Senior Golden Sneakers -March 2011



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,142 Member
    Sandy, Alice's surgery went well. She has gone home. They got it all, and no further treatment is necessary. Isn't. That amazing!

    Thank you so much Phoebe, for some reason I thought Marie meant that Alice found out before surgery and she didn't need surgery.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Connie thanks for the update. I got it save on word pad , under your name on E-mail page and made 2 copies.Thanks again. for all your work you put in this. You need to put in to be a I can't think of the word that Mike and Al is looking for? It will come to me later.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    JACKIE: I too am computer illiterate... may be we can both learn how to post those cute little pics. Ca''t wait til summer to be able to swim again ( my sister has a pool with open invitation ).
    I live in Maine(north eastern most corner of US) and the rhubarb grows wonderful ( and we are cold up here) do not have to do anything to it, it self propagates year after year do not pull rhubarb, cut it so will come back.....Love strawberry rhubarb pie.
    The date rhubarb chutney sounds delicious.

    Mae ~ Yes, I'm determined to work out the picture upload/download business. One rainy afternoon I'll settle down and have a play, see what I can do. I'll try to remember to take notes to pass on because know I'll never remember how if it does work!!

    So I don't pull rhubarb? Ok, I'll go with your advice, thanks. Took another peek at it today and it's almost ready for the first dish. I suppose pies and crumbles are out since I'm supposed to be dieting. Maybe a rhubarb fool although that's cream. Stewed? The chutney will be made with the late season sticks but I'll dig out the recipe and post it.

    Way past my bedtime so will catch up with everyone else tomorrow.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hey Buzz, that sounds like something I read on South Beach today????


    Yes indeed, you get their daily dish, too? SBD made so much sense to me; I don't know what happened that it no longer is working for me! Maybe I don't follow as intensely as I did before the hip replacement...or whatever:embarassed: . I can't take things as seriously now!

    (HooHa, now I see how closely you read our posts; bless yer :heart: !)

  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    Preggie....:laugh: that's funny! I don't know how I missed that before.

    Had a great day. It is so true that energy breeds energy. I come home from Dana's tired but energetic. Does that make sense?

    Marie, you asked if I follow the new WW program. I was until two weeks ago when I started using MFP and decided to try the calorie thing. I do check my points at the end of the day and I seem to average 32 points/day. I really believe in WW. It is a very healthy lifestyle. What I really like about MFP is seeing the nutritional values at the end of the day.

    Tomorrow I'm going to a well known healthfood store in our area called Sonnewalds. I want to get some fresh ground spelt flour to use for baking. I'm looking forward to seeing what else they have that would suit my gastroparesis.

    I'm going to sleep well tonight. Hope you all do too. :yawn:
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,317 Member
    Hello All,

    Just checking it. You all are such a great group. I enjoy the jokes and send my good wishes to all who need it. You are all so supportive.

    I'm craving sweets. The good thing is that because of my diet I can't eat chocolate bars because if I could, I'd eat three!!!!

    I sort of dulled the craving for sweets by walking for 3 1/4 miles on the treadmill. It helped, but I think I'll try to satisfy my cravings by going down and having a small bowl of cereal. What do the rest of you do to dull your cravings.

    Good luck to all,

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,005 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    Just checking in to say hello :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: this was a great day like the others with a visit with a friend, healthy lunch, exercise bike, dog park, walking in the house, playing with dogs and cats :heart: :heart: :heart:
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,142 Member
    Happy Tuesday!!! :bigsmile:

    I don't have a lot of time this morning but wanted to check in and say hi. :love: I am going to lunch with my sister for my birthday (again) and want to at least get the 30 day shred workout done before I leave. :tongue:

    Maddie, have fun with your grandson, I am sure you will burn more calories than the hula dancer. :laugh:

    Barbie, sounds like a good day yesterday, hope today is the same. :bigsmile:

    Jeri, I crave sweets also so I now have individual sugar free jello cups (10 calories) and I put about 4 tablespoons of lite whipped cream (30 calories) on one and total calories is 40. Can't beat that and is it so good. :bigsmile:

    Dee, you have done well no matter what method of reducing calories. I like MFP because I can eat most normal foods as long as I watch the sugar and calories. :tongue:

    Buzz, when did you have your hip replacement? Can you do more now??

    Jackie, most of use photo bucket to download our pictures, they make it sort of easy except for changing the brackets. Let us know when you are ready and we will explain although I think if you search photos some one has a detailed explanation. :bigsmile:

    Marie, the word you are looking for is moderator, not sure what it entitles but yes Connie would be great. :heart:

    Phoebe, hope you are home relaxing a little, you deserve a break today. DO NOT GO TO MCDONALDS.

    Connie, may I please have a new list in word so that I can make changes if necessary? Thank you!!!!

    Have a good day everyone, I will be back later to check in on all you beautiful ladies. :heart: :heart:
  • piquilter
    piquilter Posts: 119
    Hi all! Just a quick post to let you know I am alive and well, getting down to the wire with the basketball pics & struggling with food. My exercise is the only thing that kept me from a worse disaster than the one I'm beginning to see happen. I know I have to be positively anal about journaling my food and just getting my head back into the place it was a couple of months ago. I literally haven't done anything other than pics the last couple of weeks and am so ready to be done. I can see light at the end of the tunnel, have a slideshow to do for high school banquet this weekend and the scrapbooks to put final touches on and print for the following weekend. On the brighter side 'literally' the sun is actually out in MN :smile: :smile: :smile: and the snow is disappearing quickly, unfortunately too quickly for most as floods are expected in many parts of the state. I can actually see my deck again and there is grass in parts of our yard, who knew? :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Take care all and one of these days I'll be able to 'live' on MFP :laugh: :laugh: like I did at the beginning of this journey.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good Tuesday morning, Sneakers.

    Not much going on around my neck of the woods.. I did get my book out on SBD and it had some wonderful recipes I ca use on this O A diet. I particular light the Roasted eggplant recipes. Will have to put eggplant on my grocer list. I bougt the book a long time ago but never did go by it. Or at least try some of the recipe.

    Buzz when did you have a hip replacement.

    Xyla told me last night she is going to have a hysterectomy on March 28th. I wish her well.

    Sandy that was the word I couldn't think of. moderator, moderator, Yes insdeed she is so knowable. We are very fortunate to have her in our grroup.

    Connie Thank you for all of your help to me. You really been a good help to me,

    Maddie You have really brought a lot of cheer to us also Lynn has been a very funny one , Judy have told us some good ones. Love the italian one, It really cracked me up. Barbs can come up with some good ones too. Just proved we are not a bunch of sstick in the mud old Granny's and great granny's.

    Have a Happy Tuesday every one.

    :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker:

    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    I have my little grandson Nate. I made my swiffer shorter and he is happy as a clam cleaning the whole house. Oh, and rolling the 2 liter soda bottles around the room. I'll have to remember to be careful when I take the top off! I think I should donate all of his toys to charity. Kids have never really needed them anyway!

    And Marie, for sure there are no 'STICK IN THE MUDS" around here!! How about a joke from you!!! :wink:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Well Maddie I have one problems. I can't remember any.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,So tell us an extra one for me.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hello today...must do a dozen chores to get ready for our monthly Jazz Preservation concert tonight, and I've slowed down!

    SANDY ,
    when did you have your hip replacement? Can you do more now??
    ..the answer is it changed my life, but at least I'm not in a wheelchair! It's been 3 years, and I can do more than I could when I could not sit, stand or lie down for the pain, but my life is very different! I have pain walking slowly, so I must revert to faster walking, which I can keep up maybe 20 minutes before I ri=un out of lung power! Compare that to 5 to 7 miles a day, every day at 5 miles per hour! But that may be what wore out my hip in the first place! Then there is talk about being on Fosamax or Actonel longer than 2 or 3 years and its effect on jaws, hips and knees being not good! I don't know quite what the problem was, but also, the new side is about 2 inches higher than the left side...and I don't even want to think about how that has changed my muscle structure! It makes almost all exercise somewhat painful, so I put it off! I seem to do better with DVD walk programs, though! If I sound like an old crank, I guess that's how I feel regarding the hip replacement, but I'd have been miserable and still in pain sitting in a wheelchair :frown: So we learn to accept whatever is dealt us, and try to find the bright side! For instance, If I hadn't had the surgery, 1. I would not have gained the weight...2. I would not have needed MFP,,,and 3. I would have missed knowing such a wonderful group of people on this thread! So it may have been a blessing on disguise.:love::love: :love: ....But PLEASE realize there are many people who have been far better off after hip or knee surgery! There are simply no guarantees about any surgery, and I am still alive and here :smile: Sorry about that
    dump, but I feel better already, so thanks for listening :embarassed:

    piquilter : sounds like you could use a big hug! I don't see your name, so I can't use it here. Take a deep breathe and you'll come back into things!
  • judz46
    judz46 Posts: 359 Member
    Hi to all you lovely ladies...6am here on wednesday so just going to jump on my treadmill before i get jake off to school...the weight is finally starting to move so very happy about that...i was getting a bit discouraged as only 2lb lost in 1 whole month.

    Yesterday was my volunteer shift at the hospital in ED so didn't get on the treadmill - i had withdrawal symptoms cos it was far too hot when i got home to do it...we were well in the 80's - our daylight saving ends on 3rd april and i'm not looking forward to the longer nights.

    Joke for the day...just tell me if they're getting a bit too much.

    Dave was staring sadly into his pint and sighed heavily.

    “What’s up Dave” asked the Landlord…

    “It’s not like you to be so down in the mouth”

    “It’s my four year old son…” the man replied.

    “Don’t tell me, he’s in trouble for fighting in school?

    – my lad’s just the same – forget about it, it happens to boys that age”

    said the landlord, sympathetically.

    “ I only wish it was that” continued the customer,

    “ but it’s far worse than that. The little bugger has got our gorgeous 18 year old next door neighbour pregnant.”

    “Get away, that’s impossible!” gasped the landlord

    “It’s not” said the man…

    “the little bugger stuck a pin in all my condoms”
  • piquilter
    piquilter Posts: 119
    piquilter : sounds like you could use a big hug! I don't see your name, so I can't use it here. Take a deep breathe and you'll come back into things!

    Thanks :flowerforyou: Doing deep breathing even as I type :smile: My name is Jeanne :smile: Now that you mentioned the name, is there anywhere here that I can find out who people really are :laugh: namewise?
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I just did a whole rant on how the darn hip replacement affected my life, ...and miracle of miracles. it disappeared into cyberspace! We should be grateful it did, because it was a huge dump! You don't need it, and I feel better having finally gotten it out. FACTS for SANDY and MARIE: it was just 3 years ago, I'm better off without the impossible pain of sitting, standing, or lying down; my "new" side is 2 inches higher than the original, causing problems with exercise and walking, and my waistline is 2 " higher on the right side so fitting clothes is impossible! But I'm here, alive, and not in a wheelchair, and I WILL lose the weight I gained from not being able to continue my racewalking every day! The upside is that because of the weight gain, I have met the most wonderful group of people, and you have all been supportive, and just great to know! Everyone of you! :love: :love: :love: So that's my story, and most hip and knee surgeries work out very well for most patients! Most people did not punish their joints they way I did, and maybe that's the difference! I racewalked or pacewalked 5 to 7 miles every day at 5 A.M. for an hour. BAD for the joints! By the way, new information suggests being on Fosamax or Actonel more than 3 years may actually affect hips, knees and jawbones, so check it out!

    I'll try to get back later, but have myriads to do before our monthly Jazz concert tonight...
    Oh shoot, I see it posted itself as a quote!!! Sorry
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

    piquilter : sounds like you could use a big hug! I don't see your name, so I can't use it here. Take a deep breathe and you'll come back into things!

    Thanks :flowerforyou: Doing deep breathing even as I type :smile: My name is Jeanne :smile: Now that you mentioned the name, is there anywhere here that I can find out who people really are :laugh: namewise?

    Jeanne ask Connie to send you a list of our posters and she will gladly send you the list. i don't know what I would do without my list. She was such a doll to work it up.? She is a wonderful sneaker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!also Jenne we need your birthdate just the month dan day..... no year is neededThanks Jeanne.
  • LJT2
    LJT2 Posts: 14 Member
    Enjoying walking on my lunch hours here in Michigan - it's finally getting warm enough to clear off roads and sidewalks. Baby steps, but it feels good! Did about a mile on my lunch hour today, and the first day of a few minutes of interval-training-walking. Weight is WAYyyy slow coming off - but at least I'm moving!
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    Are you young at heart? Really surprised when you look in the, who the heck is that old(er) lady???? Do you intend to get this done before you die??? I want to be buried in something that I never could wear....a negligee! Or naked, if I look really good. You know, Joan Rivers says that you should always be on your back because everything falls away. Anyway....come in to support or for support or just chat. But, if you wanna git er done..........GET UP OFFA THAT THING AND DANCE TILL YOU FEEL BETTA!!

