New Rules of Lifting for Women group?



  • Kimbie500
    Kimbie500 Posts: 388 Member
    Hey!! I just sent you a message with my email address. I sent you one last week as well, but not sure if you received it or not. Thanks for sharing!!

    I haven't received either of your messages! So I just sent you one.. haha maybe we can figure this one.

    Me, too, please! I sent you a PM last week. Must be something funky with MFP...
  • tolygal
    tolygal Posts: 602 Member
    Hey!! I just sent you a message with my email address. I sent you one last week as well, but not sure if you received it or not. Thanks for sharing!!

    I haven't received either of your messages! So I just sent you one.. haha maybe we can figure this one.

    Me, too, please! I sent you a PM last week. Must be something funky with MFP...

    Are you looking for a log sheet? I can send you mine if you want. You'll have to send your email address in code (don't use the symbols) because apparently MFP doesn't send PMs when they have those symbols/email addresses in them. I have stage 1 and 2 done that I can share with you (and anyone else who is interested).
  • tolygal
    tolygal Posts: 602 Member
    It's kind of cool how I can feel it in places like my biceps and triceps without any isolation exercises.

    I know!!! I love it!!
  • tolygal
    tolygal Posts: 602 Member
    I am ready to move on to stage 2. I am starting to get bored with repeating the same exercises over and over. I am going to the gym tonight to do 1B6. Four more workouts in Stage 1 after that and I am moving on!! Oh yeah!

    I'm sick of stage 1 too - which is another reason I'm so upset about taking a week off!! But - I'm going to take it a little slower when I'm healed. For example - I'm going to start back into pushups against a dresser or something first and let my shoulders get stronger before I do them on the floor again.... Lesson learned for me!! This really stinks!

    I need to ice them and take some anti-inflamatories (like ibuprofin???). My hubby is living in CO right now (for a job), so it's only me to massage them :-( But I'm going to physical therapy today and I have a massage later this week that I hope will help too. So far, they aren't getting better and I'm getting a little nervous that there's something more serious going on... I sure hope not!
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    I need to ice them and take some anti-inflamatories (like ibuprofin???). My hubby is living in CO right now (for a job), so it's only me to massage them :-( But I'm going to physical therapy today and I have a massage later this week that I hope will help too. So far, they aren't getting better and I'm getting a little nervous that there's something more serious going on... I sure hope not!

    Yes, ibuprofin would work fine. :) Is it in a good spot for your to massage yourself? You could always ask a friend to just give you a little 5-min shoulder rub too. If you can find someone that knows slightly what they're doing, they can find the trigger points (they feel like little knots in your muscle), and press down on them to help release the muscles. It will hurt, but it feels sooo much better afterwards-- trust!
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    How many calories is everyone eating? I'm staying at or around 1800, which is pretty much my maintenance.
  • tolygal
    tolygal Posts: 602 Member
    I can reach it, but it does hurt!! I went to a physical therapist today and he gave me some stretches and excercises that might help. I sure hope one week off will fix this cuz I really don't want to lose my momentum!! I'm off to take some ibuprophen and go to bed to get my 8 hours of sleep before I go workout tomorrow. I might try to do some Tabata!!! I'm kind of scared LOL!!
  • tolygal
    tolygal Posts: 602 Member
    How many calories is everyone eating? I'm staying at or around 1800, which is pretty much my maintenance.

    Right now I'm eating 1500 a day - which is about 300 calories less than what his plan in the book suggested. If I read correctly, it's okay to lower it by 300 if you're trying to lose weight. I think 1800 would be close to maintenance for me. Then on lifting days, I'm adding 300 calories back as I think he suggested (it's been a while since I read it - I've been meaning to re-read some things). I'm not eating back any excercise calories except the extra 300 on lift days.

    However....I'm going to look into zig zagging to see how I can apply that to what I'm doing. I think it means I would split up 11,400 calories throughout the week, but I haven't figured out how yet. I hope to have time over the weekend to dig into that more.
  • seventysix06
    seventysix06 Posts: 88 Member
    Hey ya'll. I am getting ready to move on to Stage 3 and I'm so ready. (I really disliked the 2nd workout of Stage 2 for some reason.)

    I had a bad workout and figured out some obvious things: 1) eat at least a little something before lifting even if it is at 5 in the morning. 2) a warm up set with lighter weight helps me lift what I should be lifting!

    NSV: I can do real-deal pushups now. Did I post that here already? I have been excited about the development, I admit. :drinker:
    I'm not really digging 2 either :). I feel like B specifically is too long and requires a lot of equipment shuffling. Halfway done though.
    You'll like 3 - I also disliked 2. The only thing I am skipping on stage 3 is the overhead squat with dumbbells - it just doesn't work for me (too awkward and I feel like I am going to hurt myself).. I just use a barbell and do it the normal way. Overhead squats are hard enough with the barbell.
  • seventysix06
    seventysix06 Posts: 88 Member
    Hey ya'll. I am getting ready to move on to Stage 3 and I'm so ready. (I really disliked the 2nd workout of Stage 2 for some reason.)

    I had a bad workout and figured out some obvious things: 1) eat at least a little something before lifting even if it is at 5 in the morning. 2) a warm up set with lighter weight helps me lift what I should be lifting!

    NSV: I can do real-deal pushups now. Did I post that here already? I have been excited about the development, I admit. :drinker:
    I'm not really digging 2 either :). I feel like B specifically is too long and requires a lot of equipment shuffling. Halfway done though.
    You'll like 3 - I also disliked 2. The only thing I am skipping on stage 3 is the overhead squat with dumbbells - it just doesn't work for me (too awkward and I feel like I am going to hurt myself).. I just use a barbell and do it the normal way. Overhead squats are hard enough with the barbell.

    I'm not really digging 2 either :). I feel like B specifically is too long and requires a lot of equipment shuffling. Halfway done though.
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    I'm doing 1A3 today.. still have a long ways to go for phase 1, but I'm glad I'm down to 12 reps now! I hate counting to 15. It feels like it takes forever--especially with lunges LOL.
  • tolygal
    tolygal Posts: 602 Member
    I probably shouldn't say this outloud, but my shoulders feel better today. The pain isn't gone, but it's been consistently better than it has been. Oh I hope I can start again next Tuesday!! I'm feeling really left out with all of you moving on and I'm stuck!! I need to go update my log sheets by a week so I'm ready to go next week!!
  • kensky
    kensky Posts: 472 Member
    I'm learning that I hate high reps too, prashley. I'd rather lift heavy as I can and go home and be sore! :happy:
  • kensky
    kensky Posts: 472 Member
    My MFP calories are set at 1450 and I don't have a hard time staying under that but I do have a hard time eating those calories while still hitting my (40/30/30) macros while staying under MFPs sodium rec.

    I think there may be some tweaking going on, either a diet renewal (ya'll I don't eat that dirty!) or some more tinkering on cals (ya'll I'm set at 1/2 pound a week though I've been stalled at 10 lbs away from goal for a good month now).

    I think it's interesting that the NRoL books don't mention sodium at all. My strength diva idol Krista Scott-Dixon at stumptous doesn't have anything about it either.
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    My MFP calories are set at 1450 and I don't have a hard time staying under that but I do have a hard time eating those calories while still hitting my (40/30/30) macros while staying under MFPs sodium rec.

    I think there may be some tweaking going on, either a diet renewal (ya'll I don't eat that dirty!) or some more tinkering on cals (ya'll I'm set at 1/2 pound a week though I've been stalled at 10 lbs away from goal for a good month now).

    I think it's interesting that the NRoL books don't mention sodium at all. My strength diva idol Krista Scott-Dixon at stumptous doesn't have anything about it either.

    You might try zigzagging or just upping your cals.. 1450 might be too low to let your body burn fat! My lowest day is 1365 and it's on my rest day.. my second lowest day is 1519. It is challenging to me to fit all the protein in those days!

    I'm with you on the sodium thing. I'll try and stay around the recommended 2500 but I never let it bother me if I go over. I haven't had any problems "retaining water" because of it--probably because I drink at least 120 oz of water a day, though! I think it's just an excuse some people use as to why they're not losing weight, when what they should be doing is eating more PROTEIN! :laugh:

    I love being strong. I'm with you--I'd much rather lift heavy for fewer reps, beast it, and go home feeling like I accomplished something! Just waiting to get out of Stage 1. :smile:
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    Side note--yesterday I busted out two sets of 20 pushups like it was nothing! A month ago doing 10 felt sooo challenging to me. I think I might actually be able to get up to 47 to get max points on my PT test next month! :happy:
  • mocha76
    mocha76 Posts: 184 Member
    I'm learning that I hate high reps too, prashley. I'd rather lift heavy as I can and go home and be sore! :happy:

    I am with you, too!! I am so happy that on my next w/o, I will be on 8 reps!! Whoo Hoo!!!!!
  • mocha76
    mocha76 Posts: 184 Member
    Side note--yesterday I busted out two sets of 20 pushups like it was nothing! A month ago doing 10 felt sooo challenging to me. I think I might actually be able to get up to 47 to get max points on my PT test next month! :happy:

    I wanna be like you when I grow up!!! Two sets of 20!! Oh my! I am still doing my pushups on an incline. I actually sit the Oly bar on the squat rack right at chest level. I have a hard time doing them with my arms close to my body oppose to letting them bow out to the sides. It's looking like it will be awhile before I can make to the floor for full pushups. Congrats and I know you are going to do great on your PT test!!!
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I'm learning that I hate high reps too, prashley. I'd rather lift heavy as I can and go home and be sore! :happy:

    I am with you, too!! I am so happy that on my next w/o, I will be on 8 reps!! Whoo Hoo!!!!!

    Yes, low reps is where it is at! I understand the whole 'getting used to the exercise' and building up stamina, etc., but its too boring and easy.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    My MFP calories are set at 1450 and I don't have a hard time staying under that but I do have a hard time eating those calories while still hitting my (40/30/30) macros while staying under MFPs sodium rec.

    I think there may be some tweaking going on, either a diet renewal (ya'll I don't eat that dirty!) or some more tinkering on cals (ya'll I'm set at 1/2 pound a week though I've been stalled at 10 lbs away from goal for a good month now).

    I think it's interesting that the NRoL books don't mention sodium at all. My strength diva idol Krista Scott-Dixon at stumptous doesn't have anything about it either.

    You might try zigzagging or just upping your cals.. 1450 might be too low to let your body burn fat! My lowest day is 1365 and it's on my rest day.. my second lowest day is 1519. It is challenging to me to fit all the protein in those days!

    I'm with you on the sodium thing. I'll try and stay around the recommended 2500 but I never let it bother me if I go over. I haven't had any problems "retaining water" because of it--probably because I drink at least 120 oz of water a day, though! I think it's just an excuse some people use as to why they're not losing weight, when what they should be doing is eating more PROTEIN! :laugh:

    I love being strong. I'm with you--I'd much rather lift heavy for fewer reps, beast it, and go home feeling like I accomplished something! Just waiting to get out of Stage 1. :smile:

    I agree, 1450 is too low, especially on the days you do HIIT.
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