Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant!



  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    I know it's hard to not listen to everyone else, but I don't think you are all that unusual by being up 8-9 lbs at this point. I didn't have an ounce of morning sickness so I only gained and didn't lose at all first trimester. I was hoping for 3-4 lbs and I think I was 6 or 7 at the end of my first trimester. I, like you, am just so happy to be pregnant so I am trying not to stress about the weight. :-)

    We'll be traveling to Italy for most of our trip and two days in Paris. We've been planning the trip for probably close to two years thinking maybe we'd have the bambino by then, but the timing really worked out well for where I am in my pregnancy. So sad I will be missing all the fabulous wine and soft cheeses, but there are plenty of other yummy things I will get to indulge in. Plus lots of great walking and easy exercise. The weather has also been so cold and rainy here (although we did get a nice sunny afternoon today) and I've been watching the weather in Italy - looks like we'll be high 60's to low 70's. I am thinking that should be pretty nice.

    Wishing everyone a good week
  • blessdmomof4
    Hello ladies,

    I hope the weather is warmer where you are. Its 43 and rainy here today :( I am desperately in need of spring! I haven't really worked out in so long. Short walks and the occasional jog are rare due to my nausea. I used to workout at 5:30 but can't get up that early right now and by the time my husband gets home I am soooo tired. I'm really going to try to get to the gym today though. I am starting to feel so flabby!

    Heather- I know how you feel about the weight. After working so hard to lose it I can't believe I am watching the scale creep back up. I just have to keep reminding myself 9 months up 9 months down. When the baby is born, don't set yourself up for frustration by expecting to be in jeans a few weeks after the baby arrives. Try not to focus on those ladies who are back to their perfectly petite figure days after birth...we're just not all like that. You are doing everything right for you and the baby right now. My sister gained about 12-15 in her first trimester and only put on 35 total. It was just that 1st 3 months that she needed to eat lots of carbs and fat to feel satiated. Try not to worry. You are doing so great!

    Lexie- I developed asthma with my 3rd pregnancy. I had always had allergies but it developed into asthma for some reason. I did end up in the ER at one point b/c my midwives were worried that they baby wasn't getting enough oxygen ( I was wheezing very very badly at that point). They prescribed me an inhaler that I had to use intermittently for the rest of the pregnancy. I never really had any problems after that pregnancy. I hope it clears up for you quickly!

    Smilegirl- you must be so excited for your trip! I would love to go to Europe someday. With 4 kids, i don't think traveling long distances will be in the near future lol. I was wandering around Target the other day looking at all the baby stuff. It can be overwhelming. This time we don't have ANYTHING. It's like starting over except I don't feel the need for a lot of the stuff that I "had" to have in the beginning. We probably won't even get a crib for awhile. We can only fit a pack in play in our room for now. I am sort of excited that since we'll be borrowing and getting everything 2nd hand I won't have to get it all at once and store it until I need it. I'll borrow an exersaucer just for the few months I need it etc. Babies take up a lot of room and this time around its room we don't have!

    I'm watching my friend's kids tomorrow and Thursday and I have to actually get up and be out of the house by 8:15! I've been such a lazy daisy in the mornings we'll see how that goes lol.
  • AmyMooreOrLess
    AmyMooreOrLess Posts: 320 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,

    Thanks for the comments and checking in with me! To say I've been busy is an understatement! Now that the move is complete it's time to focus on my son's first birthday party (this Saturday) and returning to work (next Wednesday). One day at a time, right?

    Smilegirl- Yes, we bought a 100 year old house in Vancouver after two years ago. It had been in my husband's family since the beginning. Firstly we renovated the 1 bedroom suite (our rental income) and moved into that one month after getting married. The next two years my husband (a very hand Fire Fighter) did the renovations on the rest of the house. In that time we got pregnant, had our son, got pregnant again and raised our son in that 1 bedroom suite for his first year of life. If there's one thing I've learned it that you really don't need a lot of baby stuff! We lived with the 'less is more' motto in that tiny space... but it's all behind us now! My son has settled nicely into his brand new nursery and we're loving the space. Still lots more work to do on the house but all in good time.

    Heather- Nope, haven't done a 'real workout' since pre-cruising. I have as you noticed been busy burning calories moving (nope, no heavy boxes, not to worry!) and stroller walking with my son on non-rainy days. I'm missing the workouts and I'm ready to get back into them if only a few times a week (since I'll be working 12 hour shifts, 4 on/4off again come next week).

    Yesterday I had my 18 week ultrasound. Baby was asleep spine-up for about 30 minutes so the lab tech had a hard time seeing all of baby's organs. Finally baby woke up and rolled over (after I went for a little walk around the office) and the lab tech could get a profile picture for us as well as see baby's healthy heart beating 170 bpm. Baby is measuring right on target for a Sept. 18th due date.

    Jumped on the scale yesterday morning and I'm still only up 6 pounds. That's crazy to me, but I'll take it. With my first pregnancy I was 6 pounds heavier at this time (but wearing the same mat. jeans). Because things have been so crazy around here I haven't tracked my food in 3 days. I noticed not tracking I was more inclined to eat those Hershey Kisses and sour worms and Cadbury minis... Hmmmm, I'd better get back to tracking ASAP!

    Well, better run. Time to take advantage of baby's nap time and get a few more things done.

    Have a great day Ladies!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    That is sooo exciting that you got to move into the larger space! I'm sure there is great feelings of accomplishment. I've lived in my house for almost 2 years and still go by the "less is more" motto. We still have empty walls, undecorated shelving, etc.. I don't like a lot of clutter and everything I own I really do like instead of having a bunch of stuff (aka junk) just to have it. I'm sure you will get back into your routine after things settle down. :) P.S. Glad you are here and posted. Missed you!

    Melissa not much warmer here today. Very overcast and has made my energy/mood less than stellar. All I wanna do is sit in my comfy chair with a blanket and veg. I hope my complaints of weight gain do not come off as vanity...vanity is not the issue at all. I am just worried about having a healthy/happy baby and a healthy pregnancy. A large weight gain accounts for so many problems with the pregnancy and birth. I work too hard to take care of my body to have that be a problem. That is where the frustration comes from! I truly want to follow the Bradley Method for birth and do not want to be induced. Larger mommies tend to have more interventions during their labor.

    Smilegirl that sounds absolutely amazing! I'd give anything to tag along on that vacation with you! :) I'm sure you will have nothing less than an incredible, memorable time! I'm still pushing for a babymoon at the end of August down in Destin, FL. I love it down there and dream of going to the beach every single day since we left from our vacation down there last summer. I am truly a beach girl and part of my soul mourns when I leave it. And thank you for your sweet, kind words of encouragement about the weight gain. Like I said above, I just want so desperately to have a healthy, happy baby and a healthy pregnancy/labor.

    Well even though it is chilly and I feel quite poopy I think I am going to try and mow the lawn before the rain comes. It is supposed to rain for the next couple of days (including sometime today). The grass is already long (and I just moved it less than a week ago). It is great exercise and quite frankly it makes me feel a bit powerful. All the other women in my neighborhood either pay someone to do it or have some man take care of it. I am 11 wks pregnant and I can still get out there and break a sweat and mow my LARGE lawn with a push (not self propelled) mower...hear me rawr! lol!

    I truly hope you ladies have a wonderful day! And I want you all to know that I appreciate your kindness and support. I've recently felt very left out and alone and feel like you ladies are quite wonderful. :)
  • __flexylexi
    __flexylexi Posts: 154 Member
    Pretty sure I have probably gained 10 lbs at this point. I have been fluctuating +8 lbs but today I feel heavy and nasty. I am now 19 weeks and some days, and my stomach is starting to pop out. BELLA BANDS ARE WONDERFUL!!!! getting to the point where my zipper doesn't go up, but I also wore a size 5/6 so there wasn't that much room to begin with. Hunting down maternity clothes because my shirts are riding up.

    Apparently my face looks pregnant. Aka, my face is getting fat. Hah. So tonight I shall run a 5 miler and we will see (indoors of course since this allergy/asthma is ridiculous)

    Running wise? I am getting to the point where I am needing too many pee a teaspoon full breaks and funny tingly (possibly kicks?) while I run so I changed my routine to walk/run intervals. a quarter walk, run the rest of the mile, repeat. Works out, I don't get too winded, and I put in more miles. More miles=happy me :)

    Melissa - I really hope this goes away because I am an outside runner... I hate the treadmill!! but sacrifices for my little DJ of course. :)

    Heather- remember when I told you I was up 9 lbs my first trimester? I was right at 12 weeks when I gained 9 lbs, but lost it after. NOW i am up about 9 lbs.. for real this time I guess. Apparently my baby is approximately 10 inches from head to toe.. or 6/7 inches CRL. I can't believe he is that big already and I am still not really showing!!!! WHERE IS HE HIDING lol

    side note- I am really at that - is she fat phase. Don't look pregnant unless they know me. lol

    BLAH. My 2nd trimester scan isn't until 22/23 weeks I think. May 16th. At least hubby will be home! So excited.

    Also, this week is last week of lecture, next week and the week after are finals!!!!
    PRAY FOR ME!!!!
    I have a 90.2 in Pediatrics and a 95 in OB, so I am PRAYING to keep that A in Pedi for a (drumroll) 4.0 this semester!!!

    Lots of Love to my fit and pregnant buddies :)
    <3 Lexi
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Congrats on the awesome grades Lexi! :) And thanks again for the reassurance. I'm hoping I lose or plateau on these pounds gained.

    So last night I dreamed about Charlotte (what we will name our little girl if she is a girl of course). She was so beautiful and smart and sweet. My sister kept feeding her french fries and I was freaking out and kept pulling her away and breast feeding her. lol! She kept asking me questions "Mommy why...?" about everything. I was quite stunned that my newborn could speak to say the least. lol! And that she could eat french fries... lol! Dreams. I miss her already. I want to go back to sleep to dream of her again. I know that sounds so silly.

    I got in my toning workout yesterday, but this week has been an unusual week for our schedule so I didn't get to do any cardio. I'm going to make it up today and do an hour of cardio and an hour of toning per my usual schedule.

    On a positive note my husband might be able to fly home in between his classes for a weekend! I miss him so much!

    Hope you ladies have a wonderful, fit and fabulous day! :)
  • AmyMooreOrLess
    AmyMooreOrLess Posts: 320 Member
    Lexi - Fantastic on that 4.0. Wow!!! Good for you. You have alot going on and you're nailing it. Keep it up. Good luck with your finals. Glad your hubby will be home for your scan. Yay!!

    Heather - What a cool dream about Charlotte! Baby dreams are the coolest. Love that name BTW. I really, really hope your hubby can fly home for a weekend. That would be just wonderful.

    Well off to get some laundry done and have a shower while Colby is napping... Busy day with my almost one year old (as usual)! I swear that's what helping keep my weight down this time around. Bonus to being busy. Haha! Oh, and the Hershey Kisses (in Easter wrapped colors) are officially gone. I consumed them all. Gross.

    Have a great day Ladies!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Thanks chica! I hope he gets to come home too! I sure do miss him and him being away while I've got all these pregnancy hormones has been tougher than normal. But I'm sure happy for Lexi because her husband has actually been deployed to war...mine is just living it up at an easy peasy class in Arizona. :)

    I've always loved the name Charlotte and we will call her Charlee. If he turns out to be a boy we will name him Jack. What are you ladies thinking about on names?
  • blessdmomof4
    Lexie - 4.0! You can do it. that is so awesome! Sorry your feeling big. I hate those days. I have them a lot lately lol. The in between time when you don't quite look pregnant is awkward for sure. Hard to get dressed. Not quite ready for maternity but don't really fit in regular. Its a tough transition, in my opinion. Just remember you are radiating that pregnancy beauty from the inside even if you don't feel it on the outside.

    Heather- I love that name! No one else here is on board w/ it though. Picking names will be so tough for me this time. My other three kids all have names that begin w/ I. Isabella, Isaac and Ian but I don't want to do another I name. I never intended to do 3 to begin with. They were all just the names I liked best at the time. If any one of them had been the opposite sex at the time they wouldn't have had an I name. Also, since the kids are all older, they all have opinions about names so we have to get 5 people to agree (I told them I have the final say though lol). Its going to be a tough one. One name my daughter likes for a girl is Annaleise. I don't hate it. I kind of like Amelia. I don't really like many boy names. I liked Ezekiel for awhile but not feelin' it now lol. This is a good forum for suggestions and ideas since we don't know e/o or live near e/o and can't "steal" names lol. That happen in a playgroup way back when I was having my 1st batch of kids. Mom's were name stealers so you had to keep it under wraps lol.

    911girl- I remember the days of chasing the almost 1 year old and being preggo! How far apart will they be? My boys are 16 months apart. Although I didn't plan it at all, I am so glad that they are that close in age. They are 6 and 7 now and best friends.

    Nausea has subsided a little for the past 2 days. I know I've been overeating a bit. I'm hoping to feel better next week and finally get back on track w/ workouts. HOpefully it will warm up a little around here!! Its soooo chilly still. I'm really ready for some spring weather. The 40's just aren't cutting it.
  • __flexylexi
    __flexylexi Posts: 154 Member
    911girl- you better get that nap time in while you can LOL :)

    melissa - thanks :) I can't believe it is still cold in some parts of America. lol IT IS APRIL. It has been hovering around 85-95 here in TX

    Heather - CHARLOTTE!!! HOW PRECIOUSSSS :) and those weekends are awesome. I have gotten so used to him being away that I am kinda nervous at how things will be when he gets back. I am sure it is just hormones. lol.

    GUYSSSS I caved in and rented a fetal doppler... I have been resisting for WEEKS!!! one month only though, since I figured I will be feeling him kick regularly in a few weeks. Working out just makes me nervous and I want to make sure his little heart is strong.

    With that being said, off to the gym... :) Have a good evening :)
  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Hope everyone has been having a good week. It's my Friday night, whoo hoo. So ready for the weekend. I broke down and bought some maternity clothes yesterday. With our upcoming trip I realized that I better have some things that can grow with me while out of town, not really knowing what my size will be is making it tricky to try and come up with what to pack.

    911girl - I know how you feel about the Easter candy. That was part of my demise a couple weeks ago. I keep telling myself, "I will not over-do the candy on Sunday, I will not over-do the candy on Sunday!" Sugar is my biggest weakness. Birthday cake rates high too :-) Is Colby excited about his birthday?

    Melissa - I am glad to hear you are starting to feel a little better! We've been in the high 40's to low 50's. I agree with you - bring on Spring and warmer weather. This is getting ridiculous. 39 degrees when I went to work this morning. I love Amelia. We are absolutely set on John if we have a boy. Very traditional, but a family name and lots of sentimental value. I also like Burke, Holden and Cooper if you need ideas. For girls we are still deciding between Grace, Ellie or Caroline. We are not sharing our names with anyone since everyone always seems to weigh in and tell you why they don't like a name, but I figure it's safe with you ladies.

    Heather - I love the name and the dream. I chuckled pretty hard thinking of a newborn breast feeding, eating french fries and talking. Our dreams can be pretty entertaining sometimes. Oh, I hope your husband can make it home for a weekend visit. I also hope you get your babymoon to Florida. I love the sun and beach too. We have plenty of beaches around here, but not enough sun or heat to enjoy the same way you can enjoy the Florida beaches.

    Lexie - you go girl! love the 4.0! I know what you mean about wondering and wanting to hear the heartbeat. I have been feeling some flutters for the last week or so, but since yesterday I am starting to feel more obvious movement. It's so amazing! I also keep staring at the 20 week ultrasound pictures in disbelief. I cannot wait for you, Heather and Melissa to get yours.

    Wishing everyone a great night and beautiful Friday!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Smilegirl I don't know how you've managed to go until 21wks without wearing maternity clothes already! I am miserable in my regular jeans already (I know it is bloat...but it still stinks). Thank goodness most of the time I wear workout clothes or skirts/dresses. Makes me feel less hugemongous!

    Well I've been thinking about it and instead of having my husband fly home for 3 days and us going to the beach when I'm a whale (probably around 7ish months pregnant), I'm seriously considering going to Tucson and staying in this amazing Ritz Carolton resort for 5 days to visit him. The resort is about 15 minutes away from where he is flying and he will have most of the days I'm there off. He is already talking about hiking and all the activities we can do outside. I love hiking but I'm seriously looking forward to laying around the pool and not being the whitest person in Arizona! lol! I'm thinking I will make the reservations today or tomorrow.

    Well I hope you all are having a wonderful weekend! Stay healthy! :)
  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    Heather, Tucson sounds wonderful! My husband is a U of A grad and we've spent some time there. The weather should be fabulous right now! Oh, the thought of warm weather and even a tan is just too much for me to think about. I am so pasty pale right's scary. We are looking at a sunny day here with a high of 65. This is the nicest day we've had in probably six months. I am thinking some yard work and reading in the sun. Maybe I can get a little color today :-)

    I have a Bella Band that has helped me to stretch my pre-pregnancy jeans/cords to this point. I actually have one pair of jeans that still fit on their own, quite surprising to me since I am starting to get more of a bump. Still not overly obvious unless I am wearing a tighter fitting top. I hadn't seen my sister in a couple of weeks due to our schedules and when we got together yesterday she agreed that I just look a lot more full through the waist and that if you did not know I was pregnant, you'd probably think I was just gaining a little weight. She didn't show with my nephew until she was in her seventh month.

    Off to enjoy a beautiful day! Hope everyone has a nice Easter tomorrow. We are having brunch with my brother-in-law and niece and nephew (my sister is an RN and will be working tomorrow). Looking forward to it even if the rain is supposed to return.
  • __flexylexi
    __flexylexi Posts: 154 Member
    Go BELLA BANDS!!! right now I really don't NEED to buy maternity pants, but I figure I might as well. Still rocking my cute jeans/shorts with the band. Only thing I needed were tops since my regular tops are riding up... (bigger boobs and bigger tummy?) lol :)

    Ohhh man I really need to get away from baby center it's making me anxious :)

    I finally went to target and added more items to my registry. My nursing class is throwing me a baby shower after class on tuesday, my family baby shower is early June since we are moving to Ft. Campbell in mid-June :)

    I AM SO BORED :*( all the gyms are closed easter weekend and I didn't go home to San Antonio. Stayed in school thinking I would study for finals but all I am doing is looking up baby stuff online :(
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    I do have a bella band...maybe I should wear it! lol! I just feel like a stuffed sausage wearing it....but I'm sure that is better than feeling like I'm having to unbutton my pants to breath.

    Yeah I had gone on Babycenter a lot before getting pregnant and then when I first became pregnant...after reading about everyone losing their baby and other horror stories along with postings like this lady smoking pot and then freaking out cause she had a prenatal appt and they drug tested her cause she was on public assistance...I was less apt to go on and feel like I was getting anything positive out of being there.

    Well I went ahead and bought my plane ticket and made the reservation at the resort. We are staying at a Ritz Carolton resort outside of Tucson in the mountains. I am soooooo excited! I will be there for 6 days. The resort has an amazing pool, pilates/yoga, a spa, several restaurants...I can't wait. We are already talking about going hiking and working out at the fitness center. Gotta stay active with all the amazing Mexican food I will be consuming! :)

    Well I hope everyone has a great weekend and a Happy Easter!
  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    Your trip sounds fabulous! The desert warmth and luxury of the Ritz will probably pale in comparison to getting to spend time with your husband :-) I hope you two have a wonderful time.

    I have to say that I never understood the phenomenon of "unbuttoning your pants" until I got pregnant. Now I get it!

    We are back to rain and 50's today. So sad. Guess it will be a soggy walk with the dogs.

    Happy Easter to everyone and wishing you a great week to come.
  • DOTY1
    DOTY1 Posts: 97
    Hello ladies..... I think this is the place for me we got our wish and Im pregnant.......... just found out on friday. Today is the start of a new begining I need to kick it in gear and I need some help......... PLEASE help me
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Smilegirl, the sun and laying by the pool is definitely just a bonus to being able to spend time with my husband. I sure have missed him tons!

    Welcome Doty1! What kind of workout routine are you doing now? Congrats on your pregnancy! How long were you trying? Is this baby #1?

    I felt crummy most of the weekend. I felt alone and just blah. I'm sure the weather didn't help since it was cold, wet, and overcast/rainy all weekend. I did zumba on Saturday morning and realized that on a scale from 1-10 (10 being the most fun/best workout I've ever had, and 1 being the worst where I would walk out instead of finish) all of my workouts are about a 4-6. I live in a small town about an hour and a half to the nearest big city. We have gyms, but the group exercises are horrible. I am motivated by music, people with energy, and great instructors. I had this when I lived in the city and worked out at 24 Hour Fitness. It was nonstop 10 workouts! Even the zumba class is mediocre and would be considered a definite class to skip anywhere but around here. It is hard to stay motivated to be active and healthy when your options are less than stellar.

    Sorry to be such a poopy pants today...just wishing I liked to workout alone, or had an amazing group exercise that I loved. Well I hope you all had a great weekend! Happy Monday!
  • AmyMooreOrLess
    AmyMooreOrLess Posts: 320 Member
    Ladies Hi!

    Heather - Excited your trip is booked! Yay for you and hubby. I'm sorry you're having a blah day...and that the workouts are quite doing it for you. I hope you find something that'll get you through the days and make you happy and content.

    Smilegirl - Weather is the same here. Blah, blah, blah! Although after a beautiful Saturday (Colby's party!) I'm trying not to complain.

    The weather fits my mood. Debbie Downer with back to work on the horizon (Wednesday). Of course I'm coming down with a cold now!

    Had my 19 week prenatal today. Baby's HB is 140. I'm thinking (hoping) boy! Oh and evidently my Doctor's scale is not the same as my scale! I'm up 10 pounds in 5 weeks?! Granted there was a cruise and birthday party and big Easter dinner last night in there, I'm going to chalk some of it up to bloat. I woke up and my wedding bands were tight today and that's always a good indicator I need more water and exercise! So, back to really watching it I go. Up 13 pounds total this pregnancy with a little more than halfway to go...

    Oh and on a positive note my Doctor has written a note to keep me off nightshifts for the duration of my pregnancy. So I'll go back to 12 hour dayshifts only. 4 on 4 off. Should make things a little easier on my so I'm thankful for that.

    Talk to you soon Ladies! Love reading your posts!
  • DOTY1
    DOTY1 Posts: 97
    Thank you...... This is baby 3. My 1st pregnancy was really bad I did nothing I gained 90lbs. My 2nd one was a compleat 360 from the first one I only gained 13lbs. I was a about 200 when I got married and since then I have went up tp 240. My fear is 250 I dont want to see that number on the scale. I was working out alot for about a month before the baby I went to Zumba 2x a week, I did the ellipctial 5x a week atleast 30min, I took water areobic class 2x a week and then nothing I have done nothing for 2weeks and now with baby on the way I still dont want to see 250 I like doing things in a group I really hope this helps me stay active!