Fit For Future Families - March 2011



  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Erica - you are amazing and I'm sooooo happy for you!!!! (No tears like last week, when I was gearing up for AF myself, I swear - they are all happiness and joy). Now, go out and pick up crazy glue so it's a sticky one. Gives me hope!!!!

    Alisa - if it gets to 60 days, please go get the provera....Seriously. I'm so sticky about that point....I want to let my body do it's own thing, but 60 days is like the point where it gets complicted (prolonged estrogen many times has been known to be a contributing factor to cervical/uterine cancer). I had that pre-cancerous condition because I let it go over 60 days too many times (at it was only a few times, but they were really long). My OB told me that 60 days is when they will always give you something (essentially you've now missed two cycles) and that's when your risk for cancer goes up by like 40%......I'll get off my soapbox now :)

    Off to do my Leslie workout and then going to aquafit tonight - I'm not trying to make up for the weekend or anything, but this new sugar free thing is finally giving me energy, I think (either that or my sleepy hormones are all gone....LOL) So I can now expect that I will start the first cycle with the clinic in April/May and then run through and be preggers by June!!! Really feeling good today.....
  • Jessica_Lo
    Jessica_Lo Posts: 199 Member
    ERICA!! SHUT THE FRONT DOOR!!!! Was this the first positive you've had??

    I can't even imagine what that felt like for you. Sending you a super hug!! I seriously got goose bumps and teary eyed!!! and me both. I'm getting scared but excited then scared again. lol
  • AMummysLife
    AMummysLife Posts: 264 Member
    How long have you been temping History? My temp always dips a few days before AF I start prepping and the next day it is up again so I get hopeful and then wham. It might not have been an implantation dip... but something normal to you. But stress definitely does funny things to us. Also how long have you been TTC so far?

    As for me - two days of going over cals is weighing on my mind pretty heavily. I am also a little stressed that AF has not shown up yet. Going to walk to the pharmacy later today and pick up a round of Provera. I think the YI from a few weeks ago probably messed with my cycle (at least that is what I am hoping - it happened just as my temp rose above coverline from a temperature perspective. I am 100% sure that I am not preggers.....LOL there was no way anything was happening with the YI)

    Today will be a better day from an overeating perspective, probably not so good from an undereating one. My DH is working today (his day off and I am apparently not thrilled about that already - it surprised me a little) and I tend to wait until he gets home to eat lunch. Usually on the weekend that is 3pm (not a big deal since I tend to wake up at 10:30 and have breakfast for 11).....but today the training is until 5pm, meaning he will be home for dinner....I will just have to be a big girl and do what I am supposed to without is just not right!!! LOL

    Ah, maybe that is what is happening then. Everyone else has advised that the dip was implantation. Nobody has thought to tell me that it might be a normal process for my body. I've been charting for 4 months but only been getting decent charts since switching to vaginal temping two months ago. Oral temping turned out too erratic for me to get a decent chart. Been TTC for 8 months though.
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    OMG OMG OMG!!! Erica! That just made my day! I am Ecstatic for you!!! I have butterflies in my stomach!
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    ERICA!!! Holy Moly!! I am BEYOND excited for you! Given my current emotional state I DID get teary at my desk! Praying hard for a sticky little thing! That is amazing! Congrats!!!!!!!!! :heart: :drinker: :heart: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :heart:
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    LOL, Jessica. Your reaction has just made me all smiley and giggley. Yes, my first positive ever. I'm just in total shock, still. So is my husband. In fact, he didn't believe me because the test line wasn't as dark as the control line. It was still pretty darn dark. I had to show him the instructions. It was cute. Now if I can just contain myself to only telling you all... We're going to try to keep it to ourselves until we're out of the scary early stages.

    Pam, I'm crossing my legs tight and not uncrossing them until the second tri. :wink:
  • AMummysLife
    AMummysLife Posts: 264 Member
    Well actually I changed it because I have an announcement and I really don't want her to see it... I got my BFP on Saturday!! So that weight loss today was totally unintentional! I bumped up to maintenance Friday when I suspected and went way over both Friday and Saturday. I guess my metabolism is already revving up... or I'm just dehydrated even though I'm drinking water like a fish.

    I don't want to leave you all. And I'm still more than happy to answer any TTC questions anyone has. I'm just really hoping this sticks, but I'm so worried that it won't. I'm pretty zen about it, though. I've finally gotten to a point in the process that I can't impact one way or the other. How terrifying!!!!

    Baby dust to all of my wonderful friends. I hope those who are trying now get their BFPs soon and those who will be trying soon, get theirs then!

    OMG! Congrats Erica! I am so happy for you!
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Thanks everyone. You're making me cry.... Much love and hugs all around!!! :smooched:

    History, I'm sorry everyone said they were implantation dips. Temps can be so up and down. I really hate when people who should know better tell new charters things like that. Hang in there. Up to a year is totally normal. It completely sucks, but it's normal.
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    Oh Erica! Preggo for Florida!
  • Jessica_Lo
    Jessica_Lo Posts: 199 Member
    Awww he's probably just nervous to get his hopes up but that test is pretty darn accurate especially since it hasn't failed on you before. I don't know how you are going to keep the news to yourself either but enjoy it and make sure you drink lots of water on your Florida vacation. You do not want to get dehydrated.

    Timing is everything and this is the time for you. Enjoy it. :happy:
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Yep. I'm so nauseated already... I am just hoping I'm over the worst of it for Florida.

    So the key to getting pregnant as far as I've determined is to give your doctor a lot of money and book a non-refundable trip to somewhere you've always wanted to go. :laugh:

    Yes, my husband has a hard time believing that things will turn out OK because so far in his life when things are going well something bad has happened. So we'll just take this one day at a time and see what happens. At least we know now that we can get pregnant on our own. That's a step in the right direction.
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Congratulations Erica! I'm very happy for you! (Can you tell I've not stopped stalking the board...guess when you've created the relationships it is hard to switch over!) I hope this is a lesson to never give up! Sending sticky vibes your way! When is your due date?

    P.S. Missing you ladies dearly! Besides AnneElise and Ron (the ladies from this board) nobody talks to me at all on the other board...makes me miss you ladies even more! I hope you all move over very soon! *HUGS*
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Awww, thanks, Heather! I hope you're doing well! My EDD is somewhere between 12/1/11-12/3/11 depending on whether my doctor will take into account my later O or not. Not that it really matters by a day or two. I imagine I'll end up with a Thanksgiving baby.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    History - Agree with Erica - it sucks that well meaning people can do so much psychological damage when they give you advice - to be honest, I'm not sure what the % of people that experience the implantation dip is. If it's like the implantation spotting, so many of us have "had that" where it only occurs in something like 10% of pregnancies. Do you have the advanced (read: paid) features in FF? I know that you can overlay and get a real understanding of what your cycle does monthly that way - so if the dip is a regular occurrance, you aren't getting all hyped up over it. Nothing worse than over analyzing what is happening. At least it wasn't a CP though, we've had too many on here recently and that would raise a whole other set of concerns for you.

    Erica - you're right - the key is wanting to have a break before starting over again....LOL I seem to remember you saying not too long ago that AF should start any day now that you've booked your trip....LOL Guess again, Momma!!!

    Heather :flowerforyou: missing you guys too :flowerforyou: Can't wait to see pics of all your little buns!
  • AMummysLife
    AMummysLife Posts: 264 Member
    Thanks Erica & Pam. It certainly does clear up a lot of the things that I had been thinking over the last few days. You can imagine the sorts of things I had going through my mind, I'm sure. Yes I have the paid service of FF but as only the last two cycles actually have some sort of pattern it doesn't help too much if I had been thinking of them as implantation dips rather than normal. (
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    Wohoo Erica!!!! I am so happy for you! That is so exciting:smile: You deserve it:flowerforyou: That is the best news I have heard all day. Congratulations!

    Heather: How can they not want to talk to you?!!! You are a super cool chick!
  • ucaminax
    ucaminax Posts: 157 Member
    Wooo-hooo Erica congrats!! I haven't been here in a few days and am just catching up on messages! What great news! Sticky baby dust to you :-)
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    I'm not sure this is allowable, but... nkster and I started a private group over on Baby Center for those of us who have people we know in real life on MFP. I'm certainly not advocating anyone leave MFP, nor will I be leaving, but it's somewhere private to chat about TTC. Join us if you want.

    And thanks for all the sticky baby dust and congratulations. My first appt isn't until April 13. I may explode by then. :laugh:
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    ERICA!!! I'm apparently late to the congrats party, but CONGRATULATIONS!!! YAYYYYY! I'm so happy for you. I'll start giving the Dr lots of money here in a week or two, so I guess I need to get on planning that expensive vacation. HAHA!:laugh:

    Heather--if you are still stalking the board--we miss you--but we are so glad you got to move on!

    AFM: I am still spotting after not starting Clomid again. It's like 2 and a half weeks now. Ugh. So, I"m just over worrying about it at this point. We'll go to the RE on the 11th, and that'll kick me back into baby mode. Right now I'm just so done with it till then. No temping, no counting till then. Stick a fork in me--I'm done. This is my mini-babymaking vacation.

    I think I have a tad of the stomach bug that my family had. Sunday I had a food porn day, yesterday I was wayyyy under due to a crazy day, and today I just don't feel quite right. I'm still eating, but not as much as usual...I'm hoping it gets better and not worse. This is just to say to ignore my diary for a little while...I don't anticipate it being any thing worth reading for a while, but never fear, I am not developing disordered eating...just working through a stomach bug, I think. Later this week, I'll be testing my resolve again--I'm making a ton of cupcakes for a friend's wedding shower on Sunday. I'm hoping they turn out good...I've never been "in charge" of the cake before. Wish me luck!

    I just have to say it again--CONGRATS ERICA!!! Don't leave us completely--you are our technical expert!:wink:
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Thanks, Karen! I hope you feel better quickly!!