Zombie survival club



  • Black_Swan
    Black_Swan Posts: 770 Member
    So, Im going to one of my final exams, and I feel like some Zombie ate my brain during night... one would think it would wake me up?! Haha...
  • Katrob9
    Katrob9 Posts: 431 Member
    I have a location in mind to go to in the case of a zombie apocalypse. Me and a group of friends were playing the board game zombies (essential reearch) and went through a list of locations until we came up with our safe location in town. Also, we decided we need a black cab to get there because they are reinforced so wickedly strong again zombie attack :)
  • Katrob9
    Katrob9 Posts: 431 Member
    Also, quick question - what is everyone's favourite zombie 'film' (documentary more like)
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    Also, quick question - what is everyone's favourite zombie 'film' (documentary more like)

    I haven't really seen any zombie movies mostly because my wife only likes to watch dramas. I have watched 28 days / weeks, could have been better, but not bad.
  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member
    Also, quick question - what is everyone's favourite zombie 'film' (documentary more like)

    I loved Zombieland - can't wait for Zombieland 2. And the remake of Dawn of the Dead. And the TV show "Walking Dead" is great.
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    Eureka! I figured out what to search for when the club slips off my recent post list: zombie house (per my post a couple pages back).
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    Interesting new possible weapon for zombie killing: the super-penetration shovel, or as wired called it, the death shovel.

  • LeanMeanJeanne
    LeanMeanJeanne Posts: 44 Member
    This could possibly be my favorite topic ever.... Looking good? Bah. Fitting into my skinny jeans? Sha.... Surving the zombie apocolypse? Now THERE'S a goal worth working for!
  • Jeepinmom4
    Jeepinmom4 Posts: 298 Member
    I'm in!!! Btw I havnt giggled like this in forever! P.s. Someone took a picture of one of those big flashing road sighns,it said ZOMBIES AHEAD,lmfao someone had messed with it and changed the words! Bahahahaha!
  • angeldavila08
    angeldavila08 Posts: 9 Member
    The Double Tap
    Beware of Bathrooms
    Wear Seat Belts
    No Attachments
    The “Skillet”
    Travel Light
    Get a Kick *kitten* Partner
    With your Bare Hands
    Don’t Swing Low
    Use Your Foot
    Bounty Paper Towels
    Shake it Off
    Always carry a change of underwear
    Bowling Ball
    Opportunity Knocks
    Don’t be a hero (later crossed out to be a hero)
    Limber Up
    Break it Up
    It’s a marathon, not a sprint, unless it’s a sprint, then sprint
    Avoid Strip Clubs
    When in doubt Know your way out
    Use your thumbs
    Shoot First
    A little sun screen never hurt anybody
    Double-Knot your Shoes
    The Buddy System
    Pack your stain stick
    Check the back seat
    Enjoy the little things
    Swiss army Knife

    Gotta no the rules... i love this, i have nightmares almost every night so this will help me buck up and look great. My husband gets tired of me telling him about my dreams but doesnt get tired of watching Milla or whatever her name is so ha this will be great thanks for coming up with this!!
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
  • MrsFantastic
    I heart this big time! I can sprint but need endurance and a partner with a sick need for twinkles lol.cardio!
  • sisterlilbunny
    sisterlilbunny Posts: 691 Member
    Heh if anyone is keeping track, I survived our first Zombie retreat. And it was awesome! The hand to hand stuff was an experience and I'm so self conscious with it. Had to miss the guns but the swords? Yeah I'll rock the melee weapons. Here comes more upper body!!!

    Oh and I officially secured my place in the upper echelon of our group because I rocked the campfire creative cooking. ;D
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    Heh if anyone is keeping track, I survived our first Zombie retreat. And it was awesome! The hand to hand stuff was an experience and I'm so self conscious with it. Had to miss the guns but the swords? Yeah I'll rock the melee weapons. Here comes more upper body!!!

    Oh and I officially secured my place in the upper echelon of our group because I rocked the campfire creative cooking. ;D

    Wish I would have known about that as I would have been interested in coming and checking it out.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    I'm ready for the end! I'm so crossing my fingers for a zombie apocalypse!!! That would be much cooler than an asteroid.
  • sisterlilbunny
    sisterlilbunny Posts: 691 Member
    Are we allowed to post links? If you guys are interested (and since we're getting one heck of an influx anyhow...THANK YOU CDC!!), you can find Zombie Research Society - Omaha on Facebook. Feel free to like us and check out a meeting if you're in the area. If you're not in Omaha, Zombie Research Society in general (on FB) does have a lot of the different chapters listed.

    Oh and Zombieresearch.org is our over all parent page. If you don't have a chapter in your area, you're welcome to start one. :D

    I know we're going to be doing a lot more "survival" fun stuff in the future. LOL and I think I might have gotten all the gals hooked on the 100 push up challenge cause man, we need more strength!!
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    Are we allowed to post links? If you guys are interested (and since we're getting one heck of an influx anyhow...THANK YOU CDC!!), you can find Zombie Research Society - Omaha on Facebook. Feel free to like us and check out a meeting if you're in the area. If you're not in Omaha, Zombie Research Society in general (on FB) does have a lot of the different chapters listed.

    Oh and Zombieresearch.org is our over all parent page. If you don't have a chapter in your area, you're welcome to start one. :D

    I know we're going to be doing a lot more "survival" fun stuff in the future. LOL and I think I might have gotten all the gals hooked on the 100 push up challenge cause man, we need more strength!!

    I believe we are allowed to post links as long as we don't benefit from it. The wife's back home now from vacation, so I don't think I'd be allowed to go to such "frivolities", saying something along the lines of I should work on my projects to finish my masters :grumble: .
  • Sarahdangerfox
    I try to remember all the rules in "Zombieland"...cardio, limbering up, double tap, etc. I also spend plenty of time at the shooting range- I wonder how THAT fits into my fitness routine ;)
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    run faster than everyone else ;)
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    run faster than everyone else ;)

    You don't need to run faster than everyone else, just enough to keep the zombies distracted while you escape. If you can't do that, you better be good at tripping people.