A lot to lose & over 40? Lets start a group(20 memebers max



  • jjustjo
    jjustjo Posts: 285 Member
    Happy Saturday!!! Looks like everyone is either still asleep today, or everyone is out doin' stuff. I'm home cooking vegetable soup today. I'm mostly just being lazy today.....woke up to about 5 inches of snow on the yard. I was hoping to get out of the house today, but that's not happening. Maybe tomorrow.
    So I don't see too many of us voting on a name yet......if it's not too late to vote, I vote for either Queen Bees or Lots to Lose & Over 40. (CLOSED GROUP). I'm not too choosey as long as I get to be here. And the thread change is up to Linda as far as I'm concerned.

    Jo- how's your dog today? Has he settled down some?
    He had a bad night with more seizures and the valium the vet gave me made him hyper/drunk. He patroled the walls of the RV until 2 am back and forth...round and round. It was so hard to watch. Even when I held him and tried to comfort him, his legs kept walking. He couldn't stop. Today...no big seizures. I can tell he is having little ones. He is pretty doped after giving him his third dose of phenobarbital tonight. He is passed out half on and half off his doggy bed. It's kind of funny.....but sad too.
    I spent the day washing our bed and shampooing the carpets. (doggie accidents) Before yesterday that dog would have died before he would have gone in the house. Now he pees right were the mood strikes him. I sure hope this part passes with time.
  • christyrussell2
    christyrussell2 Posts: 630 Member
    Saturday Sharing

    My son's baseball team was in a tournament. Thursday was the first game & they got skunked! It was double elimination so they had to play a different team this morning at 10:00. They did much better but still lost so they were out of the tournament. The boys were sloppy & not listening. The coach decided that they needed practice after the game so off to another ball field we went for a 2 hour practice. They really need it. They've not been able to practice very much because of the weather. They are really out of shape & out of practice. The boys actually agreed that they needed the extra practice! (I need a shocked smiley face for here)

    Going from one ball field to another, we stopped at Sonic to get Dakota (my son) something to eat since it was 11:30. When we pulled up, I could see that there was a girl inside sitting on the floor with another girl's head in her lap & she was shaking. There were several other workers standing around & looking confused. Since I'm trained in CPR, I rushed inside to see what was going on. The girl was having a seizure & no one knew what do to. She was breathing (Thank God) so I didn't have to perform CPR but I was able to help anyway. I gave each of them something to do. One to call 911, one to call her husband, one to get a towel to wipe the blood coming out of her mouth (she had bit her lip or tongue) & had the other one to roll her over onto her left side to help keep her from swallowing her tongue. The girl's hand's were curled up & she was seizing hard. They didn't know anything about her because it was her 2nd day on the job. They didn't even know if she had ever had a seizure before. The girl finally came out of it & was able to sit then she stood up & leaned against the wall. We couldn't get her to lie or sit down. During the seizure, she had lost control of her bowels & bladder. My heart went out to her. How SCARY! For the co-workers, too! I did suggest that they get some training on what to do in case of any medical emergency. They all thanked me for my help. I felt really good about it. I didn't do much but my calm demeanor & giving each of them something to do seemed to be what they needed. Quite a bit of excitement for me!!!! I just know my CPR skills will come in handy one day but luckily it wasn't today.

    ANY WAY.....back to my son. They practiced for 2 hrs (normal practice time) but a good part of it was devoted to exercise because the boys are so out of shape. They ran, jogged or walked around the entire field multiple times. One of the coaches is a marathon runner so the boys were trying to keep up with him. There were 3 who did & my son was one of them. I was completely shocked. The other 2 boys have long legs, my son does not. They did 10 laps around the field. The rest of the team only did 4 or 5. I was shocked to the tips of my toes. My son told me that he wants to start exercising like me :bigsmile: so he can get in better shape for baseball. We're going to start walking in the evenings after supper now that the days are getting longer. He also said that he wanted to try to do some actual exercises at home, too. That just gives me more motivation to keep going. :drinker:

    What a Saturday! I'm worn out & going to sleep good tonight. :yawn:

    :heart: Christy
  • MJ5898
    MJ5898 Posts: 1,549 Member
    Malias, hope you get to enjoy the moon tonight!!!

    Jo, I am so sorry about your doggie! Our Parker (we lost him 2 years ago to cancer) developed diabetes and lost his bladder inside frequently prior to starting insulin due to his excess water consumption. He was so embarrassed because he never went in the house before. I hope your boy calms down and that the meds help.

    Christy, what a wonderful share! To know that you are inspiring your son makes getting it shape that much better. And great job handling things at Sonic - sounds like a scary scene!

    Linda, hope you had a yummy lunch/dinner out. You deserve it!

    Hope everyone else had a great Saturday. Our chorus is performing at 3 tomorrow and then rehearsal after (instead of at 6 ), so I will be away from the computer until probably 8 or later, but will try to check in in the morning before getting busy.

    Hugs all!!!!

  • ShellyBrew
    ShellyBrew Posts: 823
    @Jolene…Hugs to Hombre, I hope he gets better, so sad to see our furry kids sick especially when they give such unconditional love. My heart goes out to you!

    @Joanna…I 100% agree with you, it is life and our emotions that helped up get where we are. Being able to vent to each other will help us all avoid turning to comfort food!

    @MJ…amazing that you did a workout after such a long day, such dedication…woohoo

    @Sue…I love the sunny spot, even better when shared with the furry ones.

    @Cassie…wow still snow, it has been warm and sunny the last 2 days in NC, I think I will celebrate the first day of spring tomorrow with a nice long walk, hope you can get out soon.

    @Christy…I am sure you are a hero in the mind of the Sonic staff and your son, not many people would stop to help in a situation like that. Big Hugs to you. I am also supper excited that you have motivated your son to get healthier, what an awesome feeling that must be! You deserve a super big gold star today

    I had a super busy day and was out of the house most of it which means I made some bad food choices and did not get the planned exercise in….Back on track tomorrow with NO excuses.

    Sunday Sharing….In all the sharing I have done I failed to mention that my Mom lives with me and has for about 6 years now. She is basically healthy but has just made some bad work/money decisions and is unable to support herself. Most of the time all is fine, some times I wish I had my own space. One of the reasons I travel a lot….anyway about 2 months ago we had to put her 12 yo cat to sleep due to diabetes. Since then my cat Chloe has been lost.

    So today we adopted a new furry child…Allie is 9 wks old and a super adorable Calico kitty. Chloe (who is 13yo) is not super excited right now but I am sure within a few weeks they will be buddies (I hope).
  • cassieinor
    cassieinor Posts: 584
    Hey everyone.....
    Just checking in again before bed. My veggie soup was wonderful. I really am a good cook....I guess my weight is evidence of that. So my day was spent cooking and crocheting. I'm working on a twin bed size blanket. I am determined this year to start my Christmas projects / gifts early. I am hoping to get at least 4 .....maybe 5 blankets made by Christmas.

    So I hope everyone voted on our new group/thread name. I'm curious what we'll be calling ourselves...LOL.

    Malias - I haven't been able to see that moon because of the clouds. I had really hoped it would clear enough to see the moon * stars.....but not tonite. And being out in the country like we are, we have tons of stars when it's clear. Oh well. I hope you got to see that full moon.

    Jo - I'm saying prayers for Hombre. Hopefully the meds will start to stabilize him. Don't know if you're familiar with it, but Nature's Miracle is wonderful for pet accidents. ;-)

    Christy - what an exciting day for you. Good for Sonic you arrived when you did. And bravo for your son wanting to get in shape.

    MJ - Have a great performance tomorrow.

    Shelly - what a pretty kitty. I think I need to learn how to upload pics.

    I hope everyone else is doing well tonight. I'm outa here to go finish my food diary. Check ya all later.B-)
  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member
    Hi everyone! It about 11:30pm here, and I am just checking in! My daughter had an early morning soccer game that they won 7-2. Went out to eat after that and didnt make good choices. Then this evening my daughter had a soccer pizza party & I had 2 slices ugh. This week has not been a good one for me in regards to food. Did 50 min of turbo jam then a 20 min ab workout and my abs are screaming at me now. Rain has stayed away for now, but not for much longer, which sucks because we are supposed to go to a pro soccer game tomorrow. I may need one of those rain ponchos! I am off to bed now, I hope everyone had a great saturday!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    claudia, hope you dont get rained out and are able to enjoy your soccer game tomorrow

    christy, vegetable soup and crochet sounds like a good day to me. I also like to crochet. I have been making baby stuff for my granddaughter due in june.

    christy, I am so glad you were there and able to help that young lady. Also that is great that your son wants to start walking and exercising with you.

    Jo , I hope you dog gets better soon. How sad

    shelly, congrats on getting the new kitten , how cute.

    mj I hope you have a great day tomorrow and that your performance goes great

    I just took it easy today. Watched a good movie with the kids, read a good book and made marinara over whole wheat pasta for dinner. It was rainy all day today so I didnt want to go out. Goodnight everyone it is late and I am tired......sheri aka themommie
  • katzpawz
    katzpawz Posts: 754
    Greetings all.

    We started out today feeling pretty stiff after our 4 mile walk yesterday. So after a slow start this morning, we bathed our two remaining dogs and did some spring cleaning. I don't know yet if I'll do any other exercise today. I've just had lunch and I'm going to see how I feel in a bit.

    I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying a relaxing Sunday.

  • jjustjo
    jjustjo Posts: 285 Member
    Spy Sunday...hmmm I have a question.

    How much does the saggy skin from weight loss bother you?

    My answer: ALOT! haha But I keep the faith that if I lotion, lotion, and lotion things will tighten up.
  • akaDumbo
    akaDumbo Posts: 187
    Hi, I am still not too good so wont be saying much or making individual comments to everyone but I have read all your posts.

    Well done Christy on taking control of the situation.

    Jolene as I said in my email Barnie adapted to the medication within 2 or 3 weeks so hopefully Hombre will too. I am glad that you have decided to try him with it (though not glad that he now needs it). As he has only just started having accidents hopefully those will stop too. Unfortunately by the time we got Barnie sorted (had to get him stablised on the cushings medication first as that is a killer) it had already become a habit with him although he isn't doing it anywhere near as often. I know that he can't help it that it is the epilepsy that causes him to lose control as he doesn't **** his leg to do it like he does outside, he is mortified afterwards and scoots to the door. One other thing I will add, if your dog is usually allowed up stairs be ready to break his fall if need be for the first fell days, Barnie fell down them twice.

    To everyone else keep up the good work, nobody can ever do more than their best.
  • MJ5898
    MJ5898 Posts: 1,549 Member
    Good afternoon all. Getting ready to have a bit of lunch before heading off for a hectic day. My partner is gone to softball practice but will be back in time for late lunch.

    Shelly, congrats on your new furbaby Allie! I understand the situation with helping a family member with some financial issues. My sister is living with us through July while she pays off a credit card debt that she acquired during her marriage. It is definitely trying sometimes but I know I will miss her being around once she gets her own place.

    akaDumbo, sorry you are still not feeling well. Sending positive thoughts for a speedy recovery your way!

    Cassie, I crochet some too but nothing in the works right now. Congrats to you for working on holiday gifts this early in the year. I am sure you will hit your goal!

    Claudia, congrats on your daughter's success. Hope you can enjoy the game today without getting soaked. We all have bad eating days from time to time because life happens. When I was doing WW, I read that it is not one day of eating pizza and ice cream that packed on the pounds, but rather 365 days per year of that. So, Sunday is a new day and I bet you will do great with your food today!

    Spy Sunday - I HATE my extra skin. My partner keeps telling me that once I lose all I want we can have it surgically taken care of if it bothers me that badly. It mostly bugs me because it reminds me of what a condition I allowed myself to get into. But, I try to put it out of my mind and look forward as I can do nothing about the past. I figure it is still way better to have a bunch of sagging skin than to have that skin filled with fat. :happy:

    You all have a great Sunday. I will try to get back on later tonight after I get home from chorus, have dinner and workout.
  • cassieinor
    cassieinor Posts: 584
    Greetings all.

    We started out today feeling pretty stiff after our 4 mile walk yesterday. So after a slow start this morning, we bathed our two remaining dogs and did some spring cleaning. I don't know yet if I'll do any other exercise today. I've just had lunch and I'm going to see how I feel in a bit.

    I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying a relaxing Sunday.


    Good job on the 4 mile walk yesterday......even if ya are a little stiff today. But I think maybe bathing big dogs counts as exercise...LOL.... those big dogs are a bit of work. B-)
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    Hugs everyone:flowerforyou:

    I just read over the emails (14 members replied so far) that were sent back to me from our voting (still have till midnight for rest of group - everyone was sent one yesterday). First off I wanted to let you all know what a great bunch of ladies I think you all are. Some might not know how words can effect another member of our group. I was feeling down yesterday and this morning ...but reading all your thanks and positive and supportive words on these messages just reminded me why I love MFP so much. With not having many friends (or family) in real life I really appreciate the friendship I have found in here. If anyone on here just opens up (which I know is hard for some of us to do) and asked for support and friendship I know we are going to be able to help that member so much.
    Thank you all for being my friend and joining and being a part of this wonderful group. I am sorry I have been busy this week ( I know now I prob should have waited to start this until my son's March Break was finished) and I feel bad that I have missed posting to a lot of our messages. I also should have started some challenges by now ( I will get on that this week) I am more supportive I promise.:laugh: Anyway what I was trying to say is I really appreciate all of you and you made me honestly cry :cry: but it was a good cry for having such kind and lovely people around me and to help me with my weightloss journey.:heart:

    Ok enough mushy stuff.:blushing: Our voting so far seems to be in favor of Lots to lose etc... with 10 votes and 3 with Geddon and one going to majority vote. So safely I think I can say we will be staying with our original name. I will be setting up a new thread early this week coming up. Once it is up I will come back on here and post on the last post "the site link" how to get there. If anyone gets lost and cannot find the new thread just message another member or ask on this board and I am sure one of us will get you to the new link.

    Thirdly I am still sort of busy today, so not sure how much I will be on today,..I hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    P.S. Edited to say Thank you for asking a SUNDAY SPY question Jolene. I think Sunday questions will be fun. Please remember anyone (will not do a list) can ask a Sunday Question and it can be about anything you want to know (does not have to be weight related)

    Take Care
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    Spy Sunday - I HATE my extra skin. My partner keeps telling me that once I lose all I want we can have it surgically taken care of if it bothers me that badly. It mostly bugs me because it reminds me of what a condition I allowed myself to get into. But, I try to put it out of my mind and look forward as I can do nothing about the past. I figure it is still way better to have a bunch of sagging skin than to have that skin filled with fat. :happy:

    OMG MJ I could have wrotten this myself. I was thinking how can I put into words how I feel about my extra skin. I bet many of us feel like this. I also have huge wide stretch marks on my stomache that are very noticable. And lets not go there about my breasts:noway: .:laugh:
    In Canada I did hear that if anyone loses a huge amount of weight ( 100lbs ?) they get to have the skin removed (tummy tuck) without any cost. Cause I certainly don't have 10 thousand dollars to do it myself. I have not talked to my doctor about this. But I will be going for this option once I feel like my body is where I would like it to be. I have a long way to go and many many many more pounds to lose.
  • cassieinor
    cassieinor Posts: 584
    SPY SUNDAY.... I absolutely hate the sagging skin that often comes wit weight loss. Mostly it's the belly & stretch marks. Stretch marks have been there since pregnancy 41 yrs ago. Gaining weight over the years has just accentuated it. I'm not in a position to have excess skin removed....but I CAN hide that with clothes. Worse than belly skin is the turkey neck....yuk. but I am my Mother's daughter. And ever time I look it that mirror, I see that turkey neck. And } don't know which is worse....the turkey neck or the double chin. Oh well.

    Jo & akadumbo.....they make a belly band for male dogs that have dibble or potty issues. Maybe that would help if the problem continues. Maybe put half of amaxi thin pad inside to absorb any wetness.
    I hope Hombre is doing better today.

    Sue.....hope you get to feeling better soon.
  • cassieinor
    cassieinor Posts: 584
    Spy Sunday - I HATE my extra skin. My partner keeps telling me that once I lose all I want we can have it surgically taken care of if it bothers me that badly. It mostly bugs me because it reminds me of what a condition I allowed myself to get into. But, I try to put it out of my mind and look forward as I can do nothing about the past. I figure it is still way better to have a bunch of sagging skin than to have that skin filled with fat. :happy:

    OMG MJ I could have wrotten this myself. I was thinking how can I put into words how I feel about my extra skin. I bet many of us feel like this. I also have huge wide stretch marks on my stomache that are very noticable. And lets not go there about my breasts:noway: .:laugh:
    In Canada I did hear that if anyone loses a huge amount of weight ( 100lbs ?) they get to have the skin removed (tummy tuck) without any cost. Cause I certainly don't have 10 thousand dollars to do it myself. I have not talked to my doctor about this. But I will be going for this option once I feel like my body is where I would like it to be. I have a long way to go and many many many more pounds to lose.

    OMG!!! Can I move to Canada??? I guess I'm just gonna have to live with my extra skiN....Lol

    Linda....don't worry so much about being in a hurry to get us all organized on here. You have a life too. We're kewl. Just know how wonderful it is that you started this group. All the other stuff will fall in place. You're kewl. Breath. Hugs. B-)
  • Jojo42
    Jojo42 Posts: 223
    Hello ladies,

    what an eventful time everyone has had! I love the new Kitten photos (how do you add them?) Christy your story had me riveted, thank God you turned up when you did.

    Katz, I can quite believe you are sore...I dream of being able to walk that far!

    Claudia- as a mum of 2 daughters , I love how different the lifestyles are from across the pond, I feel like I am sampling a bit of different culture from you all!

    Linda, I think all of us are indebted to you. I have just had my dinner and am feeling quite unmotivated today, instead of cracking I came on here and caught up with you all :)

    MJ- I have yet to lose enough weight to get extra skin! Mine is pretty filled! I took a good look at my arms the other day, uggh, I think I could fly with the batwings that are going on.

    Today has been a beautiful spring day here in Devon, my ex husband came round this morning to say bye before he flies off to Hongkong for the rugby 7s. He was diagnosed with cancer 3 weeks ago, has had 2 operations and still insists on flying out there! When he returns he starts Chemo and radiotherapy. My poor daughters, both their parents dealing with the big C within 18 months of each other. They are pretty amazing.

    On to nicer things, I live by the beach so I went with 2 girlfriends for lunch by the marina and ate fresh mussels in the sunshine and had a good old chat...always good for the soul. A gentle stroll by the boats and then home again.

    oooo i am hungryyyyy today, I will have to clock my food diary and see if I have anything left. Maybe it was all the fresh air?? haha x Joanna
  • Sue_Smiles
    Sue_Smiles Posts: 1,001 Member
    Spy Sunday...hmmm I have a question.

    How much does the saggy skin from weight loss bother you?

    Not too much, it's a marker of how much I've lost. I've got batwings and the girls have gone south :) but Spanx and a good bra can take care of some of that. Some of the extra skin will go away, but getting and being healthier is a small price to pay.

    Linda - thanks for all the work you have done, this is a great group and I'm happy to be a part of it.
    I love the pictures of Allie (Kat!) she's a beauty.
    I, too, enjoy stories from "across the pond" someday I will come over and visit the huge list of places I want to see.

    Thanks for the get well wishes, the bad news is I have bronchitis, the good news is I'm not hungry :smile: Not even for comfort foods.
    I'm turning in early, have a wonderful evening and I'll talk to everyone tomorrow!
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    On to nicer things, I live by the beach so I went with 2 girlfriends for lunch by the marina and ate fresh mussels in the sunshine and had a good old chat...always good for the soul. A gentle stroll by the boats and then home again.

    oooo i am hungryyyyy today, I will have to clock my food diary and see if I have anything left. Maybe it was all the fresh air?? haha x Joanna

    Joanna- that sounds sooooo lovely. I moved a bit further from the coast two years ago and miss just being able to pop down to the ocean any time i wanted. Now i have to plan for half of a day to get there, enjoy and return. I still love the water tho!
  • JulyHummingbird
    JulyHummingbird Posts: 106 Member
    I'm 49 - have lost 43lbs so far, with about as many to go to get to my goal. I'm in! :)

    Mary (in Houston)