Are you kidding me??



  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    A bunch of people are saying that instead of kids using this as exercise, they should be outside playing instead.... well that being said... what example are you showing your kids? are you outside playing? or are you using a tread mill? kids learn what they are shown...

    yes its excessive, yes its cute, yes its true that kids will mimmick thier parents... so to me... if you are using a treadmill, but saying that a childrens treadmill is ridiculous and abusive, wrong step back and realize that children learn from those around them... maybe we should all get out and play a little more? go running and bike riding a little more.....

    I agree... its cute.. I agree... its excessive... but the wii machine does the same thing, but they just attach a video game screen to it so it looks more like a game.

    If what you and a lot of people are saying is to promote our kids copying us parents...Should we also...

    Let our kids stay up til midnight?
    Let our kids drink alcohol?
    Let our kids use knives?
    Let our kids see R Rated Movies?
    Etc. Etc. Etc.

    Adults are adults and kids ARE still JUST KIDS!!!

    When I was a kid, I always heard from my parents "Wait til your older, THAN you can do that"...for just about EVERYTHING!!

    Letting your kids watch graphic sex and violence scenes in r rated movies... and letting a kid use a knife (for what exactly) and letting your kids drink alcohol that leads to so many bad things in and of itself.. depriving them of necessary sleep by letting them stay up late.....are COMPLETELY different than letting them play on a toy tread mill..... Knives alcohol, sex drugs and violence arent' good things... working out and creating good habits are...

    The point is...that kids don't have the luxury of having EVERYTHING that adults do.

    Kids don't? or kids shouldn't?
  • polar5554
    polar5554 Posts: 576 Member
    A bunch of people are saying that instead of kids using this as exercise, they should be outside playing instead.... well that being said... what example are you showing your kids? are you outside playing? or are you using a tread mill? kids learn what they are shown...

    yes its excessive, yes its cute, yes its true that kids will mimmick thier parents... so to me... if you are using a treadmill, but saying that a childrens treadmill is ridiculous and abusive, wrong step back and realize that children learn from those around them... maybe we should all get out and play a little more? go running and bike riding a little more.....

    I agree... its cute.. I agree... its excessive... but the wii machine does the same thing, but they just attach a video game screen to it so it looks more like a game.

    If what you and a lot of people are saying is to promote our kids copying us parents...Should we also...

    Let our kids stay up til midnight?
    Let our kids drink alcohol?
    Let our kids use knives?
    Let our kids see R Rated Movies?
    Etc. Etc. Etc.

    Adults are adults and kids ARE still JUST KIDS!!!

    When I was a kid, I always heard from my parents "Wait til your older, THAN you can do that"...for just about EVERYTHING!!

    Letting your kids watch graphic sex and violence scenes in r rated movies... and letting a kid use a knife (for what exactly) and letting your kids drink alcohol that leads to so many bad things in and of itself.. depriving them of necessary sleep by letting them stay up late.....are COMPLETELY different than letting them play on a toy tread mill..... Knives alcohol, sex drugs and violence arent' good things... working out and creating good habits are...

    The point is...that kids don't have the luxury of having EVERYTHING that adults do.

    Ok then should we take away baby dolls,little girl make up dress up clothes because those are all imitations of grown up things,so whats the diffrence?

    All of those things you mentioned are a part of "pretend play"...It's different.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Im not saying going outside to play is a bad thing.Im saying that I cant be outside with my small child 24 7 cuz there are other things in the house that need to be done.So an indoor active toy is not at all a bad thing.Me and my daughter play outside alot. But kids under a certine age should not be outside alone at all.I see that far to much.
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    A bunch of people are saying that instead of kids using this as exercise, they should be outside playing instead.... well that being said... what example are you showing your kids? are you outside playing? or are you using a tread mill? kids learn what they are shown...

    yes its excessive, yes its cute, yes its true that kids will mimmick thier parents... so to me... if you are using a treadmill, but saying that a childrens treadmill is ridiculous and abusive, wrong step back and realize that children learn from those around them... maybe we should all get out and play a little more? go running and bike riding a little more.....

    I agree... its cute.. I agree... its excessive... but the wii machine does the same thing, but they just attach a video game screen to it so it looks more like a game.

    If what you and a lot of people are saying is to promote our kids copying us parents...Should we also...

    Let our kids stay up til midnight?
    Let our kids drink alcohol?
    Let our kids use knives?
    Let our kids see R Rated Movies?
    Etc. Etc. Etc.

    Adults are adults and kids ARE still JUST KIDS!!!

    When I was a kid, I always heard from my parents "Wait til your older, THAN you can do that"...for just about EVERYTHING!!

    Letting your kids watch graphic sex and violence scenes in r rated movies... and letting a kid use a knife (for what exactly) and letting your kids drink alcohol that leads to so many bad things in and of itself.. depriving them of necessary sleep by letting them stay up late.....are COMPLETELY different than letting them play on a toy tread mill..... Knives alcohol, sex drugs and violence arent' good things... working out and creating good habits are...

    The point is...that kids don't have the luxury of having EVERYTHING that adults do.

    Ok then should we take away baby dolls,little girl make up dress up clothes because those are all imitations of grown up things,so whats the diffrence?

    All of those things you mentioned are a part of "pretend play"...It's different.

    what makes it different?
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    A bunch of people are saying that instead of kids using this as exercise, they should be outside playing instead.... well that being said... what example are you showing your kids? are you outside playing? or are you using a tread mill? kids learn what they are shown...

    yes its excessive, yes its cute, yes its true that kids will mimmick thier parents... so to me... if you are using a treadmill, but saying that a childrens treadmill is ridiculous and abusive, wrong step back and realize that children learn from those around them... maybe we should all get out and play a little more? go running and bike riding a little more.....

    I agree... its cute.. I agree... its excessive... but the wii machine does the same thing, but they just attach a video game screen to it so it looks more like a game.

    If what you and a lot of people are saying is to promote our kids copying us parents...Should we also...

    Let our kids stay up til midnight?
    Let our kids drink alcohol?
    Let our kids use knives?
    Let our kids see R Rated Movies?
    Etc. Etc. Etc.

    Adults are adults and kids ARE still JUST KIDS!!!

    When I was a kid, I always heard from my parents "Wait til your older, THAN you can do that"...for just about EVERYTHING!!

    Letting your kids watch graphic sex and violence scenes in r rated movies... and letting a kid use a knife (for what exactly) and letting your kids drink alcohol that leads to so many bad things in and of itself.. depriving them of necessary sleep by letting them stay up late.....are COMPLETELY different than letting them play on a toy tread mill..... Knives alcohol, sex drugs and violence arent' good things... working out and creating good habits are...

    The point is...that kids don't have the luxury of having EVERYTHING that adults do.

    Ok then should we take away baby dolls,little girl make up dress up clothes because those are all imitations of grown up things,so whats the diffrence?

    All of those things you mentioned are a part of "pretend play"...It's different.

    How is it different than pretending to exercise like mommy,or pretending to put on makeup and dress up like mommy.There is no diffrence
  • Barelmy
    Barelmy Posts: 590 Member
    Also, this thing is better than the McDonalds worker playset.
  • dshalbert
    dshalbert Posts: 677 Member
    If it was just a "Toy" than it would be in the toy section of Amazon and not Sporting Goods.

    Bikes and sccoters are in the Sporting Goods section on Amazon as well. Didn't see any liquor though. . .:tongue:
  • Chiquita_Banana
    so i understand the whole imitating the parents thing... i agree kids would like to do that n its safer than a real treadmill, i have 2 boys n they run around the house chasing each other playing games, so i personally wouldn't get it, n i like to run outside while they ride their scooters... i guess if you don't have the advantage n your child really wants to imitate you then ok... but i dont see it as an answer to obese children... as a toy i don't see a problem... I love the outdoors! that's where you'll find me!
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I'm all for children being healthy but not by installing in them at a young age that they need to work out and be thin...that can lead to serious issues when they get older

    Buying them a bike and encouraging them to play outside with friends is what I would do or actually taking them to a park to play. This seems like lazy parenting to me!

    Whats lazy parenting is people that let their kids run wild outside with no supervison like the kids in my apartment complex.All these kids being under the age of 7 btw
    My daughter is 3 I can not spend all day outside with her.We play at the park everyday when the weather is good we play inside when its not.When I exercise she likes to copy me.When I put on make up she likes to copy me.When I cook she pretends to cook.This toy is obviously for smaller kids,that being said everyone should get rid of there WIIs because their kids should be playing outside non stop all the time.
  • rebecky27
    rebecky27 Posts: 842 Member
    Oh my gosh!!! People are looking way too deep into a photograph!! The mother supervising a "chunky" girl, putting her on a treadmill! (That little girl is not chunky by the way). It's a photograph to show a toy!

    It's a great theory! Kids imitate what they see their parents doing. Mommy/Daddy runs on the treadmill, they now have one of their own to mimic. They can "work out" side-by-side. Mom doesn't have to be on the treadmill worried what the child is getting into, or trying to climb on mom's treadmill. A convientent way to share together time and introduce healthy living habits!

    If I had a treadmill that I could use at home, I know my little ones would want to do it too. This would be a great solution. It's not pushing them, setting a speed for them, looks pretty self-propelled.

    I seriously doubt the intentions are to replace outside playtime. We all don't live in perfect climates where we can play outside all year long. We're finally climbing out of the 20s where I am this week!!
  • thom71gt
    thom71gt Posts: 4
    I don't think it's disturbing. Disturbing is a video of a gruesome car crash or someone being put to death by decapitation. I don't think it's cruel. Cruel is torturing a puppy or locking a child in a dog cage for hours on end. People choose words to describe this when it's not really anything close. If you think that this is cruel and disturbing, then you haven’t seen much of what the world really has to offer.

    I suppose it would also be "cruel and disturbing" to buy a child a play vacuum cleaner so they can be like mommy and help her clean the house. Or worse yet, a plastic bubble lawn mower so they can be like daddy and help with the yard work. *Gasp!! Horrific!!!

    Like one poster said; their child does everything they do right beside them, so if Mommy has a tradmill and the child wants to be like mommy.... why not buy them a play treadmill? Beats them sitting in front of the TV watching Barney.

    So again... if you still find the toy treadmill so disturbing, I have two suggestions for you;

    1. Don't buy it
    2. Seek counseling
  • AHealthierRhonda
    AHealthierRhonda Posts: 881 Member
    TO me this is right up there with the dog treadmill. How difficult is it to get outside and run around with your child for a while each day!? Seriously!!!!!
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member

    Omg.. this is hysterical. Really? Everyone's getting all bent out of shape because of a TOY TREADMILL???!!!!! Seriously??

    Think about this:


    Did you all look at this thing? Really look at it? It's PLASTIC and RUBBER. TOY. Toy toy toy toy toy. Just like those plastic shopping carts to go pretend grocery shopping with. Do you have ANY idea how many kids WOULD NOT be screaming in Mom's cart, running rampant through the store or...worse - if stores had them for kids to HELP mom shop (or dad)? I've seen parents bring these things in.. they're GREAT! They make the kid happy. It's healthy because it teaches them healthy shopping & spending habits; if the parent is truly engaged, they will also teach them how to read the labels & prices as well (there's not always time for that though). AND ITS A TOY.

    Or like FearnLoathing said - dolls, dress up clothes, pretend makeup... etc. Same thing. PLASTIC. TOYS.

    And how many commenting are parents? OH NO... IT'S HORRIBLE.. my child is going to be scarred for life because I got them a plastic toy treadmill ... *** GASP!!!! *** What a ROTTEN parent you ARE! You are bad bad bad mommy for buying your child a pretend exercise machine so they don't get on yours and ACTUALLY get hurt. Injury is not pretend, people.


    You know, this frustrates the hell out of me.

    I AM a parent and **IF** I had room for a treadmill and **IF** my children were still little, darn right I'd get one! Probably two! One for each of them!!! Now, I DARE you - any of you - to tell me I'm a bad parent. Go on. Do it. Judge me.

    Can I say it just once more to be clear - TOY! A healthy toy at that!! It's not a video game. It's not a movie. It's not motorized, battery operated, lighted or making noise. It moves by THEIR power. Hmm.. let's see... it's -10 degrees with a -2 windchill and it's been that way for 3 days, black ice, and a foot of snow. I have an active 4 year old. TV, treadmill.. TV, treadmill..

    :explode: :explode: :explode:
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    the most disturbing thing about the one I saw was the $118.00:huh: its pvc pipe lmao
  • AmoreCouture
    AmoreCouture Posts: 255 Member
    My toddler would LOVE that! He's always trying to walk on my treadmill. I told my husband we needed a little miniature one for him so he would leave mine alone.
  • rebecky27
    rebecky27 Posts: 842 Member
    the most disturbing thing about the one I saw was the $118.00:huh: its pvc pipe lmao
    LOL!!!!!! Now that is disturbing! Why couldn't I invent it???! :grumble:
  • Chiquita_Banana
    the most disturbing thing about the one I saw was the $118.00:huh: its pvc pipe lmao

    ok now THAT is disturbing! lol
  • Lizzy_Sunflower
    Lizzy_Sunflower Posts: 1,510 Member

    Omg.. this is hysterical. Really? Everyone's getting all bent out of shape because of a TOY TREADMILL???!!!!! Seriously??

    And how many commenting are parents? OH NO... IT'S HORRIBLE.. my child is going to be scarred for life because I got them a plastic toy treadmill ... *** GASP!!!! *** What a ROTTEN parent you ARE! You are bad bad bad mommy for buying your child a pretend exercise machine so they don't get on yours and ACTUALLY get hurt. Injury is not pretend, people.

    Can I say it just once more to be clear - TOY! A healthy toy at that!! It's not a video game. It's not a movie. It's not motorized, battery operated, lighted or making noise. It moves by THEIR power. Hmm.. let's see... it's -10 degrees with a -2 windchill and it's been that way for 3 days, black ice, and a foot of snow. I have an active 4 year old. TV, treadmill.. TV, treadmill..

    :explode: :explode: :explode:

    BAD Mommy!! LOL
  • dshalbert
    dshalbert Posts: 677 Member
    Well said, Muth3!
  • cakeordeath
    cakeordeath Posts: 229 Member
    I don't think it's disturbing. Disturbing is a video of a gruesome car crash or someone being put to death by decapitation. I don't think it's cruel. Cruel is torturing a puppy or locking a child in a dog cage for hours on end. People choose words to describe this when it's not really anything close. If you think that this is cruel and disturbing, then you haven’t seen much of what the world really has to offer.

    I suppose it would also be "cruel and disturbing" to buy a child a play vacuum cleaner so they can be like mommy and help her clean the house. Or worse yet, a plastic bubble lawn mower so they can be like daddy and help with the yard work. *Gasp!! Horrific!!!

    Like one poster said; their child does everything they do right beside them, so if Mommy has a tradmill and the child wants to be like mommy.... why not buy them a play treadmill? Beats them sitting in front of the TV watching Barney.

    So again... if you still find the toy treadmill so disturbing, I have two suggestions for you;

    1. Don't buy it
    2. Seek counseling

    well said!