New Rules of Lifting for Women group?



  • kensky
    kensky Posts: 472 Member
    Yeah, I think I officially got tired of Stage 6 today so I bet I move on pretty soon. I dredged up my copy of the actual book today so I could go through the next (final!) stage and get my workout logs together.
  • BifDiehl
    BifDiehl Posts: 474
    Thanks guys for all the great suggestions. I'm going to run tonight after work and then do my first workout tomorrow morning!
  • BifDiehl
    BifDiehl Posts: 474
    Day 1 complete! I think the hardest part was actually getting on the ball for the jack knife.My butt does not stick up in the air like the woman in the photo. I'm going to ask my husband next time to look at me to figure out what I'm doing wrong. Pushups were super hard - I realized that in the past my elbows were way out to the side when I was doing a pushup. Keeping them next to my body is much much harder! But for the other stuff I'll definitely be able to increase some of the weights next time. My hands are tired, I'm discovering as I type.

    Thanks for all of your help getting me going on this program! Have a great weekend.
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member

    just started reading this book! and i really like the author is no nonsense straight talker. Im a bit worried i dont have all the equipment required. I have my adjustable dumb bells but thats about it. dont have room for a bench! anyone make do without it?
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member

    I think I am going to do a mini bulk and a more weight intensive program like Stronglifts 5x5 or something like that. I want to gain more muscle and strength, though I did gain a fair amount of muscle, more like a recomp (replaced fat with muscle and didn't gain/lose any weight) with this program. I haven't done the entire program week by week, I took a couple weeks off of it here and there. I also do Crossfit which sometimes involves heavy lifting so I would have to miss a day or two of NROLFW if it followed a heavy Crossfit day. I have been doing NROLFW for 6 months.

    I know what you mean about not really losing on the program. For ages (months) my weight stayed the same although my body shape definitely changed and I know I gained strength and muscle.

    I'm pleased to report though, that after dropping my calories for a while (as I was stuck and seeing no weight loss) I have lost 4lbs in the past 2 weeks and my body fat is down to 26.2% which is still quite high but much better than where I was.

    I'm hoping my transatlantic move doesn't ruin my workout program too much - I should be fine as there's a gym in my complex (I juat hop it's well enough equipped until I join a gym)

    I'm already thinking about what to do afterwards as I LOVE lifting. I'm really interested in cross fit so I'll look into it once I settle into my new home.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Just wanted to share I hit a personal record in squats yesterday, 95 pounds which is just 15 pounds shy of my body weight. I've never even attempted more than 85 pounds before, and I was able to do 2 sets of 6. My glutes are a-hurtin' today! Woot!
  • Steph70508
    Steph70508 Posts: 110
  • kensky
    kensky Posts: 472 Member
    My internet was out yesterday (oh nooo) and I sat down and read the Stage 7 workout. I am so excited. I am especially psyched by Alwyn's comment about if you do the cycle twice you are "a better man than I". Oooh. I *also* love that I am now at the point where I know how to do all the exercises & the ones included in Stage 7 are all my "favorites". This generally means that I once hated them but now I love that I can do them (step-ups I'm talkin' to you).
  • kensky
    kensky Posts: 472 Member
    Kdiamond, that is great about your squats. I am looking to get there myself. Once upon a time, I could squat more than my body weight (125 lb. at 119 bodyweight) so I have that set as a "someday" goal.

    As for losing weight, I have lost on the program but I have done my own cardio thing and I think that helps. For instance, I am taking a week off (this week!) from all lifting and doing just a mix of eliptical, walk/run and treadmill with 20 lb. pack and my guess is I will drop a bit of weight. I'm trying not to stress too much during this stage on whether or not that loss is muscle or fat since I am planning on doing a no/light-cardio Stronglifts-style lifting/bulking phase in November and December.
  • meribethd
    meribethd Posts: 92 Member
    Yay! I picked up my Craigslist bench and weights yesterday! I'm going to start tomorrow.

    Two quick questions for you: since I'm doing this at home and I dont' have a squat rack, what should I do instead? And same thing for the lat pulldown - I didnt' see substitutions listed in the book for these two exercises.

    For the lat pulldown, the book recommend "Pullovers" I think. I've found that Pendlay Rows work my lats better than the pullovers (Google will find you lots of links and videos). If you can do pullups, those are even better.

    Yes, I do the workouts at home and did pullups instead during stage 1. I'm about to finish stage 2 now and have been doing underhand pullups as a substitution this time around as well.
  • jataijah
    jataijah Posts: 192 Member
    As some of you that are on my friends list know I had surgery last week. I had a laparoscopy (3 different cuts) done to remove a dermoid cyst from my ovary. Well I plan to try to start back exercising next week. But I'm scared to death to lift now. The Dr said that I can but I have a crazy fear of like tearing my incisions. I know its all mental. But doing anything that involves using my core muscles scares me. I only have 2 more workouts left in Phase 1. I am really loving this program I just hope this isnt gonna be a major setback
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    As some of you that are on my friends list know I had surgery last week. I had a laparoscopy (3 different cuts) done to remove a dermoid cyst from my ovary. Well I plan to try to start back exercising next week. But I'm scared to death to lift now. The Dr said that I can but I have a crazy fear of like tearing my incisions. I know its all mental. But doing anything that involves using my core muscles scares me. I only have 2 more workouts left in Phase 1. I am really loving this program I just hope this isnt gonna be a major setback

    I don't think it'll be a major setback, I think you may just need to ease back into it. You may not be able to use the same weights you did before your surgery but you can experiment and work your way up. As frustrating as it is it's important that you recover fully. Keep ya head up girl, you'll be back lifting properly before you know it:flowerforyou:
  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member
    bump. Very interested in starting this.
  • kensky
    kensky Posts: 472 Member
    As some of you that are on my friends list know I had surgery last week. I had a laparoscopy (3 different cuts) done to remove a dermoid cyst from my ovary. Well I plan to try to start back exercising next week. But I'm scared to death to lift now. The Dr said that I can but I have a crazy fear of like tearing my incisions. I know its all mental. But doing anything that involves using my core muscles scares me. I only have 2 more workouts left in Phase 1. I am really loving this program I just hope this isnt gonna be a major setback

    I think that 1) you knowing that it's "all mental" is a good thing and that 2) listening to your body will help you not make this a major setback. Even if you need to start off very slowly, you will quickly come back to where you were before the surgery. You'll be fine!
  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member
    Ok...ordered NRLW, Anatomy of Women for Strength and Fitness, and a pair of lifting gloves. Then I told my DH what I planned to do. Anyone else get the deer-in-the-headlights look after stating your intentions to lift?

    He then proceeded to tell me how old I am...yes, I know this. And that the female bone structure isn't built for lifting...umm, and you got this information from what reliable source? And that he wouldn't stand in my way, but wouldn't support me either...meaning that he's secretly rooting for me to fail so he can say "I told you so".

    Why does this make me even more determined to see just how strong I really can be? So, watch for me...I'll be reading and studying NRLW while I finish Supreme 90, then here I come!
  • elizabethblake
    elizabethblake Posts: 384 Member
    Ok...ordered NRLW, Anatomy of Women for Strength and Fitness, and a pair of lifting gloves. Then I told my DH what I planned to do. Anyone else get the deer-in-the-headlights look after stating your intentions to lift?

    He then proceeded to tell me how old I am...yes, I know this. And that the female bone structure isn't built for lifting...umm, and you got this information from what reliable source? And that he wouldn't stand in my way, but wouldn't support me either...meaning that he's secretly rooting for me to fail so he can say "I told you so".

    Why does this make me even more determined to see just how strong I really can be? So, watch for me...I'll be reading and studying NRLW while I finish Supreme 90, then here I come!

    I ran into this last week - my husband said "You're not going to become a BODY BUILDER are you?!?! You're not going to look like one of THOSE WOMEN??!?" Sheesh. I explained to him that I'd have to take steroids to bulk up and that my goal *is* to build muscle because muscle will boost my metabolism and burn more fat, make me lean. I seriously don't care what he thinks. He could stand to lift a barbell himself!

    Speaking of workouts - did my second Workout A, phase 1 yesterday and it was great! Much faster now that I've done the exercises before, balancing on the ball wasn't the challenge it was the first time and I was able to move more. I'll be doing full pikes in no time!!! hahahahahaha!
  • BifDiehl
    BifDiehl Posts: 474
    Then I told my DH what I planned to do. Anyone else get the deer-in-the-headlights look after stating your intentions to lift?

    Hahaha... Yes, I got this, too. He doesn't want me to "bulk up". I told him that was next to impossible and that I wanted to be strong and lean!

    I did my Stage 1 Workout B for the first time last night and boy is my butt SORE!! Love it! I'm looking forward to tomorrow and INCREASING some weights from a few days ago. :bigsmile: (and yay that the smileys are back!)
  • neela31
    neela31 Posts: 180 Member
    My husband is the opposite. He told me for years to focus on weight training and I never did! Now I am and he's happy for me.
  • neela31
    neela31 Posts: 180 Member
    Ok...ordered NRLW, Anatomy of Women for Strength and Fitness, and a pair of lifting gloves. Then I told my DH what I planned to do. Anyone else get the deer-in-the-headlights look after stating your intentions to lift?

    He then proceeded to tell me how old I am...yes, I know this. And that the female bone structure isn't built for lifting...umm, and you got this information from what reliable source? And that he wouldn't stand in my way, but wouldn't support me either...meaning that he's secretly rooting for me to fail so he can say "I told you so".

    Why does this make me even more determined to see just how strong I really can be? So, watch for me...I'll be reading and studying NRLW while I finish Supreme 90, then here I come!

    I ran into this last week - my husband said "You're not going to become a BODY BUILDER are you?!?! You're not going to look like one of THOSE WOMEN??!?" Sheesh. I explained to him that I'd have to take steroids to bulk up and that my goal *is* to build muscle because muscle will boost my metabolism and burn more fat, make me lean. I seriously don't care what he thinks. He could stand to lift a barbell himself!

    Speaking of workouts - did my second Workout A, phase 1 yesterday and it was great! Much faster now that I've done the exercises before, balancing on the ball wasn't the challenge it was the first time and I was able to move more. I'll be doing full pikes in no time!!! hahahahahaha!

    I have the same problem with the prone jacknife. The most I've been able to do without falling of is 5!
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    Luckily, my boyfriend is extremely supportive. I think it's because he had already reaped the benefits of my legs becoming stronger when I first started running, if you know what I mean. :wink:

    And I finally got back to lifting last night! :drinker: The temps have dropped (to the upper 80s) so I decided to get back on the...well, I don't have a horse, but I have a bench! :laugh: And I decided to repeat Stage 1, since it's been almost a month since I lifted. This'll help me get back into it slowly, plus I already know all the exercises, so that might help during these first few workouts when I still don't really feel like working out when it's so very hot...Plus, I decided since I was starting over again, I could really up the weights this time. So last night, I did 1A1 but lifted what I had previously lifted in 1A6! And I did it too! I thought I was gonna fall over a couple times, but I did it! (It also helps that I bought a fold-up weight bench, so now I can flip the bench press stand around to use as a pseudo-squat-rack)

    And yay, smileys! :smile: