The Randoms - March 2011



  • blazestarr
    My name is Marlene, I started MFP on March 10. I am just trying to find my niche. I want to be more interactive with the members as everyone here has been supportive and encouraging so far. I like what I have read about this group and would like to try to join in if that is ok. I did not have a February goal. My March goal is to fit into a dress that I bought on sale by my birthday next month. My second goal is to continue logging my food and exercise. And my third goal is to follow my SB workouts on a daily basis. It consist of 6 straight days of workouts and 1 rest day. Tomorrow is my rest day! YAY...I am feeling a little down. I've been having trouble with my internet, it's going super slow and sometimes it doesn't work altogether. I just moved to a new area and trying to find friends with similar interest. All my other friends are into my old habits: drinking, going out and eating bad. I tried and that just made me more depressed for some reason. Well I don't want to scare you all away. So I hope to be beneficial to this group. Let me know if I need to post anything else. Thanks
  • blazestarr
    I have been spending time with friends sitting outside and enjoying the weather.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member

    RUNNING! I've got my 5K on May 1st and I've got to get used to running outside. I've gotten a lot better since I tried in the Fall and failed kind of miserably. I'm definitely in better shape now, I've learned how to pace myself, and now I just need to work on the stitch in my side/stomach issues from eating the wrong stuff before a run. My best time outside so far is 37:45, and that's with taking a few walking breaks because of the stitch. The route is also a bit hilly and it's been really windy, so I'm hoping the flat course for my 5K will be a breeze after training on that trail.
  • blazestarr
    00trayn, Wow I think that is awesome! I hope you accomplish your goal. I will be cheering for you on May 1!
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    Well, I've been so busy I haven't even had time to enjoy the wonderful weather. However, we live in Iowa where the weather can drastically change at any given moment. When it's a high temp day, chances are the wind is out of control like it was today. We've enjoyed grilling so far and I hope to start running outside. I'm feeling very sluggish for some reason and am SO tired all the time. I don't know if it's all the extra things we've been doing around the house or if it's just a stressful time right now, but either way, I'm so ready for bed!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,021 Member
    What have you been doing to enjoy this new spring weather? I have been planning long walks with my family every weekend. We have been walking down by the river. It is beautiful and everytime we go , we pick a different route. I have really enjoyed it. We have also enjoyed grilling and watching my flowers bloom. I cant wait until it warms up and we are able to clean out the pool. I want to be able to swim every day with the kids
  • blazestarr
    Themommie, that sounds awesome! I heard swimming is a really good work out. My apt is right next to the pool and I have still yet to go. I hope to go soon.
    I wish I had ppl to grill with. Maybe I could use this time to learn....
  • RaeN81
    RaeN81 Posts: 534 Member
    Spring? I'm sorry to say that it has not arrived here. We may even get some more snow tonight and there was a blizzard warning the last few days. (And no, I don't live in Alaska LOL) I am eagerly awaiting (and somewhat impatiently) warmer weather. My hubby and I bought an e-scooter a couple summers ago and it's so nice to have an extra mode of transportation. Also, my hubby and I would like to go biking together in the park. For such a cold city, we actually have one of the best city parks in the world--so I am going to take full advantage this year. I'm even hoping to run around it. Please come soon spring because I am tired of snow and ice and wind.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,021 Member
    I joined the gym this morning. It is inbetween my house and my daughters school so I am hoping to stop at the gym at least 3xs a week after I drop my daughter off at school and on the other 2 days I will do walking. Sounds like a good plan now just for the follow through LOL......
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,021 Member
    I have a little drawer in my dresser that is full of candy. At halloween the kids kept giving me candy and I just put it in the drawer because I didnt want to eat it. I thought I will just eat one piece at a time when I want a little something. Well I have all except 3 pieces still in the drawer. I am so proud of myself before I would have probably eaten all of it that night or over the next 2 or 3 days.
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    Way to go themommie! That's a great NSV! And props to you for joining a gym! That workout plan sounds doable and realistic! Way to go!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,021 Member
    I had a sleepover with 4 of my daughters, my mom, and 3 of my grandkids. We started having an annual sleepover the year my oldest daughter moved out, but this year we included the grandbabies. We had such a good time. We played games, watched movies and mostly talked, laughed and enjoyed each others company. We had alot of snacks but all I ate was popcorn and mini rice cakes. My husband went and got donuts for everyone this morning, but I didnt have any. I just had oatmeal. So I had a good weekend.
    weigh in this week was rough 196.5 , 1.5 lb weight gain. I dont know whats up. I was under calories all week, exercised 5xs this week. even joined this gym. Hope next week is better.
    Hope everyone had a great weekend with their friends and families. Eat healthy and get lots of exercise.We can do this
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,021 Member
    Where is everyone? It sure is quiet on this board. I made it to the gym this morning and had a great workout. They have personal training sessions at the gym for $25 a session. I was wondering if anyone has taken advantage of the personal trainers and if it was worth it. Did you get alot out of it ? Have a good day everyone and get in some exercise
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I work with my personal trainer once a week, and then he's around the gym most nights that I'm there to answer questions or order me onto a cardio machine that I don't want to do because it's a better workout... haha. I do find it worth my $99 a month, and that's for one session a week. It's great to have someone who won't let you stop at 10 reps when you have to do 15. Or to just set up a good circuit that works all my muscles and had cardio. Plus its someone to talk to about what to do on your non-training session days and what to eat and such. So, I'm a fan. I signed up for a year in the end of December and I'm hoping that'll take me through my goal and then keeping it there.
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    We can't afford personal training sessions right now, but it would definitely be something I would take advantage of if I did. I just need accountability. So besides being accountable, I'd have someone who has lots of experience working for me! If you have the ability to utilize one, I'd say go for it!
  • RaeN81
    RaeN81 Posts: 534 Member
    Personal training is not something I have tried because I have a feeling I would not like it. It's a personality thing.

    I have enjoyed some group classes though, especially my swimming class that focuses on stroke improvement.

    QOTD: what is your favorite type of exercise and why?
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    I love my personal trainer it is like working out with a friend that really knows what they are doing. I used my fed tax return this year and paid for my year of twice a week. Of course 2 weeks after I did that they came up with a special that if you pay for the whole year up front it would only be $18 a session while mine was $23. Oh well I find it is well worth it.

    QOTD: I don't have one favorite exercise. I like to get outside and jog but I tend to mix it up when I am in the gym.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    QOTD: what is your favorite type of exercise and why?

    I tend to jump around with what I like. First it was my Wii game, then it was the 30 Day Shred, then Zumba, then Turbo Fire. Now it's running, even though I've had quite a few challenges to overcome with running. I'm slowly sorting them all out. I still have over a month til my 5K to get things in order. I just want it to warm up so I can run outside again! It's too cold the past week and this week looks the same. Booo