Pregnancy 2011 - March



  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Well good evening ladies. Dh and I are on our way out to dinner and a movie, maybe a little baby shopping.

    This sounds like our plan for today! Hope you and hubby enjoyed your night out!
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    I just wanted to say that I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. To those of you having a shower this weekend, I hope they are wonderful.

    I ended up choosing not to walk yesterday. I know deep down it would have messed up the ankle again.

    Today I plan on finishing up the baby's blanket! Now I will need to find a new project. I know others of you were making blankets. Have you finished them? And what do they look like?

    I am sure going to miss you all when my 6 remaining weeks are up.

    Again, have a terrific weekend everyone!
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    I finished mine about a month ago. It came out great. I was proud for the baby and myself. I need to finish my little boys too so it will all be fair.
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    I just wanted to say that I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. To those of you having a shower this weekend, I hope they are wonderful.

    I ended up choosing not to walk yesterday. I know deep down it would have messed up the ankle again.

    Today I plan on finishing up the baby's blanket! Now I will need to find a new project. I know others of you were making blankets. Have you finished them? And what do they look like?

    I am sure going to miss you all when my 6 remaining weeks are up.

    Again, have a terrific weekend everyone!

    Glad you didn't mess up your ankle, but I know you miss your exercise!

    I so wish that I could sew. I think it would be such a great trade to have. A neighbor of mine has made Annabelle some great burp clothes, receiving blankets, bassinet sheets, diaper bag, etc and I would love to be able to do things like that.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    So I just went grocery shopping and I was feeling very motivated by doing so poorly yesterday I got very healthy food for this week. On mondays I am also going to report how I did on fruits and veggies daily if thats okay with you guys in the exercise challenge because I really struggle on it. My goal this week is 3 fruits a day and 2 veggies a day... I will work up once I can do that.

    Question for you ladies. Can you paint while pregnant once you are out of the first trimester? I got some paint samples for the nursery today and hubby is working all weekend so I am going to paint those on (the fumes wont be too strong with a little sample)... but I want to help hubby paint the nursery if I can. I have heard both ways. What do you ladies think?

    I am going to miss all of you that are only a couple weeks away :ohwell: BUT I can't wait to get update on your LO's! :heart:

    Is it sad that when I have my LO you all are going to be some of the first people I want to tell the details too... hah.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    I crocheted a blanket for Brooklynn, it is lavender, pale pink and purple. I love the way it turned out, it is washed and ready. MIL is really good at all of that stuff so she has made about 20 blankets (not even exagerating), a sweater and some booties. I think knitted clothing is so cute!

    I feel the same about you ladies too, I cant wait to share pics of Brooklynn as well as the story of her birth once she arrives and MFP just will not be the same. I will definately make sure that there is a postpregnancy group intact so that we all have a place to continue on together. After nearly 9 months of being together here it almost feels like moving away from a group of friends. :sad:

    AnneElise- I could not imagine life without ice cream, you know those slow churned or reduce sugar ones are pretty low in calories, usually under 150 per serving (1/4 cup) . I like to pair them up with a banana or some strawberries to get a fruit serving in. I guess I have never been good at this diet thing but in the few weeks that I was counting calories and loosing weight here not knowing I was pregnant yet I NEVER gave up my snacks. I LOVE sweets and just find alternatives so I can enjoy them (sugar free jello 10 cals, sugar free chocolate pudding 80 cals, oh yes cant forget 100 cal packs with their cookies and chips!)
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    dragonfly - I'm sorry that you weren't able to exercise, but I'm glad that you didn't take a chance on hurting your ankle any worse. Hope you have a great weekend too!

    AnneElise - I do pretty well with fruit, it's veggies that I have a hard time getting in. I'm looking forward to hearing some of the different veggies you are eating and how you are incorporating them.

    Sheri - I'm right there with you, I have to allow myself to have the snacks or sweets that I want in moderation, and swapping out for healthy alternatives. If I completely deprive myself - I'm headed for a huge binge...

    mwilson - I can fix a small hole in the seam of a shirt or sew a button back on, but that's about it! A family member has sewn baby Josh some really cute blankets and curtains, and is working on a quilt for him.

    I am going to miss everyone too! Some of you are getting so close, and I can't wait to see pics of your little ones and hear all about your labor and delivery.

    I agree, we need to start a thread for us to keep in touch with each other after pregnancy. It'll be great to have continued motivation and support from people who are experiencing a lot of the same things I am. Most of all, I'm sure I'll need some advice about breastfeeding and taking care of baby.

    Any ideas for a group name?
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    So I just went grocery shopping and I was feeling very motivated by doing so poorly yesterday I got very healthy food for this week. On mondays I am also going to report how I did on fruits and veggies daily if thats okay with you guys in the exercise challenge because I really struggle on it. My goal this week is 3 fruits a day and 2 veggies a day... I will work up once I can do that.

    Question for you ladies. Can you paint while pregnant once you are out of the first trimester? I got some paint samples for the nursery today and hubby is working all weekend so I am going to paint those on (the fumes wont be too strong with a little sample)... but I want to help hubby paint the nursery if I can. I have heard both ways. What do you ladies think?

    I am going to miss all of you that are only a couple weeks away :ohwell: BUT I can't wait to get update on your LO's! :heart:

    Is it sad that when I have my LO you all are going to be some of the first people I want to tell the details too... hah.

    I painted with lots of ventalation plus my primer was low VO2 paint and had very little oders it was 2 bucks more per gallon but easier to breath.
  • Marceen
    Marceen Posts: 14

    I have spent about $25 for each set w/ each new baby coming. I have all the girly stuff from Finnian since he was a boy. I have added a few things to the girl pile and bought several new pieces for the boy pile. It is in my newborn baby bin for clothes, girl one side, boy the other. When it gets close to baby arriving I put one set in each drawer. After birth dh or one of my children puts the unneeded sex of clothing away for next time ;)

    We don't find out either but you are ultra organized with the clothing. I do go to the Salvation Army and find tons of NB stuff with tags on. We just re-donate what we don't use instead of keeping it. :)
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Ah, just finished crocheting the baby's blanket after a very lazy day of just focusing on it. Feels good to have it finished. I really liked the pattern I used and wish I had another baby to crochet one for.
  • carina73
    carina73 Posts: 270 Member
    Well, AF arrived this morning. :cry: :ohwell:
    This is my 2nd cycle since the miscarriage. :cry:
    I was using HOvT's this month, but stupid me didn't read directions properly and I missed my window. :grumble:

  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Well, AF arrived this morning. :cry: :ohwell:
    This is my 2nd cycle since the miscarriage. :cry:
    I was using HOvT's this month, but stupid me didn't read directions properly and I missed my window. :grumble:


    I am sorry AF came... Look up to next cycle, it could be your one!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    I am going maternity clothes shopping today with my sister at an outlet mall that Mel suggested! I had forgotten about it so thanks!!

    Very excited to get some cute clothes to wear because I am just starting to really need them. I decided I will take a belly pic at 20 weeks to post... it just doesn't seem big enough yet... I just look chuncky when I see it.

    Hope showers and weekends are going great!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Ah, just finished crocheting the baby's blanket after a very lazy day of just focusing on it. Feels good to have it finished. I really liked the pattern I used and wish I had another baby to crochet one for.

    I wish I was crafty. I don't sew or knit or crochet. Maybe my two months off this summer being very pregnant I will learn something. Congrats on finishing, I am sure its beautiful!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    I forgot to ask this. How many days before your due date did most of you start your maternity leave from work? I am due August 5th. We go back to school (teachers only) August 1st.... good timing right :wink: I had to convince my principal it wans't on purpose. I am trying to decide if I should not go in at all the start of the year or if I should take it from like the 3rd or 4th so I can go in and get my classroom set up for the long term sub. I was thinking it might be hard because I might not be feeling well but I was also thinking it might be a good distraction from waiting. Opinions?
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    I forgot to ask this. How many days before your due date did most of you start your maternity leave from work? I am due August 5th. We go back to school (teachers only) August 1st.... good timing right :wink: I had to convince my principal it wans't on purpose. I am trying to decide if I should not go in at all the start of the year or if I should take it from like the 3rd or 4th so I can go in and get my classroom set up for the long term sub. I was thinking it might be hard because I might not be feeling well but I was also thinking it might be a good distraction from waiting. Opinions?

    I’m planning to work up until I give birth if possible. My job doesn’t offer any maternity leave other than the time I already have accrued, so I don’t want to have to use any time before unless it’s absolutely necessary. As it stands right now I can be home for 3 months and only miss one paycheck. But I’m a caseworker and my caseload will probably be disturbed office wide the month before I’m due and they’ll just find something else for me to do until I have the baby; so it’s not like I have to get anything ready for someone else.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Ron- We can take up to a year off unpaid and be given our jobs back. We only get paid sick leave time as well. I am not taking any sick leave time with this baby. I coached all year long so that I could make extra money and we put it into a savings account and are using that. I think I am taking 12 weeks. I totally agree I want to work till birth but I know someone has to replace me... the only reason I may work up until the 5th is I won't have any students just meetings and such. Thanks for sharing.
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Ron- We can take up to a year off unpaid and be given our jobs back. We only get paid sick leave time as well. I am not taking any sick leave time with this baby. I coached all year long so that I could make extra money and we put it into a savings account and are using that. I think I am taking 12 weeks. I totally agree I want to work till birth but I know someone has to replace me... the only reason I may work up until the 5th is I won't have any students just meetings and such. Thanks for sharing.

    You can take a year unpaid? That's great, I can only be out 3 months and get my position back. They will hold a job for up to 6 months unpaid, but if I want to go back to my department I can only be out 3 months. You'd think a government would offer a little more. :ohwell:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I'll be like Ron --working right through the beginning stages of labor. :laugh: That's the plan, at least. I get 12 weeks under the FMLA & I want to spend all of it with baby. Of course the 12 weeks of FMLA is unpaid but I almost never use any sick leave so I'll have 11 weeks of sick leave built up and I'll use 1 week of my vacation leave so that I'll receive my full salary for the entire 12 weeks. That will leave me with about 6 weeks of vacation time but absolutely no sick leave which makes me sad. But going back to work before 12 weeks would make me a lot more sad than not having any sick leave.

    I work for State gov't so our jobs are very well protected but the only way I could stay out longer than 12 weeks and get my job back would be for me to have some type of major illness or disability so I'd definitely rather that not happen.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Well, AF arrived this morning. :cry: :ohwell:
    This is my 2nd cycle since the miscarriage. :cry:
    I was using HOvT's this month, but stupid me didn't read directions properly and I missed my window. :grumble:


    Yeah but now you know how to use them! Start using them about 18 days before you'd normally expect AF and if you want to be sure you're not going to miss it, use them every morning and every evening. I'm serious about using the really cheap ones from eBay, too. :wink: Oh, and if you use them in combination with charting your basal body temp, you'll be able to see when you're about to ovulate with the OPKs and then when you did ovulate based on your temp. It's pretty fun. :wink: