Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - March Challenge!!



  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Morning all! :happy:

    Thursday is upon us, and three days into March and the thread is already flying!

    Thanks Tara for keeping things orderly - I know I've been somewhat MIA with organizing this thread lately.

    Life has just hit me like a ton of bricks these past 2 weeks and I spent all night last night trying to decompress and distract myself at the boy's house. We curled up on his couch, watched Survivor (which I'm addicted to!) had coffee and a delicious snack, did a whole bunch of cuddling and spent a LONG time talking about how I can get where I want to be in life. It was nice to feel so supported and to know how much he cares about me and about my life and prospects, but at the same time I find those conversations can just be cyclical and discouraging. I really have to figure out how to make this happen for me but right now it just seems like I have *NO* idea what to do.

    Thank you so much to everyone on here who has posted supportive messages to me - I really do appreciate it and I am grateful for each and every one of you. It really means more than you know :smile:

    Got up early today (way earlier than I should have) and did a bunch of chores and errands, threw dinner in the crock pot (chicken, salsa, onions, jalapenos and tomatoes for now...), and off to the gym soon. Core class and hopefully I'll be able to find some other stuff to do on my foot. More trial and error. The Cybex ArcTrainer was alright yesterday and didn't hurt the foot *too* much... We'll see! Working again tonight from 9pm-3am and not quite sure how I'm going to stay awake. Back to having a miserable schedule again :ohwell: If work is really just way too heinous I may cut my losses and just say I can't continue working there... Not quite sure how much I can take right now.

    Megan - Great job on the running, lady! There are a few different schools of thought on increasing speed... First, I'd say work on getting your endurance down. Once you can run a full 5K without too much difficulty, then work on speed. I wouldn't try to take on toooo much at once. Your body will just not be happy. Besides, you should be getting faster with just your C25K training, since you are strengthening your leg muscles and generally feeling less fatigued as you run. Once you've decided you want to start speeding up via training run, there are a few different methods you can use. Training will depend on what your goal distance is (5K, 10K, 1/2 and Full Marathon). Any interval, fartlek, hills, or other training run that isn't just running steady will work on improving your speed. I'd say your best bet, and the ones I find the most motivating, are the intervals. It's all mental, but knowing that I can recover in 400m makes the hard and fast running so much easier to bare :happy: Start out doing 4X 400m (0.25mile) speedier intervals (30s-1min/mile faster than your normal 5K pace) followed by 4X 400m recovery at an easy jog. I'd recommend checking out speed training/interval training online for ideas and to learn more about the specific kinds of runs. Runner's World also always has great suggestions on training runs that are very detailed - love that mag! Tempo runs, for instance, are an amazing way to increase speed but they are very challenging mentally and *not* for everyone. Do some research and figure out what you like best. Whatever you do, don't over train. One speed run/week is more than enough. Your body will not take kindly to any more than that. And make sure you take a rest day from running afterward, or jog easy if you feel up to it, because your muscles will need a recovery period. Good luck! :drinker:

    Melissa - Awesome run lady! Though I'm not surprised... You are doing fab! :happy: And I love your Meag-inspired eating :laugh: I had a tofu scramble yesterday too!! Soooo good... Veggies, spices, crumbled tofu, nutritional yeast, and a little lime. Yum! :bigsmile: And a GM of course! Sounds like we're on the same nutritional page haha - Looking into getting certified as a trainer/instructor/coach in the fall. We'll see what I can find on it. Thanks for the vote of confidence though :blushing:

    Mary - Great job on the run! And yea... Definitely devastating to be told *NOT* to run! Especially with the progress I had been seeing the last few months. I increased my long-run distance by 300% over 4 months and my avg pace by more than 1min/mile. Right now I feel like all of that is going to waste on account of my injury - mega frustrating! So whatever you do - RUN SAFE! Make sure you're wearing the proper shoes, listen to your body, and don't over train. It's a BUMMER to get side-lined when it's partly avoidable...

    Meredith - Awesome job in Feb - Sounds like you did great! Definitely seeing some progress in your healthy living habits and lifestyle generally, which is ultimately the goal. Proud of you lady :bigsmile:

    OK that's all for now. I've got sooo much I want to do today and this has taken me a while. Sorry to anyone I missed!! Have a great Thursday, and WELCOME NEWBS! :flowerforyou: You'll love it here - I promise!

    Meag :heart:
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Hey Guys! I had some crazy stuff happen yesterday and I still let myself have a good day. I did get a little frustrated at the end of the day but I think I was just tired. My phone works mostly after dropping it in the toilet haha.

    2 Mile Marker- 18:11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I am impressed that I have steadily gotten faster by almost a minute each time we have done a 2 mile marker with my team. It felt good to see that I am getting faster.

    I woke up at 4:45 this morning to swim for 45 mins! Score! Back in the workout mode. I have a dinner tonight with some friends and I am going to be as good as possible and not have too much wine. I am thinking I will be pretty tired so it shouldn't be too hard. I am getting up early again tomorrow for spin class. We have our practice Triathlon on Sunday! .5 mile swim, 17 mile bike ride, 4 mile run. It is shorter than what our race will be in april but it will be good practice for our first timers. Well I have decided I do really well when I workout in the morning this might be a new thing for me if I can get out of bed around 5 every morning lol we shall see. Have a great day everyone! PS my weight stayed the same as last week which is a good thing considering my weekend eats hehe.

    QOTD- What is your favorite way to relax?

    Mine is taking a bath with my book, soooo nice!
  • edryer123
    edryer123 Posts: 502 Member
    Yesterday I did 4mi in a solid hr. When i started working out seriously about two weeks ago I could barely do 3mi. I'm working on making it more of a run than a walk. Today I'm going to shoot for 4.1mph. baby steps! I have Jillian's 6wk6pk and nmtz dvd's after that. Hopefully I won't die!
  • Amy0x
    Amy0x Posts: 7 Member
    I am 20 on Monday so can i join?
    :) x
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Good Morning all!! Gonna attempt to make this a not-so-selfish post but I know I am gonna forget people.

    Gonks - I had to kick my scale habit as well. I would weigh myself every morning and every night just to gauge what I potentially did good or potentially did horrible. But I think I got to the point that I was so focused on the number rather than the lifestyle. I want the lifestyle more than the number on the scale so I weigh myself occasionally but try to avoid weighing in unless its my official WI.

    Megan - great job with the run and C25K training!! I couldn't believe that I even ran 3 minutes last night so your accomplishment is great!! Oh and I picked up the clean eating magazine. I hadn't had a chance to sit down and make my grocery list yet but hopefully will have time this weekend.

    Meag - I'm with Melissa, I think you would be amazing as a "personal life coach"...someone that could be a personal trainer and motivator. And once you make it through this rough patch, you will have that much more experience to share. *hugs and good thoughts sent your way*

    Aly - glad that you were able to still make yesterday a good day! I tend to struggle with that and fall back into bad habits but I know what I want now and refuse to let my hardwork go to waste. And great that you were able to get back into working out!! Good job!!

    Meredith - your goals sounds great for March!! And glad that you were able to meet most of them for February.

    AFM...yesterday was a very rough day for me. My boss called me into his office to inform me that he had hired someone to do my job and I was being demoted to a cashier. The pay will slightly be lower but its my pride and ego that are scarred the most. This new girl will be given my job on a silver platter and be able to do her job and only her job rather than being pulled in different directions like I was. I cried hysterically at work and it took me a while to calm down. Anytime someone asked what was wrong, I would go back into crying. I eventually calmed down but quickly became involved with a love affair with some peanut M&Ms. Luckily that didn't last long. I made it out of here alive and luckily went to the gym for a great run. Finished W3D2 of C25K, did a little lifting, and went home to make a veggie indulged dinner....spaghetti squash, a lil spaghetti noodles, zucchini, squash, and some ground turkey. I am kinda enjoying cooking for the family cause my choices are based around what I want to be eating and they can't really complain. So...I'm back at work today. I did great on the drive here but as soon as I saw the place, my eyes started welling up with tears again. I understand the decision has been made and it is what it is but I intend to write my boss a letter just so that he can see where I'm coming from. He worded things in our meeting yesterday so that he can sleep better at night so I need to say things so that I can sleep better at night. And then Wednesday nights are usually my date night with the bf which would have been perfect cause I really could have used his TLC but he got called into work his 2nd job. So I haven't told him about all of this cause I didn't want to make him feel bad cause he couldn't be there for me. I think when I do finally see him, I will crawl into his arms and start crying.

    Thank you for letting me get that out. Today is a new day and I hope to make it a great one. Need to figure out what to make for dinner.

    QOTD - cuddle up with my kids on my bed and watch a movie or cuddle up with a book

    Hope everyone has a marvelous Thursday!!
  • peachyxoxoxo
    peachyxoxoxo Posts: 1,178 Member
    Thanks for adding me! I'm sorry I didn't read the whole thread and I didn't see the thing about adding yourself to the list before I posted :/
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Megan-what a great accomplishment!! WTG!

    Meag-no prob girly...glad to help!

    Aly-great job on your 2mile pace...that is awesome :)

    edryer-sounds like you have a great workout day will do great!

    amy-Monday is close enough! welcome to the sure to copy and paste the most recent goal list and add yourself to the bottom with your March goals!

    Bethany-sorry to hear about your job...everything happens for a reason, and you never know what kind of positive change this may make in your life...stay strong, and keep your head up!

    QOTD-when I wanna relax...I love to blare my music and sing!

    AFM-took my mom out for dinner yesterday to celebrate her re-baptism... and decided to indulge in biscuits and gravy, since I have been craving it for like 3 weeks!! Def put me over on my cals (especially with 0 WO yesterday), but I got in a great WO today...25min on elliptical, 31 min for yoga booty ballet, and 10 min with resisitance bands! = 514calories burned!
  • eleanoreb
    eleanoreb Posts: 621 Member
    Hello everyone,
    It's Thursday which means it's almost the weekend!! hurrah :)

    Sounds like some of you are dealing with some pretty intense stuff. Thanks for sharing, and hopefully talking about in on here will make you feel better. Also the gym is great for destressing and helping with everyday stuff.. it seems like you guys are really doing great, avoiding temptation and using working out and healthy eating as better coping mechanisms.

    My problems seem kind of trivial in comparason. I've had a little bit of a weird day today. I went to the nutritionist this morning and am please about my progress. In the last 6 weeks, I've lost around 10 pounds (all body fat and no muscle, which I'm pleased about) 2 inches from my waist, 2 inches from my hips. At 5.6 I am 138, so i am I have a healthy BMI and a healthy body fat mass.. However the downside is that my nutritionist seems to think that now that I'm at a healthy weight, i should stabilise and also thinks I should wean off MFP, so i don't become too dependent and to ensure I know all the nutritionial info and am not just relying on logging everything. I am not okay with either of these things and feel somewhat panicked at the thought...

    Did JM 30 day shred this morning and will likely do spinning tonight and vball.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    I am 20 on Monday so can i join?
    :) x
    YEP! Just copy the growing list in your next post and add your goals to the bottom - Introduce yourself a bit and then get to work! :bigsmile:
    Thanks for adding me! I'm sorry I didn't read the whole thread and I didn't see the thing about adding yourself to the list before I posted :/
    No worries - I'm a total f*cking grouch sometimes! :ohwell: Sorry for being a jerk about it. Welcome! :flowerforyou:

    Eleanoreb - Do whatever's right for YOU. If you like the community here, explain that to your nutritionist. What do you get out of MFP? Why do you log? What makes you feel panic-y about NOT logging? Do some serious thinking about it, talk to your nutritionist earnestly about how you feel, and try to meet her in the middle. This is your life/journey - not hers! So do what's right for you. Definitely *NOT* trivial! And congrats on your accomplishments - You should definitely be celebrating them instead of worrying about what to do next. Take a little bit of time to just ENJOY the success!

    QOTD - My FAVE way to relax is to lie on a sunny beach, catch some rays, with my eyes closed and just enjoy the warmth. Soak it up. And be calm and quiet. Gives me time to think about everything I have to be thankful for, and feeling the sun's rays heating my skin and sinking deep into my pores warms my "soul" and makes me feel alive. I just love it. When I can't do that, like right now, I'd say curling up in bed with the boy and planning for the future together :smile: It's so nice to plan our future trips and fun stuff we'd like to do when time/money isn't so tight. Great way to de-stress and just forget about the here-and-now.

    Core class today was BRUTAL. Oh Em Gee. This instructor is killer and he's also extreeeeeemely good looking. My abs are going to be hurting tomorrow, for sure! Keeping up with this one :bigsmile: Job apps next on the agenda. Take care y'all.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Meag - I'm with Melissa, I think you would be amazing as a "personal life coach"...someone that could be a personal trainer and motivator. And once you make it through this rough patch, you will have that much more experience to share. *hugs and good thoughts sent your way*
    You're a DOLL, Bethany and I :heart: you all for your kind words and encouragement. Thank you!!! :flowerforyou: I'd truly love to end up doing that sort of thing. Just need to figure out what to do NOW to make it happen!
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member

    Today started off so fantastic with my workout- and it has just gone downhill this afternoon. Trying to keep a positive attitude and not think about it. I just keep saying- don't forget you ran 2.5 miles this morning! Rough afternoon- trying to hold me head high!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Mking- take a deep breath and try to focus on something good. Remember this too shall pass and it will not seem as important in a day or so. Maybe write something down about it, I did that last night and it really helped.

    Meag- Sounds like you are getting back to your self! Good luck with Job Apps, I am looking for a new job right now...not so fun. I hope you have a great day.

    AFM- was able to relax after a situation at work could have put me in a bad mood. Breath deep and remember what really matters in life... Hawaii in a month baby!
  • stuartme123
    stuartme123 Posts: 210 Member
    This week was so INSANE for me, and next week is looking even worse :grumble: Not going to pity party too much, but I probably won't be too active on the thread for the next week or so - just so you know! And can I just say that WOW! we are already on the 5th page of this thing???!

    So, this week's exercise is going ok. Missed my normal date with the Elliptical on Monday because of a presentation I had to prepare for, but since then, I've stuck with my normal workout schedule.

    On Tuesday I started W3 of C25K and it almost killed me! I went out for it way too soon after I ate breakfast, so my stomach felt horrible the whole time I was running (good to know for the future!) and I was not mentally prepared for the 3 minute intervals at all (just downloaded the podcast and didn't look at what the week included beforehand). Today was D2, which went a lot better - but I still didn't finish the program the way I was supposed to. I pushed through the first 3 minute jogging interval but could NOT push through the second one. I got about two minutes in, slowed down to recover, and finished the last minute. Definitely an improvement from Tuesday, but definitely ROOM for improvement for D3. I think that I will be staying on W3 a little longer than the 3 days. Just to make sure that I'm prepared for W4.

    WI today showed a 1lb loss from last week. :bigsmile: That was a very rewarding moment today! I'm still considering my WI from last week to be by start weight for March. So yay for progress already! especially since I was struggling with the scale for most of February.

    Sorry for the selfish post - I will start responding to you Kick *kitten* ladies when I have my school life a little more under control.

    :heart: Meredith
  • seripha
    seripha Posts: 92
    Good news to report. Even though I'm up 1lb this week, I'm down 1 pants size! :D Went from a 9 to a 7, and even the 7 is a little gapey around the waist. (My waist is probably a 5 1/2, but my strong legs are a 7). It made me feel very happy to pull out a 9 in my store and then have to ask for the next size down, instead of up! So good news is even though I'm gaining weight, I'm still losing inches. However I'm still going to try and increase my water, fruit, and veg more than my carbs and protein so I can lean out a bit instead of getting huge again like when I was in swimming.

    Today and last night has been kind of a gong show for eating. Went to Operation Western Front (a fundraiser for Canadian Forces members + their families support programs) last night. $1000 a plate (thank goodness I had mine donated to me) with so much BIG money there including Gene Simmons and his wife, Shannon Tweed (who's a Newfie --> aka a Newfoundlander for those who dont know :smile: ). At one point he got up on the stage and auctioned off featured appearances on his show for $10K and dinner with his family for $5000 (including flight down to see him). If I had 5K to spare I would have done dinner in a flash. But yea, it was a high caliber event (I felt so poor) with a LOT of good food and a completely open bar all night long. I tried to make healthy choices as best I could, but you never know what's in that stuff. Didn't get home until midnight last night, so I wasn't able to plan my lunch thus the Tim Hortons. Dinner will be full of veggies though ^-^

    stuartme - I remember how school kicked my *kitten* too. Just do what you can and keep grinding away. The school year is so close to being over!!!!

    Aly - What's going on at work? Are people being poopheads?

    Mking - I'm sorry it went downhill :( But good job on the run this morning!!!
  • atrayubrandy
    atrayubrandy Posts: 188 Member
    I'm so proud of myself. I've been pre-planning all of my meals and working out every day. I'm going to try a spinning class for the first time tonight. And the thing that I'm especially proud of: I've been drinking 64oz of water every day! It's hard and sometimes I have to guzzle the last 2-3 cups before bed but I'm dragging my giant water bottle around with me every where I go.
  • TiniTurtle
    TiniTurtle Posts: 595 Member
    @lostalykat- i love relaxing that way too :o) & add a glass of wine! & good job getting up that early to start working out!

    @guamgrly- i am so sorry about your job, i can imagine how you must feel. is it possible to start looking to work somewhere else & have a fresh start? & i'm glad you took out your emotions at the gym instead of climbing into bed with ben & jerry after a day like that!

    @tjradd73- that sounds yummy, sometimes it is worth it to indulge. i'm glad you had bonding time with your mom after her rebaptism & great job on today's workout!

    @meagalayne- i can't wait for summer when we will have the opportunity for a warm beach! it's cold in new jersey right now! & i love talking about the future with my bf too. :o) do you find it more motivating in class with a hot instructor? i've only had women instructing any of the classes i've taken at the gym. & good luck with the job applications!

    @seripha- great job dropping a pants size!

    @atrayubrandy- i carry my nalgene everywhere too, so i'm more likely to sip it throughout the day & it deff helps me get in all my water. let us know how the spinning class goes!

    & QOTD- What is your favorite way to relax?
    a big mug of tea or a glass of wine & my nook in my pjs, curled up under the comforter, next to my boyfriend, while he plays his video games with a beer :o)

    so i've been stressing about life lately & i know i can't control if i get married or when i have kids or where i'll be working once i pass my nursing boards, but i've been really emotional these past few days & extremely cranky. my bf has been supportive & tries to reassure me & hear all my concerns, but it's hard to be assured about things that are out of my control & i KNOW i'm being illogical. :o/ i'm hoping this is just PMS (though my TOM isn't due for another 12 days- so maybe ovulating hormones?) & i'll be able to kick these crazy emotions. besides that, court went well today & only 18 more days till i finish nursing school! :oD i'm going to go do my shred now before i eat dinner.

    this might be a silly question, but what does AFM stand for?
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    jnlynch - As For Me! :bigsmile: And YES - A hot instructor makes a world of difference. Especially when you're like me and vain enough to think he's watching you :laugh: I definitely work harder in his class, although today's core work was brutal and I def gave up a few times and just splayed out on the floor. At the very least it's motivation to actually GO to the class! That and the gym's sauna, which I don't use nearly enough but need to start taking full advantage of...

    Guam - <<<HUGS>>> sorry I missed commenting on this earlier but man-oh-man, sounds like one hell of a day yesterday! I'm sorry girl. With my job troubles, I can relate and I know how frustrating and overwhelming it can be to feel unhappy in your work space. Your boss sounds like a total piece of work. I hope the boy was able to comfort you and that you were able to pull things together tonight and enjoy time with your kids. They are bound to cheer you up :bigsmile: Definitely thinking of you tonight!!

    Meredith - Lameness on the hectic-life stuff. Don't know what's going on but I hope things are alright. Keep your chin up and dig in - you'll pull through. Definitely a wonderful idea to repeat W3 - no harm in it and if it helps you feel more confident about your ability going into W4 I think you'll be less inclined to slack and more inclined to use positive self-talk and tell yourself "I can do this" when it gets hard and you start feeling fatigued. When you think you can't run the last min of those 3 mins intervals just consider - you've already run 2 mins straight and thus you KNOW you can run 1 more min. It's not a matter of physical ability. Tell yourself you can do it and that you'll have time to rest once you're done. I swear, it gets easier :laugh: Some days you really just are way too tired and cannot push 100%, but a lot of the time it's all in your head and you are holding yourself back from making progress your body would otherwise be able to make. It's important to push yourself that extra little bit each and every time, but most important when you feel like you just can't give an extra inch. Those are the times when you finish your workout and think "Hell yes, I just did that. I AM capable. I AM strong. I CAN prevail" /Full House brand after school special motivational speech

    Seripha - Yay size 7s!! Feels soooo good to move on down in the sizes, eh? I think shopping is probably my favourite thing about this whole journey. Being able to find clothes that you love in your size (which you never thought you'd see again), try them on, and actually LIKE what you see is a feeling that I really cannot compare to anything else. Just love it! All your hard work and exercise is definitely paying off -- Running is GREAT for losing bulk around your mid-section and slimming down. Even if you're not losing a lot of weight, it's definitely a great choice for anyone that is looking to get leaner. That's certainly one of the reasons I took it up initially! Keep with it - With all your judo and strength work, you're going to be a lean mean fighting machine in no time!

    Aly - Good luck with the job search... And damn you for your Hawaii trip :tongue: Always have to mention that, huh? Some of us are stuck in WINTER still you know!! :grumble: hahah

    ***I know we've done this before, but since we have SO many newbs in the group this month, I thought it might be nice to have everyone restate their FIRST NAMES or whatever they want to go by, either in their signature or at the end of their next post. Just a thought so we can all familiarize ourselves with one another. I know there are definitely people in the group who's names I've either forgotten or never learned, so it would definitely be helpful for me too! If you're not comfortable with that, just keep on using your screen name. It's all good :bigsmile:

    AFM - Work tonight in 2 hours. Made a pretty delish chicken dinner in the slow cooker today. For 5-6 servings use: 400g chicken breast, 2 small onions, 2 jalapenos, 2 tomatoes, and 1 cup chunky salsa on low for 6 hours. Add in 1 cup each black beans (low sodium or cooked from dry) and frozen or fresh corn plus spices for taco seasoning (I make my own - no salt!) and turn up to high for 30 mins. Add in 3-4 cups of chopped baby spinach and some cilantro, if you like and heat through for another 15 mins or so. Serve with tortillas, avocado, fresh pico de gallo, cheese and sour cream (all optional, depending on your tastes). I have mine over a bed of greens usually with avocado, pico and some light sour cream. YUM! And really good protein and complex carb. I usually add bell peppers in with the onions and jalapenos but we didn't have any today... You can pretty much throw in whatever you like! Waiting on the boy to figure out my plans for the weekend... Job apps, interview stuff, and taxes on the agenda for tomorrow plus another shift at night. Busy busy. Hoping to make some homemade whole wheat pitas and baked sweet potato falafels this weekend :bigsmile: Soooo excited! And it's all clean eating folks!

    Have a great Thursday night!

    -Meag :heart:
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Seripha- Pretty much, I am working at “temporary position,” Which basically means that I don’t get paid for sick time, vacation pay, or holidays. I also don’t have decent benefits. There doesn’t seem to be any promise for it to go to full time either unless someone leaves or a new magical position opens. So I am just worried about feeling like I might get let go at any moment. Other than that the job is pretty cool so the whole situation sucks.

    Meag- Sorry I am not trying to rub it in, really. It is weird for me to even say I am going to Hawaii I really have not been on many vacations. I guess I am just really excited. I think I am excited about training to stop too so it’s a win win.

    AFM- tonight I am going apartment hunting with my bf then to dinner at his sister’s house. I have to be good about the wine since I have a date with a 5:45am spin class. Shouldn’t be too hard since I am pretty tired from the 5:15am swim. PS does anyone have any good healthy snack ideas? I am getting sick of yogurt, almonds and apples. It seems to be all I eat now for snacks hehe.
  • crystalfaith
    crystalfaith Posts: 23 Member
    Hi all! I'm pretty new on here and I LOVE how active this thread is!! I would love to join in :) My name is Crystal and I am 23 years old. My new goal is to exercise consistantly 4 times a week! I do a good job with my food but I really need to get into the working out more! I'm getting up at 5am to workout before work tomorrow (ahh!) wish me luck! lol Anyways, its great to be on here, hope to meet you all! Cheers to a great weekend! :)

    Jessyas - Incorporate strength training into my workouts in order to build more muscle while I'm burning the calories, keep learning new recipes and cooking for myself, get down to 133lbs or less!
    atrayubrandy - to lose 7lbs, drink 64oz of water a day, cut down on sugar, and quit diet soda. I also want to build lean muscle mass.
    lolahippie - to exercise at least 4 times a week, not binge, and to get below 134lbs!
    froggytank3- lose 10lbs, cut down on sugar, and stay under cals without eating exercise calories.
    Allie7383- get into the 140's, stay on schedule with TurboFire, get in at least 8 glasses of water/day, increase my running distance.
    KanCrav-152 lbs-strength train 4 days a week-only 3 caffinated drinks a day-80 oz water a day.
    Rachellynch83- Finish my 30day shred, be able to run 3 1/2 miles without stopping, try to eat the majority of my exercise calories, and stay below my calorie goals at least 29 days this month.
    Toshiette - go 120km/75miles this month and get comfortably into the 140s.
    mkingraham- lose 7lbs, run a 5k without stopping, strength train 3 days a week
    meagalayne- maintain between 125lbs and 128lbs, complete weeks 8 and 9 of HH 1/2 Intermediate Training Program, YogaFit 1 time/week, strength train 2-3 times/week, and eliminate sweetener use by the end of the month (eeek!)
    hizzle85- lose 8 pounds, complete the pushup and squat challenges, eat under/ right at my calorie limit, exercise at least 4 days a week, work on increasing my water intake, start the c25k program.
    eleanoreb- Get below 135 pounds, eat more veggies and less chocolate/candy
    Ngoat- lose 3 lbs, drink more water, cut down on my sugar intake and be sure to excercise at least one day of the weekend
    NicNac86 - lose at least 4lbs (avg 1 a week), drink more water, more Wii, more dog walks
    echoicmemories- down to 130lbs, lose 2" from waist and 1" from hips, continue workout plan with alternating days at least 4x week, increase elliptical to 15, begin C25K
    cheralicia - Walk to or from work (or both) at least 4 days a week, track on MFP 90% of the month, yoga 2x/week, start to love running!
    GuamGrly (Bethany) - continue to incorporate more fruits and veggies into my diet, drink my water, workout 3-4 times per week, and continue C25K training
    kristinlough- lose 6 lbs, exercise 5 days a week, water and/or tea only, no more white carbs, 20 pushups a day 3 days a week, plank for 60 seconds
    maggiemay131- stay on track with half marathon training, kick the Diet Coke habit, and reach comfortably into the 150's (162 current!)
    Lostalykat- Work out 4-6 days a week with my training, Make 1 new recipe a week, Track everything that goes in my mouth, try 1 new yoga class.
    shelsab-lose 5 lbs. Try 3 yoga classes. strength training 3x week. Try new clean eating recipes.
    Sams111- Get into 220's, Spin 3x a week, gym 5x a week, and increase calories.
    mamabearr- Lose 7-10 lbs. Try to work out at least 5 days a week (even if it's only for 20 minutes) and eat healthier.
    brittfam- continue to work out 6x's a week, more stength training, goal weight loss for this month is 8lbs
    emmarie1630- lose 4 pounds, at least 4x a week workout with strength training, lengthen gym time, tons of water- cut out diet soda, find wedding dress
    Mary830- scale: lose 9lbs, jog/run 50 miles, track my food every day, and 64+ oz of water a day
    edryer123 March Goal Weight is be under 140lbs and get to where I can run a full mile without stopping (almost there but still fighting weather outside)
    CaptainJim157to lose around 7-10 lbs, if I can, get at least 30-60 min of exercise a day, that's my main thing! And try and only have a pop once a week, instead of like, everyday
    Mary830- scale: lose 9lbs, jog/run 50 miles, track my food every day, and 64+ oz of water a day.
    Meggonkgonk: Make strength training workouts more of a priority (30 min 2x/wk minimum); Eat 1 fruit and 3 different vegetables everyday; Try 3 new recipes (do not have to be “perfect” just delicious).
    jnlynch- lose 5 pounds (be at 118 lbs), workout at least 4x a week; completing my 30 Day Shred & starting the 6 Week Six-Pack, & eat breakfast on weekdays.
    rmarin18- scale: lose 5 lbs, non-scale: Drink at least 72oz of water a day & strength train 2x per week.
    prila13-5 lbs weight loss, Drink at least 4 glasses of water per day. (I have only been able to reach 2 so far LOL), Be able to walk 3 miles per day by the end of March.
    gofatties-make it to hand stands class 1x a week. and to cut down on late night emotional eating.
    Huni3bee-lose 10lbs, drink 10 cups of water a day instead of 8, and when I walk home I'll take the long way home instead of the shortcut... I'm also going to try and cut back on sugar, I'm going to actually push my self when working out no matter how bad it burns.
    Paigeb15: Drink at least 48 oz of water a day, Maintain 110-115 lbs, Make myself go walk at the park down the street on my lunch on nice days, less alcohol
    wardiemelissa-continue to maintain between 120-125 lbs. ; continue to follow Hal Higdon 1/2 marathon training (starting week 9-race is on April 2nd); continue to find and try out new recipes for dinner at least 4 nights a week; make time for my family :o)
    Finncmh- see a loss on the scale, continue lifting 2-4 times a week, run 1-2 times a week, walk to work at least 2 times a week, play outdoors more, keep eating clean! Be supportive on new people on here giving honest opinions and input.
    JacciLatt5- Ive never done this before but here it goes. I want to do the 30 Shred Dvd this month; eat less processed foods; try atleast 2 new workouts; be down @least 4 lbs
    kbellnurse - Get into the 140's! (lose at least 4lbs), workouts 4x/week (at least), school work on EVERY school day - make it to church for at least one Sunday.
    NLG139-I would like to lose 4lbs in March, drink 64oz of water a day, and get in my long runs every weekend (I'm training for a half marthon in May).
    Whitneysaenz - Lose 7 lbs (GW for March 31st: 160lb), drink at least 64oz of water a day, eat more vegetables, and exercise at least 4 days per week!
    DowntimeDesings-Start and stick with insanity workouts
    SexyInASizeSix-lose 15lbs, and drink 10 glasses of water per day
    tjradd73-to lose 6lbs, drink 80ozs of water/day, 3 days of arms/week, and burn at least 5,000 calories/month
    rivingtonst-I'm doing the 4x4, haha, In the next 4 weeks I will: lose 4lbs, workout 4x week, and make 4 new recipes.
    stuartme123: Check in with this thread 3-4x a week.- 30 min of cardio 4x a week - Continue C25K - reach W4 by Spring Break! - Curb unhealthy snacking - - Add veggies - Try one new healthy recipe a week - Lose 1lb a week and maintain over Spring Break for a total of 3lbs. MarchSW = 155.4.
    hilhall822: up the water intake- be better about precooking meals so I don't snack all day!
    runteachrun-For the month, I want to lose 15 pounds!
    peachyxoxoxo-stop bingeing. Work out 3-4 days a week. Track ALL foods every day.
    crystalfaith - workout at LEAST 4 times a week! Lose 5 lbs. Start eating more veggies and fruits :)
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    eleanoreb-great work on your progress!! I agree with what Meag said, and if MFP is your motivation/support to keep you living a healthy lifestyle then stick with it!! When you are comfy you can try not logging and see what happens, If you do well then just come on here for the people :) Also, as far as your weight goal goes, pick a healthy weight that falls in your normal range and strive for that...if you aren't quite happy where you are yet, then don't be done! Your body, your decision!! Take it as a compliment that your nutrritionist thinks that you are done though...that is so cool!

    Meredith-WTG on the loss so far! And hope to see you back here again in no time!

    atrayu-great job on the water...I drink 80oz per day and know how hard it can be to get it down!! Keep up the good work!

    nlynch-thanks! and I wish you the best of luck on your up girly...I know how hard my RT boards were!! LOL

    Meag-your crockpot meal sounds super yum!! I think that you would be better suited at opening a health food restaurant!

    Aly-some snack ideas: 90 cal fiber one bars, seeds, string cheese, fat free pudding, nature valley granola bars, snack size smart pop popcorn, pretzels, and of course some cut up melon or berries are always good!

    Crystal-welcome to the group...and great goals for the month!

    AFM-doing pretty well so far with my great WO this morning and with getting my h2o in every day, but I have been craving salt so bad and have been over on my sodium every day since the first so far!! WTH?!?!? Maybe TOM is making me crazy?! LOL