Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant!



  • __flexylexi
    __flexylexi Posts: 154 Member
    I would NEVER drink while pregnant.. well it doesn't help that it was my birthday and I drank a lot last Jan not knowing I was preggo, but hey I was never worried about it because doc said I could never get pregnant. Turns out I was, and I am pretty sure I drank close to 7 shots that night... I was probably 4 or 5 weeks preggo. Before that though, I only drank one drink for new years. I'm not really a heavy drinker. Doc said not to worry about it but hey... so far baby looks fine

    I try to eat as much calories as I can, I have mine set at maintenance of almost 2000 cals, but I never eat all of it. Im always in deficit of about 200-300 but then again my body was so used to 1200 cals for the longest time, and I am gaining a good amount of weight so I think I am going to listen to my body. If I am hungry, I eat, and if not, I'm not gonna stuff my face. I am exactly 15w5 days today and I have gained a total of 6 lbs, which is within the recommended gain... :)
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Decided to take today off from working out. It is snowing here and I decided it has been a long time since I've slept in and stayed in my pj's ALL day! It is a little boring and lonely since hubby is gone....but I made a pot of chili and watched Baby Mama on cable....I ordered some books on Amazon (can't wait until I get Belly Laughs in by Jenny McCarthy...she cracks me up!) I don't think today has been a total waste of a day.

    I got into another argument with a long time friend of mine. She had her first baby when we were 15 and now at 31 she is pregnant with her 4th. I'm sure she knows a lot about babies...I mean she has had at least 3x's the experience....but I don't agree with her on a lot of her parenting choices. I don't say anything...cause that isn't how I am, but anything she doesn't agree with me she lets it be known. This argument started when I asked her if she had heard the recommendation by the American Pediatric Association about keeping babies rear facing in car seats until the age of 2. She said yes but that she thinks it is stupid and that lots of babies front facing have been in wrecks and are just fine...She said the baby is too big and their legs are too long at 2 to be rear facing. Wouldn't you think that if it was "stupid" they wouldn't say this is the safest thing for your baby?!?! It just blows my mind....I didn't say anything when she bought a used car seat, even though I am against buying used car seats (unless you know the history of it, and lets face it, buying it from craigslist doesn't guarantee an honest seller). I also didn't agree with her choosing to get pregnant (on purpose) even though they have absolutely NO insurance so our tax dollars will end up paying for her prenatal care, her delivery, and then the care of the baby after. I don't agree with this...but I didn't tell her how I feel because that is her choice. But I can not believe she would basically say I'm stupid because I plan on following the safety recommendation of keeping a child rear facing until 2. Ugh! I have nothing in common with her when it comes to parenting styles I don't know why it even bothers me. Maybe we just shouldn't talk until after we have our babies and even then not talk about anything concerning the babies....

    *Yes this is my first baby...but I was a Pediatric RN and know a lot about babies so I'm not just trying to be a "know it all"!
  • blessdmomof4
    Hi Everyone,
    I'm Melissa, newly pregnant with my 4th baby! I am a homeschooling mom for my 9, 7 and 6 year olds (and 3 of their friends). This was a bit of surprise for us but we are all sooooo excited.
    In the last year I had lost about 35 lbs. I was 5 lbs from my first goal weight and I hit a plateau for about 6 months. Now I'm pregnant and just hoping to not gain too much. I gained a lot in my other pregnancies (65, 45 and 75 the 3rd time!)
    I am really looking forward to staying fit and keeping up w/ my workout routines (when I'm not nauseous and tired which has been rare for the last week lol). Hoping to get a jog in and some weight training this afternoon!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Welcome Melissa! Glad you found us!

    I managed to do an hour of toning with Tracy Anderson method and an hour on the elliptical....I didn't have much motivation or drive but still managed to burn 800 calories for the 2 hr workout. I have my 8wk prenatal appt and I'm not looking forward to weighing in. I've worked out every day...but many of my food choices have not been then best. I truly believe I've messed up my metabolism from dieting all these years. My body is so used to starvation mode that even maintenance calories I've gained... totally self inflicted. ugh... By my scale I've gained 6lbs, who knows what it will be on theirs. I'm hoping I will just maintain this 6lb gain for the next few months. Since I'm feeling better hopefully the craving for disgusting fast food has passed. I've been eating much better the past couple of days and haven't felt nauseous.

    My second ultrasound in on Thursday! I'm looking forward to that the most this week...well that and a Pampered Chef party I'm going to on Saturday....what can I say, I LOVE food! lol!

    Hope you ladies had a great weekend! Stay fit and make good choices this week!
  • blessdmomof4
    Feeling soooo tired today. I felt like I hadn't slept all night. Much to do, however, so on with the day, tired and slightly nauseous. I have a bit of a cold so the post nasal drip is not helping the nausea. I have to say, however, that I am comforted by the feeling, knowing everything is going according to plan.

    Heather- I hope your appt went well.

    I won't have my 1st appt until next Friday. I'll be almost 9 weeks. I've only weighed myself once or twice in the past few weeks and I'm hovering around pre-preg weight. I was between 170 and 175 depending on the TOM, salt, digestion etc. Yesterday I was 172.5 so I can't complain. In my other 3 pregnancies i gained 10 or more in the first trimester...My metabolism seems to stop the minute I am pregnant.

    I hope you are all having a great day!
  • __flexylexi
    __flexylexi Posts: 154 Member
    Ok I have a question to you people that have had kiddos before... Is it normal... to have this unexplainable pressure in my lower abdomen at 16 weeks? and its such a wierd feeling sometimes... like sometimes it feels sore, then sometimes it feels tingly... like... you know those glass balls with the electric core that has colored electric sparks come out... thats pretty much a visual of how my lower abdomen feel... I can't explain it... Anybody have this experience?

    Oh and I haven't even really popped at all.. still look very un-pregnant, but sometimes (just sometimes) when I lay on my back my lower abdomen feel like theres pressure where I have to lay on my side... is that normal?
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    I'm just guessing, but maybe that is the baby moving you are feeling. I guess for first timers it feels so strange we don't really know what we are feeling. And I know you will feel pressure from your uterus stretching...but maybe it is something different. Just taking an educated guess! :)

    I had my 8wk appt today and everything went well. She said that my uterus was feeling a bit larger than it should for 8 wks. I have my second ultrasound on Thursday. Before we did the exam she sounded pretty sure that the second gestational sac they saw at the first ultrasound would just go away but after she did my exam she sounded like it was a good possibility that there was more than 1 baby in there. There are a few pros to this would be my last pregnancy ever....but many having premature babies, having to figure out how to be a first time mom to TWO babies instead of 1, to breast feed two babies...etc...etc... I am anxious for Thursday to get here! I'm just praying for a healthy baby...but if there are 2 in there then it is what it is!

    Today I only did an hour of toning with Tracy Anderson Method. I've been really tired lately...some mornings it is near impossible for me to put my workout clothes on and do it, but I'm glad I have a friend to keep me accountable!
  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    Heather - glad to hear the appointment went well. Curious to hear what the ultrasound reveals. I'll be honest, I was hoping for twins. We had a tough time getting pregnant and would love two children so I'd have been happy to accomplish it the first time around ;-) I can relate to your feeling large and not liking the number on the scale right now. I was up 12 pounds this morning (I'm 18 weeks tomorrow) and I really haven't "popped" the baby bump yet so I just feel like I look huge. I am the heaviest I have ever been and it's depressing. The logical and intelligent me knows that it is all okay because I have a precious life growing inside me, but the irrational me thinks I am just getting too big.

    Lexi - I think I can relate to some of the lower abdomen feelings. I know my doctor said to expect the feelings of the uterus stretching and at my 16 week appointment they did ask if I was feeling any movement. Maybe these are initial baby movements too and we just don't know any better yet!

    Melissa - hang in there! I was SO tired during the first trimester and I only have two dogs and a husband to worry about. I can only imagine adding three kids to the mix. Hopefully you can get some extra rest.
  • blessdmomof4
    Good morning ladies, well it's morning here in MA anyway...

    Lexie- It's hard to describe the way we feel when we are pregnant. Have you had gas / bloating or constipation? My digestion changes a lot when am pregnant and I feel "pressure" of sorts when any of the above are present. The baby moving at that point does tend to feel like a flutter / tingle. It's different for everyone though I think.

    Heather - so exciting that it might be twins!!!! I am praying for twins. I know that is crazy and would be incredibly tough it would solve my age gap issue lol. I don't like the idea of one baby so far away from the others who all had the blessing of growing up together.

    Smilegirl - 12 lbs at 18 weeks is awesome!!! I am hoping i can say the same at 18 weeks! Just because you haven't "popped" doesn't mean that isn't all baby weight. Between the placenta, chest, increased blood volume and baby there is a definite 12 lbs "in" you probably isn't "on" you if you know what I mean lol.

    And just a little encouragement...with all the weight I gained in all 3 pregnancies 65, 45, 75, I was back to pre-preg weight w/in a year each time with moderate effort. In fact, with my 2nd I was down to pre pregnancy weight within 4 months. It was much harder to lose weight that i had gained when I wasn't pregnant...

    Feeling better today, less nauseous and tired. We are expecting 6-12 inches of snow on Friday which is a real downer. It's been a tough winter here. I am so ready for it to be over. It's been in the 30's all week and I have had NO motivation to work out. REally need to find some!
  • __flexylexi
    __flexylexi Posts: 154 Member
    Ok ladies. 16.5 weeks preggo and this is all the bump I get.
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Girl it is your first baby and you must have strong ab muscles. The first pregnancy it always takes longer to "pop" because our abs are at their strongest point. Don't be discouraged...just know that your abs rock! :) Isn't your hubby coming home soon?! That is so exciting! Are you going to find out what sex the baby is?

    Melissa that is very encouraging! Everyone I know is so petrified of going over the 25-35lb weight gain. I feel like this is the only time in my life where I don't have to worry about every little piece of food that passes by my lips! I'm not going hog wild...but if I wanna cookie, then darn it I will eat a cookie! Where as before (my entire adult life) I either ate the cookie and felt absolutely horrible for it, or I refused myself the cookie all together! Hope you found your motivation to workout though! :)

    Well I had my ultrasound and there is one perfect little baby in there! Heart rate was 168bpm...perfection! Only a little sad because hubby wasn't there to hear/see the heart beating away on the ultrasound. He also won't be there to hear it in 2 weeks when I go at my 11 wk checkup. They are trying to make him stay now until the end of June...gotta love the life of a military wife!

    Yesterday was an off day for working out. Friday's usually aren't my off day, but my workout buddy had a lot of stuff to do so I took it upon myself to stay at home and clean. After not working out for 1 day I already felt fat and miserable! I feel so extremely bloated and matter what I eat! I hope this gets better, cause right now it is just bleh! I'm going to try out a zumba class this morning that I heard was pretty good. I love group classes to workout with, but all the group classes I worked out before I was pregnant are all in the evening, and I'm good for nothing after 2pm....So basically I get my workout in earlier in the day, or it doesn't happen at all!

    Well I hope you ladies have a wonderful weekend!
  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    Heather - YEAH! so glad to hear that the ultrasound gave you a nice picture of the beautiful baby growing inside you. It's a pretty surreal moment to see that isn't it? Two more weeks until my 20 week ultrasound. Everyone keeps asking "are you going to find out the sex of the baby?" I don't know what to do! I always thought I wouldn't want to know, but now I am wavering a bit. What are all you ladies doing?

    Being a military wife is not easy. I grew up with a father in the Navy. I can remember deployments where he was gone six months or more. All I can say is that my mom is one awesome and independent woman! Do you have any good wives activities you can participate in?

    Melissa - Thank you for the information regarding weight with your previous pregnancies and your positive and uplifting words. I have always been very aware of my weight and it's not easy to shift your mind to eating more and giving into your cravings. Also just watching the numbers go up on the scale is so against my nature. I've been working hard the last week to let go of some of that.

    Lexi - I'm at 18.5 and my "bump" is no bigger than yours! I have definitely gotten much more thick through my middle, but still waiting for the "yes, I am pregnant" bump to show up.

    I have my prenatal yoga class today. It rained all day here yesterday, so I am hoping for drier weather for walking my dogs today. Melissa, did you end up with all the snow they predicted?
  • blessdmomof4
    seriously ladies, your little bumps are killing me!! Lexie I look bigger than that at 8 weeks lol! I guess things are different the 4th time around...not to mention I've never had very good abs... its always been my biggest trouble spot.

    Still haven't really worked out in about a week. My only available time is in the afternoon when Hubby gets home and I am so tired by then after a day of homeschooling. I could go at 5:30 am like I used to...but I just can't drag myself out of bed that early right now... Gotta get back on track though! Excuses, excuses... I feel like I am eating well and have a hard time getting in all my calories most days so at least I know I'm not over eating. I also haven't been too into junk (although I'm craving boxed mac&cheese today) just more into carbs than normal. Usually I eat a very high protein breakfast but I have wanted toast or bagels to calm the nausea. I don't recall having this much nausea w/ the other 3...must be cause I'm older lol.

    Military wives/mom's deserve medals in my opinion. I don't know how you do it. My sister's bf is in the National guard. They have been apart for 4 months now. I just can't imagine doing it but I see their love for each other grow stronger everyday.

    Finding out...I'm pretty sure we will find out. We did w/ all the others. I couldn't bear the thought of the ultra sound tech knowing and me not knowing! We weren't going to find out w/ our 1st but when they were taking pictures of her little feet she opened her legs and I could see that she wasn't a boy. I asked the tech if I just saw what I thought I saw and she said...well, I'm 99.9 percent sure of the sex now. I had to know if she knew!!
    In the end I am glad I found out each time. It was no less of a "surprise" at the end. I felt like I knew the baby already. We will find out this time so my other 3 can bond and connect. It's definitely a personal decision though, do what you feel is best for you and don't let anyone make you feel bad about your decision either way. It's not their baby :)
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    So the Zumba class was pretty good. I was the most fit person in the class (including the instructor) so I was pretty much looking forward to another waste of time class like all the other zumba classes I've been to. I've been told time and time again that if I find a good class that it is lots of fun and I can burn some pretty decent calories. Well I shook it and I moved it and after an hour I had burned 570 calories...not too shabby for a low impact cardio workout! Well as I was leaving the instructor asked me if I got a good workout and I said "sure did! burned 570 calories" she replied "that's all??? most people burn on average at least 1,000!" I was stunned considering I was the most active, shakin it person in the class! I said "well that depends on your weight as well..." I can't believe that she would discount my calorie burn after seeing that I obviously was working way harder than anyone in that class! One lady was wearing that gives you an idea of how hard she was working! Oh well...that is a perfect example of people assuming their calorie burn is much higher than it is and assuming their caloric intake is much lower than what it really is....That is why I LOVE my heart rate monitor!

    Anyhoo...maybe it is the almost 1000 calories I did burn for my workout today (with T/A method and zumba) but I'm starving all day...even after I ate. I had heated up some pasta and sauce I made last night and after I ate it I was still starving so I made myself a sandwich. I'm going to a pampered chef party so I better eat before I go or else I'll be that pregnant lady at the party that eats all the food! lol!
  • kaymd
    kaymd Posts: 470 Member
    I just found out I am pregnant a few weeks ago with my 4th baby and this looks like a very supportive group and would like to get to know you ladies. How do I get one of those cool tickers?
  • lisamfick
    lisamfick Posts: 257 Member
    I'm so glad that you saw my post and gave me the link! I am the mom of two. my daughter will be 5 on the 15th and my son will be 1 on the 13th of this month and today i found out that baby number three is on it's way. Since 1/1/11 I've been working really hard to lose weight and get in shape. I've always been heavy so this has been a major change in my life. i was finally successful in losing weight and dropped about 37 pounds. I just reached my halfway point a couple weeks ago so I'm a little discouraged to find out that I won't be reaching my goal weight by November. However I am really excited to be having a baby instead. I am very concerned that I will put the weight on like I did for babies 1&2 and really want to do everything I can to make sure I stay fit and not let all my hard work go to waste. I'm feeling very grateful to find a group of women on here who have the same goal. I'll warn you now, I'm terrible at checking message boards routinely so I hope I can add you all to my friends list and agian, thanks for the link and the support!
  • lisamfick
    lisamfick Posts: 257 Member
    I just found out I am pregnant a few weeks ago with my 4th baby and this looks like a very supportive group and would like to get to know you ladies. How do I get one of those cool tickers?

    here's the link I found mine at. If you search pregnancy tickers, you'll find a ton. Copy and paste the code for the BBcode into the Signature tab at the top of this page.
  • __flexylexi
    __flexylexi Posts: 154 Member
    I just found out I am pregnant a few weeks ago with my 4th baby and this looks like a very supportive group and would like to get to know you ladies. How do I get one of those cool tickers?

    On, make a ticker and at the end it asks if the website allows or doesn't allow html or something like that.. MFP doesn't allow it so chose that option.. hehee they give you a link that works :) sneaky sneaky :)
  • kaymd
    kaymd Posts: 470 Member
    Thanks everyone! I got my ticker :flowerforyou: I have my first prenatal appointment today. I will find out my due date today and even though this is my 4th baby I have a ton of questions for the doctor because I have never ate this healthy or exercised this religiously before. I have a feeling I'm further along than 7 weeks.
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Welcome newcomers!! So excited to have you here.

    kaymd let us know how your appt goes!

    Well my baby is officially a fetus today....that is exciting. lol! I am starting to feel more and more normal and keeping up with my exercise routine throughout even the poopiest of days has helped tremendously I believe. I'm still bloated and according to my scale has gained 9lbs!!!!!! (Doc's scale says 5) My doctor isn't concerned with it at all and seems to think most of it is just bloat that will "settle down". My workouts I'm burning between 800-1200calories per day and I'm eating maintenance calories plus most of my exercise calories so I feel like I'm doing everything right.... I'm trying not to stress about it but dang it if I'm not hungry ALL the time!!! Does this pass or does it just get worse?

    I hope you ladies have a wonderful day!