Fit For Future Families - March 2011



  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    Welcome Hopey and Pixie! This is a great group and we love to have new faces, views, challenges, knowledge, experiences and questions! Feel free to chime in when you feel!
    BTW Pixie, I am in the EXACT SAME boat with you! I also was on the Depo for way too many years. My last shot was last Jan. Still trying to get regular.(took me to Nov. to have my first AF) I have a dr. appointment Monday to see what else we can do.

    Katy, sorry to hear the IUI didn't work :frown: Lets hope this is your cycle and you don't need to do it again. Try not to stress...I know easier said then done.

    Pam, YAY new clothes!! That's would be awesome! I really need to save my pennies to get some new clothes for the summer... I am down 2 sizes from my summer clothes from last year. Winter clothes are ok to be a little baggy, but I think summer clothes just don't look good with extra fabric. Happy shopping! Oh, and my dishwasher just did the same thing a little bit ago, but like Hopey it was a plastic lid. Ick! That smell is terrible!

    AFM, I am still trying to decrease my food intake. My goal is set at 1240, but I cannot even get close to it! And being sick doesn't allow me to workout to make up for it. For some reason, I have been really "snacky" lately, and healthy snacks just aren't working! Hello, cookies and sweats. I made frozen peanut butter cups (a recipe from a fellow MFPer) and they are SOOOOOO GOOOD!! A tub of cool whip, couple tablespoons of peanut butter mixed together, put into mini muffin lined pan, topped with chocolate (Magic Shell), and stuff in the freezer...YUM! 55 calories each, if you can stop at just one...good luck!
    I am going to Zumba tonight, even if it kills me! I would also like to get back to doing my crunches and pushups in the morning. I really need to start something new. Also, I really need to incorporate some strength training. Anyone have any DVD/programs that are good for strength?

    :heart: New Month Goals (Starting 4/1/11):heart:
    1. Drink 8-12 glasses of water
    2. 60 crunches every morning
    3. 30 pushups every morning
    4. At least 2 cardio workouts (prolly Zumba) each week
    5. At least 2 30minute strength workouts (not counting goals 2 & 3) each week
    6. Get back down to 139 by 5/1/11
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    Pixie- that definately qualifies! Welcome!!!

    Pam- that smell is horrible! I had a similar thing happen a couple of months ago with a plastic measuring cup of mine (it now has a whole the bottom of I can't measure any liquids with it :wink:)

    So question: My husband went in for a second SA over three weeks ago and we still haven't heard anything. What is up with that? Do we need to go in for a third? Does it take longer if they are doing DNA checks on the sperm? I just don't get why this is taking so long! I know I should just have him call and ask but just figured I'd ask and maybe some of you know. I'm hoping he found out today during a follow up at the DR. for something else...
  • mingermany
    What a great group!
    My husband and I want to start a family within a year to a year and a half. Before that happens, I need to get my eating habits under control. We were pregnant 2 years ago (April 2009) but I had a miscarriage in early July. It was devastating. It took a long time before I even wanted to consider getting pregnant again.
    Will this thread continue throughout April or is there a new one that starts?
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    a new one will be started, but a link is posted...

  • pixieofdoom
    pixieofdoom Posts: 356 Member
    Thanks everyone. Please let me know if your doctor suggests anything, mine seemed to lose interest after the blood tests came back ok and basically just said wait and see. I haven't even had spotting letting alone AF since stopping - although I never did while I was on it it either. Just feel so frustrated with it all.

    Really pleased to meet you all :-)
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Jalara - wasn't sure if you still wanted me to start the new thread, but since there was already a question, I did it. We can work out May :)

    New thread ladies: