T.H.E (Trying Hard Everyday) Team



  • pawprint061
    pawprint061 Posts: 640
    Since there are quite a few new members here since the last time I was really here... I feel like I should introduce myself so people know who I am....

    My name is Kelly. 25 years old. I have a daughter who will be turning 3 in June. I joined this group and MFP June 2009. This group has been awhile since then and it's by far the best group ever. I live with my bf and I've kinda vanished for a bit.... I'm heading back to the gym....

    Early 2009 I saw a very very horrible picture of me. I hated it. So right then and there I made the choice to do something about it. Took me almost a year but I lost 40 pounds and over 30 inches of fat. I had issues with eating back in the day so I took the slow approach. But I didn't have access to really working out because of where we were living and the circumstances.... so I've actually gained 10 pounds back... I so however think part of having my gallbladder has something to do with it... with not being able to process the fat like I was.... but no excuses.... I'm back at it.

    I am on facebook if any one wants to add me.... I have quite a few members from this group on there so we can help each other even more :)

    Kelly Gausman
    Just put a note that your from MFP
  • PolyTeine
    PolyTeine Posts: 78 Member
    So I lost 2 lbs.. yay .. from 292.2 to 290.2. I don't know what is up with the .2 but hey it's there .. lol
  • Shawnalee0703
    Shawnalee0703 Posts: 1,093
    Hey ladies! Didn't weigh in today, no time, but I reigned the other day. Even with moving last weekend and rating whatever, I am down .3 pounds. Not much, but it's better than a gain! :)
    Paw print, the details were helpful! Thanks got sharing about yourself. It's good to know who is who. :) I am headed out for a night with a couple childhood friends....been friends for over 20 years and have all grown up, found men and started careers...we have a sleepover planned tonight!!! :) staying at a fancy seattle hotel tonight, going to dinner, drinking wine and then pedis at the spa in the morning! :) we don't get the time together like we did as kids so we will enjoy tonight!
    I will post a more detailed story about myself tomorrow.....i assume you all give a damn. ;) enjoy your friday everyone!!!
  • utahsis
    utahsis Posts: 49
    Worked hard in the yard today so I could get it done before the next crazy snow hits tonight. These weather swings are crazy -- in the mid 50's today and tonight it's going to start snowing and only be 40 tomorrow. Drats -- my forsythia is blooming. Hope the snow doesn't hurt it. I love seeing its happy yellow blooms first thing in the spring.

    Started Jillian's Ripped in 30 and really liked it. It's similar to Shred, but its nice to hear something different -- it was getting a bit boring (still not easy, but boring hearing Jillian say the same things over and over). Gonna try to focus Ripped for the 30 days before head back home for my sister's graduation. She and I are going to the Groove Park Inn Spa for a sister spa date, so I have every motivation to remove some dimples from my thighs over the next month!

    Crazybee -- I'm sad to hear that you're so down in the dumps and have really been feeling a lot of pain over the past few weeks. I don't think I told you that my sister (the one who is graduating next month) has MS. I know from watching her that dealing with chronic illness is so much more challenging than acute injuries or illnesses. Because chronic pain or injury is a daily part of life, it can be more difficult to stay motivated and focused on the wonderful things in our world.

    Just know that she and others share those challenges with you, but we can all win by focusing today on being good to ourselves -- you desever it; we all deseve it. Have a great weekend.
  • vikalyn
    vikalyn Posts: 155
    Howdy Gals,

    I woke up expecting a couple of inches of snow. It rained all day Friday, wind blew hard!! But it was a beautiful morning, and I was so looking forward to a brisk spring walk. Half hour later the wind kicked up again and it was miserable! So, I hopped in the pick up and got some fruit to emulsify for next week. THEN I started my taxes again! Being in a better frame of mind...it went fairly well.

    Went through some withdrawals today after a somewhat gluttonous week. I was craving a cheese sandwich (on white bread of all things) and had it for breakfast with REAL mayo. Weird, but man o man did it taste good! It'll be good to get back to "normal" eating again.

    Good for YOU, Sis switching out your exercise. It dose get boring. I have a Jullian Wii routine I don't think I've even taken off the cellophane! Might give it a try in a couple of weeks. Along with eating poorly, I exercised..never! Now I'm stiff and will probably have to start all over again.

    Yea Poly. That .2 will come in handy later. It all adds up and counts!

    Hi Kelly. Packing my lunch not only assures I'll stay on track, but reduces the stress about what (or from where) I'll be eating for lunch.

    Well, Shawna, I haven't heard any New Alerts about Seattle burning to the ground because of a wild and crazy Girlfriend Reunion! Guess that means you all sorta behaved yourselves?????

    Everyone, have a good Sunday!

    Happy Losing...Vicki...*Ü*
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Happy Monday Morning!! This was a great week for me. I stuck to my goals and dropped 3lbs. Thank goodness because I'm exhausted from it. I didn't miss a day on the treadmill and then I walked a full hour on Saturday morning and on Sunday morning the sun was shining and it was nearly 50degrees, so my 14 year old daughter and I went for a beautiful long walk/JOG YES - I actually jogged a little. It was exhilirating. I jogged the distance between two telephone poles then walked again. We did 4 miles and it felt great. The fresh air was like a drug. It's been a long winter!! This set the tone for the rest of the day so I kept my calories quite low overall. I also ate very few carbs all weekend which made me feel so much better. Looks like I will make my Easter goal if I can keep the momentum.

    So after such a great weekend I decided to reward myself & I bought a larger TV to put in front of the treadmill. I even added a VCR so I can tape my 'guilty pleasure shows' like Housewives and Hoarders. It definitely made my morning miles more enjoyable today!

    Keep it positive! Try something new this week.
  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    WTG Renaejae!! I want to get to a place of jogging a bit. Don't know if I ever will be the walking is wonderful. I walk on my 15 minute breaks at work and it really helps me get through the day. I go to work at 9am and walk at 10:30 then I have lunch from 12:30-1:30 and I walk at 3:30. It clears my head and allows me a break from work for a bit.

    It's a new week and I am GOING to get back on track!! I will log my food again and stop eating fast food so often. I have a gentleman friend that goes out a lot and hates to eat alone so 2 or 3 times a week we have been going out to dinner. Then my daughter in law is pregnant and we will be running errands and she will say she is hungry so we stop and eat. SO now I just have to say NO to fast food.

    I've been emotional but not emotional eating thank goodness. I have gained 3 lbs from my lowest weight loss so I need to really work on getting rid of that and more. I am seeing that my pants are fitting looser so the walking is helping me even if I am not dropping the lbs.

    Looks like everyone had a good weight loss week. I am proud of all of you. Hope you have a wonderful week and hope you are all losers!

  • pawprint061
    pawprint061 Posts: 640
    Hey gang. Congrats CrazyBee :) That's awesome your gonna have some grand kids.... you better get prepared so you can keep up with them :)

    I just got home from the gym. Feeling awesome. I am really starting to enjoy running. I went for 45 minutes. I ran almost ten minutes worth. Not all at once though. Working my way up.... I run for the length of a fast up beat song on my mp3 player. Most of the songs are over 4 minutes if not longer... but when I'm not running I'm still keeping a fast pace. I love it. Then I worked out on my abs. I feel good. When I got off the treadmill I was dripping in sweat lol. I haven't felt that good in a long time. I love it :) Plus I'm drinking lots and lots of water.

    I have a new goal to work towards.... my little sis is getting married in October and I'm a bridesmaid :)
  • vikalyn
    vikalyn Posts: 155
    Howdy Gals,

    Boy is it ever nice to see some posts! Keep It Positive is a great idea ReNae. I've been in the doledrums lately and I know it affects not just my weight loss, but other aspects in my life. So, going to smile, eat well, exercise and feel good about all I'm doing for MYSELF.

    It's 1/10th of a mile between power poles. It least is is in my neighborhood, ReNea. Clocked them when I was "training" for the World Famous Freeze Yer Buns Run back in the stone age ('80's). I remember when I started...that 1/10th of a mile felt like the full 10K! Interval training like that (walk run walk run) is supposed to be very very good. Keep it up!....Housewives...you mean like Desperate, or Real? I watch Desperate (and don't you DARE ring me up).

    Good to see you here Deb! I cave to suggestions too. When DDIL is hungry, let her eat and YOU enjoy an iced tea. My DH is always suggesting eating here or there, and although I'd rather someone else do the cooking, usually what I make is better (and healthier). It's just might be a tad latter that we should be having dinner...:wink: I have a Dr. appointment later this week in Omak and he's already salivating about going to Pizza Hut. I'm going to have to do some homework on that one. Omak is 40 miles back to home and eating out IS a good option.

    Kelly, I had my monthly chat with my Health Coach today and mentioned how sluggish I've been feeling. She asked me about my exercise routine...(what routine)..and there ya go. Energy creates energy. My lack of exercising has created...sore joints, stiff muscles (not by working out) and general laziness. I'll never run, but your energy is getting me motivated to at least get in some invigorating moves! Good Work!!!!

    Happy Losing...Vicki...*Ü*
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Vicki - I've referenced this site to find restaurant nutritional info before eating out - it's pretty good (check it out before going to pizza hut). I still find eating out a challenge. I avoid it whenever I can. Tonight I'll be on the road so I'll either skip dinner and eat when I get home at 9pm or I'll go to a grocery store and make a salad??

  • pawprint061
    pawprint061 Posts: 640
    Energy creates energy. I love that. It's so true. That's why they say to work out in the morning to get going, get some energy for the rest of the day and get a good after burn going. That's what Dr. Oz said a few weeks ago on his show. They say that you have a better chance of raising your metabolism and burning more fat. I know that when I leave the gym I'm hyped up the rest of the day. I really would love to go in the morning. But, I have to be at work between 6:30-7am. The gym is about ten minutes the opposite direction and work is already 20 minutes away. So I would have to wake up way too early... I would be in bed at like 8pm... and my bf doesn't get off work until 11pm... I would never see him lol. I would still like to give it a try and see how it makes me feel. If I feel more energized. I can't believe that I've already lost an inch off my legs :smile:

    I know that my knees are sore, and my hips are sore. But I know that I can work through it. I know that I will. I have a new goal and I will meet my new goal. My new goal for myself is once I loose a couple inches off my tummy I'm going to go get my hair done. I'm getting my nails done either this pay period or next one.. I haven't decided yet, But that's a reward for me getting back to the gym. Then, my hair. I have to get in shape though by October. I'm not wearing a dress to a wedding, be in a wedding, or have pictures taken looking like this. Heck no.

    Well, I hope everyone has a good week. I hope that check in is good for everyone. I sure would like to see some more posts.... I check back all the time but it's not too active sometimes :noway:
  • vikalyn
    vikalyn Posts: 155
    Howdy Gals,

    I've eaten all I can eat today and under 1000 calories! VERY busy day at work and didn't get in my usual snacks, and didn't have my "second breakfast" either. Too late to get in anything else. I did a short stint of yoga this morning, and won't count it, as there wasn't too much effort to it.

    Kelly, you have marvelous motivation, and great rewards to get to your goal. Besides the wedding I like your hail/nail reward. I'm not at a point where I feel I can reward myself, yet. Probably when I get below the 200 mark. I'll have to think of something really special for that one. Yeah, the ol' joints will limber up as you move. An inch off your legs...them thar jeans are likely gettin' baggy gir.!

    Thank you, ReNae for that web site! I will certainly check it out. We don't have much in the way of restaurants in our small valley in E. Washington, But if we get to the "big city" a meal out is usually in order. When we go to Red Robin I like the Caesar Chicken Wraps....I'm scared to death to look that one up. DH's triple decker BLT beef burger with "endless fries" is probably fewer calories. Can't imagine, but could be! Yup, after my meetings I've been known to eat late, usually something fast...½ a PBJ or cheese burrito. All I want to do it check in with MFP, wash my face, brush teeth and go to bed! All that AFTER getting coffee ready and clothes picked out.

    Speaking of which...gotta get ready for tomorrow...

    Happy Losing...Vicki...*Ü*
  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    You're going to have to excuse me for awhile. I am basically a couch potato - medically not by choice.
    After a month of limping around, I was finally able to get an appointment with my podiatrist last Thursday regarding my ankle. I have either torn, shredded or just badly irritated the tendon that keeps my arches lifted, because I am now a flatfoot on the right side & my foot rolls inward.
    It could be many reasons how/why I have damaged my ankle
    1. Arthritis
    2. Weak ankles
    3. Car accident 21 years ago that I am lucky to have survived
    4. Not paying attention where I was going & stepped wrong somewhere
    5. My weight
    I am in the process of waiting for the insurance company to approve me getting an MRI of my ankle & depending on what that shows - maybe surgery.
    My doctor wrote me a prescription for Vicodin. The hydrocodone stopped having any affect on my ankle by Sunday & now I can barely walk & the insurance company is taking their time & asking a bunch or questions before they approve it. I am not a patient person, especially when it comes to finding out about my health. So this is driving me crazy!!!
    I am doing my best to sty under my calorie limit, but exercise is NOT possible at this time.
  • Bluedimplett
    Bluedimplett Posts: 52 Member
    hi everybody!

    i'm back from being MIA. i was going through some issues but i think i have worked them out for the time being. I ended up quitting my job because it was making me miserable! Plus, they wern't giving me the leave i requested (to spend time with hubby who us going to bootcamp on May 11) becuase he isn't getting deployed, that bootcamp isn't a valid reason. So, i quit. i was done with the company.

    I am happily unemployed till further notice. I was thinking about taking some personal time and give myself time to refocus on my writing and health and fitness. We are able to financially do this so why not?

    i havent stopped going to the gym, but i have beenvery bad about my eating habits. So, no weight loss at all. Just 2lb gain. But, starting today, i'm focusing on my eating again. :)

    how is everyone doing?

    Missed you all!
  • Shawnalee0703
    Shawnalee0703 Posts: 1,093
    hi everybody!

    i'm back from being MIA. i was going through some issues but i think i have worked them out for the time being. I ended up quitting my job because it was making me miserable! Plus, they wern't giving me the leave i requested (to spend time with hubby who us going to bootcamp on May 11) becuase he isn't getting deployed, that bootcamp isn't a valid reason. So, i quit. i was done with the company.

    I am happily unemployed till further notice. I was thinking about taking some personal time and give myself time to refocus on my writing and health and fitness. We are able to financially do this so why not?

    i havent stopped going to the gym, but i have beenvery bad about my eating habits. So, no weight loss at all. Just 2lb gain. But, starting today, i'm focusing on my eating again. :)

    how is everyone doing?

    Missed you all!
    you came back!!! That's all that matters!!!!!!! 2lbs isn't bad at all. Life changing and things getting all turned around can cause friction in our other habits as well. You are strong and you seem to have made a good choice for the INNER you. Your hobbies and your health are definitely important! :-D Best of luck in all of that!

    Sorry ladies, I did not forget about you all.
    Girls night was a blast... and yes the city is still standing haha Vicki!
    We are all moved and settling into the new place with only minor things like pictures left to put up. It feels pretty great.
    I lost a a couple more lbs since checking in with you guys. I am down to 180.8!!! Btw that is my lowest that I know of EVER> maybe since middle school or younger HOLY HECK. Anyhow. I am .8 lbs away from my goal for the finish of my 12 wk circuit program... I set Sunday as that day.... So I will way on Sunday morning HOPING to be 180 or LESS lol. We shall see!!!

    I hope you all are doing well. I miss chattin with you but I have been pretty all over the place and didn't even feel comfortable again in my own fridge till Monday! Grocery shopping definitely helped! This week has been spring break so we have been getting a lot done around here and I am back to working out and working out well. :-D Today I did a little cardio session with my mom. A few weeks after her last treatment (she is finished and only has a partial treatment every 3 months now) she asked me if she could come to apt gym and use the bike with me one day a week to get her moving again. ABSOLUTELY, I said. :-D She has a lot of joint issues and so we will work through and around those. She has Ehlers Danlos Syndrome as well. As for the rest of the week, we are doing a pet photography session with a friend of mine who is a photography-an artsy one. So we are meeting with her about the session, AND I have a hair appointment on Friday WAHOO!!

    I really wish I could take a shower right now since i worked out this afternoon, but our water pressure is pretty lacking :( the apt is looking into it and I am hoping they can figure it out cuz I can't do dishes, shower or run the laundry! LAME! Anyhow. Again, you guys rock and I hope you are doing well!!!

    Sorry for the rambling... it's just been a while. :-D
  • pawprint061
    pawprint061 Posts: 640
    I love gym days. I really love them. I got on the treadmill today and before I knew it, 20 minutes had already passed. Ran for a bit @6mph. Haven't done that in a long time. It felt good. I work on my legs today with weights. My knee however really started to hurt with the hip adduction thingy. Whichever one you squeeze your knees together not out. That really got my knee irritated. But over time it will get better.

    Check back in later... coloring hair :)
  • utahsis
    utahsis Posts: 49
    What an awesome day. My sister sucessfully completed her doctoral defense, so she is now Dr. Kathrene Berger -- the first in our family to earn her doctorate's degree. She's an amazing and determined lady and her achievement is an inspiration to us all to live life to the fullest. :heart:
  • vikalyn
    vikalyn Posts: 155
    Howdy Gals,

    I'd love to chat...it's so nice to see Blue and Shawna, of course Sis and Kelly back as regulars. Dreamer, you can do this...calculate your calories by your activity level. You may not be able to exercise on your feet...but "sitercises" are pretty effective upper body. AND they can make the heart beat if you put in enough "gumpf"!

    Decided to get into the 21st century tonight and set up online bill payments. What a pain...but I'm sure next month will go smoother...IF I remember where I wrote down all my ID's and PW's!

    Ate MUCH better today. Over on sugar...but I don't count Agave as a "sugar" like MFP does. It's natural and doesn't affect the blood sugar levels like the white stuff...:wink: Had Cheerios for breakfast. What a treat, but was hungry again just a couple of hours later. I was prepared.

    Okay gals...see ya tomorrow.

    Happy Losing...*Ü*...Vicki
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    Vicki...your brave to set up the online bill paying. I really am not that brave. I had a big password issue with my bank when i was pregnant almost 6 years ago. My bank has the most ridiculous security questions. It always asked me how much money i drew out of soand so cashpoint and this or that date and the date was always a week or 2 previous. I'd never be able to remember and would always get the phone put down on me without my queries answered. I tried setting up a password but as i wrote the password down at the bank when i said it over the phone it was listenign software and it didn't recognise the word when i said it. Every time i tried to talk to my bank i;d then get a latter through telling me someone had tried to access my bank details. You have no idea how frustrating that was. I was suffering with severe spd and was on strong painkillers just to mke it so i could walk to the toilet, getting to the bank was an ordeaI. I then tried to set up internet banking to make things easier. I set it up in the bank building got my password wrote down and went home happy. Got home and i know it was my fault i entered the wrong password and the stupid thing locked up on me and ofcourse what did i have to do? i had to ring the bloomin bank. I spent half my pregnancy in tears to the bank just trying to sort things out. I haven't tried since. Even the thought of ringing the bank now brings a tear to my eye. I can't do it and still don't have internet banking.
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Having a great week! Glad to see so many posts. The sun is shining in Maine so I'm hitting the river walk at lunch time. Glorious Spring might show up before June after all!!!

    Don't give up on internet banking. It's the most convenient thing. I haven't seen the inside of a bank in about 10 years! Once you get the system down it's great. I can see all of our different accounts and make easy transfers. Love it!

    I was driving home last night and had 15 minutes to kill before picking up my 10yr old from dance class. The old me would of had her radar on for the dairy joy without even thinking about it. Last night it crossed my mind and I immediately thought about how many calories one small soft serve was and how hard I've worked to take those calories off. I'm going out for ice cream soon but it will be with my family and it will be FUN - not just a self indulgent, mindless and unnessary stop to fill my time with. So I got to dance early and worked on next weeks grocery list. (Besides - ice cream is for AFTER dinner not before it)

    Hope it's a great day for everyone! Do something that will make YOU proud of YOU today!