New Rules of Lifting for Women group?



  • mocha76
    mocha76 Posts: 184 Member
    Hey gals!

    seventysix06 - I just started workout 1 of Phase 2 also! I did it on Sunday and boy was I sore yesterday! I'm slightly intimidated by today's workout too, but we can do it! Do have a a link to the log website? I'm interested in checking it out =)

    I made custom workout logs if you're interested. :) Just message me and I can email them to you! Also open to anyone else who's interested! (I had a very empty day at work last week when I made them :glasses: )

    Hey!! I just sent you a message with my email address. I sent you one last week as well, but not sure if you received it or not. Thanks for sharing!!
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    Hey!! I just sent you a message with my email address. I sent you one last week as well, but not sure if you received it or not. Thanks for sharing!!

    I haven't received either of your messages! So I just sent you one.. haha maybe we can figure this one.
  • tolygal
    tolygal Posts: 602 Member
    I sent one to both of you too - did you get it? I'll go send another one right now. I didn't receive anything from either of you (in case you sent me something to see my log).

    And to anyone else who wants to see my log (only phase 1 so far, but I'll have to work on phase 2 soon cuz I'm half way through phase 1 now!!! I cannot wait to move on!) send me a message with your email address.

    I haven't even looked ahead to phase 2 - but I can't wait to see what you guys are worried about - yay!! I'm always up for a challenge.

    I have a problem though - my body is WAY out of wack. My shoulder has a nasty pain and my lower back is bad also. I'm going to the chiropractor today and I'm also going for a deep tissue massage which I hope will help. My shoulder hurt yesterday, but I still did my workout. Probably a mistake because I could feel the pain during my pushups. My sister things I'm lifting too heavy, but I don't think so - I still don't feel like I'm lifting heavy enough. On Saturday, I used 20 lb dumbells for the dumbtell shoulder press and while the last few were tough - I think they are supposed to be to make progress, right? It didn't hurt though.... And I'm doing 85 lbs for the deadlift (at least at the gym I am). I'm doing 85 for the deadlift (I'm doing more straight leg because I can't figure out how to do it the other way - it feels just like a squat otherwise - I intend to figure it out though and do it his way next time). And my squats are using 85 lbs at the gym (only 45 at home so far cuz that's as all I have - although I did buy 25 lb plats this weekend!!). Anyway - I just don't think I did anything that would cause an injury. I'm really upset about it though - I just don't want to take a break - I want to keep going!
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    I sent one to both of you too - did you get it? I'll go send another one right now. I didn't receive anything from either of you (in case you sent me something to see my log).

    And to anyone else who wants to see my log (only phase 1 so far, but I'll have to work on phase 2 soon cuz I'm half way through phase 1 now!!! I cannot wait to move on!) send me a message with your email address.

    I haven't even looked ahead to phase 2 - but I can't wait to see what you guys are worried about - yay!! I'm always up for a challenge.

    I have a problem though - my body is WAY out of wack. My shoulder has a nasty pain and my lower back is bad also. I'm going to the chiropractor today and I'm also going for a deep tissue massage which I hope will help. My shoulder hurt yesterday, but I still did my workout. Probably a mistake because I could feel the pain during my pushups. My sister things I'm lifting too heavy, but I don't think so - I still don't feel like I'm lifting heavy enough. On Saturday, I used 20 lb dumbells for the dumbtell shoulder press and while the last few were tough - I think they are supposed to be to make progress, right? It didn't hurt though.... And I'm doing 85 lbs for the deadlift (at least at the gym I am). I'm doing 85 for the deadlift (I'm doing more straight leg because I can't figure out how to do it the other way - it feels just like a squat otherwise - I intend to figure it out though and do it his way next time). And my squats are using 85 lbs at the gym (only 45 at home so far cuz that's as all I have - although I did buy 25 lb plats this weekend!!). Anyway - I just don't think I did anything that would cause an injury. I'm really upset about it though - I just don't want to take a break - I want to keep going!

    Weird, I haven't got any messages from anyone. Maybe it blocks messages if you try to send an email address within?

    I'll try to send another one and put my email address in code or something!

    As for your pain.. maybe lower the weight and concentrate a LOT on form..? I'm not sure. I know deadlifts can cause backpain if not done with precise form. I've done them before and hurt myself. When I do the first Workout B today of Phase 1 I am going to be very careful!
  • dailyorange
    dailyorange Posts: 128
    Hm, that's odd! Did you happen to get my message through MFP? I checked my e-mail and didn't receive anything. I might try to dig up an old log I made last year. But I'll send another message your way =)

    Anyhow, I completed Workout B of Phase 2 yesterday and it went well! I'm still working on my form for deadlifts too, hate straining my back. I know what you mean about doing the squat/deadlift move, feels a little awkward still for me. I asked my boyfriend to watch my form and I think I'm getting it down. I also was a little confused about the lateral flexion. Felt a little silly doing it, haha. Overall it was a good workout. I also did my interval workout on the treadmill. My sprints were from 7.5-8.0. I feel like I can go a little faster, but didn't want to overexert myself.

    Well that's all for me today, have a great day!
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    Hm, that's odd! Did you happen to get my message through MFP? I checked my e-mail and didn't receive anything. I might try to dig up an old log I made last year. But I'll send another message your way =)

    Just sent you one.. I haven't received any from you yet. Let me know if you get it! =]
  • tolygal
    tolygal Posts: 602 Member
    I got your PM when you sent your email address in code. I sent you my logs. I'll resend my email address in code - funny!! Good job picking up on that!!
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    :tongue: I did Stage 1 Workout B1 today during lunch, followed by an extremely delicious meal of rotisserie chicken, honey wheat pita pocket, red pepper hummus, and strawberries and cottage cheese!

    I can tell my entire body is going to feel it tomorrow from the deadlifts. I can also say that I'm not as strong as I thought I was. I could only do 15s on the dumbbell shoulder press (I got 15 reps for each set, but BARELY on the second set), and I did pullovers with a 20 lb barbell as an alternative to the lat pulldowns. I only got 13 and 10 reps for those sets!

    As for the lunges, does anyone know if the reps are for EACH LEG, or alternating? Like today, I was supposed to do two sets of 15 reps. Each set I ended up doing 30, or 15 on each leg. If that's the case, it's haaaard.

    I'm loving the burning feeling though. :) And a 20-minute workout is so beastin! I am looking forward to longer workouts, though.. I keep feeling like I should go for a jog or walk afterwards. I'll probably take all the dogs on a walk when I get home anyway.
  • dailyorange
    dailyorange Posts: 128
    Sounds like you are off to a great start today! Congrats! And you're meal sounds delish!

    For the lunges, I did exactly what you did. So 15 reps per leg. I'm not sure if this is correct, but that's how I did it all through Phase 1 and in Phase 2 there are reverse lunges and the books says do 10 reps per leg.

    I'm looking forward to my workout tomorrow, already missing the weights :laugh:
  • mocha76
    mocha76 Posts: 184 Member
    I sent one to both of you too - did you get it? I'll go send another one right now. I didn't receive anything from either of you (in case you sent me something to see my log).

    And to anyone else who wants to see my log (only phase 1 so far, but I'll have to work on phase 2 soon cuz I'm half way through phase 1 now!!! I cannot wait to move on!) send me a message with your email address.

    I haven't even looked ahead to phase 2 - but I can't wait to see what you guys are worried about - yay!! I'm always up for a challenge.

    I have a problem though - my body is WAY out of wack. My shoulder has a nasty pain and my lower back is bad also. I'm going to the chiropractor today and I'm also going for a deep tissue massage which I hope will help. My shoulder hurt yesterday, but I still did my workout. Probably a mistake because I could feel the pain during my pushups. My sister things I'm lifting too heavy, but I don't think so - I still don't feel like I'm lifting heavy enough. On Saturday, I used 20 lb dumbells for the dumbtell shoulder press and while the last few were tough - I think they are supposed to be to make progress, right? It didn't hurt though.... And I'm doing 85 lbs for the deadlift (at least at the gym I am). I'm doing 85 for the deadlift (I'm doing more straight leg because I can't figure out how to do it the other way - it feels just like a squat otherwise - I intend to figure it out though and do it his way next time). And my squats are using 85 lbs at the gym (only 45 at home so far cuz that's as all I have - although I did buy 25 lb plats this weekend!!). Anyway - I just don't think I did anything that would cause an injury. I'm really upset about it though - I just don't want to take a break - I want to keep going!

    OMG! My lower back has been bothering me for two days! I was suppose to lift yesterday but was hurting. And I want to go today so bad but I am afraid that I will really hurt myself and be forced to take a break. I was actually trying to decide if I was gonna go lift or take Zumba. I feel like such a bum when I don't work out. I haven't worked out since Sunday. Decisions Decisions!

    I hope you feel better soon!!!

    Oh yeah, I received your message today with your email address. Thanks!
  • tolygal
    tolygal Posts: 602 Member
    :tongue: I did Stage 1 Workout B1 today during lunch, followed by an extremely delicious meal of rotisserie chicken, honey wheat pita pocket, red pepper hummus, and strawberries and cottage cheese!

    I can tell my entire body is going to feel it tomorrow from the deadlifts. I can also say that I'm not as strong as I thought I was. I could only do 15s on the dumbbell shoulder press (I got 15 reps for each set, but BARELY on the second set), and I did pullovers with a 20 lb barbell as an alternative to the lat pulldowns. I only got 13 and 10 reps for those sets!

    As for the lunges, does anyone know if the reps are for EACH LEG, or alternating? Like today, I was supposed to do two sets of 15 reps. Each set I ended up doing 30, or 15 on each leg. If that's the case, it's haaaard.

    I'm loving the burning feeling though. :) And a 20-minute workout is so beastin! I am looking forward to longer workouts, though.. I keep feeling like I should go for a jog or walk afterwards. I'll probably take all the dogs on a walk when I get home anyway.

    Sounds like you had a great workout!!! I have to remember to try the pullovers (don't know what that is yet - I assume it's in the book) for lat pulldowns at home. I haven't had a home day with them yet, so I wasn't sure what I was going to do. For the lunges, I'm pretty sure it's 15 on each leg - that's what I'm doing. I don't think it's alternating though - I do all one leg and then the other. I should check to make sure I'm doing it right LOL! I usually do an interval session after my workouts cuz I feel like I need the extra too.
  • tolygal
    tolygal Posts: 602 Member
    I sent one to both of you too - did you get it? I'll go send another one right now. I didn't receive anything from either of you (in case you sent me something to see my log).

    And to anyone else who wants to see my log (only phase 1 so far, but I'll have to work on phase 2 soon cuz I'm half way through phase 1 now!!! I cannot wait to move on!) send me a message with your email address.

    I haven't even looked ahead to phase 2 - but I can't wait to see what you guys are worried about - yay!! I'm always up for a challenge.

    I have a problem though - my body is WAY out of wack. My shoulder has a nasty pain and my lower back is bad also. I'm going to the chiropractor today and I'm also going for a deep tissue massage which I hope will help. My shoulder hurt yesterday, but I still did my workout. Probably a mistake because I could feel the pain during my pushups. My sister things I'm lifting too heavy, but I don't think so - I still don't feel like I'm lifting heavy enough. On Saturday, I used 20 lb dumbells for the dumbtell shoulder press and while the last few were tough - I think they are supposed to be to make progress, right? It didn't hurt though.... And I'm doing 85 lbs for the deadlift (at least at the gym I am). I'm doing 85 for the deadlift (I'm doing more straight leg because I can't figure out how to do it the other way - it feels just like a squat otherwise - I intend to figure it out though and do it his way next time). And my squats are using 85 lbs at the gym (only 45 at home so far cuz that's as all I have - although I did buy 25 lb plats this weekend!!). Anyway - I just don't think I did anything that would cause an injury. I'm really upset about it though - I just don't want to take a break - I want to keep going!

    OMG! My lower back has been bothering me for two days! I was suppose to lift yesterday but was hurting. And I want to go today so bad but I am afraid that I will really hurt myself and be forced to take a break. I was actually trying to decide if I was gonna go lift or take Zumba. I feel like such a bum when I don't work out. I haven't worked out since Sunday. Decisions Decisions!

    I hope you feel better soon!!!

    Oh yeah, I received your message today with your email address. Thanks!

    I replied to your "wall post" about the sore back too - but my back is okay when I'm moving, so I'm going to continue. Although... I'm going to lower the weights just in case I'm not ready for them yet. I'll give myself another week at a lower weight and then try again. I definetly don't want a serious injury - that would be the works thing ever - to really have to stop - I'd cry!!
  • mocha76
    mocha76 Posts: 184 Member
    :tongue: I did Stage 1 Workout B1 today during lunch, followed by an extremely delicious meal of rotisserie chicken, honey wheat pita pocket, red pepper hummus, and strawberries and cottage cheese!

    I can tell my entire body is going to feel it tomorrow from the deadlifts. I can also say that I'm not as strong as I thought I was. I could only do 15s on the dumbbell shoulder press (I got 15 reps for each set, but BARELY on the second set), and I did pullovers with a 20 lb barbell as an alternative to the lat pulldowns. I only got 13 and 10 reps for those sets!

    As for the lunges, does anyone know if the reps are for EACH LEG, or alternating? Like today, I was supposed to do two sets of 15 reps. Each set I ended up doing 30, or 15 on each leg. If that's the case, it's haaaard.

    I'm loving the burning feeling though. :) And a 20-minute workout is so beastin! I am looking forward to longer workouts, though.. I keep feeling like I should go for a jog or walk afterwards. I'll probably take all the dogs on a walk when I get home anyway.

    You are doing really good. I am just up to 10lb on the shoulder press. But, it is time to up it. I will do 12 next time.

    Yes, you did the lunges correctly. Alternating, but doing 15 on each leg.

    When I did the first workout of 3 sets of 10 on Saturday, the workout was about 35 mins. I did enjoy working out a little longer!! I wanna go today so bad, but I have a feeling that I need to wait. It is workout B day too, so that means deadlifts.
  • tolygal
    tolygal Posts: 602 Member
    Sounds like you are off to a great start today! Congrats! And you're meal sounds delish!

    For the lunges, I did exactly what you did. So 15 reps per leg. I'm not sure if this is correct, but that's how I did it all through Phase 1 and in Phase 2 there are reverse lunges and the books says do 10 reps per leg.

    I'm looking forward to my workout tomorrow, already missing the weights :laugh:

    I can't wait for reverse lunges!!
  • tolygal
    tolygal Posts: 602 Member
    Yup - it's alternating legs for the lunge. I'm doing it wrong..... Shoot!

    Well, now I'll do it right LOL!!
  • mocha76
    mocha76 Posts: 184 Member
    Thanks to Tonya's motivation, I'm heading out to the gym for 1B5 (Stage 1 workout B, #5). Ya'll like the short version?!?! I got it from the WW forum for NRLW before I came here. lol!

    I'll let you all know how it went when I get back. I'm going to lower my weights a little on the deadlifts and the lat pulldown and see how that feels.

  • tolygal
    tolygal Posts: 602 Member
    I do like the short version! I think you used it before, and I got it from you - I've used it once or twice too :-) Much easier than typing it all out!
  • mocha76
    mocha76 Posts: 184 Member
    I am so glad that I went to the gym today!!! It was a really good workout and I made sure to pay attention to my form and lowered the weights on my deadlifts by 5 lbs. I also did a warm up set on my deadlifts, which I had not done before. My back felt pretty good! Yea! Then I did 15 mins of intervals on the treadmill after lifting. It is nothing like a good workout! Let's hope my back feels this good in the morning. :-)
  • seventysix06
    seventysix06 Posts: 88 Member
    Hey gals!

    seventysix06 - I just started workout 1 of Phase 2 also! I did it on Sunday and boy was I sore yesterday! I'm slightly intimidated by today's workout too, but we can do it! Do have a a link to the log website? I'm interested in checking it out =)

    Let me know how that second workout goes. I have it tomorrow morning. Gotta make sure i'm there bright and early so no one sees me make a fool of myself :). I did that with the first workout of phase 2--that dumbell one point row? My balance is waaayy off. There's a point in the book where he says some folks worry too much about "perfect form." Uh, yeah. I'm taking that to heart :)
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    My back is a little sore today! Luckily, I think it's the "you did good" and not the "you injured something" sore.

    Today is my easy jog day, and I'm relieved, although I can't wait to be pumping more iron tomorrow.

    I work with a bunch of men (obviously--in the military), and I get many curious glances when I work out. Luckily, my husband is in there 80% of the time so he can always help me if I need a spotter or someone to correct my form! Benefits of working with your hubby. :)