Fit For Future Families - March 2011



  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Yeah, it will go something like this, "You owe me a vacation, little one!" :wink:

    It really needs to storm already so that my head will stop hurting so I can workout when I get home. I love Spring! I hate the thunderstorms that come with it. We had a hail storm on Saturday! It's only March!!
  • Jessica_Lo
    Jessica_Lo Posts: 199 Member
    I don't think you covered this on my cheat sheet....what's 2ww?

    I hope it rains for you too. We get afternoon storms like that too around June. I won't say May. lol
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    LOL, I'm sure you get them in May, too. If they're quick, it's not quite that bad for my head. It's when the pressure takes forever to equalize that just kills me. This storm has been building for several hours.

    2ww is the two week wait. The time between ovulation and your period. Also known as the luteal phase (LP). The average length is 14 days, hence the reason it's call the two week wait.
  • Jessica_Lo
    Jessica_Lo Posts: 199 Member
    O right....I knew that. :)
  • MrsHinds7
    MrsHinds7 Posts: 64
    Mrs. Hinds. I'll be going through IVF next month and I feel you on the expense of it. Luckily we were in a position to save it this year but this will be our one shot due to the cost. Thank god we qualify for the refund program. It's heartbreaking that I will only be able to give my hubby this one chance at pregnancy. I have 2 kids from a previous marriage. We decided this week that after the IVF I would not go back on BC afterwards. I have my tube tied (I only have one) so doc said there's a 1 in 10 chance of getting pregnant again. I swear I would have 3 or 4 with my hubby if I could. I'm also going to talk to her about possibly reversing that tubal ligation to increase the chance so hopefully we will have a little surprise in the next few years. I'm hoping for twins from the IVF but I did read a blog yesterday about having twins and it scared the heck out of me.

    I am hoping for twins as well :) Most people think I'm crazy but I think if I can get two in one shot since its so expensive, it would be worth the extra hard work!! I'll send you some links in a private message. There are a few different organizations that offer grants for IVF so it makes it a lot less-expensive! That way if you want to have more children together later, you might be able to lessen the outrageous expenses!
  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    Welcome all newbies! Wow, we have a lot of IVFers. I wish you girls the best of luck! :flowerforyou:

    Erica, I HOPE that you have to deal with a LITTLE morning sickness on your vacation! :bigsmile:

    Karen, I hope your little boy is feeling better and that whatever it is didn't spread to you and DH!

    AFM, I've been pretty stinkin quiet on this board, and I'm not quite sure why. My apologies, I'm going to try to reach and support more. HUGS to all of you ladies! I'm on CD8, and I haven't been o'ing til day 16-17, so I've got a little while I think. I also think we are going to try Sperm Meets Egg Plan/Method this month, just for fun. :laugh: Has anyone else tried this yet? If you don't know what it is, it's very google-able :tongue:
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Andrea, we tried it for several months, but had trouble since I don't always get +OPKs. I know it has worked for a lot of women.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Courtni - Sorry that you're being referred. I was diagnosed with having problems around your age and am only now just pulled together the fertility clinic money :) I WILL be a Mommy!!! I hope it's not going to take you all this time of waiting around. Welcome.

    Shannon - IVF is expensive, but it sounds like your chances will be above the norm for success. I have been prepping for our IVF for 18 months now - am almost 60lbs down and am ready to rock and roll on this bad boy! Here's hoping that you will soon be rocking & rolling too!! Welcome!

    RHOyal T - LOL Not to sound like been there done that with everyone, but.......what can I say? I'm apparently the quintessential infertile woman :P PCOS is such a struggle. If this had been last week, I would be able to tell you that diet and exercise (and Metformin) regulated my cycles tremendously - but alas, I cannot make that statement anymore since I'm now 4 days late (with 0 chance of a BFP on my radar). I only went on the pill last year for a month because my doctor couldnt' handle the flow of me :) If you know what I mean, he was concerned I'd show anaemic tendencies (3 months at full speed ahead will cause someone to thinkt hat). Welcome

    Erica - VACA!!!! I'm sure you and DH will have a fantastic time kicking back on the beach!! And maybe you'll come back with some great news (sometimes a little relax is all we need)....although if AF is due......maybe that's just wishful thinking on my part :) (BTW, I hadn't yet read your response to Karen.....LOL Great minds think alike and there's a lot of wishful thinking going on in here....) If you don't like the thunderstorms, you can always come up here, we had one HECK of a snowstorm today. it was like a skating rink out there.....So now, instead of taking my wayward pup for a walk, I'm curled up under two blankets on the couch...thinking of warmer weather :)

    Karen - YAY! That is one thing I'm not sure how I'm going to handle. Sick kids (although, I do handle my hubbie quite well and I'm sure your little guy is less whiny then him....LOL)

    Jessica - GRRRRR I just want the dang lady to show her face. Lucky you. I have bloodwork to get done on Friday (rechecking all my basics since I did them over 6 months ago at the clinic, plus we have to redo HIV and all that jazz) I'll feel like it's finally starting once all that's done.

    Andrea - SMEP IS fun, but if you try this month and it doesn't work, I'd hold off otherwise it gets like work....LOL Every time I'd mention it though DH's little eyes would light up...Is tonight an "on" night???? Cmon, don't give me's an "on" night.......LOL

    AFM: I've been sleeping a lot lately - 10 hours a night (which means I'm in bed by 6:30). It's not uncommon for me on the weekends, when I don't get up to an alarm, but weeknight's its pretty rare....I think it's because I started upping the protein and I'm just naturally trying to follow my rhythms.....I'll see how it goes for the rest of the week and then adjust. Work is going to get a whole other kind of stressful starting on Friday - my boss is going away and part of the new promotion was that I have to back him up (Dang, knew there was a catch) so I have a newbie to train this coming week and my project "launches" and I get to deal with all his crap too.......Since the weather is going to be nicer. I'm also going to try and get a quick 30 minute walk in when I get in to the office and try for another one at lunch so even if I get home and want to crash, I'm covered exercise wise. If not, I'll become a workout queen!!!
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    Courtni, Shannon, and RHOyalT welcome!

    Erica- vacation WHOOHOO! And if you spend the vacation in the bathroom throwing up even a bigger WHOOOOOOOOHOOOOO! :happy: Isn’t that weird that we look forward to the days of throwing up?

    Karen- I hope the little one is feeling better!

    Off to a family reunion with the in laws tomorrow. It should be hubby is a little more skeptical than I am. I told him, "It's your family." He replied, "I know, exactly." :laugh:
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Welcome to all the new people, happy to have you!
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    Question: Has anyone talked baby names with their husbands? Or already have names picked out?

    Asking because my parents wanted to know if we have names picked out. I was like," woo, we havn't been matched and aren't pregnant." The conversation did spur a cassual conversation with my husband and we are miles apart on names. So maybe we should start talking about it...I mean it might actually take us two years to come to an agreement...

    What do ya'll think?
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Luki - have fun, its always less fun when they are your family....heee hee, DH feels the same way about his family. Names, we've loved a few....we have a thought that we want our children to not have anyone in our immediate circle with the same name. Every time we choose those, someone else names their kids using it (sometimes first AND middle)....LOL So I'm trusting you ladies.......For a girl right now, we're looking at Fiona Grace and for a boy we're looking at Sean Carter. Our last name starts with a I have to be careful that the initials don't make words....LOL SAD, FED, DAD, MAD, POD, SOD, etc......LOL
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Luki - we have our names picked out - we started talking about it long before we got married. It's always fun to think about :) But I think it's common to pick out a name and then change your mind about it later.

    Also - it bugs me when someone steals a name. I loved Morgan (for a girl) and a friend took it.... but heck, she was pregnant first so....
  • Jessica_Lo
    Jessica_Lo Posts: 199 Member
    Erica...I so hope you are on the beach puking the whole time!!! :bigsmile: Just please don't contaminate the water for our trips this summer! :happy:

    Luki, We've had them picked out from very early on. Well I say "them" originally cause I'm hell bent that I'm having twin girls so our original pick was Olivia and Lanie....but then my boys don't really like Lanie so we thought well maybe Melanie and we can call her Lanie. Hubby also likes Alexandria...Lexie for short and I like Elizabeth. So yeah the twin will be Baby B for a while I imagine. lol No boys names we can agree on. He would like him to have some version of my brothers name that passed away but I can't bring myself to name him after him completely. However DH name is Mark and so is my dad and my brother was Justin Mark so I figure we can use Mark and it would cover the 3 of them but only as a middle name. So I can go on and on clearly lol. Sorry.

    Anyway AFM going to get my bloodwork done today. I think I have to have all the tests redone so I'm anticipating being pretty weak this afternoon with that and AF sucking me dry. :yawn: I also want to ask about flying throughout this process. DH is from England and we want to go spend a couple of weeks in June but I'm not sure if we can. If IVF works on the first try then I'll be like a month pregnant and I can't remember if we can fly during that time. If it doesn't work the first time then I'm not sure the timing of the second try and if we can go for that long. Well we'll see what she says.

    We are one day closer to Friday....finally. :smile:
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    You can fly until your third trimester and even after with your doctor's permission. If I end up pregnant this cycle or next, I'll be flying.

    We have names picked out but only because we have only been able to agree on one boy name and one girl name. LOL Donovan or Zoey, come out, come out wherever you are...
  • Jessica_Lo
    Jessica_Lo Posts: 199 Member
    Really? So the first tri doesn't matter? My mom used to say 1st and 3rd was a no go.

    Aww I like all of your names!!! I like Abigail too but my GF had it picked out. She's pregnant w a boy so that means Abi is now available?? lol Nah...I wouldn't do that.
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Jessica - England would be amazing! I'm a huge fan of the Royals and I wish I could be there for the wedding next month... I'll have to settle for the television though....

    I'd be wondering if I could fly too. You never know what is best suited to your body, and I know I'll be super-extra-careful when I finally get pregnant about everything. Walking on ice, uneven ground (balance) flying, feta... I'll be a neurotic freak and terrified that something will go wrong (heck, it has for me in the past).

    So DH and I made a decision last night. I'm not sure if you ladies were around early enought to remember, but I'm adopted. Adoption has always been something I'd like to do in my life, since I am so grateful my parents took were there to take me, instead of my dead-beat druggie bio mother. ANYWAY, we decided that we want to have a baby, as well as adopt a child. We spent a long time talking over the details last night, and agree it's what we want to do.

    I'm not sure if we would have considered it this early if I had gotten pregnant between June and now, but I'm not and we are. We're going to keep trying (we'll do everything we can, IUI, IVF, etc) but we also want to adopt. Our new family plan is to create one, and choose one (that's just how we say it, we know we don't actually CHOOSE one in Nove Scotia). We agree that we want a child under 5, of our own nationality.

    It's a 2 year paperwork process here befor eyou get added to a waitlist. No time like the present! We already called and are waiting for the dates of the next info session the province holds (all adoptions in Nova Scotia are done through the government).

    And we'll keep TTC... I'm on CD21 of my 2nd Clomid cycle right now. We'll see what happens!

    So that's me... happy Thursday everyone!
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Jessica, the first trimester is when you're most likely to experience miscarriage, but they haven't found that flying increases that risk. It's also more likely to exacerbate morning sickness. I would imagine there are quite a few women out there who fly every day without even knowing they were pregnant.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Jalara, that sounds like an excellent decision. :smile:
  • Jessica_Lo
    Jessica_Lo Posts: 199 Member
    Erica...thanks for the info. Great article.

    Jalara!! That's an amazing decision. I have another friend on MFP too that made that choice and is going through the process now. My hat goes off to you that adopt. I think it's an amazing commitment. :happy: Goodluck on the process.

    I went to England for the first time Jan 2010 and I loved it!! I can't wait for my boys to go and we can do all the tourist stuff. I love Will and Kate and so bummed we weren't invited to the wedding. lol