Senior Golden Sneakers -March 2011



  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Hi all' Marie, you are still on oa !! thats a record for you!! good going!!
    Piquilter, Jeanne, thanks for your name, we are trying to keep up with all of our posters, but it is hard to remember so many names, could you please add your name using the signature method on your profile? it is very easy, just type in your name in the box and save changes, voila, your name will appear at the bottom of your post.
    I know you are busy, thanks too, for checking in with us. I guess we come and go around here, and it is great to here from each and every Sneaker when time allows it.
    Oh Judy, that was a good one, you really had me going! A 4 year old!! lol so funny
    Sandy, enjoy your bithday celebrations, I, for sure, think you deserve to have two celebrations for your birthday, you are worth it!
    Buzz, that happens to me too, I think the post is gone, but it shows up..I guess I expect cyberposting to always be faster than me.
    hope you are doing well.. those hips surgerys are not always a piece of cake, are they? but you are looking on the bright side. My friend recently slipped on water on the floor in Mcdonalds. They checked her out, and told he nothing broken, just a 'massive hematoma' but I do wonder about problems for her down the road somewhere.
    Laura, stick with it, I am trying to adopt Barbies motto..'Never ever ever give up'.
    On that note, I signed up for weight watchers today. The difference for me will be that now, I can use my smartphone to go to WW mobile website, and also, I think, add a points calculator to my phone. that will be great. It was what made me stop using it before, trying to write everything down, then go home to my pc and put it all in.. too much time consumption.
    Maddie, what was that picture of, a tasmanian hula dancer? I couldnt be sure!
    Your little fella has a smart Gran!! thats for sure, get in some weight lifting, lift him up to do the ceiling fans!!
    Lynn, I love the story about your grandson saying, 'that's alright Grandmother, I can use my sleeve'.. LOL.. just so precious
    see yall later, got to start taxes.
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member

    Once again, if you would like a copy of the list of people who post here (some often, some only occasionally), please send an email to me at and put MFP Poster List in the subject field.

    This new list is in alphabetical order by user name, not by real name. There are too many people for whom I do not have a real name to do it any other way.

    So - if you look for Marie, you'll find here at Callicat - her user name.

    I'm happy to do this, but I'm not going to do it every other week. If you get a list, either save it on your desktop where you can find it, or print it out and then keep it up to date. When someone new joins the list, add their names. I would appreciate it if you would fill in any blanks, and/or send me corrections.
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    It's me again!!! :flowerforyou:

    Although you are a friend of mine,
    and letters we exchange.
    I wouldn't know you on the street,
    and doesn't that seem strange?

    You hold a place within my heart,
    unusual and unique;
    We share ideals and special dreams,
    and still, we do not speak.

    I picture who I think you are,
    perhaps you picture me.
    An intriguing game for both of us,
    for someone we cannot see.

    So for this friendship we possess,
    we owe this mail a debt.
    Perhaps the charm lies in the fact,
    that we have never met.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I don't believe this---another post in cyberspace. I hope it doesn't reappear!
    PHOEBE: it was really important FOR YOUR FRIEND, because I told about my dear BIL who fell at the Denver AIrtport and spent his entire Thanksgivivng vacation recuperating from surgery he required for the MASSIVE HEMATOMA he developed which became life threatening. His was in his thigh. The first doctor sent him "home" saying it would heal, but he kept passing out, and when he retirned to the hospital, a second doctor put him into surgery immediately, saying that hematoma was a dangerous threat to his heart due to clots. I thought I should mention it again!
    MADDIE, forget the nekkid, just go for a sexy dress or even a hula skirt! By the way, love the Tasmanian dancer, too. Saw them in Hawaii, and they really move beautifully! (Just saw your poem, luv; charming!!!)
    LAURA: hello, glad to meet you.
    first day of a few minutes of interval-training-walking. Weight is WAYyyy slow coming off - but at least I'm moving!
    ...Just watch how well that interval training starts to work! Best way to pump up your walk. Just remember to start slow and easy and don't add more than 20% to your walks every few days to prevent injuries like shin splints or sore muscles! And good luck!
    CONNIE: I have that list in an MFP icon on my desktop right now, thanks to you! Only thing I can't figure out is how to add something or someone to it, since it's a PDF; any suggestions, oh genius one?
    MARIE: You seem more relaxed today. Hope it's not my imagination.
    BARBIE;...didn't see you today, but you always seem to fill your days with cheer and good thoughts. Anything on the realty front yet? It's slow as can be down here, but Florida has the worst record for sales now! Thinking nice white light in your direction!
    JUDY, your jokes are so entertaining; never too much! Certainly better than sad things anyday! Balances those quake pictures :laugh: :cry: :laugh:
    Now really way behind, so I'm off to the shower. Have a great evening, y'all! :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hello ladies, been busy cleaning the last day and studies too. Got a lot done. Our sunshine is going away for a day of two I am hearing, snow, freezing rain to rain tomorrow. Hope the farmers are getting their tractors tuned up, looks like an early spring. Had a call from my second job today, back to semi normal work come the 28th. Sigh, what a bummer!

    BUZZ, Yes all can't be totaled exactly on these web sites, but it would be nice. I am just reading the nutrition lables and using my head and the Canada Food Guide for assistance. It is really hard to lose when you are not being very active. Did a walk today, got some banking done and my taxes too. Yay I get some back this year.

    Hope all you good lookiing ladies are having a good day and minding your goals well. I am tired out from all the fresh air I got today. I will catch everyone tomorrow.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Marilyn, Are you from Canada? If so What part. ? I barely remember some one commute back and forth to their jpb in usa. Was that you?Or some one else Full of questions today? That might have been Shirley As usally I get all Mixed up. Anyway glad you have more time to post with us Love Marie.

    Phoebe, Glad to hear you join WW on line. Alice join online to but she still goes to the meetings. It is a good plan. But you got to work it. Alice is not at this time. I am still on the OA ot off yesterday but hop right back on this morning. I am afraid if I don't have a good weight lost This month Xyla will drop me. Can't have that. I like this plan too well. While Xyla is in the hospital I may have to report to all of you. II think Barbiecat sort of knows the plan. See you guys later
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Why is xyla in the hospital? I must have missed this.
  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    Hello All! :happy: I feel so fortunate to have had another really good day. Life is beautiful!

    Buzz - great attitude. You've been through so much and have taken it in stride by remembering your blessings. You inspire me!

    Maddie, Maddie, Maddie! :bigsmile: You make me grin! Several comments to you.
    1. Haven't been on your new forum yet because I was on the go all day, but I will visit.
    2. How do you put those cute dancers etc on your posts?
    3. Your grandson and the short swiffer reminds me of when my grandson, now 11, begged to come to my house because he loved to vacuum. I still have the little mini upright I used to do stairs, and it was the perfect size (and not real powerful), so Marshall loved using it. He would vacuum the whole house if I'd let him! He still likes to work. The last time he was here he built some shelves for me!
    4. Did you write the poem? Love it! :flowerforyou:

    Marie, how warm is it where you are?

    I went to Sonnewald's today to get fresh ground spelt flour. Tomorrow I will bake with it and hope I have better luck than I did with the rice flour. Years ago when I gave up wheat (if anyone wants to know the results, ask and I will be glad to share. I won't now for fear of boring you to death.) I used spelt flour interchangably with wheat flour and the results were great. Also got some frozen white spelt bread and it is delicious.

    Got my walking in-home today with Leslie Sansone. Did a 2-mile power walk and I really enjoyed it. I feel like I'm really getting in the groove and I thank you, Sneakers, for all your support. :drinker:
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Hi Ladies,
    I made it through DAY 1 of a juice/liquid fast! I am still smiling and danced today. I had company almost all day. I served them organic blue chips and raw pico/salsa. They loved it. I put my salsa/pico in the blender. Mixed it with tomato juice, celery/romaine lettuce juice, dash of red pepper and it was wonderful!!!

    I expected today to be hard and it may get harder before Sunday...we will see.

    I look forward every day to each one of you and your posts. Individuality adds spice to life.

    I am not going to address each one tonight. I am somewhat tired. :yawn:
    I do want to tell Xyla that I hope her Hysterectomy surgery goes well.:flowerforyou: ( I can't think if that is spelled correctly)

    I will tell one thing my 6-year old told his Daddy over the weekend. My son went out and jumped on the trampoline for a very brief time with the 6-year old..mind you...I said brief. DS told DGS that he had to quit, he was just too old for this jumping. GS told his dad that he wasn't too old...he was just right for his age.:happy:

    Hope you all have a restful sleep or a nice day .. whereever you live.....:flowerforyou:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    iT JUST GOT IN THE SIXTY's but will warmup more as the week goes by. I bought a loaf of spelt bread and it was really good. I bought some splet flour to make some homemade splet bread but never got around to it. I was afraid I would eat it all while it was hot. Let me know how yours turn out? I just love hot bread even those Grand frozen biscuit But that is really a NO NO with butter and sugar free jelly. Yum!
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone! We have melting in Saskatchewan!!! Yeah!! Can Spring be around the corner? For Marie, Sask-at-chew-an or as the locals say, Su-skatch-you-on, emphasis on the skatch! There you are, just like a local!!

    Marie -- That sounds like a very positive report for Jerry. It will feel like a long time during treatment but the outcome should be good. Glad Alice is healing well.

    Buzz -- Update on my cupboards. The oven we picked was, indeed, too big by less than 1/2 inch. So Dave and I were on the trail for a new one today. We couldn't find any that filled the bill for the right size so we ended up getting two smaller ovens that will be one on top of the other. They are only 24 inches but we did try it out and a 24 pound turkey fits easily in one so I will still be able to feed the extended family on holidays. We went with Fagor and hope we will be happy. Sooo. . . because we had to change the oven to a stainless steel we have now changed everything to stainless steel. I thought the salesman was going to be most unhappy with me but if he was he didn't show it! Now I will have to buy new pots for the induction cooktop. I do have some stainless steel cookware in the basement so will see if they will fill the bill. If not, I hear Costco has some so will check them out.

    Phoebe -- I think you will like the new WW plan. I wish I could say that I hadn't fallen off the wagon, but I have. Once the chaos settles a bit here I plan to get back on that wagon. I did like the program, especially not having to count fruits and veg.

    Maddie -- Enjoyed your poem.

    Lynn -- Your grandson is so precious.

    Take care everyone and keep smiling. Gayla :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Gayla. I am up almost as late as you. but will be there shorhly Good hearing from you. You are having a time getting thing and fit in your space.match. Good luck . It will be nice ahen you get it ALL DONE. gonna feel like a new house.

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,317 Member
    Jeri, I crave sweets also so I now have individual sugar free jello cups (10 calories) and I put about 4 tablespoons of lite whipped cream (30 calories) on one and total calories is 40. Can't beat that and is it so good. :bigsmile: Gayla

    Thanks that's a great idea. I'll look for them. I mean there is always snack food in the house, but I don't necessarily want to add 100 or 200 calories to my daily total to satisfy a sweet craving.

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,317 Member
    Hi everyone! We have melting in Saskatchewan!!! Yeah!! Can Spring be around the corner? For Marie, Sask-at-chew-an or as the locals say, Su-skatch-you-on, emphasis on the skatch! There you are, just like a local!!

    Melting in Calgary too. I just start to think Spring, then we get a snow storm. April is our snowiest month of all.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,005 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: It's rainy in NW Washington but the poodles and I don't care :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: we spent more than an hour at the dog park today and got wet and got a lot of exercise :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: no offers on our house yet so we just Trust God, Clean House, and stay busy :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    :flowerforyou: Marie, the basics of the OA program is planning your meals ahead of time, weighing and measuring to maintain portion control, telling someone ahead of time what you plan to eat, and sticking with the plan no matter what.:bigsmile: the 90 day program has that very strict list of what you can and can't eat.:bigsmile: I know a woman who has followed the OA plan for 20 years straight.....she brings her own food when she eats away from her home and if you come to her house to eat, you eat what she eats....there is also a spiritual component to the program that has nothing to do with food.

    :flowerforyou: I have to take the weather one day at a time, just because it has been getting up to fifty degrees in the afternoon doesn't mean that winter is over......two years ago we had snow on April 23:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning Good Wednesday Morning, Sneakers,

    today is grocery store day. , Beleve it or not My grocer bill has come down on this diet..

    Jeri is Calgary in Canada? Beautiful snow in April. I don't if we have ever had snow in April. My Mother used to say a cold spell on my Daddy birthday which was April 28th. She called it our Easter spell.

    Gayla do you really think I could remember how to Pronounce your town. Got to be Kidding!!!!!!!!!!! But it is a beutiful name. I know you are really ready for spring.......... So are we!!!. I went out on the front porch yesterday and it was a little breeze. coming in from the north. I said to myself Gayla is trying to send me a
    message '" too early for spring time." Lynn will have to sing us a song about springtime.

    I went back and read all of Marilyn post and she is from Pembroke, Canada. She is quite a lady. even tho she has been with us for awhile , I feel like I am just now getting to know her. Love reading her stories about her" Kids"

    Better go get dress and eat breakfast for Jerry will be ready to go grocer shopping soon. Luv Ya' Marie
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    Good Morning! Looks like the weather is varied all over the place again. I think that we are finally heading into Spring :happy: The scale is down a whole lb today and even though it isn't Monday, I'm takin it! :laugh: We took a ride to the "Bass Pro Shop" last evening so I could get a folding rocking chair for the deck at the camper! I love that store! If you don't have one in your area, l'll just tell you that they have a huge fish tank with waterfalls and the most interesting fish I've ever seen. It's floor to ceiling and the sound is so calming. Throughout the store, they have vignettes of all kinds of wild animals set up in what looks like a natural habitat. The signs tell you what they are and who donated them. One of my favorites is standing next to a moose! We would never see a moose here. Anyway, it always takes longer there than you want it to but I did get my chair!!

    Had a great time with Nate yesterday. Can he get any cuter, I don't know......he and his brother will be sleeping here on Friday so their parents can go out to dinner and sleep.....or something :blushing:

    Gayla, I have a Christmas Cactus that won't stop blooming this year. Is that weird?

    Phoebe: Listen to everyone....keep on tryin!!

    And oh, yeah....I don't write the poems, I steal them!!! :drinker:

    Buzz: You crack me up, Marie: you lift me up, Lynn: you mess me up....Connie, you warm me up, Barbie: you show me never give up and Sandy.....well, I'm just jealous of you! :laugh:

    YOUTUBE.COM feel good song of the day: IV'E HAD THE TIME OF MY LIFE BY THE GLEE CAST...check it out!

  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Good Morning,:flowerforyou:

    I have a big day of juicing carrots, romaine lettuce, tomatos, red peppers, celery, and granny smith apples. I can't stay on here long because of that. I read your posts, quickly.
    I will try to come back this evening, if I can move.:noway: and concentrate.:tongue:

    I hope you all have a lovely day. Our weather is sunshine and 60 today...that's March in KY for you.

    I am posting the words to a song....It's Daydream by an old group Loving Spoonful...I have always like the words to it. It reminds me of Spring...I will think on some other sing when I work or whistle or dance.
    They are on

    Sometimes, I take liberties with the words to songs and make them fit me.:laugh:

    We need dancing smilees and a sunshine face.

    What a day for a daydream
    What a day for a daydreamin' boy (/and girl)
    And I'm lost in a daydream
    Dreamin' 'bout my bundle of joy (the light of my world- my words:bigsmile: )

    / C - A7 - / Dm7 - G7 - / :

    And even if time ain't really on my side
    It's one of those days for taking a walk outside
    I'm blowing the day to take a walk in the sun
    And fall on my face on somebody's new-mown lawn

    / F F#dim7 C A7 / / / Dm7 - G7 - /

    I've been having a sweet dream
    I been dreaming since I woke up today
    It's starring me and my sweet thing
    'Cause he's/she's the one makes me feel this way

    And even if time is passing me by a lot
    I couldn't care less about the dues you say I got
    Tomorrow I'll pay the dues for dropping my load
    A pie in the face for being a sleepy bull toad


    And you can be sure that if you're feeling right
    A daydream will last long into the night
    Tomorrow at breakfast you may prick up your ears
    Or you may be daydreaming for a thousand years

    What a day for a daydream
    Custom made for a daydreaming boy (girl)
    And now I'm lost in a daydream
    Dreaming 'bout my bundle of joy (the light of my world -my words :bigsmile: )

    Maddie I like your song!:wink:
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,317 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,
    :heart: Marie -- yes Calgary is in Canada. As for snow in April, our dd's bs is Apr 28th. As a little girl we never knew whether her bd party would be outside with lots of little girls running around in the yard or everyone inside. One year my Mom and Dad came down and had to delay their trip home due to a blizzard.

    :heart: luvtocruz -- Bass Pro Shop. We have one just outside the city. The first time I went in, I was absolutely amazed. What an interesting store.

    :heart: Inspite of a busy, busy day I managed to get my 30 minutes of exercise in.

    Have a great day everyone

    Jeri in Calgary. Canada
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,142 Member
    Happy Wednesday Sneakers!!! :bigsmile: Bingo night!!! :love:

    Lunch with my sister and my niece was wonderful, we had such a good time we sat there for four hours. :bigsmile: I ate some crusted cod and it was delicious, unfortunately I went over calories but not too many. The scale was good to me this morning so other than having to catch up with everything today it was a great day yesterday. :love:

    Maddie, please, jealous? of me? :blushing: Nothing to be jealous of, we are all in this together, I just have been here longer. I sure can't compete with you in that red strapless dress. :tongue: I love grand children one on one. They listen better without their parents, they love that you give them time and attention and when they get tired in most cases you send them home. :laugh:

    Marie, good luck with the grocery shopping today, buy only healthy food. :drinker: I'm with you, I will never remember how to pronounce Gayla's home town, but I do know that she lives in Canada. :tongue:

    Barbie, all it takes is the right person to walk through that door and make an offer. It can be frustrating waiting for that buyer, but with spring approaching you are in a good season for home buyers. Will say an extra prayer that God helps that buyer walk through the door. :heart:

    Jeri, it's okay you gave credit to Gayla for my jello idea, we all share here. :tongue: Just kidding, I am sure everyone has their own ideas in order to satisfy a sweet tooth. Since I gave up all junk food for lent, jello seemed like a healthy treat. :drinker:

    Gayla, I am sorry you had to go back and change everything to fit, but I do think you will be happy with the stainless steel.
    It is just easier to keep clean compared to black and I have had both. How is our boy Neil, is his foot better? Time for another card to cheer him up. :bigsmile:

    Lynn, wow, how long are you going on this juice/liquid fast? I don't think I could do it, I love to eat too much. :drinker: When is Xyla having her surgery? I love the comments from your grandchildren, they are so cute, they must take after grandma. :love:

    Dee, you are doing a great job and you are an inspiration to us with your weight loss. It sounds like you are another cook. Most everyone but me loves to cook, I like the easier the better. Market Day from my granddaughters school is great with low calories and portion control.:drinker:

    Phoebe, I think I missed when Xyla was having surgery also, because I am sure we would have acknowledged it we knew.
    Are you home or on the road again??? :glasses:

    Marilyn, I don't even want to hear the word snow, I am ready for sunshine and hot weather.:bigsmile:

    Buzz, you amaze me with your knowledge and your dedication to this program. You are always so kind, Marie is lucky to have you as her "older" sister. :laugh:

    Connie, how are you and your granddaughter doing? :heart:

    Just when I though I caught up some sneakers sneaked in. :laugh: Lynn, keep on juicing and singing, thanks for the song.
    Jeri, I am still having coffee and you are done with your exercise, I must catch up. :ohwell:

    Have a great day everyone,