Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - March Challenge!!



  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Meag-just wanted to tell you that I had never heard of buttercup squash before (butternut, acorn and spaghetti-yes) and I actually found one at the store a few days you just bake it in the oven like a regular squash??? What would you pair with it? I was thinking couscous or quinoa and maybe either chicken or pork chops?
    We really love buttercup squash because its SO creamy and delicious and so we tend not to use it in recipes - we just eat it oven-roasted either tossed with some curry paste thinned with water (weird but so delicious) or roasted as-is. I've used it in a few recipes before but the texture and taste gets lost amongst the other ingredients and it makes me a little sad, because it's so luscious and creamy. I know - it's squash - but seriously! I'd say either peel and cube it and toss it in the oven with whatever flavours you like (we like more Indian masalas) or just cut it into 8 or 10 large slices, scoop out the middle, and roast it skin down until it's soft (may want to microwave it on high for 5 mins to speed this up). Serve it along side whatever protein you're having that day. We've had it with BBQ chicken, roasted pork tenderloin, and even fish and it was always great. I'd typically not have a carb with it, because I'm somewhat carb-phobic and squash is a decent low-GI sub, but I am SURE i'd be really yummy with couscous or any other whole grain as well. I bet it would be amazing in a warm bulgur wheat, couscours or quinoa salad! :bigsmile:

    The coolest thing? When you cut it open, notice that it smells strangely like a mix between pumpkin and watermelon. That's how you know it's good! So sweet, creamy and fabulous. Enjoy it :happy:
  • crystalfaith
    crystalfaith Posts: 23 Member
    Keep reminding myself that tomorrow is a new day, fresh with no mistakes in it! (wish I could remember where that quote came from).

    That quote is from Anne of Green Gables! One of my favs for sure! :) but yeah I'm so excited about the HRM! I bought the Timex T5G971 -- it was the highest rated one i could find that was under $100. Its supposed to be around $60ish but i found it on Amazon for $40! yay! so obviously i had to get it :) its supposed to be here Tuesday so ill let you ladies know next week how i feel about sure it'll be great compared to nothing! lol.

    Cheers to kicking off the weekend! Hope everyone's having a great evening! :)
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Jessyas - Incorporate strength training into my workouts in order to build more muscle while I'm burning the calories, keep learning new recipes and cooking for myself, get down to 133lbs or less!
    atrayubrandy - to lose 7lbs, drink 64oz of water a day, cut down on sugar, and quit diet soda. I also want to build lean muscle mass.
    lolahippie - to exercise at least 4 times a week, not binge, and to get below 134lbs!
    froggytank3- lose 10lbs, cut down on sugar, and stay under cals without eating exercise calories.
    Allie7383- get into the 140's, stay on schedule with TurboFire, get in at least 8 glasses of water/day, increase my running distance.
    KanCrav-152 lbs-strength train 4 days a week-only 3 caffinated drinks a day-80 oz water a day.
    Rachellynch83- Finish my 30day shred, be able to run 3 1/2 miles without stopping, try to eat the majority of my exercise calories, and stay below my calorie goals at least 29 days this month.
    Toshiette - go 120km/75miles this month and get comfortably into the 140s.
    mkingraham- lose 7lbs, run a 5k without stopping, strength train 3 days a week
    meagalayne- maintain between 125lbs and 128lbs, complete weeks 8 and 9 of HH 1/2 Intermediate Training Program, YogaFit 1 time/week, strength train 2-3 times/week, and eliminate sweetener use by the end of the month (eeek!)
    hizzle85- lose 8 pounds, complete the pushup and squat challenges, eat under/ right at my calorie limit, exercise at least 4 days a week, work on increasing my water intake, start the c25k program.
    eleanoreb- Get below 135 pounds, eat more veggies and less chocolate/candy
    Ngoat- lose 3 lbs, drink more water, cut down on my sugar intake and be sure to excercise at least one day of the weekend
    NicNac86 - lose at least 4lbs (avg 1 a week), drink more water, more Wii, more dog walks
    echoicmemories- down to 130lbs, lose 2" from waist and 1" from hips, continue workout plan with alternating days at least 4x week, increase elliptical to 15, begin C25K
    cheralicia - Walk to or from work (or both) at least 4 days a week, track on MFP 90% of the month, yoga 2x/week, start to love running!
    GuamGrly (Bethany) - continue to incorporate more fruits and veggies into my diet, drink my water, workout 3-4 times per week, and continue C25K training
    kristinlough- lose 6 lbs, exercise 5 days a week, water and/or tea only, no more white carbs, 20 pushups a day 3 days a week, plank for 60 seconds
    maggiemay131- stay on track with half marathon training, kick the Diet Coke habit, and reach comfortably into the 150's (162 current!)
    Lostalykat- Work out 4-6 days a week with my training, Make 1 new recipe a week, Track everything that goes in my mouth, try 1 new yoga class.
    shelsab-lose 5 lbs. Try 3 yoga classes. strength training 3x week. Try new clean eating recipes.
    Sams111- Get into 220's, Spin 3x a week, gym 5x a week, and increase calories.
    mamabearr- Lose 7-10 lbs. Try to work out at least 5 days a week (even if it's only for 20 minutes) and eat healthier.
    brittfam- continue to work out 6x's a week, more stength training, goal weight loss for this month is 8lbs
    emmarie1630- lose 4 pounds, at least 4x a week workout with strength training, lengthen gym time, tons of water- cut out diet soda, find wedding dress
    Mary830- scale: lose 9lbs, jog/run 50 miles, track my food every day, and 64+ oz of water a day
    edryer123 March Goal Weight is be under 140lbs and get to where I can run a full mile without stopping (almost there but still fighting weather outside)
    CaptainJim157to lose around 7-10 lbs, if I can, get at least 30-60 min of exercise a day, that's my main thing! And try and only have a pop once a week, instead of like, everyday
    Mary830- scale: lose 9lbs, jog/run 50 miles, track my food every day, and 64+ oz of water a day.
    Meggonkgonk: Make strength training workouts more of a priority (30 min 2x/wk minimum); Eat 1 fruit and 3 different vegetables everyday; Try 3 new recipes (do not have to be “perfect” just delicious).
    jnlynch- lose 5 pounds (be at 118 lbs), workout at least 4x a week; completing my 30 Day Shred & starting the 6 Week Six-Pack, & eat breakfast on weekdays.
    rmarin18- scale: lose 5 lbs, non-scale: Drink at least 72oz of water a day & strength train 2x per week.
    prila13-5 lbs weight loss, Drink at least 4 glasses of water per day. (I have only been able to reach 2 so far LOL), Be able to walk 3 miles per day by the end of March.
    gofatties-make it to hand stands class 1x a week. and to cut down on late night emotional eating.
    Huni3bee-lose 10lbs, drink 10 cups of water a day instead of 8, and when I walk home I'll take the long way home instead of the shortcut... I'm also going to try and cut back on sugar, I'm going to actually push my self when working out no matter how bad it burns.
    Paigeb15: Drink at least 48 oz of water a day, Maintain 110-115 lbs, Make myself go walk at the park down the street on my lunch on nice days, less alcohol
    wardiemelissa-continue to maintain between 120-125 lbs. ; continue to follow Hal Higdon 1/2 marathon training (starting week 9-race is on April 2nd); continue to find and try out new recipes for dinner at least 4 nights a week; make time for my family :o)
    Finncmh- see a loss on the scale, continue lifting 2-4 times a week, run 1-2 times a week, walk to work at least 2 times a week, play outdoors more, keep eating clean! Be supportive on new people on here giving honest opinions and input.
    JacciLatt5- Ive never done this before but here it goes. I want to do the 30 Shred Dvd this month; eat less processed foods; try atleast 2 new workouts; be down @least 4 lbs
    kbellnurse - Get into the 140's! (lose at least 4lbs), workouts 4x/week (at least), school work on EVERY school day - make it to church for at least one Sunday.
    NLG139-I would like to lose 4lbs in March, drink 64oz of water a day, and get in my long runs every weekend (I'm training for a half marthon in May).
    Whitneysaenz - Lose 7 lbs (GW for March 31st: 160lb), drink at least 64oz of water a day, eat more vegetables, and exercise at least 4 days per week!
    DowntimeDesings-Start and stick with insanity workouts
    SexyInASizeSix-lose 15lbs, and drink 10 glasses of water per day
    tjradd73-to lose 6lbs, drink 80ozs of water/day, 3 days of arms/week, and burn at least 5,000 calories/month
    rivingtonst-I'm doing the 4x4, haha, In the next 4 weeks I will: lose 4lbs, workout 4x week, and make 4 new recipes.
    stuartme123: Check in with this thread 3-4x a week.- 30 min of cardio 4x a week - Continue C25K - reach W4 by Spring Break! - Curb unhealthy snacking - - Add veggies - Try one new healthy recipe a week - Lose 1lb a week and maintain over Spring Break for a total of 3lbs. MarchSW = 155.4.
    hilhall822: up the water intake- be better about precooking meals so I don't snack all day!
    runteachrun-For the month, I want to lose 15 pounds!
    peachyxoxoxo-stop bingeing. Work out 3-4 days a week. Track ALL foods every day.
    crystalfaith - workout at LEAST 4 times a week! Lose 5 lbs. Start eating more veggies and fruits :)
    mmahabee- get a fitness routine worked out so I can maintain my weight and tone my body
    bstamps12- Lose 4 lbs, bike 60 minutes straight, bike 9 miles straight.

    Sorry I am late! I wanted to do this challenge last month and lost track of it and haven't found it this month until now.
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    El-nice to meetcha!! welcome to the group!

    Melisssa-sounds like we had similar weeks...took my son and I to the dentist yesterday, and went to the movie and had popcorn this afternoon...saw Rango! pretty cute movie :) have fun with the gals this weekend!

    bstamps-welcome to the group :)

    QOTD-looking forward to taking my son hiking tomorrow...i think it is a 4 mile RT trail through some old railroad tunnels...its called railroad pass :) hope it is nice out like today...sunny, no wind, and in the 70's!!

    AFM-doin great with the WOs but pushin it really close on my cals...too close for comfort actually, and STILL cant get this sodium thingy under control! Damn!
  • CurriedGrasshopper
    CurriedGrasshopper Posts: 86 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I'm Jenn. I've been back in the land of Working Out & Watching Portions for about 7 weeks now. I want to lower my body fat% and drop around 15 lbs, about what I gained in the last year and a half. So a lot of focus on building muscle as I want to fe fit and not "Skinny fat".
    Jessyas - Incorporate strength training into my workouts in order to build more muscle while I'm burning the calories, keep learning new recipes and cooking for myself, get down to 133lbs or less!
    atrayubrandy - to lose 7lbs, drink 64oz of water a day, cut down on sugar, and quit diet soda. I also want to build lean muscle mass.
    lolahippie - to exercise at least 4 times a week, not binge, and to get below 134lbs!
    froggytank3- lose 10lbs, cut down on sugar, and stay under cals without eating exercise calories.
    Allie7383- get into the 140's, stay on schedule with TurboFire, get in at least 8 glasses of water/day, increase my running distance.
    KanCrav-152 lbs-strength train 4 days a week-only 3 caffinated drinks a day-80 oz water a day.
    Rachellynch83- Finish my 30day shred, be able to run 3 1/2 miles without stopping, try to eat the majority of my exercise calories, and stay below my calorie goals at least 29 days this month.
    Toshiette - go 120km/75miles this month and get comfortably into the 140s.
    mkingraham- lose 7lbs, run a 5k without stopping, strength train 3 days a week
    meagalayne- maintain between 125lbs and 128lbs, complete weeks 8 and 9 of HH 1/2 Intermediate Training Program, YogaFit 1 time/week, strength train 2-3 times/week, and eliminate sweetener use by the end of the month (eeek!)
    hizzle85- lose 8 pounds, complete the pushup and squat challenges, eat under/ right at my calorie limit, exercise at least 4 days a week, work on increasing my water intake, start the c25k program.
    eleanoreb- Get below 135 pounds, eat more veggies and less chocolate/candy
    Ngoat- lose 3 lbs, drink more water, cut down on my sugar intake and be sure to excercise at least one day of the weekend
    NicNac86 - lose at least 4lbs (avg 1 a week), drink more water, more Wii, more dog walks
    echoicmemories- down to 130lbs, lose 2" from waist and 1" from hips, continue workout plan with alternating days at least 4x week, increase elliptical to 15, begin C25K
    cheralicia - Walk to or from work (or both) at least 4 days a week, track on MFP 90% of the month, yoga 2x/week, start to love running!
    GuamGrly (Bethany) - continue to incorporate more fruits and veggies into my diet, drink my water, workout 3-4 times per week, and continue C25K training
    kristinlough- lose 6 lbs, exercise 5 days a week, water and/or tea only, no more white carbs, 20 pushups a day 3 days a week, plank for 60 seconds
    maggiemay131- stay on track with half marathon training, kick the Diet Coke habit, and reach comfortably into the 150's (162 current!)
    Lostalykat- Work out 4-6 days a week with my training, Make 1 new recipe a week, Track everything that goes in my mouth, try 1 new yoga class.
    shelsab-lose 5 lbs. Try 3 yoga classes. strength training 3x week. Try new clean eating recipes.
    Sams111- Get into 220's, Spin 3x a week, gym 5x a week, and increase calories.
    mamabearr- Lose 7-10 lbs. Try to work out at least 5 days a week (even if it's only for 20 minutes) and eat healthier.
    brittfam- continue to work out 6x's a week, more stength training, goal weight loss for this month is 8lbs
    emmarie1630- lose 4 pounds, at least 4x a week workout with strength training, lengthen gym time, tons of water- cut out diet soda, find wedding dress
    Mary830- scale: lose 9lbs, jog/run 50 miles, track my food every day, and 64+ oz of water a day
    edryer123 March Goal Weight is be under 140lbs and get to where I can run a full mile without stopping (almost there but still fighting weather outside)
    CaptainJim157to lose around 7-10 lbs, if I can, get at least 30-60 min of exercise a day, that's my main thing! And try and only have a pop once a week, instead of like, everyday
    Mary830- scale: lose 9lbs, jog/run 50 miles, track my food every day, and 64+ oz of water a day.
    Meggonkgonk: Make strength training workouts more of a priority (30 min 2x/wk minimum); Eat 1 fruit and 3 different vegetables everyday; Try 3 new recipes (do not have to be “perfect” just delicious).
    jnlynch- lose 5 pounds (be at 118 lbs), workout at least 4x a week; completing my 30 Day Shred & starting the 6 Week Six-Pack, & eat breakfast on weekdays.
    rmarin18- scale: lose 5 lbs, non-scale: Drink at least 72oz of water a day & strength train 2x per week.
    prila13-5 lbs weight loss, Drink at least 4 glasses of water per day. (I have only been able to reach 2 so far LOL), Be able to walk 3 miles per day by the end of March.
    gofatties-make it to hand stands class 1x a week. and to cut down on late night emotional eating.
    Huni3bee-lose 10lbs, drink 10 cups of water a day instead of 8, and when I walk home I'll take the long way home instead of the shortcut... I'm also going to try and cut back on sugar, I'm going to actually push my self when working out no matter how bad it burns.
    Paigeb15: Drink at least 48 oz of water a day, Maintain 110-115 lbs, Make myself go walk at the park down the street on my lunch on nice days, less alcohol
    wardiemelissa-continue to maintain between 120-125 lbs. ; continue to follow Hal Higdon 1/2 marathon training (starting week 9-race is on April 2nd); continue to find and try out new recipes for dinner at least 4 nights a week; make time for my family :o)
    Finncmh- see a loss on the scale, continue lifting 2-4 times a week, run 1-2 times a week, walk to work at least 2 times a week, play outdoors more, keep eating clean! Be supportive on new people on here giving honest opinions and input.
    JacciLatt5- Ive never done this before but here it goes. I want to do the 30 Shred Dvd this month; eat less processed foods; try atleast 2 new workouts; be down @least 4 lbs
    kbellnurse - Get into the 140's! (lose at least 4lbs), workouts 4x/week (at least), school work on EVERY school day - make it to church for at least one Sunday.
    NLG139-I would like to lose 4lbs in March, drink 64oz of water a day, and get in my long runs every weekend (I'm training for a half marthon in May).
    Whitneysaenz - Lose 7 lbs (GW for March 31st: 160lb), drink at least 64oz of water a day, eat more vegetables, and exercise at least 4 days per week!
    DowntimeDesings-Start and stick with insanity workouts
    SexyInASizeSix-lose 15lbs, and drink 10 glasses of water per day
    tjradd73-to lose 6lbs, drink 80ozs of water/day, 3 days of arms/week, and burn at least 5,000 calories/month
    rivingtonst-I'm doing the 4x4, haha, In the next 4 weeks I will: lose 4lbs, workout 4x week, and make 4 new recipes.
    stuartme123: Check in with this thread 3-4x a week.- 30 min of cardio 4x a week - Continue C25K - reach W4 by Spring Break! - Curb unhealthy snacking - - Add veggies - Try one new healthy recipe a week - Lose 1lb a week and maintain over Spring Break for a total of 3lbs. MarchSW = 155.4.
    hilhall822: up the water intake- be better about precooking meals so I don't snack all day!
    runteachrun-For the month, I want to lose 15 pounds!
    peachyxoxoxo-stop bingeing. Work out 3-4 days a week. Track ALL foods every day.
    crystalfaith - workout at LEAST 4 times a week! Lose 5 lbs. Start eating more veggies and fruits :)
    mmahabee- get a fitness routine worked out so I can maintain my weight and tone my body
    bstamps12- Lose 4 lbs, bike 60 minutes straight, bike 9 miles straight.
    Sorry I am late! I wanted to do this challenge last month and lost track of it and haven't found it this month until now.
    CurriedGrasshopper - (Jenn) - I'd like to lose 3lbs, continue with p90x, and focus on drinking more water and less diet coke.
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    Happy Saturday everyone!~!~!

    ~CrystalFatih.... Happy 1/2 anniversary!~! Its awesome that you saw you were gaining weight and caught it before it got out of hand! I gained 30 lbs when I got married. (now Im paying for it!~!) Let me know how your HRM works for you, I am thinking about getting one! Good luck with everything!

    ~Michelle.... Welcome to the best group EVER!~!~!~! Im so excited you are here. Keep your eyes open for new and fun things to do to tone your bod! Make sure you keep asking questions until you find something that works for you. Just rememeber that you are going to have to "work out" to tone. Just having good intentions isnt gonna make you wake up and be as hot as me (jk). You gotta sweat!~!~!

    ~Guam... thanks for being so supportive!~!~!~! I wish you the best of luck with everything. I too believe that everything happens for a reason... you will see it soon enough. <3

    ~Radd... If I were you I wouldnt worry about getting close on your cals. Your doing awesome with your WOs and you should be proud of that!~!~!

    ~Aly... Congrats on the coaching possition!~! Your gonna have TONS of fun! Edible arrangments is such a cute gift!~! Let us know how it goes!~!

    ~Meag... oh meag, your such an inspiration. I would totally use foot probs and all the life crap to just give up and eat myself into a big fat hole!~! But not you! You just suck it up and keep in truckin!~! I know how hard you are on yourself but you need to realize how awesome you are!~! Your doing such a wonderful job and your teaching me sooo much! Good luck with the job app!~!~!

    Everyone else, your all doing great!~! Sorry I dont have time to comment to everyone!~! There are just too many of yo Kick *kitten* peeps to comment on everyday!~! Im glad we have so many new people and glad the guys are back!~!

    AFM..... Last day with the Cody, the hubbs and by bro before i ship off!~!~! I am doing much better today than yesterday. I am not going to let my mind wander and ruin another day!~! Were going out to sitesee and shop then home tonight for a nice dinner together. Were havnig cornbeef and cabbage. (My moms fav, kind of a tribute to her) I have slacked off with my exercise the past few days but I will get back on the horse soon. I may not be too active here for the next few days but Im still here!~! Have a great weekend everyone, good luck with all your goals!!!~!!! Lets GO MARCH~~!~!~!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    bstamps - Welcome! :flowerforyou: The more the merrier! Especially fellow runners! :bigsmile:

    Jenn/Curried - Welcome to you as well! Skinny fat is my nemesis - I'm still a work in progress, like everyone else! Just got to strengthening and getting fit this last 6 months, so I can totally relate. Let us know how you're liking p90x - I'd love to give it a try but it's such a massive commitment - Good luck with your goals!

    Tara - Close is what you want, girl - Try to get as close to your cals as possible. That's definitely the way to go. Do not fear being within 50 cals or so of your targets. That's exactly what they are - targets! You're doing so great with this whole journey, so don't be getting down on yourself girl!

    Crystal - I have a Timex and I find it pretty decent, but mine was the $129 model (which I scored for $70 on clearance!) -- What features does yours have? I had a less expensive Timex briefly before this one but I found that the calorie count was not accurate at all because it didn't come with a chest strap. I'd love to hear your experience with it!

    AFM - Work was alright again. Tips were decent even though it was dead. Several patrons harassed me and refused to accept that I am happily involved with someone. I actually had to get out my phone and show pictures! :laugh: And one drunken man kept insisting that I look into modeling, which resulted in a whole lot of eye rolling and walking away. People are absurd! Tomorrow's a lounge-around-all-day-with-Ty-and-cuddle day - My body is totally exhausted from work and being run down with injuries. Seems like I hyper-extended my left knee in Yoga, of all places, this week and it's been killing me at work. Running around on it for 6+ hours is just not what the doctor ordered. Hoping to re-charge tomorrow, work at night and then have a very lazy day on Sunday. Hopefully I'll be around to check in with you folks.

    I'm going to be trying to make homemade pitas at some point over the next few days and if they turn out, I'll post the recipe for sure! Otherwise, that's all I've got. Have a great weekend ladies. Keep kickin' *kitten* and taking names! :bigsmile:
    Meag :heart:
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Kandace - Thank you! :blushing: Looks like we were posting simultaneously so I missed yours... Either way, good luck and take care and I look forward to hearing back from you very very soon :flowerforyou: You can do this!! And it will be so good for you, and so rewarding to come back feeling accomplished and with a fresh start and a whole life ahead of you. You're going to be great!

    Also - cabbage is totes one of my faves too! You may or may not notice that I eat it ALL the time - raw or sautéd just on it's own. Such a sweet, delicious veg. I love to use it sautéd as a base for my protein stir fries, instead of rice or another carbohydrate. Incredibly tastey and so easy. I just keep a large ziploc full of washed, chopped green cabbage in the fridge and use it every day. Do the exact same with baby spinach and it never goes bad. Love having veggies prepped and ready to eat at my disposal - makes meals and snack time so much easier :bigsmile:
  • edryer123
    edryer123 Posts: 502 Member
    Good Saturday morning all! Its cardio day! At least for me! Hoping my sinus cold meds kick in before I start cause my yesterday I sounded like a foghorn working out! lol.... stupid rain!
  • atrayubrandy
    atrayubrandy Posts: 188 Member
    yaay I love spinning!! let me know how it goes :)

    Oh man, that class almost killed me! I have never sweated that much in my life (and I take step aerobics!). I think I need to work up to taking another spin class.
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Morning Everyone! Well for me anyways! I was so tired and stuff last night that I ended up doing way more snacking than I should have. I also had a scoop of ice cream with a waffle cone hehee O well not going to feel guilty. Getting ready for a 40 minute run this morning that is mellow for our practice tri tomorrow. I hope everyone has a great saturday!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    yaay I love spinning!! let me know how it goes :)

    Oh man, that class almost killed me! I have never sweated that much in my life (and I take step aerobics!). I think I need to work up to taking another spin class.
    I've done step, running, and all sorts of other aerobics and cardio and spinning absolutely murders me - I can't even enjoy it because it hurts so much! I give madddd props to anyone who does it regularly. My legs are just *not* happy during/after a spin class!
  • Jaccilatt5
    Jaccilatt5 Posts: 46 Member
    Ok so I am sooooo close to my first mini goal of losing 15lbs! I am 1 lb away and it just doesnt seem to want to happen! So Im thinking about trying a spinning class. This way Ill get another step close to my goals and Ill fullfill one of my goals for this challenge - trying a new work out......but Im scared! What if I cant keep up??? What if I look like a total idiot??? Im still thinking about this, is there an easy way to start spinning before taking a class infront of people who could end up thinking im a fitness challenged idiot?
  • stuartme123
    stuartme123 Posts: 210 Member
    Meredith - Lameness on the hectic-life stuff. Don't know what's going on but I hope things are alright. Keep your chin up and dig in - you'll pull through. Definitely a wonderful idea to repeat W3 - no harm in it and if it helps you feel more confident about your ability going into W4 I think you'll be less inclined to slack and more inclined to use positive self-talk and tell yourself "I can do this" when it gets hard and you start feeling fatigued. When you think you can't run the last min of those 3 mins intervals just consider - you've already run 2 mins straight and thus you KNOW you can run 1 more min. It's not a matter of physical ability. Tell yourself you can do it and that you'll have time to rest once you're done. I swear, it gets easier :laugh: Some days you really just are way too tired and cannot push 100%, but a lot of the time it's all in your head and you are holding yourself back from making progress your body would otherwise be able to make. It's important to push yourself that extra little bit each and every time, but most important when you feel like you just can't give an extra inch. Those are the times when you finish your workout and think "Hell yes, I just did that. I AM capable. I AM strong. I CAN prevail" /Full House brand after school special motivational speech

    Meag, the craziness is mostly stemming from the fact that I am SOOOO behind on my thesis and that a rough draft is due at the beginning of April (the DAY after Spring Break) and I just happened to pick a whole host of work intensive classes for my final semester. I had a moment when I was looking at what I had to DO plus planning for after graduation, job searches and the like and well... that's where the peppermint patties from Thursday night came in :blushing:

    And I want to thank you for the rest of this response. I went out for D3 of W3 yesterday (a little off schedule, but I had missed my normal Friday gym time and I didn't know if I would go out and do it over the weekend, so I just went for it). I re-read your response right before I went out and kept running it through my head as I was doing the last 3 minute interval. Half of me wanted to scream at you in the moment - but your Full House brand after school special motivational speech REALLY helped - and I did push all the way through that last killer interval. And now I know I can!! Wooh!

    I'm definitely going to repeat at least some of W3 (not sure if this upcoming week is going to allow me to have 3 days to do c25k, so it's not a good time to move on anyway). I need to feel like I'm not going to die for finishing it before I move on to the BEAST of W4.
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    Ok so I am sooooo close to my first mini goal of losing 15lbs! I am 1 lb away and it just doesnt seem to want to happen! So Im thinking about trying a spinning class. This way Ill get another step close to my goals and Ill fullfill one of my goals for this challenge - trying a new work out......but Im scared! What if I cant keep up??? What if I look like a total idiot??? Im still thinking about this, is there an easy way to start spinning before taking a class infront of people who could end up thinking im a fitness challenged idiot?

    Just do it! I felt the same way last November when i had first started on MFP and I got so much encouragement from everyone. And I was 14lbs heavier then but ya know what its the type of class that you can totally go at your own pace. No one sees how hard the resistance is set to on your bike and its all good. Go a few minutes early and have the instructor set you up on a bike. People are usually super friendly and remember what it was like in their first spinning class. Just give it a go! Who knows you may totally fall in love with it!
  • edryer123
    edryer123 Posts: 502 Member
    Spin class was my absolute fave when i was going to the gym. I sweat like crazy!!! My towel would be soaked along with my shirt!
  • Fitnurse27
    Fitnurse27 Posts: 71 Member
    Quick selfish post... the thread is flying this month, and I haven't had a chance to read all of it. I will try when I get home tonight!

    Last QOTD- To relax I love sitting on a beach, soaking up the sun, listening to the waves, and reading a good book! I can't wait for summer. :)

    Today I finished week 1 of the couch to 5 k program. It went well, but I don't want to really do week 2 as it is more walking than running. I thought about either repeating week 1 instead or skipping ahead to week 3. Before I started the couch to 5k I was already running about 2 miles 3-4 times a week, so I don't want to go back. I have increased my pace in hopes that I will improve my times when I get to 3 miles. We will see. I have also done 3 days of the 30 day shred level 2 this week. I'm sore, but feel great!

    mkingham-Great job running 2.5 miles!

    Seripha- great job going down a pants size! That is an awesome feeling!

    Mary830- see above for progress on the c25k.

    Off to get some things for my sister's baby shower! I hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • stuartme123
    stuartme123 Posts: 210 Member
    @Aly: That's great news about the assistant coach-ship and sounds like a great opportunity that you would really love. No wonder you're in such a good mood :flowerforyou: Good luck on the decision about the apartment. LOVE the idea of a huge kitchen!

    @Echo: Yay for spontaneous compliments! It doesn't make you seem vain at all, you definitely deserve it for all your hard work! That sesame chicken sounds pretty awesome. I usually do the same thing when cooking, just throw stuff together, but I like looking for recipes for inspirations. LOVE it when recipes just work out like that!!

    @Meag: :laugh: to the modeling comment. I think the eye-roll and walk away was the best response, but you should definitely take it as a compliment. Your work sounds crazy busy and I hope you have a good lounging day with your boy today.

    @Kandace: I can definitely understand where your slew of emotions was coming from yesterday, but I'm so glad that you're feeling better today. You are doing something so great for yourself and we are all so proud of you! :heart:

    @Jaccillat: Go for it!! I've never done spin, but I know a lot of women here who have tons of fun with it! Just remember that everyone will be concentrating on their own workout, and not thinking anything about how you're looking.

    @Rachel: Great job finishing W1 !! I don't know what your fitness level is right now - and I've NEVER been a runner, so feel free to completely disregard this. I just completed W3 of c25k and I found it pretty brutal. I'm going to end up spending a little more time on it, but it felt like a way bigger jump from W2 to W3 than from W1 to W2. Even though I felt pretty comfortable doing W2, I definitely needed it.

    Not too much else going on with me. I'm not sure if I want to work out today or not. I've done 4 days of cardio this week already - so I have hit my goal. And I'm just feeling pretty lazy in general. It's the dreaded weekend slump! Maybe I'll see how my food intake (aka, my snacking) goes and decide a little later. Haven't done an evening workout for a while, but there's nothing wrong with it.

    Hope you're all having a great weekend!
  • chris_elizabeth
    chris_elizabeth Posts: 49 Member
    March 5th! Hope its not too late to join you guys!!!

    Currently - 150 lbs - Goal for end of March 145lbs

    I currently do about 50 minutes cardio a day - 3 or 4 times a week. I want to increase my time and start working on a lot more core type of exercises. I also do a weight routine after every cardio workout.
    My biggest goal for this month is watching what I eat and limiting the snacking (oooo how i love chips :S )
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    Adding gymgirl12! Welcome to the group! its a great group tons of motivation and there are days when the thread moves really fast. Jump in when you can and let us know how your day/week or whatever is going. Welcome!

    Jessyas - Incorporate strength training into my workouts in order to build more muscle while I'm burning the calories, keep learning new recipes and cooking for myself, get down to 133lbs or less!
    atrayubrandy - to lose 7lbs, drink 64oz of water a day, cut down on sugar, and quit diet soda. I also want to build lean muscle mass.
    lolahippie - to exercise at least 4 times a week, not binge, and to get below 134lbs!
    froggytank3- lose 10lbs, cut down on sugar, and stay under cals without eating exercise calories.
    Allie7383- get into the 140's, stay on schedule with TurboFire, get in at least 8 glasses of water/day, increase my running distance.
    KanCrav-152 lbs-strength train 4 days a week-only 3 caffinated drinks a day-80 oz water a day.
    Rachellynch83- Finish my 30day shred, be able to run 3 1/2 miles without stopping, try to eat the majority of my exercise calories, and stay below my calorie goals at least 29 days this month.
    Toshiette - go 120km/75miles this month and get comfortably into the 140s.
    mkingraham- lose 7lbs, run a 5k without stopping, strength train 3 days a week
    meagalayne- maintain between 125lbs and 128lbs, complete weeks 8 and 9 of HH 1/2 Intermediate Training Program, YogaFit 1 time/week, strength train 2-3 times/week, and eliminate sweetener use by the end of the month (eeek!)
    hizzle85- lose 8 pounds, complete the pushup and squat challenges, eat under/ right at my calorie limit, exercise at least 4 days a week, work on increasing my water intake, start the c25k program.
    eleanoreb- Get below 135 pounds, eat more veggies and less chocolate/candy
    Ngoat- lose 3 lbs, drink more water, cut down on my sugar intake and be sure to excercise at least one day of the weekend
    NicNac86 - lose at least 4lbs (avg 1 a week), drink more water, more Wii, more dog walks
    echoicmemories- down to 130lbs, lose 2" from waist and 1" from hips, continue workout plan with alternating days at least 4x week, increase elliptical to 15, begin C25K
    cheralicia - Walk to or from work (or both) at least 4 days a week, track on MFP 90% of the month, yoga 2x/week, start to love running!
    GuamGrly (Bethany) - continue to incorporate more fruits and veggies into my diet, drink my water, workout 3-4 times per week, and continue C25K training
    kristinlough- lose 6 lbs, exercise 5 days a week, water and/or tea only, no more white carbs, 20 pushups a day 3 days a week, plank for 60 seconds
    maggiemay131- stay on track with half marathon training, kick the Diet Coke habit, and reach comfortably into the 150's (162 current!)
    Lostalykat- Work out 4-6 days a week with my training, Make 1 new recipe a week, Track everything that goes in my mouth, try 1 new yoga class.
    shelsab-lose 5 lbs. Try 3 yoga classes. strength training 3x week. Try new clean eating recipes.
    Sams111- Get into 220's, Spin 3x a week, gym 5x a week, and increase calories.
    mamabearr- Lose 7-10 lbs. Try to work out at least 5 days a week (even if it's only for 20 minutes) and eat healthier.
    brittfam- continue to work out 6x's a week, more stength training, goal weight loss for this month is 8lbs
    emmarie1630- lose 4 pounds, at least 4x a week workout with strength training, lengthen gym time, tons of water- cut out diet soda, find wedding dress
    Mary830- scale: lose 9lbs, jog/run 50 miles, track my food every day, and 64+ oz of water a day
    edryer123 March Goal Weight is be under 140lbs and get to where I can run a full mile without stopping (almost there but still fighting weather outside)
    CaptainJim157to lose around 7-10 lbs, if I can, get at least 30-60 min of exercise a day, that's my main thing! And try and only have a pop once a week, instead of like, everyday
    Mary830- scale: lose 9lbs, jog/run 50 miles, track my food every day, and 64+ oz of water a day.
    Meggonkgonk: Make strength training workouts more of a priority (30 min 2x/wk minimum); Eat 1 fruit and 3 different vegetables everyday; Try 3 new recipes (do not have to be “perfect” just delicious).
    jnlynch- lose 5 pounds (be at 118 lbs), workout at least 4x a week; completing my 30 Day Shred & starting the 6 Week Six-Pack, & eat breakfast on weekdays.
    rmarin18- scale: lose 5 lbs, non-scale: Drink at least 72oz of water a day & strength train 2x per week.
    prila13-5 lbs weight loss, Drink at least 4 glasses of water per day. (I have only been able to reach 2 so far LOL), Be able to walk 3 miles per day by the end of March.
    gofatties-make it to hand stands class 1x a week. and to cut down on late night emotional eating.
    Huni3bee-lose 10lbs, drink 10 cups of water a day instead of 8, and when I walk home I'll take the long way home instead of the shortcut... I'm also going to try and cut back on sugar, I'm going to actually push my self when working out no matter how bad it burns.
    Paigeb15: Drink at least 48 oz of water a day, Maintain 110-115 lbs, Make myself go walk at the park down the street on my lunch on nice days, less alcohol
    wardiemelissa-continue to maintain between 120-125 lbs. ; continue to follow Hal Higdon 1/2 marathon training (starting week 9-race is on April 2nd); continue to find and try out new recipes for dinner at least 4 nights a week; make time for my family :o)
    Finncmh- see a loss on the scale, continue lifting 2-4 times a week, run 1-2 times a week, walk to work at least 2 times a week, play outdoors more, keep eating clean! Be supportive on new people on here giving honest opinions and input.
    JacciLatt5- Ive never done this before but here it goes. I want to do the 30 Shred Dvd this month; eat less processed foods; try atleast 2 new workouts; be down @least 4 lbs
    kbellnurse - Get into the 140's! (lose at least 4lbs), workouts 4x/week (at least), school work on EVERY school day - make it to church for at least one Sunday.
    NLG139-I would like to lose 4lbs in March, drink 64oz of water a day, and get in my long runs every weekend (I'm training for a half marthon in May).
    Whitneysaenz - Lose 7 lbs (GW for March 31st: 160lb), drink at least 64oz of water a day, eat more vegetables, and exercise at least 4 days per week!
    DowntimeDesings-Start and stick with insanity workouts
    SexyInASizeSix-lose 15lbs, and drink 10 glasses of water per day
    tjradd73-to lose 6lbs, drink 80ozs of water/day, 3 days of arms/week, and burn at least 5,000 calories/month
    rivingtonst-I'm doing the 4x4, haha, In the next 4 weeks I will: lose 4lbs, workout 4x week, and make 4 new recipes.
    stuartme123: Check in with this thread 3-4x a week.- 30 min of cardio 4x a week - Continue C25K - reach W4 by Spring Break! - Curb unhealthy snacking - - Add veggies - Try one new healthy recipe a week - Lose 1lb a week and maintain over Spring Break for a total of 3lbs. MarchSW = 155.4.
    hilhall822: up the water intake- be better about precooking meals so I don't snack all day!
    runteachrun-For the month, I want to lose 15 pounds!
    peachyxoxoxo-stop bingeing. Work out 3-4 days a week. Track ALL foods every day.
    crystalfaith - workout at LEAST 4 times a week! Lose 5 lbs. Start eating more veggies and fruits :)
    mmahabee- get a fitness routine worked out so I can maintain my weight and tone my body
    bstamps12- Lose 4 lbs, bike 60 minutes straight, bike 9 miles straight.
    Sorry I am late! I wanted to do this challenge last month and lost track of it and haven't found it this month until now.
    CurriedGrasshopper - (Jenn) - I'd like to lose 3lbs, continue with p90x, and focus on drinking more water and less diet coke.
    gymgirl12- lose 5lbs (be at 145) Increase cardio time, starting working more core exercises, watching what I eat and limit snacking (especially chips).