20 weeks to a healthier me!



  • recipe4success
    recipe4success Posts: 469 Member
    Hey everybody my 1st short term goal is to weight in at 269 by April 14..My weight today is 274.

    best of luck!!!! :D
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    OMG, I'm SO EXCITED about this small group! I think it's awesome! I love that we'll do our official log ins on Wednesday. Excellent! :)

    @aslteacher - excellent that you got the "graphics thing" all sorted out - hope my instructions were clear enough! At any rate, you've got your sig in there and it looks great!

    @tethomas - so excited about your weight loss! Congratulations!!! I started on January 20, 2011 and I was 244 lbs, look where I am today!!

    @sweigal - congratulations on being the last member let in! You can do this!

    @Shy- this group is gonna be great!!!

    As for me, well I woke up and weighed and I was 223.6! So that's kind of awesome! And I changed my sig ticker. I love Lily Slm tickers.

    My goal for this month was 219...I have just 4 lbs to go in 6 days - I might not make it but that's ok! I will be close enough!
  • tethomas73
    tethomas73 Posts: 249 Member
    @janesmith- thank you and good luck to you. Good luck everybody..In 20 weeks we will be Healthier...:-)
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    On 2/28/11 I weighed 232, and on that date mfp said that I would weigh 223 in 5 weeks. Well, I made it in 4! How cool is that!
  • recipe4success
    recipe4success Posts: 469 Member
    you are doing awesome!! :)

    don't worry if you don't make your goal by the end of the month. i used to take a calendar and mark off what weight i'd be at certain times...and more often then not i didn't achieve some of those weights when i thought i would. it ended up making me feel like a failure i think...even though at the time i had lost alot of weight! that's why i stay with longer term goals now (i.e. this group's goal) ....but of course that is just my opinion from my experience.
  • recipe4success
    recipe4success Posts: 469 Member
    i am so looking forward to getting back into all my small clothes in the closet! it keeps me going!! really losing weight will save me alot of money, because i need to have professional clothes by end of august, and they are there but all too small!!

    when i was in the low 220s i was a size 16 (in wide/plus sizing) and can't wait to get there again!!!

    of course i'm also planning to buy some new clothes as well as motivators :D

    long term in my mind being a size 14 regular would be awesome. i could shop at most stores and buy whatever i want instead of picking between the 3 stores i can shop at currently!

    anyone else have sizing goals? short term or long term?
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    Well i was once in a size 12 so i am hoping to get there again one day ! I am looking forward to wednesday when we start our weigh ins !
  • aslteacher
    My goal this next week is to exercise everyday...even if it is for 15 minutes! and to log my food everyday. I too am so excited to join this group. I want to first just feel good in my clothes and then start wearing some clothes that I loved but got too big for. How fun will it be to get those clothes off of the top shelf and wear them!!!
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    I am now 22 pounds down!!! TY MFP!!!! :))) I am changing my ticker right now :)
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    Just wanted to post some links here for some low fat cooking books. Eat tasty but with LESS CALS!

    These two are by author Steve Reichlan "Raichlen, whose Miami Spice won the 1993 I.A.C.P. Julia Child Award for Best Regional American Cookbook, admits that college vegetarianism of "soybeans and brown rice" turned him into a "committed carnivore." But age, health and experience caught up with him, and the result is this collection of 225 recipes relying on such "big-flavored" ingredients as herbs, spices and chiles and flavor-intensive cooking methods like smoking and grilling."

    Low Fat Vegetarian cooking


    Same author - Low Fat Mexican Food cooking


    Then there's this book that is Low Fat Indian Food cooking


    I love to cook, and I love to make low fat tasty foods!!
  • recipe4success
    recipe4success Posts: 469 Member
    jane: awesome!! thank you for the ideas :D

    congrats on the weight loss as well :)

    asl: exercising everyday is a great goal :) good luck!

    kris: we will get to the size 12 together! i know we can do it :)
  • recipe4success
    recipe4success Posts: 469 Member
    i am not feeling well tonight. i am not sure what caused it but my suspicion is too much fibre lately...not that it is too much generally, but just that i am not used to it...so i am sure it will pass and my body will acclimatize :)
  • PirateJenny
    PirateJenny Posts: 233
    Sorry all! Very busy day, I usually have a bit more time to check in.

    The weather was good for the first time in forever and I really needed to take advantage of it since it might not hold.

    It sounds like we have an amazing group going!

    Again, my apologies for being so brief. I promise to check in tomorrow and introduce myself a little further and check in with everyone.

    Pleasant dreams beautiful women!
  • aslteacher
    I appreciate this group! Yesterday when I was tempted to grab some chips or cookies, I actually decided to read what everyone had written and looked around this website. It was inspiring and I didn't need to go and get the cookies or chips. One day at a time! Yesterday was good for me (I even exercised on the elliptical). I can't wait to weigh in on Wednesday! Thank you all for your encouragement.
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    Regular life comes back to me starting tomorrow! Tonight I'm going to try and figure out some low fat meals based on 3 cook's illus cookbooks, and I'm sooo glad to be back with a normal routine as of tomorrow!

    I love to do meal planning!

    @aslteacher - you may want to join the BED thread as well since it sounds like you might have Binge Eating Disorder. That thread really helped me with my BED! I'm in *recovery* from it...but it's always there, if you know what I mean.

  • PirateJenny
    PirateJenny Posts: 233
    This was another busy day.

    I hope everyone is doing well and ready for the week.

    I also want to let people know that I am checking in every day, so if you are struggling, please make sure to post and I will be here to offer whatever support I can.


    I had a bit of a frustrating day. I do pretty well with cravings because my partner has very different taste than me and I do not keep foods around that I am tempted by. He is not a vegetarian and I am, he loves sweets and I don't, he still eats some processed foods and I don't etc. I keep snacks and a little junk food around for him, but really nothing that I want.

    However, today he requested that I pick up peanut butter and club crackers while I was doing the weekly shopping. Then he asked if I could make him breakfast for dinner.

    I really love peanut butter. On apples, on celery, on toast...you get the idea. As soon as I got the groceries home he cracked open the peanut butter and started smearing it on crackers...while I put the groceries away. I could have strangled him.

    Moving on to dinner. He asked for duck eggs because he tried them at a tasting day at the co-op and liked them better than chicken eggs. I made duck eggs Florentine, fresh sausage from the co-op deli and whole wheat toast, all of which I could not eat. The smell of the toast was maddening. This was after I came back from the gym and cleaned the kitchen. Again, there was almost a strangulation.

    He is an absolutely lovely man and he supports me in my weight loss and everything else I choose to do. He is not as demanding as I made him out to be, I love to cook and have told him to give me a list of things he wants from the store or special meals I can make for him. This type of stuff would not have ticked me off so much had I not been sorely tempted by the peanut butter and crackers and by the cheesy eggs and buttery toast. I don't even like eggs!

    This is the first time I can tell that the pretty strict approach I am taking with my eating is getting to me. I was furious for no reason for a good chunk of the day becasue a person I love ate peanut butter and wanted breakfast, after I offered to cook him a "by request" Sunday dinner.

    I need to get a grip.
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    @Jen - I hear you completely! Except I have my DH take "trigger foods" away from me to his "office" where I don't go. What is it about p**n*t b*tt*er that makes it so darn good? It's a trigger food for so many people here - me included. On the other hand you sound like a fantastic cook. Eggs Florentine off the top of your head without a recipe guide? That's impressive!

    Ok, well back to meal planning for me. LIGHT recipes only tyvm, I'm using Cook's Illustrated/America's Test Kitchen stuff and preparing a shopping list for tomorrow which also includes a stop at Savory Spice. We have both Penzey's and Savory Spice here, Penzey's is closer (spices are like 0 cals, hence I don't star out some letters...).....but my DH & I think that Savory Spice might be better and it's definitely friendlier.
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    GM everyone!!!

    Ok I weighed & I'm down more! Going to change my ticker in a sec, do my morning wo, then I have tons of stuff to do today like going shopping, catching up on housework, etc. Already fed the kitties.....
  • PirateJenny
    PirateJenny Posts: 233
    My apologies to everyone for not starring out letters. I was unaware of that practice when it comes to "trigger foods" and will use it in the future. It was certainly not my intention to make things more difficult for anyone.

    Oh, springtime...will you ever hit the Palouse? I want to plant my garden and not get caught in hailstorms while I am out walking the dog. Thanks!

    Welcome to the week beautiful women! I am looking forward to seeing what everyone has to say!
  • fanatheart
    fanatheart Posts: 24 Member
    Well, my weekend took its toll on the diet front -- lots of ch*c*l*t* sitting about for the kiddies and I indulged :-(
    But, I did get in lots of exercise chasing them, so pretty much only about 300 cals over each day.
    My next threshold is to become a "terrific two" -- I'm hoping to lose the last 10 lbs or so I need to get there by May 15.
    (That's not as ambitious as many of you, but I've got a two-week business trip full of restaurant food to cope with! And yes, its an excuse, but I can't cope with too much disappointment right now either.)