17 Day Diet



  • Barbellerella
    Barbellerella Posts: 1,838 Member
    I thought it was a lifestyle change....not a diet.....i'm confused......

    Eat less and exercise......
    AWAY WITH YOU! your logic is not wanted here!!!
  • spiritangel74
    I have been doing Fitness Pal diet this week. I started monday. I weighed myself this morning and I stayed the same. I have been doing good. I get 1550 calories a day. I don't eat all my calories. All week. Does anyone on this lose first week or stay the same?? I'm on WW but wanted to follow this instead to see how it works. Ty
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    I have been doing Fitness Pal diet this week. I started monday. I weighed myself this morning and I stayed the same. I have been doing good. I get 1550 calories a day. I don't eat all my calories. All week. Does anyone on this lose first week or stay the same?? I'm on WW but wanted to follow this instead to see how it works. Ty

    Fitness Pal isn't a diet, it is just a platform that allows you to track your calorie intake.

    Results will vary based on how accurate you are in logging your food.
  • K_Serz
    K_Serz Posts: 1,299 Member
    Has anyone else tried the 17 day diet? I am on day four and have been following it as well as logging on here to track what I eat. Wanted to see if anyone else has tried it and what was the success after the first 17 days??

    I am on the 1 day diet. I cant wait til its over. I am freaking starving!
  • __delete
    __delete Posts: 245 Member
    Has anyone else tried the 17 day diet? I am on day four and have been following it as well as logging on here to track what I eat. Wanted to see if anyone else has tried it and what was the success after the first 17 days??

    I am on the 1 day diet. I cant wait til its over. I am freaking starving!

    Like OMG. Just saw that on pinterest last week.

    Is it working?
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    Diet will consist of lean proteins, vegetables, low sugar fruits, probiotic foods, and good fats. Starchy foods such as potatoes, legumes, brown rice, corn, and oatmeal are not permitted on this cycle, but remember…it’s just 17 days.
    Enjoy fresh fruits and veggies as much as possible. Frozen and canned verggies are fine, in moderation. They must be unsweetened though.
    Do not eat any fruit after 2pm. Fruit is a carb. If you eat carbs in the evening it’s harder for the body to burn them off bc you expend less energy in the evening. Those carbs may be stored as fat.
    Avoid alcohol and sugar in order to help your body eliminate toxins, improve digestion, and burn fat.
    Probiotics boost the immune system and promote gut cleansing bacteria. They are also thought to help burn fat.
    Eat slowly and until full, don’t overload your stomach.
    Drink eight 8oz glasses of water a day.
    Start off every morning, as soon as you wake, with a hot glass of water with juice from ½ lemon squeezed into to. This gets your digestive juices flowing.
    You can have black coffee (can sweeten with truvia) and tea. It’s actually recommended that you drink green tea with every meal to get in 3 servings, which is beneficial. However, you don’t have to do this.
    Exercise at least 17 minutes a day.

    Lean Proteins: Protein stimulates the reduction of body fat. Eat all you want of the following proteins during this cycle.
    Fish (salmon, sole, flounder, catfish, tilapia, canned light tuna in water)
    Poultry (chicken breasts, turkey breasts, ground turkey, eggs)

    Couple of things that seem incorrect.

    1. Please explain to me how anything will be stored as fat when you are eating at a deficit?
    2. Proteins are slower to digest and use more calories to do so. So, how would they stimulate the reduction of body fat?

    Honestly, I do not see anything magical about this diet. I do understand that it's meant for more than 17 days, but it looks like the initial "cycle 1" is benefiting from the loss of water weight due to some of the restrictions.

    I'm curious as to the claims. Is this saying you will look great by following this plan or is the claim only that you will lose weight?
  • gr8grl68
    gr8grl68 Posts: 417 Member
  • K_Serz
    K_Serz Posts: 1,299 Member
    Has anyone else tried the 17 day diet? I am on day four and have been following it as well as logging on here to track what I eat. Wanted to see if anyone else has tried it and what was the success after the first 17 days??

    I am on the 1 day diet. I cant wait til its over. I am freaking starving!

    Like OMG. Just saw that on pinterest last week.

    Is it working?

    I think so, ive weighed myself 14 times since 5am and I am down 1/2 lb!
  • JRadd14
    JRadd14 Posts: 206 Member
    Interesting... Bump...bump....
  • ukchic25
    ukchic25 Posts: 9 Member
    I really do suggest the book, because it explains the cycles. It is not a low carb diet as much as it is a healthy carb diet. No white flour. The first 17 days are restrictive but today in cycle 2 I had oatmeal and sweet potatoes...is about portions and eating healthy fruits veggies lean meats 2 serving of probiotics,

    One of the best things it does is give you structure to begin ......I am following it 80-90 %....I am not too strict on the 2pm thing because I think it is a little silly...

    You will like the book!!

    I think if this works for you, that is great!!! I don't think it sounds unhealthy, and the purpose is to teach you what you should and should not eat. In fact, I think I will buy the book...if for no other reason than to at least be educated about it. If this is a "fad diet" as so many are claiming, then so is Weight Watchers, and even calorie counting. On any diet, if you go from eating healthy by whichever method you choose, and then you decide to stop and go back to your previous ways of eating that are unhealthy, you will gain weight back. With any diet/lifestyle change, if you go from eating a double cheeseburger every night to watching what you eat (1200 calorie diet, WW, 17 day diet, etc) you will lose considerably more in the beginning, but it will level out and you will continue to lose, just not as much as the beginning. For all those that say it's just water weight, that's what every one loses in the beginning, regardless of diet.

    What amazes me most about this site is that for a place that you're supposed to be able to go and get support, these threads 50% of the time are filled with negative, sarcastic, rude people. Here's a thought...if you see a title of a thread and think it's dumb, do the rest of us a favor and skip over it. There must be a lot of really miserable people out there to be so full of negative energy.
  • Alisha28
    Alisha28 Posts: 406 Member
    I have noticed that people are very negative here, they must be hungry. I feel if it works for you go with it. The 17 day diet does work but only way to know that is to of tried it. Stop the negative and if you don't wanna do it DONT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You should start a discussion about this. I think people need to hear that they're being negative. They might not realize it.
  • Alisha28
    Alisha28 Posts: 406 Member
    We should too much negative going on come on people:)
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member


    seriously, who re-bumped this thread...come on people...!
  • suziepoo1984
    suziepoo1984 Posts: 915 Member
    She actually sent me this:

    Cycle 1 - Accelerate 17 Days

    Diet will consist of lean proteins, vegetables, low sugar fruits, probiotic foods, and good fats. Starchy foods such as potatoes, legumes, brown rice, corn, and oatmeal are not permitted on this cycle, but remember…it’s just 17 days.
    Enjoy fresh fruits and veggies as much as possible. Frozen and canned verggies are fine, in moderation. They must be unsweetened though.
    Do not eat any fruit after 2pm. Fruit is a carb. If you eat carbs in the evening it’s harder for the body to burn them off bc you expend less energy in the evening. Those carbs may be stored as fat.
    Avoid alcohol and sugar in order to help your body eliminate toxins, improve digestion, and burn fat.
    Probiotics boost the immune system and promote gut cleansing bacteria. They are also thought to help burn fat.
    Eat slowly and until full, don’t overload your stomach.
    Drink eight 8oz glasses of water a day.
    Start off every morning, as soon as you wake, with a hot glass of water with juice from ½ lemon squeezed into to. This gets your digestive juices flowing.
    You can have black coffee (can sweeten with truvia) and tea. It’s actually recommended that you drink green tea with every meal to get in 3 servings, which is beneficial. However, you don’t have to do this.
    Exercise at least 17 minutes a day.

    Lean Proteins: Protein stimulates the reduction of body fat. Eat all you want of the following proteins during this cycle.
    Fish (salmon, sole, flounder, catfish, tilapia, canned light tuna in water)
    Poultry (chicken breasts, turkey breasts, ground turkey, eggs)

    Cleansing Vegetables: These veggies support detoxification in the intestines, blood, and liver, and offer protective antioxidants.
    Artichoke Asparagus Bell peppers Broccoli
    Brussels Sprouts Cabbage Carrots Cauliflower
    Celery Cucumbers Eggplant Garlic
    Green Beans Green leafy Kale Leeks
    Lettuce Mushrooms Okra Onions
    Parsley Scallions Spinach Tomatoes

    Low-Sugar Fruit – 2 servings daily: These fruits are full of water, high in fiber, and low in calories.
    Apples Berries Grapefruit Oranges
    Peaches Pears Plums Prunes
    Red Grapes

    Probiotic Foods – 2 servings daily: These help balance your digestive system.
    Yogurt (Greek style, sugar free fruit flavored, plain, low fat) 6oz = 1 serving
    Kefir: similar to a drinking style yogurt (ideal for smoothies)
    Low-fat acidophilus milk
    Breakstone LiveActive Cottage Cheese 1/2 cup – 1 serving
    Sauerkraut ½ cup = 1 serving

    Friendly Fats 1-2 TBSP daily:
    Olive oil and flaxseed oil

    Condiments: in moderation
    Salsa, low-carb marinara sauce, lite soy sauce, low-carb ketchup, fat-free sour cream, low-fat, low sodium broth, Truvia sweetner, sugar free jams, vegetable cooking spray, fat free cheeses (parmesean) fat-free salad dressing, salt, pepper, vinegar, mustard, herbs, and spices.

    You can have black coffee (can sweeten with truvia) and tea. It’s actually recommended that you drink green tea with every meal to get in 3 servings, which is beneficial. However, you don’t have to do this.

    Example Meal Plan:
    2 eggs or 4 egg whites, or 1 serving of probiotics like yogurt
    1 fruit serving
    1 cup green tea
    Liberal amounts of protein on the list
    Liberal amounts of cleansing veggies
    1 cup green tea
    Liberal amounts of protein on the list
    Liberal amounts of cleansing veggies
    1 cup green tea
    2nd fruit serving (eaten before 2pm)
    2nd Probiotic serving
    1 serving of oils on veggies or salad

    It's gonna take me 17 days just to read the freaking instructions. By that time I'll starve to death. Is that how it's supposed to work?

    :D exactly!!
  • icandoit63
    icandoit63 Posts: 621 Member
    I really do suggest the book, because it explains the cycles. It is not a low carb diet as much as it is a healthy carb diet. No white flour. The first 17 days are restrictive but today in cycle 2 I had oatmeal and sweet potatoes...is about portions and eating healthy fruits veggies lean meats 2 serving of probiotics,

    One of the best things it does is give you structure to begin ......I am following it 80-90 %....I am not too strict on the 2pm thing because I think it is a little silly...

    You will like the book!!

    I think if this works for you, that is great!!! I don't think it sounds unhealthy, and the purpose is to teach you what you should and should not eat. In fact, I think I will buy the book...if for no other reason than to at least be educated about it. If this is a "fad diet" as so many are claiming, then so is Weight Watchers, and even calorie counting. On any diet, if you go from eating healthy by whichever method you choose, and then you decide to stop and go back to your previous ways of eating that are unhealthy, you will gain weight back. With any diet/lifestyle change, if you go from eating a double cheeseburger every night to watching what you eat (1200 calorie diet, WW, 17 day diet, etc) you will lose considerably more in the beginning, but it will level out and you will continue to lose, just not as much as the beginning. For all those that say it's just water weight, that's what every one loses in the beginning, regardless of diet.

    What amazes me most about this site is that for a place that you're supposed to be able to go and get support, these threads 50% of the time are filled with negative, sarcastic, rude people. Here's a thought...if you see a title of a thread and think it's dumb, do the rest of us a favor and skip over it. There must be a lot of really miserable people out there to be so full of negative energy.
    Thank you for a positive thread. Nobody was even on here, I was primarily alone with a few great comments here and there. It was when I posted I lost 7lbs in the first 17 days. Is so funny to me that suddenly I come home to 10 posts mostly negative people.

    So Thank you!!!
  • icandoit63
    icandoit63 Posts: 621 Member
    C2 Day 3.........This means I am on the second cycle of 17 days....so 20 days into this I am eating more vegetables than I was before, getting 2 servings of dairy, Eating about 3 oz servings of lean protein at each meal, because that is what fills me up. In the book there is a section on being conscious of how full you are so he is not recommending you eat all the protein you want ....

    I am drinking more water than I was and yes I am sure that I did loose a considerable amount of water, in the first 17 days ....THANK GOD.....but I am more hydrated than I felt before I decided to follow some kind of structure, which is what every diet or lifestyle is.

    The book recommends at" least" 17 minutes of walking or exercise a day, seems like a crazy thought, but for someone who has never exercise it is a great place to start.

    WE all alter a diet plan to work for us. I save my second fruit serving for my 40 minute ride home from work when I was usually so hungry would eat something sugary or salty.....so the 2pm thing is silly to me.

    If your interested in learning more and realizing this 17 day thing is a structure of healthy real foods...enjoy...if you just want to criticize ..I just don't get it. It is working for me and I am thinking more before I eat something ....

    I am exercising much more than 17 minutes between biking and a day dose of Tony Horton....and a 1.5 hour tai chi class last night, which I can't believe has me sore this morning....
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
  • jennyfitzmaurice
    jennyfitzmaurice Posts: 6 Member
    C2 Day 3.........This means I am on the second cycle of 17 days....so 20 days into this I am eating more vegetables than I was before, getting 2 servings of dairy, Eating about 3 oz servings of lean protein at each meal, because that is what fills me up. In the book there is a section on being conscious of how full you are so he is not recommending you eat all the protein you want ....

    I am drinking more water than I was and yes I am sure that I did loose a considerable amount of water, in the first 17 days ....THANK GOD.....but I am more hydrated than I felt before I decided to follow some kind of structure, which is what every diet or lifestyle is.

    The book recommends at" least" 17 minutes of walking or exercise a day, seems like a crazy thought, but for someone who has never exercise it is a great place to start.

    WE all alter a diet plan to work for us. I save my second fruit serving for my 40 minute ride home from work when I was usually so hungry would eat something sugary or salty.....so the 2pm thing is silly to me.

    If your interested in learning more and realizing this 17 day thing is a structure of healthy real foods...enjoy...if you just want to criticize ..I just don't get it. It is working for me and I am thinking more before I eat something ....

    I am exercising much more than 17 minutes between biking and a day dose of Tony Horton....and a 1.5 hour tai chi class last night, which I can't believe has me sore this morning....

    What kind of vegetables? I'm looking for ways to make vegetables taste good. I have a 2 year old and 6 year old that want cheese on everything. lol. I'm enjoying your posts. You're doing better than me! ;) Congrats on losing some weight and getting healthier!
  • cfergusontx
    Here is what WebMD says. Sounds promising.

  • icandoit63
    icandoit63 Posts: 621 Member
    Here is what WebMD says. Sounds promising.


    Thanks for this website. It does give an over all view of the cycles and yes I do agree that the no fruit after 2 pm does not make sense. It really does need a new name:)