Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30



  • shels67
    shels67 Posts: 11
    i read that others hit upon this too. if you have her dvd, there in the 'menu' is an option to click on her meal plan. that is the exact link you will need to get to the meal plan. actually, here this is the link i have up right now;


    hope that helps! :):)
  • myvenus
    myvenus Posts: 188 Member
    Is there a before and after thread for Ripped in 30??

    this thread talks about before, during, and after, so this is a good thread for you to be a part of :happy:

    I just started Ripped again, round 2, but I started at Level 2 because I found L1 to be not much of a challenge....It is not easy, don't get me wrong, just preferred to start at 2....
  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    W2D2 done 334 calories burned.I really had to push myself today! I ahve been really out of energy.So happy to have the rest of the day to play with my kids!
  • thekresos
    thekresos Posts: 6 Member
    What a great thread! I just joined this site and started Ripped in 30 and was looking up online how many estimated calories I burned and happened across this. It's definitely killer, but my whole body is sore from my frist hard-core pilates class 2 nights ago (the gym at my husband's work NEVER has pilates classes when I can go and finally did--killer! lol), so I think it killed me a little more than it normally would.

    Does anyone only do her video 1-2 times a week? I get bored very easily and was planning on rotating between Ripped in 30, a few other workout videos, and doing a Zumba or spinning class a week. I thought maybe 2-3 weeks at each level if I'm doing it the infrequently? Does anyone else mix it up that much?
  • telindert73
    Got Jillian's Ripped in 30....starting it on Monday !! Can't wait...have heard alot of postive things about the program..I cannot imagine anyone not losing weight with her !

    Excited !!!
  • melbelle32
    melbelle32 Posts: 69 Member
    I'm new to posting :smile: I got married a little over a month ago (hit the gym HARD for months before) now Ive been on a low trying to get my motivation back (I was just plain burnt out) :sad: I'm hoping that posting with everyone will help keep my drive going :smile:

    I'm doing Ripped in 30... W1D3 feeling pretty good. I didnt expect Jillian to kick my butt like she has :heart: I'm in love:heart:

    Thanks everyone for the inspirational posts....I hope I can inspire too
  • MadameMugzy
    I'm doing Week 2 Day 2 tonight. Week one was a breeze (relatively speaking) by the end of it. I'm hoping I find the same with this week...but holy crow...push ups! Yikes. And side lunges with leg lifts? Yowch!
  • melbelle32
    melbelle32 Posts: 69 Member
    Finished with week 1. I'm having a hard time doing the workouts everyday, but I'm active everyday. I just love Jillian! I feel stronger already!! Week 2 here I come :)

    @ MadameMugzy- Great job! Keep it up! Ugh Push-ups
  • asw1077
    asw1077 Posts: 6
    I'm 15 days in, 13 days worked out, just worked L2D2 last night. I have definitly noticed some toning, and think I've only lost 2 lbs. I need to get rid of my flabby stomach. L2 is a LOT harder, and more upper body I think. My wrists hurt! I'm hoping D3 (tonight) goes a little smoother and I don't feel all over the place, takes time to get to know the moves I think.
  • sassycurlzss
    sassycurlzss Posts: 47 Member
    I did ripped in 30 and did it consistently 6 days a week for the full 30 days. Here are my results
    1" lost on waist
    .25" on arms(my last place to lose, but I have small muscles now!)
    1" hips
    1" thighs
    Total weight 4.8 lbs

    I started round two and was on week two but I've missed since Friday due to a shoulder problem. I plan on picking up again tonight and adding the days missed to my total. It's a great DVD!
  • missella30
    THIS is such a cool video! Today is my last day of week 2, I'm super excited to start week 3 on thursday! Week 2 I actually started laughing when I did it the first time because it wooped my butt, but I loved it! I have already dropped 14 lbs since I started it, I think that was mostly water weight! haha.... I'm on a strict calorie counting diet which I've been doing VERY good at and on top of that doing the Ripped in 30 days and it's a perfect fit!
    I have now purchased JM 6 pack in 6 weeks and am about to get the Yoga Meltdown to master those after I finish this 30 day one! She does a pretty good job and getting my 199 lb butt to work out good! I LOVE IT!
    I've noticed I'm losing more in my arms first... haven't really much around the mid section (that's my last to go)
  • medoria
    medoria Posts: 673 Member
    I did RI for the first time in june but not for 30 days straights, I think it took me about 40 days to finish do to some travelling. Lately Ive been doing NMTZ and BFBM instead but got bored with the later yesterday and since im taking a rest for two days straight I wanted to really challenge myself so I did week 3 and 4 one after the other.

    First of all I was sooo rusty it was straight out embarrassing. Even though Ive been working out now for two weeks coming back from my vacation I was not prepared for this. But I pulled through! Its totally doable, I will keep doing it for another week or so for about 5 times a week cuz i feel that i need a change!
  • asw1077
    asw1077 Posts: 6
    How many calories are you allowing yourself a day?
  • Gawgapeach80
    I did week 1 day 1 yesterday..couldn't do all the bouncing cardio with knee injuries and have slightly torn rotator cuff on left shoulder so for the side lifts had to do oblique crunches on back but overall a pretty good work out. Hoping to really see some changes though even with modifications
  • purplenyc2
    I did Week 1 Day 1 today. I'm wondering if I'm supposed to do the workouts every single day for the 30 days? I'm just worried about how sore I will be tomorrow. Should I continue consecutive days even with really sore muscles?
  • justineismoney
    justineismoney Posts: 29 Member
    I always feel like I work out harder with Jillian than I do running for an hour at the gym!

    Amen sister
  • medoria
    medoria Posts: 673 Member
    Purplenyc2: Totally depends on what shape you´re in. Being Ripped is only 30 min, i did it 6 days a week with one day rest but now I do longer workouts for or five days in a row with one day rest in between. Important to always keep pushing yourself.
  • bander21
    bander21 Posts: 40 Member
    Just started it the day after Thanksgiving! Love it, trying to work this 20 lbs I gained after breaking my pelvis in a Horse Accident! Good Luck everyone!
  • ER3046
    Just Started Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 this morning! It kicked my butt! I wonder how it's going to be tomorrow???
    #EXCITED TO WORK OUT##:smile:
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    I adore this program. I did the whole 30 days last year and loved it. At the time I wasn't watching calories or on this site and was eating pretty poorly and drinking a lot of calories at night but her program kept me from gaining any weight and made me so much stronger. Unfortunately I stopped doing anything after that and in the past year put on 15 pounds. So now I'm working that off.

    Thanks for the reminder how awesome RI30 is. Right now I'm doing well calorie counting and doing the Leslie Sansone walk routines but I'm thinking in January I'm going to add this to my morning workout list.