Like Minded Lushes March 2011



  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Oh yeah and how do I post my ticker?
    Look under tools and cut and paste the code into your signature :)

    No drinks since Sunday for me. Being broke keeps me sober!

    None for me either. Not having any until Friday when the boyfriend and I take his parents out to dinner.
  • ItsTerriC
    ItsTerriC Posts: 436 Member
    I was so proud thinking that I hadn't had any alcohol since the 1 drink at the bowling alley Sunday afternoon. Then I realized that today is only Tuesday. Wow, one whole night without a drink, lol. I don't think that should feel like such an accomplishment, but I'll take it anyway.
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Sunday 0
    Monday 0

    Yeah, I:noway: know, I can hardly believe it my self but I am really on a role. I just wish something would happen with my waist. Being 50 (almost 51) I all too familiar with what happens to your metabolism. (and perimenopause and now full blown menopaus, oh joy oh joy) It is frustrating when you do all the right things (eat 1450 calories) and exersize moderately (walk for an hour at 3.5 t0 4.5 on various inclines) include strength training 3 days a week and I still gain weight. I noticed that my metabolism was shot to hell back in the early 90's when I tried the Norplant as a birth control. It totally wrecked me I went from 130 to 160 in two months and I have struggled with it ever since even though I had the thing removed in two months.

    So to all you youngin's out there don't take it for granted and things WILL change as you get older. it gets a whole lot harder.

    I certainly don't take it for granted. It's why I've strived to be healthy my whole life and especially now. I want to be healthy for when I have children and be able to teach them how to live a healthy lifestyle. I'm not and never was one of those young kids who said "oh I can eat anything and not get fat" I always knew about skinny fat. Skinny doesn't mean healthy and I've always known that. To be healthy you've got to live a healthy lifestyle, exercise and a diet full of healthy unprocessed foods. Of course genetics plays a part as well. Some people never struggle with weight no matter what their age, others, such as my bestfriend, have struggled since they were little.
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    I was so proud thinking that I hadn't had any alcohol since the 1 drink at the bowling alley Sunday afternoon. Then I realized that today is only Tuesday. Wow, one whole night without a drink, lol. I don't think that should feel like such an accomplishment, but I'll take it anyway.

    A whole night is better than no night! So good for you =]
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    This week is not starting off so good. I have a horribly sinus infection and my throat hurts and the only thing that makes it feel better is wine. :blushing:
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    I battled a cold/flu the first few weeks when I was trying to get serious about logging my food/exercise and it really set me back. I hope you feel better soon!
    They say a shot of whiskey helps too. :wink:
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    I battled a cold/flu the first few weeks when I was trying to get serious about logging my food/exercise and it really set me back. I hope you feel better soon!
    They say a shot of whiskey helps too. :wink:

    I think it was psychologically making me feel better. :blush:

    On the upside, I've lost my appetite so the liquid calories aren't hurting too badly.

    Thanks, the whiskey would probably be a better route!
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    I'm going to have a glass of wine tonight, just because I fancy one :-) :drinker:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    I'm going to have a glass of wine tonight, just because I fancy one :-) :drinker:

    Yvonne, I fancy one as well...but, won't have one:cry: Although, I put a nice red in my pot roast and marinara sauce and in the back of my mind I was thinking how it would be with dinner. I am going to stay strong this week

    Natasha, SoCalWomen...Isn't the whiskey supposed to be a hot toddy when you are tea (opens sinues), honey (sooths throat) and whiskey (makes you sleep well) :bigsmile:

    It's official: I'm pretty sure....

    Sunday, 0 drinks
    Monday, 0 drinks
    Tuesday, 0 drinks

    Off to Zumba to shake some hips and booty as well as banking those calories burned:tongue:
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    You're doing great Kim!! I hear Zumba is lots of fun. My girlfriend swears by it.
    I on the other hand, appear to enjoy torture and just subjected myself to another round of Jillian. I swear that woman makes me want to take ice picks straight to my ear drums. :grumble:
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Well done on the willpower Kim, mine has taken a temporary leave of absence, not that I'm searching for it!
  • crazycat59
    crazycat59 Posts: 165 Member
    SoCal, I agree. I have the same reaction to her!! :explode:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    You're doing great Kim!! I hear Zumba is lots of fun. My girlfriend swears by it.
    I on the other hand, appear to enjoy torture and just subjected myself to another round of Jillian. I swear that woman makes me want to take ice picks straight to my ear drums. :grumble:

    I did the 30 day slimdown with 3 of her DVDs...the results were great; but, I cannot bear the thought of hearing her voice anymore.

    The music is like from the early 80's when workout video first came out...whoever was in charge of the music should be FIRED. There so much great music out there and that's the best they could do...CHEAP BUDGET

    I really do like Zumba, but here's how I feel:

    1) I am a really out of shape white woman
    2) I feel like I'm in the scene from Dirty Dancing when they are giving lessons to all the fuddy duddies, uncoordinated and bumping into each other.
  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    Sunday - 0
    Monday - 0
    Tuesday - 2 bottles of wine. I did get an extra workout in as I did hip hop abs WHILST drunk. :laugh:

    I feel great today though. Just wish this humidity and heat would go away so I can jump on the treadmill.

    Robin you are a champion!!
    Keep up the awesome work Kim :flowerforyou:

    Also thanks to my fellow lushes who read my epic drunken post last night. :laugh: :blushing:
  • jess_steich7
    I am so glad I just discovered this group! This is exactly what I posted about last night! I always drink on the weekends and I felt terrible until I saw this group, it is great! Question that I have is what do ya'll drink? Cause my fav drink is Miller Lite but I feel like I need to focus on low-cal drinks.

  • missdana2011
    So glad I found people with the same "habit"...
    I need you guys for weekly (daily) support so please add me as a friend if you can. It will be much appreciated!! Lol
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    alright, I had alot of calories left today and I have done so well. So I am having a couple of glasses of wine. Not the whole bottle and it has been a while. I just really "fancy" one like Yvonne said, so I am giving in. I did good on this run and I know I can do it again if I want to. I just don't want to abstain anymore right now:blushing: So on to some moderation. :drinker:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Options will drink the wine, the scale will drop 3 lbs tomorrow...your body will welcome the wine with open arms and give you the weight's holding pounds as hostage
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    I really do like Zumba, but here's how I feel:

    1) I am a really out of shape white woman
    2) I feel like I'm in the scene from Dirty Dancing when they are giving lessons to all the fuddy duddies, uncoordinated and bumping into each other.
    HAHA..I *love* to dance and am pretty good at it..but i'm a private workout kinda gal. Don't talk to me...don't make be next to someone that might talk to me..just get outta my way..i got work to do. :smile:
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    welcome to the newbies. I'm one too!!
    feel free to add me, but i'm horrible about making comments on your profile. I will definitely reply if you message me. But I pretty much just post in this thread and try to respond to everyone in some way or another. this thread home for me. lol.