Zombie survival club



  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    All hail the queen! :flowerforyou:
  • anonymia
    anonymia Posts: 3
    Hi all - I had a baby about a month ago, and now that we've chosen a pediatrician and got the nursery in working order, obviously it is now time to plan for invasions of the undead.

    My first step is clearly to lose the excess weight left over from pregnancy, because whether we end up in a vehicle or an on-foot scenario, the task of carrying the baby will be left to me as my boyfriend will need to drive (I don't) or decapitate things (I tend not to). The cats will have to pull their own weight; I'm not that worried.

    I've been considering getting a Wii console & some exercise games; anyone wanna start a business venture with me wherein we make an interactive zombie-attack-based fitness program? (C'mon, you know you'd buy the 28 Days Later Shred.)
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    Hi all - I had a baby about a month ago, and now that we've chosen a pediatrician and got the nursery in working order, obviously it is now time to plan for invasions of the undead.

    My first step is clearly to lose the excess weight left over from pregnancy, because whether we end up in a vehicle or an on-foot scenario, the task of carrying the baby will be left to me as my boyfriend will need to drive (I don't) or decapitate things (I tend not to). The cats will have to pull their own weight; I'm not that worried.

    I've been considering getting a Wii console & some exercise games; anyone wanna start a business venture with me wherein we make an interactive zombie-attack-based fitness program? (C'mon, you know you'd buy the 28 Days Later Shred.)

    I have almost finished my masters in comp science, but I know mostly stand alone software stuff (java, perl, etc. ). My wife has told me a couple times that I should make facebook games. Your idea sounds like a lot of fun.
  • Black_Swan
    Black_Swan Posts: 770 Member
    Lorina OMG those dolls are totally adorable and scary at the same moment, wonderful job, youre so skillful!!!
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    This hasn't been bumped in almost a week, oh my! The wife is taking me to an unspecified location to check for zombies tonight. She hasn't specified what we're using for bait yet either...
  • pandaeye
    pandaeye Posts: 126
    i lurve anythng to do with zombies! my daughter and i are big fans and have watched all the movies -28 days/weeks later, zombieland, the walking dead series, all resident evil, shaun of the dead the list goes on and on. also fan of anything supernatural, ghosts, vampires, werewolves etc (sad i know especially at my age lol)
    with regards to surviving i'm pretty strong up top but think the running might let me down, also scared of heights which probably not good either. hoping adrenalin will kick in and i will be awesome whatever happens!!!!
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    i lurve anythng to do with zombies! my daughter and i are big fans and have watched all the movies -28 days/weeks later, zombieland, the walking dead series, all resident evil, shaun of the dead the list goes on and on. also fan of anything supernatural, ghosts, vampires, werewolves etc (sad i know especially at my age lol)
    with regards to surviving i'm pretty strong up top but think the running might let me down, also scared of heights which probably not good either. hoping adrenalin will kick in and i will be awesome whatever happens!!!!
    A fear of heights isn't a major disadvantage to surviving the zompocalypse. If the zombies are the slow shuffling type of Romero's "Dead" series then top speed isn't too important. Top speed is only important for dealing with the "not exactly dead but infected" of 28 Days or Res Evil.

    Overall stamina is more important along with upper body strength. You may need to be able to swing that baseball bat or machete for a long time.

    The ideal training programme to survive the zompocalypse would focus on long distance running (5km - 3 miles, or more) mingled with strength training concentrating a lot on the upper body.
  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member
    This hasn't been bumped in almost a week, oh my! The wife is taking me to an unspecified location to check for zombies tonight. She hasn't specified what we're using for bait yet either...

    Are any of your neighbors unaccounted for? :)
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    I am just happy she decided I wasn't the bait! There weren't any zombies in sight at grisanti's (marvelous italian food).
  • Black_Swan
    Black_Swan Posts: 770 Member
    OMG OMG today I ran 4.8km, this is getting really serious.
    It was amazing.
    Im thinking I might stand a chance sometime in September. Lets hope summer means zombie holidays:D

    Now im thinking italian brainzzzz
  • feeny
    feeny Posts: 110 Member
    now this is a thread i need to join. have any of you read the married with zombies series by jesse peterson? the whole time i was reading it i couldnt stop thinking id be way too fat to survive a zombie apocalypse....especially if they can run like the ones in zombieland!
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    In all seriousness; while the zompocalypse might give us something to focus on for the purpose of our fitness consider this:

    It also prepares us for any other disaster/major emergency. This thought struck me this evening while at a concert. While waiting for the band to appear on stage I started looking for the exits (just killing time I started thinking "how would I get out of here if the zompocalypse happened right now?")

    But how does thinking like this help? It makes us more aware of our surroundings. While I may have been thinking on how to get out of the venue if the zompocalypse occurred it meant that I was also conscious of the exits if a fire broke out and what obstacles were in my path if I had to get to those exits.

    So the next time all you zombie fans are in an strange area just think "how would I escape the zombies" and you will be ready for anything that may happen.

    Keep training for the zompocalypse fellow zombie fans and you will be prepared for anything. :smile:
  • Black_Swan
    Black_Swan Posts: 770 Member
    Tango I can only agree with you, I think things like this can save our lives one day! But hopefully none of us will get into any bad situation of this sort!
  • Gary1977
    Gary1977 Posts: 804 Member
    The rules for surviving Zombieland:
    1. Cardio
    18. Limber up

    I'm a total Zompocalypse addict. A guy in work is always asking me if I have any movies in my DVD collection that don't have Zombie or Dead in the title :laugh:

    Spennato: All the nasty strains of influenza (Swine Flu/Avian Flu etc) are just one mutation away from The Zompocalypse :laugh:

    I'm working my way up to getting back in shape. But when the Zompocalypse comes, I will be ready. :glasses:

    Zombieland rules! I LOVE that movie:laugh:
  • Black_Swan
    Black_Swan Posts: 770 Member
    I managed to do one boy push up today, FINALLY... It made me feel like a total a** kicking survival warrior hahaha...
  • brocantrs
    brocantrs Posts: 273 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Im slowly approaching my goal weight, but I have realized (yes, while watching Resident Evil) that I am so out of shape - and that I would not last a minute during an attack of ZOMBIES.
    That is why this club would support everyone who is getting ready and in shape for such an attack. Our main goals would be:

    a) run fast and long enough to run away from the zombies
    b) be able to hit the zombie with a heavy object

    Lets imagine only the situations when we rely only on our body for help (so, we dont have a flamethrower for example).

    Right now I can slowly jog for max. 7 minutes at a time and I can lift very little (I dont think zombie heads would get smashed by a milk box). I am so out of shape, that its amazing.
    I bought a membership in a gym and I will go there 3x per week, to run and to do weight lifting.
    I want to have some strength and have some speed! I expect to be ready for a zombie attack by the end of the year 2011.

    If you are already ready for a zombie attack, please share with us how you have managed to get so much in shape!
    You shouldn't have to train very hard to outrun the Resident Evil zombies but if you take on the Walking Dead zombies you will need a very vigorous program!
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    I may be crazy but... I just created an Insanity/NROL hybrid program that Smersh and I are going to attempt starting July 5th. We're calling it: NROWFIZS (New Rules of Workout for Insane Zombie Survival). After each NROL stage, is a week's rest at maintenance calories where we study survival practices, but don't "workout". LOL.

    Anyone interested in seeing the schedule? https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArfRqP97R5DsdG9pY3BLRm5MVmRzUkgyTWFxNUMtM3c&hl=en_US&authkey=CPnY358G
  • Black_Swan
    Black_Swan Posts: 770 Member
    Wow it looks really crazy and interesting, I hope it works well for you!
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    This past weekend I was zombie hunting in Chicago-land at many various restaurants, a residential bbq, etc. I obtained a lot of information from friendlies there, the wife has many connections, but no sitings. The weekend did produce about a 5 lb gain in the scale, which of course will disappear in the next couple days (if I can stay away from the free chocolate cookies downstairs).
  • BettyMargaret
    BettyMargaret Posts: 407 Member
    Running from zombies would be the same as running from a bear... I don't have to outrun the bear, I have to outrun my companion! lol