Modern Day Pin-up Girls - WEEK 2



  • FrankyOsage
    FrankyOsage Posts: 275
    206.8. Down... not very much.

    My Opa passed away this morning so itll be three days of traveling and stress eating. This doesn't bode well for next week's weigh in.
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 504 Member
    So I wasn’t great this past week and haven’t posted anything all week. This week will be different! I’m starting off the week with a 1 lbs gain, I went from 151 to 152 and am determined to get to the 140’s by next week!

    My goals are to stick to my pre-planned meals (yup I planned everything out for the week to avoid slipups)
    Drink all my water
    Do cardio 3x & the shred 5x this week.

    WTG to all those that lost, and keep trying to all those that gained!
  • VBos
    VBos Posts: 213 Member
    Man everyone did Awesome! I'm at 147.6 I've been gaining and losing the same 3 lbs for the last 6 months! I'm not comfortable with myself at this weight and I've lost 70-some pounds, so I obviously am capable. I don't know what's holding me back.
  • I weighed in at 227 this morning... on Saturday after a tough bikram class and some epic sweating I weighed in at 225! So that was exciting to see for the first time, even though it was just a LOT of water weight!
  • I weighed in at 176.0lbs! Wohooo. 1more pound to go before i reach my minigoal1.
  • Octomonkey
    Octomonkey Posts: 72 Member
    Hey everyone, I weighed in at 222.6 lbs this morning- that's a surprising 2 lb loss. I thought I definately would have gained. There seems to be a pattern emerging where I start of the week really well, then by Thursday I stop exercising, still eat well enough (though I have chocolate the odd time) and would have a few drinks... Gotta work on that!! Though I'm going to a hen do this weekend.. hmmm
  • elf618
    elf618 Posts: 317 Member
    193.2 Vbos, I know what you're saying, I can't seem to get over these 3 lbs at the bottom of the 190s, I keep goign back up and down and every week I say i'm going to work harder on what i'm putting in my mouth since I'm making progress on the exercise front and I just do not. Trying again. sorry for your loss. Hang in there. My thoughts and prayers for you and your family.
  • JennS19
    JennS19 Posts: 642 Member
    So I decided to get Jillians 30 day shred tonight and I'm going to start that with my C25K program. I've heard great things about it and I'm excited to start it up!!!

    Bring it on!
  • Good morning all you beautiful women :flowerforyou: It sounds like everyone is doing so well!

    I am the same this week at 218. I have managed to keep my exercise up so hopefully that will have a pay off soon. I did lose another 3 inches this month though. :bigsmile: That is 6 inches total in 2 months. It is nice to see something moving consistantly in the right direction :laugh: and the half inch lost on my calf explains why my boots keep falling down... :laugh:

    Great job! I think you make a GREAT point about measuring the inches coming off- the scale isn't the only measure of success! Thanks for motivating me to take measurements!! :flowerforyou:
  • leomentlines
    leomentlines Posts: 440 Member
    Hey, just checking in - I'm at 202.8 for this week :)
  • 193.2 Vbos, I know what you're saying, I can't seem to get over these 3 lbs at the bottom of the 190s, I keep goign back up and down and every week I say i'm going to work harder on what i'm putting in my mouth since I'm making progress on the exercise front and I just do not. Trying again. sorry for your loss. Hang in there. My thoughts and prayers for you and your family.

    Me too- I want OUT of the low 190's! My problem is the food as well! I do better when I log everything that I eat- maybe we'll get into the 80's faster that way?! Good luck to you!:smile:
  • 206.8. Down... not very much.

    My Opa passed away this morning so itll be three days of traveling and stress eating. This doesn't bode well for next week's weigh in.

    Frankie, I'm so sorry for your loss. Hang in there. Sending hugs xxxxxx
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    Hi ladies...I'm still stuck at 179. I have to admit I am a bit dissapointed :sad:
  • I'm not happy about this week, my weight didn't change, so I'm still 148.6. But I am sooo proud of the one's that did lose!! Keep it up!
  • 206.8. Down... not very much.

    My Opa passed away this morning so itll be three days of traveling and stress eating. This doesn't bode well for next week's weigh in.

    So sorry to hear this Frankie, my thoughts are with you and your family.
  • CampinGal34
    CampinGal34 Posts: 84 Member
    Good Afternoon everyone!! Not a great week....still at 167....not even an ounce down. But, I do have to say I thought for sure I was going to gain after a HORRIBLE weekend. Anyway, Off to a better week! Happy Monday!
  • beanie242
    beanie242 Posts: 94 Member
    I am down to 172.4, which is still a bit up from my start, but I will take it
  • raychill007
    raychill007 Posts: 55 Member
    I'm a joke. This week I'm at 140... But I forgot to weigh myself this morning so it's a terrible time to weigh in after my gym session and dinner. Next week should see a decent loss though because i think I genuinely am looking better despite the opinion of the scales :-/
  • jtodacheeny
    jtodacheeny Posts: 181 Member
    220 pounds!!! Woohoo! After a couple weeks of icky sicky and then my whole family got sick, I am VERY happy with this loss!!!! Wow, I even recalibrated my scale and had my husband step on it to be sure it was right. Then I weighed half a dozen times and it still read 220! Actually a couple times it said 219.8, so I just stuck with 220!

    5 pounds!!!! Yahooooo!!!!!! (sorry, I'm just a LITTLE excited!!)
  • octopusami
    octopusami Posts: 87 Member
    Flat lined this week! 201.8. Here is hoping it starts sluffing off again. I am so close to onderland!
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