12 Wks Till Summer Challenge - 11 Wks To Go!



  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,523 Member
    RANDOM QUESTION OF THE DAY (NIGHT): How tall are you?

    I'm always interested to know how tall someone is because weight is distributed so differently based on your height. Just curious to know how tall everyone is. Maybe you'll find a friend that has a similar height with similar goals. ;)

    I see that "jentoomey1" and I have very similar goals. :wink:

    I'm a whopping 5'2 and my goal weight would be 125 lbs. (Ok, in a dream world 110-115, but I'd be super happy with 125.)

    I'm not that tall either--just 5'5" with an ideal goal weight of 135, though I would settle for 140! Hoping this challenge will get me there!! :)
  • tluttrell
    tluttrell Posts: 33 Member
    I found you!!!

    And, I am 5'8" When I gain weight, I'm thankful that I'm tall. But the downside is that I have to lose a substantial amount to notice.

    Thanks for putting this all together.
  • Jenyfur1
    Jenyfur1 Posts: 361
    RANDOM QUESTION OF THE DAY (NIGHT): How tall are you?

    I'm always interested to know how tall someone is because weight is distributed so differently based on your height. Just curious to know how tall everyone is. Maybe you'll find a friend that has a similar height with similar goals. ;)

    I see that "jentoomey1" and I have very similar goals. :wink:

    I'm a whopping 5'2 and my goal weight would be 125 lbs. (Ok, in a dream world 110-115, but I'd be super happy with 125.)

    So I am 5'2" also. I should shoot for 125, but the last time that I weighed that, I looked too sunken in... My goal is 137... Short People unite!!! :)
  • tiddlyjinx
    tiddlyjinx Posts: 181 Member
    I am 5'7 and my ultimate goal weight right now is 150. Haven't been there since high school, so will decide at that point where I am and if I need to lose more.
  • newmeat30
    newmeat30 Posts: 766 Member
    Just letting you know that I have added all the new people to the chart and I've corrected all the mistakes of anyone who let me know. With 231 members it is easy to make a few mistakes. Right now we have some really high numbers be we shall see how many actually post during our next weigh-in window. I do hope that we get a lot of people sticking with this. :)

    To anyone who is new, please make sure I know your goal weight for this challenge (by 6/9/11). Some of you just told me your goal weight over all and obviously it isn't likely that you would lose 60+ lbs in 11 weeks. I just want to make sure I have correct info for everyone. :)

    I look forward to seeing our progress with the next weigh-in. :bigsmile:

    Keep it up everyone! You are doing great!!!
  • newmeat30
    newmeat30 Posts: 766 Member
    Random Question of the Day: What caused you to gain weight?
  • newmeat30
    newmeat30 Posts: 766 Member
    Random Question of the Day: What caused you to gain weight?

    You can see my full story and pictures on my blog (http://newmeat30.blogspot.com), but bascially, I was living at a happy 134 before and after having my first child. With my 2nd child I went from 134 to 183 (that's when I stopped weighing myself). I lost most of the baby weight and got down to 147 but then thought my skin on my belly was too disgusting to go on. I felt having a litttle extra meat would make the skin look better to I purposely put on an extra 10 lbs. For two years I told myself I would get in shape before turning 30, but did nothing. I was too embarassed to go to my 10 year reunion because I had put on so much weight but I still wasn't motivated to change. Finally on my 29th birthday (Dec) I decided that I had had enough and I was ready to take back control of my life. I've been on MFP since Jan 2011 (I didn't realize there was an online community until then) and I've loved every minute of it. I've dropped 16 lbs and 16.5 inches in that time. :bigsmile:
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    I gained some of the twenty pounds I'd lost two-ish years ago during three months during my senior year of high school, and then by august of the same year, i'd gained the whole twenty pounds back. Now I'm working to get it off once again. But the only reason I'd lost those twenty in the first place was that I'd stopped drinking pop and started exercising some.
  • Jenyfur1
    Jenyfur1 Posts: 361
    Random Question of the Day: What caused you to gain weight?

    Well after becoming a lifetime member of Weight Watchers, I gained all of my weight back from just not paying attention and not writing down what I eat. I know now that this is my new lifestyle and what I need to do to be healthy. I also didn't exercise regularly.. thus 30+ lbs later..... Ta Da!
  • kelbel76
    kelbel76 Posts: 148 Member
    Random Question of the Day: What caused you to gain weight?

    I was a skinny minnie all my life until I got a part time job when I turned 16 at a fast food place. I worked there for the rest of high school and part of college. I was there a lot and ate the food all the time. My meals got gradually bigger and bigger (as did my behind) because it was so tasty! I sometimes wonder if I had gotten a job at something other than a food place whether I would have gained the weight at all.
  • jpsnickel
    jpsnickel Posts: 68
    Random Question of the Day: What caused you to gain weight?

    For me, it started about 5 years ago. Had just ended a relationship...and I didn't gorge in self pity, but at the time we were living in Boston, and we used to walk EVERYWHERE. So my activity level went way down. Around that time, I also started back at school. My schedule started out at 7:00am when I would leave to go to a dog-walking gig. Despite walking the crazy dog, I didn't lose any weight. After walking her, I headed to class, then to another dog-sitting job, then to work until 8pm. There was no way I could pack enough meals that would keep cool in my car, so drive thrus became my best friend.

    Now my biggest issue is still going out to eat. My fiance and I both have difficult, unpredictable schedules. A lot of nights it's a lot easier to go out, then to make dinner at home. I have gotten a lot better about my choices, and taking home doggie bags!
  • cgeiser1
    cgeiser1 Posts: 145
    Random Question of the Day: What caused you to gain weight?

    I'm not overweight right now, Im just at the top of the healthy bmi range. I think I've always been this way. I never really weighed myself. I mostly joined his website cause I wanted to be healthy and have something to motivate me to exercise and eat right. But now that I'm here I notice I could stand to lose a few pounds. Even though I'm at a healthy weight I've always been embarrassed of my stomach as I tend to store allllllll my fat there. So I'm thankful for this challenge! It's exactly what I want to help me get to where I look awesome this summer and am not embarrassed of my stomach when I go to the river and beach this year :-)
  • ahsongbird
    ahsongbird Posts: 712 Member
    Random Question of the Day: What caused you to gain weight?

    Growing up my mom was a pretty bad alcoholic, we almost never had food in the house but she always had liquor and cigs. I had to join a church group just to eat dinner even though I didn't believe in the bible. After i got with my husband i realized hey, we have money now, i can eat whatever the hell i want! And of course i did... all the friggin time, it didnt effect me until i got pregnant for the second and third time though, thats when i gained over 60 lbs in less than 3 years. thankfully I got on track with MFP the year after I had my son.
  • tiddlyjinx
    tiddlyjinx Posts: 181 Member
    I have always been overweight, but was active in sports, baseball, basketball, volleyball, curling, and played in different leagues throughout each year. 17 years ago I met my husband and got pregnant right away, He spoiled me, with taking care of everything like laundry, cooking, cleaning etc. At the same time I was steadily promoted to more stressful positions and would get home and just want to veg. Plus I really enjoyed my rum and pepsis and was also a heavy smoker.

    I knew that I had to do something to lose weight, and I knew that I couldn't exercise if I couldn't breathe. I quit smoking 2 years ago, and about 6 months ago felt able to breathe freely, and found MFP!
  • kat2475
    kat2475 Posts: 159 Member
    Random Question of the Day: What caused you to gain weight?

    Oh boy! That's a loaded question. The process started with an abusive marriage. Even at 123, he called me fat and made me feel like dirt so I decided to live up to my expectations. 5 years ago, I wised up and divorced his sorry *kitten* and met a wonderful man. I got down to 162 from 194 and was happy. I then got pregnant and actually was at my pre-pregnancy weight by 6 weeks post partum. I developed post partum depression and gained a ton of weight. I got pregnant again 6 weeks after starting weight watchers and lost a bunch of weight even after my pregnancy. I got down to 154 and felt fantastic. I started having back problems when I was 6 months pregnant but the docs blew me off and told me it was regular pregnancy pain and would go away after I delivered. She will be 2 next month and here I sit with 2 bulging discs and a twisted vertebrae. I've been through 6 cortisone shots in my sacroiliac joint, 2 rounds of physical therapy, had my nerve endings cauterized and this saturday I go for my 2nd round of epidural steroid injections. I did get about 5 days of relief with the first round but overdid it afterwards and took a step backwards. I'm now trying to get the weight off and find a way to exercise and not injure myself further. I know having this extra weight is not helping things at all and I just want out of this funk.
  • LeMastermom
    I would love to join :D

    my current weight is 240lbs

    I would LOVE to be 180 but will be beyond thrilled to get anything under 200

    but I will list my goal weight as 200 .. I just joined yesterday so looking forward to seeing some progress :)
  • LeMastermom
    Random Question of the Day: What caused you to gain weight?

    I was always thin but during a rough pregnancy with my first that included bedrest I gained a total of 70lbs... I went from 150-ish to 222 the day she was born :( , then I guess just life got in the way 2 more kids later here I am mad I let it go on for so long at 240 ( depression since December , family deaths etc , have caused me to gain an additional 20lbs in last 3 months ) so putting a firm foot down and gonna get under 200 :D
  • erothrn
    erothrn Posts: 14
    The chart looks great!!! Great Job so far to everyone!!!! Keep up the workouts and can't wait to see progress on Thursday!!!!
  • erothrn
    erothrn Posts: 14
    I have been a night shift nurse for the past 8 years. It has caught up with me between the lack of sleep and eating crap throughout the night and binging on weekends. I have eliminated pop and coffee, trading it for green tea and water, or water based beverages. I have traded beer for 2-3 Vodka and Soda cocktails when we go out on Saturdays. I am snacking on healthy snacks throughout the day to maintain my metabolism and eating clean dinners with cheat on Saturday.
  • sarahlynn78
    sarahlynn78 Posts: 132 Member
    For yesterday's question - I'm 5'7".

    Through high school and college, I fluctuated between 145-155. I would gain 10 lbs during the school year and then would lose it over the summer. When I started my first office job, I gained 30 lbs in 3 months- yikes! I was able to lose most of it through diet and exercise. Then I hit a plateau, got frustrated and went back to my old ways.Since then, I've gone up and down with my weight. Over the last year, I've made a lot of progress with the emotional issues that have hindered my weight loss in the past and am ready to lose it and keep it off this time!

    Thanks for putting this together, newmeat30!