Smokin' Hot Green Pepper's 3/11 week 10



  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Here's today's weight 170.0 bodyfat 29.8

    Yesterday was 168.8 bodyfat 29.5 So overnight the "fat gene" hit me??

    Ran a 90 day report on weight. There was 10 weights listed from 176.2 to 168.8. As I averaged the weight out -- my average weight is 170.7lbs. Now, who wants to be average??????

    Take care
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    today's weight 183.2 down 3 lbs. Haven't really had an appetite this week, am exercising and not even getting close to my necessary cal intake. I ate yesterday 1250 something and needed 2030 something. I either need to cut back on my workouts or start eating more. I'm finding it difficult to balance this. I am about 5 lbs from my 178 goal wt by July 1...and have to get thru day 18 now and have a wedding, 2 more grad parties, and Father's Day celebrations as well. The rest of the month is gonna be tough! Gotta keep my head straight!

    storms all nite long...ds car is parked right outside our bedroom on driveway. every time the thunder shook the ground the alarm system on his car would go's a series of different tones...very annoying! must have happened at least 10 times..all before 1am. then I woke around 3 and my shoulder was bothering me?? not feeling the greatest today, but gonna keep busy with projects here in the house. have a good day team! will post exercise plan later.

    Barb, I don't wanna be obese. we both know what we think about the BMI chart! it states I need to be near 174 or 173. that's 10 lbs away... and I'm thinking I'm feeling pretty good right now, maybe overweight, surely not obese. suppose when I lose those 10 I'll feel 'normal', but actually be overweight?
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Kelly, charts state for my height my current weight is obese.

    For me to within normal range for height I need to get to 143.

    I certainly don't feel obese.
  • angiemcnett
    angiemcnett Posts: 429
    I am 234 this week that is up 2 pounds. I need to lose 70 pounds to be in the "overweight" range and 98 pounds to be in the "healthy" range. My goal is 130 pounds but I am not sure if it is achievable. I don't ever remember being that weight not even in high school.
    I NEED to start logging in my food. I am less likely to eat junk food if I have to log it because then everybody will know. I have adjusted my June goals so hopefully with my adjusted goals I will start losing weight. I have added exercise to my routine now so I will work on the eating healthy part.
    I have a baby that is ready for bed. I will check in tomorrow. Good night Peppers!:smile:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    we both know what we think about the BMI chart! it states I need to be near 174 or 173. that's 10 lbs away... and I'm thinking I'm feeling pretty good right now, maybe overweight, surely not obese. suppose when I lose those 10 I'll feel 'normal', but actually be overweight?

    I guess I should make myself a little clearer here...the highest weight for me in the 'overweight' range is 174.5. the highest weight for me in the 'normal' range is 145.3. now in high school I was 130-140, and felt larger than my friends, the early 80's a size 11/12, sometimes a 13/14....B36W28H38. when I got married in '87 I felt a little thinner and was more like 130, but a year later I was 123/125. and remember getting a pr of 8 jeans. We all know the 'sizes' have a 4/6 now use to be a 8/10? And don't they say the average American sized woman is a 12-14-16? Is that the 'old size' or the 'current size'? In '96 I attempted a healthier way to weight loss with Jenny Craig and exercise (a first for me)...just stretch and tone and stairs/7 flights at hospital job. Started at 177, and went to 143. I was in 8/10's, and felt pretty thin...still the 'old sizes' My lowest since then (a period of 15 yrs) has been 173/174. That seems to be my plateau wt or happy wt. The 1/2 way point between 145.3 - 174.5 is 159.9. My goal since joining MFP has been 160, and my cardiologist would like this as well. This will put my BMI at 27.5. Another thing that interests me is waist measurement. Have heard it should be below 35 for women or ideally, 1/2 your ht in inches. that would put me at, I have a long ways to go!!

    another bad nite sleeping. bout ready to start sleeping in the room I was in post surgery. had brat, chips, laffy taffy and brownies last nite. feeling bloated today. dh home and is baking a ham. wants me to make some party potatoes. won't be having any of THAT! wedding at 2pm.

    exercise goals 463 mintues
    Friday ~ none :ohwell:
    Saturday ~ treadmill walk/jog 2 mile, Shred 56 min [ ]
    Sunday ~ BL Cardio Max 1, Shred, stretch 73 min [ ]
    Monday ~ 3 mile outdoor walk, Shred 71 min [ ]
    Tuesday ~ 4 mile outdoor walk, Shred, weighted ball 109 min [ ]
    Wednesday ~ treadmill walk/jog 3 mile, Shred, stretch 98 min [ ]
    Thursday ~ 2 mile outdoor walk, Shred 56 min [ ]
  • angiemcnett
    angiemcnett Posts: 429
    I hope everyone is having a great day. :smile:
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Yesterday my sister emailed me to come over for dinner. Note, my sister and I have not had the best relationship.
    I declined stating I have personal issues I'm not interested in talking about and the kids are temporarily living w/my ex.

    Her reply came back w/some angry words regarding how dare I not tell her what's going on in my life - that I need psychologocial help that I won't talk to family - if it's drugs/alcohol so be it - DYFS had every right to take the kids - it's best I should be alone to get my life together. I was upset -- furious - hurt - angry.

    Drove home from work in tears, declined going out w/friends - cried once home....
    Texted & voice mail my sister - no response.

    My sister calls and I flat out give her what's been happening since March through angry tears. I explained I didn't want to say anything to her because I didn't want to look like a fool, she's not been divorced, she's not in joint custody, she didn't have a DYFS issue a no contact rule on her kids, she didn't have a man lie to her for 7+ years. Yes, you teach in an inner city school where your students have behavioral issues - but you leave work & come home. Her kids didn't get into drugs or alcohol like my daughter did. Cindy's silent then states she was sorry - had idea what I was dealing with.

    After her call, my close friend calls me. I'm crying - Jim, I could handle what Dave did better than what Cindy did to me. She's not grasping my life isn't like hers.... she's been married for 20 years and I have one failed marriage and Dave lied to me throughout our relationship; how could she say those hurtful words.

    About 1.5 hours later she texts me offering to take me out to a local resturant. I didn't want to see her - I was still hurt. Realized she was giving an olive branch as a peace offering. I should accept.

    I met her & have drink/dessert. Well, as tasty as the drink was chocolate strawberry martini & dessert was brownie w/ice cream/whipped cream.

    Delicious when eating..... this morning 4am I took double dose of pepto bismal --- woke up w/nauseous tummy.

    That's what I get for talking to my sister! LOL.
    Actually, that's the food causing my stomach to do flip flops today.
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    mornin' all. weekend was a total mess. epic fail. went to the wedding, alone. stopped at McD and DQ on way home...mcdouble, small fry, then..... small vanilla cone dipped in chocolate n another small fry. (McD are def better :embarassed: ) continued to eat bad the rest of that day into the evening, then basically did it all over again Sunday. chips, Laffy Taffy, yup, had me some party potatoes, ham, popcorn cooked on the stove and drizzled some melted butter on top. carb coma settled in bout mid afternoon. didn't do one act of exercise. was either watching tv or on the computer. did repair a necklace and start some laundry. positive ~ Sat/Sun nites I slept better. Shoulder has been bothering last few days....lack of movement? and today I am feeling crampy and lower back pain. I suppose...anywhere from 22-31's nearing. gonna go see if I can find that person that was here last week....:huh:
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Kinda in a funk today... feeling emotionally spendt. Could be I'm on day 8 of 11 straight work days.
    Could be I posted on fb, my relationship w/Dave is over.

    so let's see if this funk can be kicked in the butt....
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    let's do it day, new week. it's official. today is hiney kicking day. :bigsmile:
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Hi everyone,
    Well I am back to work, needed to be for insurance and money. Not really physically ready to be here but its a must,
    B-Sorry for all ur going thru, having same issues with my sis. Boy they can really make you feel like $%^&& if they want to. I will be praying for ya
    So trying to refoucus and get motivated again. Going to go by the gym and walk tonight. Can't really do anything upper torso, but maybe I wont feel so run down.
    Well I weight in at 247 this weekend. Not really dieting but for some reason the stress is getting to me. normally I would have a food binge but not this time. i ate all the wrong crap just not much of it. Weird. Well going to try and get on the bandwagon here. Write more later, got a lot of work to catch up on. Thanks for all the prayers K
  • angiemcnett
    angiemcnett Posts: 429
    Jacque- Glad to see back. I hope get better soon. :flowerforyou: It sucks that you have to be back to work before you are ready. I always feel good after going to the gym. Hope it will help you to get motivated and refocused.

    Barb- It is family that can hurt us the most sometimes.:flowerforyou: My sister is my best friend and we usually get along well but it is my brothers that causes me grief.It is amazing how insensitive family can be.

    Kelly- My weekend was filled with junk food, too and no exercise. Today is going to be better. I already have my exercise in for the day and now to work on the hard part - eating better. :drinker: Here is to eating better.

    Sindy & Vita- Hope things are going well for you. :smile:

    Have a great day SHGP"s!:smile:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    exercise goals 463 minutes
    Friday ~ none :ohwell:
    Saturday ~ treadmill walk/jog 2 mile, Shred 56 min [ ] *NONE* :frown:
    Sunday ~ BL Cardio Max 1, Shred, stretch 73 min [ ] *NONE* :huh:
    Monday ~ 3 mile outdoor walk, Shred 71 min [x]
    Tuesday ~ 4 mile outdoor walk, Shred, weighted ball 109 min [ ]
    Wednesday ~ treadmill walk/jog 3 mile, Shred, stretch 98 min [ ]
    Thursday ~ 2 mile outdoor walk, Shred 56 min [ ]
    71 minutes completed

    the last 2 weekends I have not done my planned exercise. I either need to make it happen or not plan for it at all. bums me. if I keep with the Shred for the next 7 days, I will have completed 30 days, tho not consecutive as planned. I want to measure when completed, however depending where I'm at cycle wise, it may have to wait. Inches have been lost as my clothes are fitting better. need to walk this am as rain is expected later. Have a healthy day ladies.
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    let me know if I need to make any changes.
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Hi today... it was my ex slamming me in legal documents.... so in 3 days, 2 people slammed me.
    Took the day off and made an appt to see the counselor & the pastor today.
    Called both attorneys - neither have returned my call today.

    talk to you all soon.
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    afternoon was my grocery day. not sure I'm gonna get my exercise in. goin to a little league ball game @ 6pm. enjoy your evening. :flowerforyou:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    exercise goals 463 minutes
    Friday ~ none :ohwell:
    Saturday ~ treadmill walk/jog 2 mile, Shred 56 min [ ] *NONE* :frown:
    Sunday ~ BL Cardio Max 1, Shred, stretch 73 min [ ] *NONE* :huh:
    Monday ~ 3 mile outdoor walk, Shred 71 min [x]
    Tuesday ~ 4 mile outdoor walk, Shred, weighted ball 109 min [x] added 1 minute to outdoor walk
    Wednesday ~ treadmill walk/jog 3 mile, Shred, stretch 98 min [x] only 2 mile w/j & didn't do stretch
    Thursday ~ 2 mile outdoor walk, Shred 56 min [ ]
    236 minutes completed

    ball game delayed about an I did a partial workout!
  • angiemcnett
    angiemcnett Posts: 429
    I will check in tomorrow. Goodnight ladies.
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    So before 10am, I did the 45 minute zumba class and then the 5k -- which I walked. My roommate wants to try kickboxing so guess where I'll be today.

    I'm going to do my best not to eat all kinds of food. I tend to stick to the German (love their cake) and the Philipian
  • angiemcnett
    angiemcnett Posts: 429
    Hi ladies! I have been thinking of you guys. I have been busy getting ready for our vacation tomorrow. I am trying to clean the house and get things together to pack. Our plane leaves at 7 AM tomorrow (Friday). I think we will take the metro rail to airport so we have to leave our house at 4:30 AM. Zan will be the only one who will want to be up at that hour. He is such an early raiser. I will be gone until June 26 so if I am not on very much for the next 10 days you will know why. I will try to weigh before I leave for the airport. May not post it until later though. I am hoping for a loss this week. Next week it will be hard because I am not going to be home.

    Kelly- Yeah for the partial workout yesterday! How did your ball game turn out? I hope your team won. :)

    Barb- Hang in there things will get better. I have mixed feelings for lawyers. We spent close $10,000 in lawyer fees trying to get legal guardianship for Ody my stepson. He is worth very penny and I am glad things turned out fairly well for us. We had to give my husband's ex-wife more time with Ody but we maintained primary guardianship. When you do you kickboxing class picture your ex. It may make you feel better; it did me. I found when I did any aerobics class that had punching or kicking picturing my husbands ex I made me work harder. My husband thinks I need anger management classes. I think exercising works just as well as (long as I exercise) and is cheaper.

    Jacque- I hope you are recovering well.

    Sindy & Vita - Thinking of you guys and hope things are going well for you.

    I have to do laundry now so I can finish packing. I will probably not checking until tomorrow. Have a great day SHGP!!:smile: