New Rules of Lifting for Women group?

kensky Posts: 472 Member
Forgive me if there is already something like this in existence (and point me the right way to that thread, if so) but I'd love for there to be a MFP NROLFW (blurgh!) group on here. I have been learning the ropes in Stage 1 for a few weeks now and I'm actually almost done with the first stage, technically. But I read in the book that some feel more comfortable doing another round of Stage 1 to get truly comfortable with the moves and proper form, etc. I remember reading that and scoffing (before I started the program) but now I think that is what I will do.

Things I want to work on: Surprisingly for me, deadlifts! I'd done them before and known them only as straight-legged deadlifts. The bent knee ones are alien to me and I always feel like I am doing them wrong...especially as I can only do the olympic bar with any confidence and I don't know where to put it per their recommendation. A step, I suppose.

Things I am surprisingly adept at: The prone jacknife! I feel amazing (and sore!) after I get done with those!

Things I am excited about my improvement on: Pushups: I went from the 60 degree wall pushups to using a 12 inch box. I have noticed a big difference in my arms from even these modified versions. I cannot wait to be able to do 10 real-deal pushups in a row!

I am going to officially start NRoL with heavier weights than the first go--and better understanding of split sets, etc. on April 1st. I'm psyched! It'd be great if we could start a pack to check in with and support each other.


  • seventysix06
    seventysix06 Posts: 88 Member
    I'm doing it too and am just at the end of the first phase!

    I think there is another disc group:

    Don't know if that'll work.
  • a_stronger_steph
    a_stronger_steph Posts: 434 Member
    I did most of the first phase of it a year or so ago, until I got sick with bronchitis for a month, then stopped exercising after that... :(
    I'm getting back on track now and will probably start the routines again soon! I miss lifting!!! I need to get familiar with a new campus gym, though... overcoming that mental block is the first step for me.

    Anyways, would love to follow along with these groups, it will motivate me to get back into it!
  • seemichellerun
    I'm in my first week of stage 6.

    What I've really noticed is a change is in in my butt and thighs. All those squats and lunges will pay off. Right now, the workouts have shifted to more upper body intensive and I'm really feeling it in my shoulders today.
  • kensky
    kensky Posts: 472 Member
    76! It worked! I think I might keep posting here for now? I'd love for this to be similar to the 30 day shred or P90 or beginner running groups where we have a semi-cohesive crew of MFP'ers reporting in and following up providing support. That is my *vision* anyway.

    Michelle, I need all the shoulders I can get as I tend to be sorta round shouldered if I don't really work on developing that area. And I notice my natural pear shaped body looks a lot more balanced when I have some strong shoulders to balance out the hips!
  • seventysix06
    seventysix06 Posts: 88 Member
    Sounds like a fabulous idea. Funny about the prone jacknife--i think for sure i'm doing it wrong b/c it doesn't feel that hard. Well, other than the not falling off to the side deal. But I don't feel like i get into a full pike. i'm going to have to google it and see how it's done.
  • kensky
    kensky Posts: 472 Member
    I feel like I am doing it right...or right enough...because I do feel it the next day. And it is challenging to me in that I work not to fall off the ball (I can feel eyes on me wondering when I'm going to EAT IT) but it's also pretty fun, I think. It's so bad that fun makes me suspicious! LOL
  • kensky
    kensky Posts: 472 Member
    Hi guys! I did my first of my "reboot" workouts this morning. Everything rocked except for the squats. The squat rack pegs were set all low and I couldn't figure out how to bump them up and it sucked. I contemplated lots of alternate plans before deciding on the Smith machine to do my squats....even though you are not really supposed to. :grumble:

    I have found the hardest part of this routine is making sure everything is laid out correctly before I begin in order to do the split sets, rest time requirements the way the book lays out.
  • a_stronger_steph
    a_stronger_steph Posts: 434 Member
    Ah, yeah, I recall having a similar problem... except mine was that I'd do one set and then go to do the next move, and the weights/machine I needed would be taken. So I'd have to improvise or wait longer.

    But glad to hear the workouts are going well, in general!!
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    I am doing NROL4W right now too! I did stage 1 a year or so ago and saw results. For some reason I stopped in the middle of stage 2. Slacker. Anyway I'm doing it again and a couple weeks into stage 1 again.
  • kensky
    kensky Posts: 472 Member
    Stephanie, I've had good luck putting my dumbbells right next to the lat pulldown station, etc. I've learned to stake out the machine/stations first, put my notebook on the seat, get the dumbbells I'll need and then do the machine set first. I hope that doesn't make a big deal difference in body mechanics or whatever. I suspect that it doesn't.

    Nelski, good to see you around! We'll be doing Stage 1 together then!
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    I'm happy to be getting back into strength training and I really do like how the NROL program is set up. It will help having others to chat with that are doing the same workouts!
  • kensky
    kensky Posts: 472 Member
    I'll check in again tomorrow to tell how my deadlift day went. I'm not at all confident about my form with just the olympic bar. I know you are supposed to boost it up with plates or somesuch but I'm pretty shaky about the hows and whys. I may just do it with the bar on the floor. I can't wait to get strong enough with the 45s just to not have to deal with *logistics*!
  • a_stronger_steph
    a_stronger_steph Posts: 434 Member
    Oohhh I so need to get back into this!!! I miss my muscles, haha. Unfortunately I found out that graduate students are not "members" of the nice gym on campus during the summer (May - August), despite being full time students paying tuition. This irks me more than I can express. I'll have to explore the not-as-new-or-nice gym, which doesn't even have air conditioning in the summer, and is always chock full of sweaty dudes with no women-only hours (I don't *need* the women-only hours, but it would be nice for the first few workouts while I get back into the swing of things). Sigh.

    Kensky, can you elaborate on your concerns about the Olympic bar? I never used one myself - only the preset barbells that they had at my old gym. What do you mean by "boost it up"?
  • GreenTeaForDays
    GreenTeaForDays Posts: 166 Member
    i need to get back into this! actually, i was just pondering what my workout will be tomorrow morning. i bought the book last summer and finished the first stage. i think i'll start from scratch and see where it takes me.

    great idea!!
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    Kensky, I feel a little weird with my deadlifts too. When I did this workout last time I felt better with them, but for some reason this time my form doesn't feel right. I am only lifting the bar for now, maybe when I can add weights it will feel better getting it off the ground. My 1st workout this time felt wrong, did better the 2nd time, so I'm hoping the next will feel even better. I was hoping to lift this weekend but I was busy and didn't get around to it. I did some moving so tons of up and down the stairs, at least I got step ups in lol.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Bumping so I can read later :smile:
  • iamthepreston
    iamthepreston Posts: 195 Member
    Hi guys! I did my first of my "reboot" workouts this morning. Everything rocked except for the squats. The squat rack pegs were set all low and I couldn't figure out how to bump them up and it sucked. I contemplated lots of alternate plans before deciding on the Smith machine to do my squats....even though you are not really supposed to. :grumble:

    I have found the hardest part of this routine is making sure everything is laid out correctly before I begin in order to do the split sets, rest time requirements the way the book lays out.

    Nice to see the ladies strength training. I have no idea what the program is like.

    When you Squat on a Smith Machine it places more empasis on the quads and less on the glutes and hamstrings.

    Deadlifts are tricky to get the technique right. Youtube mark riptoe deadlift He is an expert on form. He has several demo videos on there. I would trust his form over anyone else.
  • seventysix06
    seventysix06 Posts: 88 Member
    From a brief glance at some forums, i see that people really discourage the smith machine, for the squats, but if your gym doesn't have a squat rack, what's the recommended alternative?
  • kensky
    kensky Posts: 472 Member
    Re: Smith machine -- this is what NROLFW people have to say and it's what I heard when I was lurking on the newsgroup back in the day:

    (Sorry you'll have to cut and paste that. Someday maybe we'll get the capabilty to paste links!) :flowerforyou:

    Alternatives to squat racks: Some other more knowledgeable type will have to chime in about the proper biomechanics of it all but I would be inclined to do my old favorite--Sumo squats with dumbbells. They are not the perfect replacement for the unassisted squat rack heavy-as-you-can squat but they are better than nothing. There's gotta be a better answer out there though. Maybe some sort of cable machine alternative?

    My deadlift anxiety has lessened (my lifting day got bumped to tomorrow :grumble: ) since watching some good form videos found on that NROWL forum ---> ( ) and reading more about the *why's" behind the propping of the bar on risers/plates: It's to essentially make the movement easier to do with good form. The world will not end if I plop the bare bar on the floor and do it up. But I think I will work ( I dislike the schlepping of this routine) to lift the bar up. I want to learn good habits!
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    What is the Smith machine? Is that the squat rack looking thing that the bar is not 'free'? If so that is where I have been doing my squats. When I get a little stronger I will move to a real squat rack but right now I am not comfortable using it because I feel like I'm going to fall over.