Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant!



  • DOTY1
    DOTY1 Posts: 97
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Doty1 sounds like you had a great routine before baby. Most if not all doctors would say you can continue to do all of those activities you were doing before baby. I'd say what you were doing sounds like a great plan for workouts while pregnant. How far along are you? Before pregnancy I was working out 3 hours on Mon/Wed/Fri and had to nix my cardio kickboxing because the jumping around was murder on my now large and in charge boobs! I do either an hour of elliptical, hiking, or treadmill intervals 5 days a week with an hour of toning (I do Tracy Anderson Method and LOVE it) 5-6 days a week and then an hour of zumba on Saturday mornings. I miss cardio kickboxing and Spinning but think I'm doing pretty good regardless.

    Girl you are still doing AWESOME! 13lbs is fantastic! And you look amazing! What was your son's heartbeat when you were pregnant with Colby? At my 8wk appt baby's heartrate was 169bpm. I'd love for that to mean baby is a girl...but I'm expecting a boy (and will be happy either way but all the old wives tales and chinese gender calender says I don't know). That is awesome that you won't be having to work nights. I despised nights when I was a Pediatric nurse. I love the sun and I love being around people...that are awake! lol! Hopefully the next 20 wks will fly by and the next thing you know you'll get to be back at home with your beautiful family! :)

    I feel better today after getting my workout in. I did an hour of toning and an hour on the elliptical. Burned a little over 900 calories. My 12 wk doctor's appt is tomorrow morning. I'm going to talk to her about my concern with my weight gain and making sure she is on board with me doing a natural delivery (with little to no interventions). Hopefully we will hear the baby's heartbeat with the fetal doppler. I also have another ultrasound on Thursday afternoon. Looking forward to seeing my little jellybean. At least this time it will actually resemble a baby! lol!
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    Hi All,

    I knew Heather from the TTC forum and am happy to finally join this forum:0)

    As of today I am 6 weeks pregnant. I went to have it confirmed by my doctor today. They have not called back with the results but I know I am. I have taken 4 tests that all came back positive right away and I had my first bout of morning sickness this morning (not fun). As of right now my due date is December 19. We will have our first ultrasound June 7 for the 1st Trimester screening (this will also give us a better idea of how far along I am).

    I am super excited and nervous and would love to be a part of this supportive group.

    I'm waiting to hear from my Doc to see what their exercise recommendations are. I really hope they don't tell me to keep it under 140bpm! I am still doing Step, Zumba and Kickboxing.

    Heather: Your trip sounds amazing. I want to go:0) I'm so sorry your Zumba classes stink. I wish you could come to mine. James is my favorite instructor and he really keeps it high impact from start to finish.

    911Girl: Glad you get to just work the day shifts now. That's gotta be hard keeping with that schedule even if your not pregnant. I love your profile picture, such a cute family!

    Well hope to get to know everyone:0)

    Have a great day!

  • atynk
    atynk Posts: 400 Member
    Hello all,
    someone in your group recommended I join you... I am 3 months pregnant as of today with my first. After losing 50lbs to get into tip top shape to get pregnant, I plan on making the best choices right now to gain a healthy amount of weight, but not overdoing it. I know how hard it is to lose those last 10 lbs, and don't plan on doing it again lol... I am keeping up with my triathlon training which my midwife said was fine. Just need to listen to my body, no intervals, watch the heart rate, and the heat. I am planning on starting some prenatal yoga after my other workouts finish in a few weeks. I have gained about 2 lbs so far, but realize now that the weight will come on about a lb a week until the 3rd trimester now... hoping it will be all belly!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Oh Nichole I'm SOOOOOO happy to have you here! Makes me super happy!!!! :) Have you decided to wait to announce or are you telling people now?

    The whole thing about keeping your heart rate under 140 was recounted several years ago. As long as you can carry on a conversation then the baby is getting oxygen. You have been fit and active and I'm not doctor (I am a rockin RN...but doctor I am not) but I was told by not only my family practitioner but also a neonatal high risk pregnancy physician that they wished all of their patients worked out like me! They both said that unless you have a cervical incompetency (which is rare but usually isn't an issue until later on in pregnancy) doing your normal workouts is not going to cause a miscarriage. I tried having a baby for 7 years, lost 2 babies, and would NEVER EVER do anything to risk losing this baby, but as you can see I've kept very active. If I didn't fully agree with their advice, I wouldn't be doing what I'm doing and I wouldn't suggest the same to you! :) Some doc's are still old school in their thinking or they aren't up on the latest education.
    I bet you can't wait until June 7th! :) My 20 wk ultrasound in the week of June 22nd when we find out the sex of the baby! Oh and I so wish I had a fun, exciting Zumba class. I've been to one, so I do know they exist. You are quite lucky. Don't ever take it for granted! :)

    Oh and btw my birthday is December 16th...Sagittarius' pretty much rock! :)

    Again I am so excited you are here!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Welcome atynk! When is your due date? Mine is November 8th! Glad to have you join us!
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    Yeah, I agree Heather. More than anything I am curious to see what they say about the whole HR thing. It will give me an idea if they are old school or keeping up with the times.

    Right now we have only told family and now my MFP friends. I don't plan to really announce it until my second Trimester.

    I am super excited to be here though and could not wait any longer, hehe.
  • DOTY1
    DOTY1 Posts: 97
    Heather Im just about 4weeks Im going to make a dr apt soon. I plan to keep up with as much as it as I can. I went to a few kickboxing classes I really enjoyed them but my heart stays with Zumba.
  • __flexylexi
    __flexylexi Posts: 154 Member

    Heartrate is no longer limited at 140- the ACOG took back that warning in 1994. My docs advise me to keep running as long as I can, and no sprints. Workouts shouldn't leave me breathless. Basic stuff.

    I was just dropping in to say hey :) I will catch up with yall another time as I am studying for finals :)
  • AidaR
    AidaR Posts: 28 Member
    Hello ladies,

    I just found out I was prego over the weekend, took 4 tests and all came back positive LOL.
    I spoke to my OB doc this morning and she confirmed that I am 4 weeks pregnant YEYYYY!!!
    This would be my first baby and as happy as I am I’m also scared that I won’t know what to do. I’m starting my LVN program in October and I also work full time so I am still trying to figure out how to balance everything but hopefully once I get to it I’d know what to do. I’ve been on MFP for 6 months now losing weight and working out 6 sometimes 7 days a week I really hope to lose some more weight or at least tone up before the end of 1st trimester, not sure if that’s healthy or possible but it’s wishful thinking for now 
    My calories are set to 1350/day, is that enough of food at this point of pregnancy?
  • AmyMooreOrLess
    AmyMooreOrLess Posts: 320 Member
    Wow! Great to see all of the newly pregnant Mamas on this thread! Welcome one and all.

    Heather - My son's HB in utero was always low. 140 - 150 range. I bet you're having your girl!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    I've been recruiting! :) I'm so happy to see this group growing!

    AidaR here is an awesome site you can go to for caloric information.
    I'm not discouraging you (that is the last thing I'd ever want to do) and I know we are all different but I truly had the goal of losing a few pounds during the first few weeks of my pregnancy as well...but then nausea hit and I had cravings, horrible cravings and I was hungry all the time. Before I knew it I had gained like 8lbs (I know a lot of it is bloat that I got what felt like instantly). I am very active and have been eating really healthy after my two weeks of nausea stopped. The 8lbs have yet to disappear.... But I truly hope that you can tone up and at least maintain your weight throughout the first trimester. Listen to your body will tell you if you aren't consuming enough calories (light headedness, dizziness, etc). I set my calories to maintain here on MFP and eat most of my exercise calories. I truly wish you all the luck and am so happy you have joined us!

    Lexi I love your Marathon pic! So motivational! And you are absolutely right, the 140 heart rate was recounted in 1994...some docs just seem to not have read the memo! lol!

    Doty1 I say do what you love! If zumba makes you wanna get out there and burn some calories I say do it!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Good morning ladies! Well I had a nice long chat with my mother and my husband last night. I've been feeling very defeated and like I'm beating my head up against a brick wall with my weight. I am honest with myself and those around me when I say that I'm eating healthy (balancing out my calories) and working out consistently. And still I'm gaining way more than I think I should. I started out at 146lbs and as of this morning (12wks pregnant) I am 156lbs. So 10lbs in the first trimester! The only thing I can "blame it on" is that I have PCOS/Insulin Resistance. Before I got pregnant the only way of eating that I could lose weight or even maintain my weight was to eat a low carb/high protein diet. This is not possible nor is it safe when you are pregnant. Baby needs carbs. I still eat healthy carbs (Ezekial bread, fruits, etc), but the amount has gone way up than before I was pregnant. Before I was pregnant I had to limit the amount of fruits I ate because of their high Glycemic Index. I am still taking my Metformin so I'm sure that is helping a bit. My mother told me how she had the same struggle (she has never been diagnosed with PCOS but I'd venture to say she had/has it) when she was pregnant. With me she gained 60lbs. She said she was very active and ate healthy. She also said after I was born she had lost the weight within a couple of months. I just feel like I work so hard to take such good care of my body from the inside and outside and I should reap the rewards of that (being a cute/fit pregnant woman) instead of looking like I just let myself go! My husband said "who cares what anybody thinks, you are gorgeous and you should be enjoying this nondiet time in your life where if you want ice ice cream baby!" Ohhhh he is so supportive and makes me feel so good, but I know I need to feel good about myself through myself. My "treat" each day is a small bowl of cereal (Life, mini wheats, or fruit loops) with Almond milk....real treat huh?! Everything I eat is pretty much what I would have eaten before baby with the exception of more fruits and bread/low GI pasta.

    I'm seeing the doctor today so I'm hoping she can put some perspective on my weight gain. I know I talk about this all the time, but you have to understand how frustrating it is when you feel you are doing everything "right" while others are barely doing anything and losing weight in their first trimester...while I'm already 10lbs up! :( And I know Lexi you said the same thing happened to you...I'm just hoping/praying that I either plateau or lose like you. I work so very hard...shouldn't I be able to be that "fit, healthy looking pregnant woman"?!

    Hope you all have a wonderful day!
  • kaymd
    kaymd Posts: 470 Member
    Can I join this nice supportive group of pregnant people? I am 9 weeks along with my 4th baby and things are totally different with this one than my other three! I actually have all day nausea.that I think I figured out how to control now. With my other three hardly any sickness at all! With this one I am trying to eat a lot healthier so i don't get like I did with my first one! I literally doubled my size!!! My second I gained 20 and with my third one I gained about 25. I'm hoping to gain 20-25 with this one too. Because of all the nauseated feelings I was having it made me even sick to workout on my treadmill. My pharmacist told me to eat crackers before my feet even hit the floor in the morning and it should help and guess what she was right. I have been doing that for a few days now and it has made a world of difference!!!! Now I'm hoping to get back to a regular workout schedule. I was running on my treadmill everyday for 30-40 minutes. I think even if I get back into walking on it I will feel better.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Just lurking :flowerforyou: I hope to be pregnant within two months and am planning to continue to keep myself active as long as possible for a healthy pregnancy
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    Heather: Congratulations on reaching your 2nd trimester! You may find that your weight will slow down some. When my mom was pregnant with me she gained 60lbs and lost it all almost in 2 weeks. She retained a lot of fluid and once I was delivered it all went away. You may also be working out too much or not replacing enough calories so your body is trying to hold on to it. It's really hard to say. I hope your doc helps you out! My weight is already starting to creep up but that's because I have been over eating and not working out a lot. Family was here over the weekend. Today I am beginning new and starting to journal all my food again and getting some workouts in. My doctor ok'd me to do my normal workouts except kickboxing.

    kaymd: I have been doing the same thing with crackers. Last night I even woke up in the middle of the night feeling nauseous. I ate a couple crackers and felt better almost instantly. It's crazy. I hope I don't get cavities eating in the middle of the night like that, haha. If I let myself get hungry I definitely pay for it. I swear I am starving every 2 hours. I just need to start eating my healthy snacks again.

    fitterpam: I hope you do join us soon:happy:
  • dmcohee
    dmcohee Posts: 99 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    I'm almost 15 weeks with baby #4. Congrats to all the pregnant ladies and I hope everyone's feeling good :-)

    Reading all of your posts I am so jealous of those of you who are able to keep up with your workouts. I am at risk of having an incompetent cervix so my doctor told me no more workouts...He said I am able to do some upper body toning, but I kind of lost motivation, but I really miss getting in a good sweat. Since I've upped my calories and cut the wine I've been filling in the gaps with desserts. So far I've only gained about 3 pounds, although it looks and feels more like 15. I'm really nervous that after the baby it'll be really hard for me to get back into the swing of working out and cutting the junk. Especially since with my other children all I wanted was cakes and chocolate while I was breastfeeding. So I need to start getting myself into better habbits now.

    I'm hoping that reading your posts will help keep me in the right mindset and out of the kids Easter baskets :-)
  • AidaR
    AidaR Posts: 28 Member
    Thank you Heather I will keep on following you ladies on here and use you all as motivation :happy: . I do a lot of cardio and 30 day shred but one of my friends told me that that i might be at risk of miscaring b'cuz of the weight lifting? i searched the net and couldn't really find anything that supports it i mean i dont lift heavy or anything 5-8 lbs lol...
    Also are you ladies doing anything about strech marks? My fiance brought this up last night so i ran to the store and got big thing of coco butter lol does it really help?
  • dmcohee
    dmcohee Posts: 99 Member
    I was blessed with lots of stretch marks with my first pregnancy, but I gained way too much weight too fast. I'm not so sure that the creams really help with stretch marks, but definitely with the itchiness. Don't stress if you do get them, they will fade :-)
  • AmyMooreOrLess
    AmyMooreOrLess Posts: 320 Member
    AidaR - Anything with shea butter is supposed to be good for the skin (and safe) while pregnant... I slathered it on the belly and boobs (and all the other parts growing) with pregnancy #1. Lucky to not get any stretch marks. I truly do believe it's hereditary though. Did the ladies on your family get them? This time around I still apply lotion after showering but that's mostly because it's now habit!

    Heather - Glad you had good convos with your Mom & Hubby last night. I bet you needed that! Your husband sounds great - and he IS going to find you sexy with your bump. That's all he'll see!

    I stepped on my own scale this morning and I'm up 10 pounds total in 19.5 weeks. That's what I'm going by and that's the scale I measured my weight loss on after baby #1. So there! Now I feel better. Beats the 13 at the Doc's office. Hee hee!