds!
    peachyxoxoxo-stop bingeing. Work out 3-4 days a week. Track ALL foods every day.
    crystalfaith - workout at LEAST 4 times a week! Lose 5 lbs. Start eating more veggies and fruits :)
    mmahabee- get a fitness routine worked out so I can maintain my weight and tone my body
  • eleanoreb
    eleanoreb Posts: 621 Member
    I'm so proud of myself. I've been pre-planning all of my meals and working out every day. I'm going to try a spinning class for the first time tonight. And the thing that I'm especially proud of: I've been drinking 64oz of water every day! It's hard and sometimes I have to guzzle the last 2-3 cups before bed but I'm dragging my giant water bottle around with me every where I go.

    yaay I love spinning!! let me know how it goes :)
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Kandace-we are on the same page, cuz I had just added Michelle too!! LOL Good luck this weekend, try to stay focused the best that you can and remember why you are doing all of this...for YOU! 6 weeks will fly by (especially since you have got a great start on quitting) :)


    Megan-thanks! and have fun at the museums!!

    edryer-1 day of R and R after a great workout is ok...glad you are getting back to it today and I know you will get in a great one :)
  • eleanoreb
    eleanoreb Posts: 621 Member
    Hey Sorry I didn't introduce myself, my name is Eleanore or El for short.

    I agree with you, I will take into account my nutritionist's advice and then continue to do what I feel is right. Maybe some days I will wait tillt he evening to log to make sure I'm on track and know how to figure things out on my own.. I guess I like being held accountable, the people on here, and the habit of doing it.

    Hope everyone has a really good weekened even if some of you have to work.. I love the sound of running a business, I know it's a lot of work but sounds really rewarding as well.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Happy Friday, everyone :bigsmile:

    Short post from me. Work was alright last night. I'm going to stick it out until Sat and then decide my fate. At least I'll make some $$ in the meantime. Today I have a million things to do and ONE incredibly stupid application took me over an hour to complete. So aggravating. I always feel like I have no time at all...

    Crystal - Sounds like you're on the right track. Really happy to have you here :flowerforyou: Welcome!

    Michelle - Same to you! Great job on getting to maintenance - Keep yourself on track with workouts by making them a priority and scheduling them in. I keep my agenda/calendar up to date with all my workouts so that I treat them like any other appt. Seems to work great for me :bigsmile: If you're looking for good non-gym workouts, try I love the beginner body circuit! Good luck!

    Megan - Rest those legs, woman! The walking will be more than enough - same muscle groups - so take a rest day and recover. A hot bath, some stretching, and some relaxxxxation! You deserve it - You're working your butt off!

    Guam - Oooo Yea that one's good too!! Love trying on stuff that *LOOKS* like it'll fit me and then I end up swimming in it. Really goes to show how skewed our body image/perspective can be. I definitely still have days when I feel like I look "fat", although I know logically that 125lbs at 5'7" is farrr from being anything but lean and fit! Glad to hear you're keeping your spirits up about work, darling. Your attitude is really wonderful. Still sending <<hugs>> regardless! Just have to go with the flow sometimes and work with what you've got, right? Things will look up soon - They always do. Ebbs and flows :noway:

    Mary - Oh man - Don't I wish I knew what I wanted to be when I grow up! hahah Thanks for understanding. It's nice to know I'm not the only one!

    OK this took wayyy too long. Have to get back to it. Weighed-in at 125.4lbs today - Down 0.3lbs from Monday but overall still maintaining. Hoping to have a busy but relaxing and fun weekend with the boy. I'll be back to check in periodically. Keep up the hard work everyone!! :heart:
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Kinda selfish post hehe

    Happy Friday Peeps! It is only 10am and I already feel so accomplished and happy today.

    1st why I am so happy!- I was called yesterday by my head coach for my Team at Team in Training. He mentioned that he told the head of our Team in Training office that he thought I would be a great candidate for becoming an assistant coach! This is huge for me coming from a non-fitness background. He thinks I am so strong and I have so much dedication he things I would be great coaching people in the future. This meant so much to me! I am so stoked that this is something I really love and I am good at it.

    I had a great day/night last night and this morning. Last night we went and looked at apartments and we found a really cute one. We just have to decide if we really want to move and what our reasons are. It is hard because this place is soo cute and has a huge kitchen. But not as much storage, but a huge backyard where we could put a little storage shed so we shall see. We went to dinner last night and I was really good only about 2ish glasses of wine maybe less since I poured really small glasses and drank lots of water. We came home early and went to bed early. I didn't sleep too amazingly but I still got up at 5 to go to spin class. I am just feeling great about where I am in my life right now! We have our practice triathlon on sunday so this weekend will be another fun one. I am sending my bf edible arrangements for his new job at his work as a surprise I can't wait to get the call from him that he got it :bigsmile:

    Natalie- I forgot to mention how awesome about dropping a pants size! I am trying to focus on the size right now since even though I weigh the same I lost inches in the past month or so. I am also starting to look fairly buff haha, in a good way. Keep it up you kung fu princess!

    QOTD- What are you looking forward to this weekend?
    I am really excited to just have a mellow Saturday with a run and doing whatever I please! Doesn't happen to often hehe. Also the practice tri should be fun!
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    Quick post for me...not a whole lot of time!!! I will hopefully have more this weekend to catch up with everyone! Yesterday got in my quick 3 miles and 80% of my strength workout before I had to shower and get ready to go to a concert. Hubby took me to see Aaron Lewis of Staind (played acoustically-not sure if that's a word). He put on an AWESOME show!!! Only had one drink too so I was happy with that.

    Tonight is my rest day so that means I can go home and just hang out with my girls-it's raining here so I'm thinking popcorn and movies it is tonight :happy: .

    Dentist appointment tomorrow (taking myself and both girls; what was I thinking?????) :noway:. I know I'm going to be STRESSED to keep them occupied!!! Sunday my youngest is going to a birthday party-I am dropping her off and going to lunch with friends!!!! conversation :laugh: then I have my 15k "race" (running it either outside or on the TM if it's too cold!!!).

    Meag-just wanted to tell you that I had never heard of buttercup squash before (butternut, acorn and spaghetti-yes) and I actually found one at the store a few days you just bake it in the oven like a regular squash??? What would you pair with it? I was thinking couscous :heart: :tongue: or quinoa and maybe either chicken or pork chops? to go!!!!
  • Happy Friday!! :happy:

    Just checking in with all you kickass peeps before the weekend - week's been okay so far, I've had a lot of stuff to deal with for school and life in general so only made it to the gym once this week (thought still doing my at home core/arm stuff) so far since I spent the first half of the week shutting myself inside trying to write assignments, which I'm not stoked about but not going to beat myself up over. Keep reminding myself that tomorrow is a new day, fresh with no mistakes in it! (wish I could remember where that quote came from). One huge motivator/inspiration to keep pushing it is that the changes are starting to be noticeable to other people - went to see my friends' band play last night and an acquaintance I hadn't seen since before the holidays commented that I'm "wasting away" (though that's most definitely not the case lol - just haven't seen him since my pre-MFP weight of 150). My roommate who motivated me a lot to even start working out again also told me earlier this week he can see a big difference and he sees me just about every day, so having someone who has seen the gradual progress and someone who last saw me 15lbs ago both give me entirely unsolicited comments just felt really good, though that probably sounds a bit vain :/, but it just gave me some much needed positivity in what's otherwise been a kind of crappy week.

    Made an AMAZING version of sesame chicken the other night - usually I'm not one for recipes unless I'm baking (more of a throw whatever together until it's awesome type of cook), but I found this on hungrygirl and adapted it a bit for what I already had in the cupboard. This is the link to the original:
    Basically, all I omitted was the chicken stock and cornstarch, the sauce was still plenty thick enough to coat the chicken awesomely when tossed. Then instead of pancake syrup, I used 2 packed tsp brown sugar if I recall correctly. And I used 4 cloves crushed garlic total to make 2 servings of it, so I think that's more than what hungrygirl put in the recipe, but adjust to taste accordingly. And really - it turned out so well. My close friend's vegetarian and I want to have her and her boy over for dinner, so I'm going to try making a pressed/marinated tofu version of it as well - obviously there will be a trial run first haha. But yes, if anyone wants the recipe for what I actually ended up making from that link, let me know and I will post it over the weekend!

    Meag - Know it was said a while back now, but I totally agree that you seem like you would be amazing as a coach/trainer/nutritionist! You are totally inspiring and seem to have this innate motivational quality from what you post. You clearly have put in the work yourself to meet your own goal - for hypothetical clients, that's not something you can learn or read about - you know what they're trying to accomplish and have been there yourself, and having personal experience/knowledge is an invaluable quality in any career. So sorry about the clinic doctor's assessment of your foot - OHIP is amazing when it works, but terrible when it doesn't - can the doctor not refer you to a specialist that you don't have to pay for? I was under the impression that OHIP covered referrals and specialists for the most part, clearly I'm mistaken on that. Also, congrats on the bartending gig! Sometimes stopgaps can come at just the right time :) kudos for giving it a shot and sticking it out to see how it goes!

    El - Welcome! And on your nutritionist's advice - everyone is different! Only you know if it's really right for you and maintaining your goals to stop logging. Being accountable is a good thing - when you are ready to stop logging and maintain without counting calories, you will. Your nutritionist is only one opinion, and if you feel comfortable with their advice and scaling back logging, then that's awesome, but if you feel logging is right for you to maintain, then that's awesome too! Either way, you're maintaining and living a healthy lifestyle, which is the main idea :)

    Crystal - That's awesome you bought a HRM! I've been looking into getting one. Knowing a more accurate estimate (think that's an oxymoron) for what you're burning is very useful. Give us an update as to how accurate it was compared to your previous burn - I'm so curious how accurate the machines' count is to the real count.

    Megan - Kudos on your awesome progress!! Seeing your progress through the C25K is so motivating and a great testament to how good the program really is. Seeing your journey through becoming a runner really inspires me to make sure I actually do the C25K once I'm ready.

    edryer (sorry I don't know your name) - You got it! Today is a new day - always aim to push yourself further, but while listening to your body - it's a delicate balance. What workout were you trying to get in when you could only walk? Could you modify or change it to something maybe more suited to whatever your body is rebelling against (e.g. if a treadmill is hard on your joints or knees, try the elliptical). Keep the attitude strong of tomorrow is a new day, it will keep you going, kudos! :)

    Have a kickass and wonderful weekend all! :drinker:
  • edryer123
    edryer123 Posts: 502 Member
    edryer (sorry I don't know your name) - You got it! Today is a new day - always aim to push yourself further, but while listening to your body - it's a delicate balance. What workout were you trying to get in when you could only walk? Could you modify or change it to something maybe more suited to whatever your body is rebelling against (e.g. if a treadmill is hard on your joints or knees, try the elliptical). Keep the attitude strong of tomorrow is a new day, it will keep you going, kudos! :)

    Have a kickass and wonderful weekend all! :drinker:

    Its all good. My name is Erica. I started out walking a couple weeks ago to build myself back up into a runner (I was in track and field in high school). I started out doing 3mph just walking (wimpy but the roads were covered in snow and ice so i didn't push to hard. This week I had managed to get to 4.2mph for two days straight. I also do a workout dvd after. I also set myself a personal challenge to do Jillian Michaels 6wk6pck at least 4-5days. Yesterday for whatever reason the minute I started run my knees would just want to give out. I figured my body was a little worn out from push for the last 5 days straight. so I listened and kept it to just a walk.

    I don't have access to a gym or equipment like I used to (bums me out because I miss going to spin class and zumba at my old gym.)

    Today my workout has gone much better and I benefitted greatly from an easy day. Had to keep it inside due to flooding rains today :( its still better than snow! lol. Sunday is my only official off off day where I do nothing but have fun with family because my fiance and I go see or have company every sunday. Usually we go to his parents and I take their very energetic lab to the park and run around with him as my workout but I don't count it ever! lol....
  • shelsab
    shelsab Posts: 138 Member
    HAPPY FRIDAY Everyone!!

    Selfish post, just to say HIII!!! And i hope everyone is having a good day. I got to sleep in today, so it was good and today is my rest day, but yesterday I had a great run and am looking forward to my next 5k coming up in 2 months, I think. Ohh another great day because the sun is shinning! Have a great weekend!:smile:

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