The most common mistake women make!



  • littlemuffin
    littlemuffin Posts: 25 Member
    wow thanks for dumbing it down so all us females can finally understand how to lose weight! If only I had a penis, I would have know this already! God what was i thinking!
    lol I am sorry but I found this pretty funny as well.

    well i'm glad i can entertain some :p
  • marji4x
    marji4x Posts: 144 Member
    I am a woman and I am not offended! Especially as I have a friend who is currently insisting on starving herself and is miserable.

    IT DOES HAPPEN just cause some ladies are smart and not doing this doesn't mean this sort of thing doesn't need to be said more! Quit bein so touchy people!
    MSDRIZZ Posts: 246
    Great! Thats not offensive either. Obviously You are just trying to stir up trouble.
    Great advice NewfieDan. :)

    Don't listen to the naysayers that take offense. They're probably bored, lonely and looking for some excitement in their lives.
  • kbickel
    kbickel Posts: 19
    The only other thing I would add is making the weekly weight loss goal 2 pounds a week when realistically it should be 1. This goes for men too...especially if you're only trying to lose 10-15 pounds. If you have a small amount of weight to lose you should not do it with large calorie deficits.

    On a side note this post is not sexist. The guy was trying to help and has been shot down for no reason at all. This is the reason chivalry is dead people. I opened a door for a woman one day who went on to tell me thank God a big strong man was there to open it because she must have been too weak to do it. Sometimes we just can't win.

    I was happy to read this. I am counting calories....realistically, working out in the morning and the PM and losing 1 lb per week and very disappointed about it. Although I am losing a lot of inches and feel healthy, reading your post really helped me feel better. Thanks!
  • littlemuffin
    littlemuffin Posts: 25 Member
    I agree! The wise man tells the poor dumb women what they are doing wrong. I don't "work out" at all. I prefer to do alot of housework and gardening, run around with my three year old and just live my life actively. 12OO is the recommended calories for my hight and weight, even my doctor agreed! You are not over reacting at all morgenadk! Too many people get on here and tell others what they are doing wrong. He is on here too so obviously he has not done everything correctly. I am very offended by this!
    When i read some of your topics yesterday, i thought you sounded like you had some good advice , now i'm not so sure !

    YOU have just offended 90% of the female population on this site!

    For starts "The most common mistake women make" Just as many men, work out to hard and eat to little..

    secondly we are not GUYS!

    Your welcome to look at my diary , i don't starve myself..

    I go to body pump twice a week , i know i don't do cardio , but i think i should do some...

    Please if you are going to write post , for or about women , speak to some first!

    yeah still I have to agree! :p haha
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    I guess I'm in the 10% of women on this site NOT offended.

    I'm with you. I'm surprised at how many people are offended. That seems silly, advice was just being offered. It's not that big of a deal.
  • TinaHall1228
    I would just like to say im new to this site and after reading the original post it is really good advise and answer's alot of my question's . I just think advise no matter where it comes from, a man or woman is just that advise you can take it or leave it and for newbies like myself , any advise is welcome . Good luck to all on there weight loss .
  • mikeyml
    mikeyml Posts: 568 Member
    If this thread offends you then try this's much more gender neutral and it offers great advice.
  • joybell32
    joybell32 Posts: 252 Member
    Thanks for the information! I appreciate the standpoint of a male sometimes. They do seem to point out things in a different light. Anyway, I was not offended and did not feel stereotyped. It didn't matter to me that it came from a man, i'm just glad that it came out!
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    I agree! The wise man tells the poor dumb women what they are doing wrong. I don't "work out" at all. I prefer to do alot of housework and gardening, run around with my three year old and just live my life actively. 12OO is the recommended calories for my hight and weight, even my doctor agreed! You are not over reacting at all morgenadk! Too many people get on here and tell others what they are doing wrong. He is on here too so obviously he has not done everything correctly. I am very offended by this!
    When i read some of your topics yesterday, i thought you sounded like you had some good advice , now i'm not so sure !

    YOU have just offended 90% of the female population on this site!

    For starts "The most common mistake women make" Just as many men, work out to hard and eat to little..

    secondly we are not GUYS!

    Your welcome to look at my diary , i don't starve myself..

    I go to body pump twice a week , i know i don't do cardio , but i think i should do some...

    Please if you are going to write post , for or about women , speak to some first!

    yeah still I have to agree! :p haha
    like I said I have, many of which are misinformed about how to lose weight right and have added me as friend to help them get to their goals, all of whom I took the time to go into their diary and go through it with them, help them spot the mistakes and offer advice to them. I take the time to listen to each of them and their concerns as well as ask for feedback from many of them. Those who listened started right back up on the weight loss path shortly after taking that advice. I am no dietary angel and I am the first to admit that but more importantly its when they do not understand the whole picture that they make the mistakes and get caught in a dead lock with 0 results.
  • BlueLikeJazz
    BlueLikeJazz Posts: 219 Member
    Some of the reactions to this post are exactly why I rarely would describe myself out loud as a feminist (though I do consider myself to be one). Did something intended as a helpful tip need to be taken so seriously? It was fairly obvious to me that the OP had no malicious intent and was merely trying to point out something that's extremely commonplace around here. How many times have you seen posts by women saying "I've been eating 1200 calories a day, working out, and I'm not losing weight. What am I doing wrong?!" They come up over and over and over from women, and much less frequently from men. The OP's just making an observation.
  • Corinne_Bruce
    He has not written anything that I haven't read in fitness magazines, heard from personal trainers, or heard from doctors. Why are women offended, well because it's true. If a woman would have written this same post, the reaction would have been the same. If you don't believe it, do a search in our forums. One of my women friends posted this same information a few weeks ago and got the same response. This site is great but at times people who claim they want help, really do not. So I just leave people alone. And FYI, not everyone who signed up for this site is overweight/obese, some people like the tools and some want to tone.

    Great post, sorry some people don't like to hear the truth. Also, I initially set my calories at 1200 and worked out like crazy the first month I started and lost nothing! Other people that have done the same thing, have lost weight but are miserable. I say find your balance. My calorie intake is now 1530 and I still workout like crazy (not because I want to lose weight but because I love to workout) and I lose about 1.2 pounds per week. Just find your balance so we can all be less grumpy :smile:
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    Although the post makes total common sense I am thinking there is a reason behind the post other than just as the title reads 'the most common mistake women make'
    Maybe the title should have read 'the most common mistakes PEOPLE make'

    Thanks for the info but I agree, coming from a man about advice for women you looking for a fight man :wink:

    Yeah, good info but totally offensive title!! You really shouldn't have aimed it towards all women...... ouch! We're not all like that thank you very much.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    He didn't say all. He said it's a common mistake among women. I don't see why this is hard to understand.
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    I like to think of myself as a level headed, nonsexist, anti racist man. I give everyone an equal opportunity, I encouraged many women to join into the male dominated field in which I work. I have tutored women and men equally when I was in school to help them all learn from what I knew about my field (heavy equipment technician) I just get angered when I hear the woe is me bullcrap when all they need is common sense. That goes for both sides of the fence. I believe that if people want to be treated on an equal scale then do equal work, simple as that. I personally do my best to pass on knowledge to others so that they can educate themselves and empower themselves. I take pride in being a strong family man who does the right thing. So if that makes me sexist or bad in your eyes then cry to someone else, face facts and can the bullcrap.
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    He has not written anything that I haven't read in fitness magazines, heard from personal trainers, or heard from doctors. Why are women offended, well because it's true. If a woman would have written this same post, the reaction would have been the same. If you don't believe it, do a search in our forums. One of my women friends posted this same information a few weeks ago and got the same response. This site is great but at times people who claim they want help, really do not. So I just leave people alone. And FYI, not everyone who signed up for this site is overweight/obese, some people like the tools and some want to tone.

    Great post, sorry some people don't like to hear the truth. Also, I initially set my calories at 1200 and worked out like crazy the first month I started and lost nothing! Other people that have done the same thing, have lost weight but are miserable. I say find your balance. My calorie intake is now 1530 and I still workout like crazy (not because I want to lose weight but because I love to workout) and I lose about 1.2 pounds per week. Just find you balance so we can all be less grumpy :smile:
    Nice to hear from a woman who uses the tools the right way.
  • QueenofCups
    QueenofCups Posts: 365 Member
    I guess I'm in the 10% of women on this site NOT offended.

    Me too. I do think women make this mistake more often b/c we are innundated with societal pressure to not be "cows" and girls are supposed to be dainty and eat little food. Its mentioned more often than not if a woman DOES eat. "She eats like a HORSE, she must have a good metabolism." but if a guy eats as much he's "Normal". That aforementioned "horse" eater is probably eating the perfect amt of calories for her body and since she isn't starving her body, her body burns it as fuel.
    I know more women who have weight "problems" who eat very little or skip meals altogether. Yes, there are some women who pig out and eat huge amts of food...but most of the time its just unhealthy food. If they ate the same amt of food but healthier, they wouldn't have the same problem (I have experience with both sides).

    So I appreciate the post, and took it as helpful advice. :)
  • Corinne_Bruce
    Yeah, good info but totally offensive title!! You really shouldn't have aimed it towards all women...... ouch! We're not all like that thank you very much.

    I do agree, maybe "Most Common Mistakes Many Women Make." This would have went over better, but like I said a friend of mine on here posted something similar and got the same results (women offended). And she just posted an article. :smile:
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    I guess I'm in the 10% of women on this site NOT offended.

    Me too. I do think women make this mistake more often b/c we are innundated with societal pressure to not be "cows" and girls are supposed to be dainty and eat little food. Its mentioned more often than not if a woman DOES eat. "She eats like a HORSE, she must have a good metabolism." but if a guy eats as much he's "Normal". That aforementioned "horse" eater is probably eating the perfect amt of calories for her body and since she isn't starving her body, her body burns it as fuel.
    I know more women who have weight "problems" who eat very little or skip meals altogether. Yes, there are some women who pig out and eat huge amts of food...but most of the time its just unhealthy food. If they ate the same amt of food but healthier, they wouldn't have the same problem (I have experience with both sides).

    So I appreciate the post, and took it as helpful advice. :)
    again thank you for posting, I have said before that if we are to effect a change in society it starts with one person who has common sense and then pass that onto others, paying it forward and going against the societal grain to promote healthy people.
  • downtome
    downtome Posts: 529 Member
    I thought the post was very informative and NOT offensive at all! I enjoy any and all information that will help me to do things in a better way and do it right! I found nothing offensive about it whether it was written by a man or a woman!
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