New Rules of Lifting for Women group?



  • kensky
    kensky Posts: 472 Member
    The Smith machine is that "non-free" bar setup and the thing is, at best, the movement is not comparable to the kind of movement that you will do with free weight squats so it really isn't the best "starter squat". Also, you miss out on lots of the incredible benefits of the real deal squats meaning using all those core muscles to steady yourself through the wobbles. At worst, the Smith machine limits the normal range of motion for the knees and can potentially cause unpleasantness. The recommended way-to-go for newbies like us is to start with weight that we feel comfortable squatting...even if it's one of those lighter weight "body bars" or the shorter length barbells (the kind that don't come apart and are usually on a rack from 10 to uhhh 50 maybe?)

    Tomorrow, I plan on taking my own advice and at least warming up (a concept I usually shun) with one of those body bars/barbells.
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    Today is my squat day so maybe I will give the real thing a try with just the bar.
    I'm still sore from Tuesday's deadlifts, but I felt a little more comfortable with my form this time.
  • seventysix06
    seventysix06 Posts: 88 Member
    The Smith machine is that "non-free" bar setup and the thing is, at best, the movement is not comparable to the kind of movement that you will do with free weight squats so it really isn't the best "starter squat". Also, you miss out on lots of the incredible benefits of the real deal squats meaning using all those core muscles to steady yourself through the wobbles. At worst, the Smith machine limits the normal range of motion for the knees and can potentially cause unpleasantness. The recommended way-to-go for newbies like us is to start with weight that we feel comfortable squatting...even if it's one of those lighter weight "body bars" or the shorter length barbells (the kind that don't come apart and are usually on a rack from 10 to uhhh 50 maybe?)

    Tomorrow, I plan on taking my own advice and at least warming up (a concept I usually shun) with one of those body bars/barbells.

    Unfortunately, my gym, which I do love, has neither body bars nor barbells. Maybe i'll try squatting with regular dumbells next time and see what that does. My grip strength isn't great so i'll be squatting less weight but maybe that'll be offset by the greater range of motion. I do feel that the smith machine is a bit awkward--esp when it comes to my back and heavier weights. Will go back to the book or the forums and see if there's a recommended alternative. Otherwise--i am really digging this program. Just started the "second" phase of phase 1 (workouts 5-9).
  • kensky
    kensky Posts: 472 Member
    I did sumo squats with just one (heavy!) dumbbell during my gymrat youth. I noticed gains.

    I've had to dial down my by-the-book anxiety a bit during my gym's seemingly endless renovation (truth: it's been a week but I'm whiny). Even "adapting" my deadlift with the fixed-weight barbells and having longer rest time between sessions, I'll still build more muscle if I wasn't doing the program. I have somewhat bumpy arms even after a half-*kitten* first try at this thing so I need to keep that in mind while I'm stressing the small stuff.

    Tomorrow = Squats for me...What are you all up to?
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    I have slacked on lifting. I am so busy with moving, cleaning and wedding plans that I've slipped. A lot is going on this week so I'm not sure if I will get to the gym but I'm back on next week for sure. At least I am still getting exercise with all of this packing, moving stuff and cleaning...
  • kensky
    kensky Posts: 472 Member
    I hope things get back to normal soon for you, nelski!

    The gym is still all in disarray. The good news is I am easily squatting 40 lb. fixed-weight barbells (and can reasonably confidently just lift the weight up and then down on my back without thinking I'm going to brain myself or others). When things get normal again in the free weight area, I'll go for the (longer more challenging) Olympic bar.

    I have been bumping up my weights on rows and shoulder press too!

    My big goal is to get to doing up some real-deal pushups by the end.
  • kensky
    kensky Posts: 472 Member
    Woo hoooo! I'm onto Level 2 of the program and loving it. I was a bit apprehensive about leaving my comfort zone but my beloved pushups and hated stepups are still part of the plan (at least for workout A). I feel like a bada$$ doing the front squat to push press that's for sure. I'll feel like Queen of the Universe when I can lift the 45 (not 40 right? I can't remember.) lb. olympic bar up over my head without fear of falling backwards!

    I don't even care if I'm posting to myself ya'll. Somebody will pipe up again, someday. I just know it. :wink:
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    Awesome Kensky! I have been busy so still haven't gotten back to lifting. Moving has sure kept me busy and things we've had to fix at the new house. I think I will need to start the program all over when I can get back to it since I was only 2 weeks into it and have been off 2 weeks. I may actually just wait til after my honeymoon and do other stuff until then because I'd have to take 9 or 10 days off in the middle of the program. Oh well, I will find something else to do until then. I feel like I'm still getting my step ups in with all so many trips up and down the basement stairs lol.
  • stephanielynn76
    stephanielynn76 Posts: 709 Member
    I think I need to check that book out! I've been training for a long time but decided to kick things up a notch in the last few months. I started substituting one of my chest exercises with pushups. At first I could only 12-15 modified "girl pushups." I've now worked my way up to 25 regular pushups! The last 5 are a real struggle but I make myself do them. I have started doing lots of pullups on the assisted pullup machine as well and I've noticed major improvements in my strength there as well. I use the smith machine regularly... I use it for sqats and lunges. I find it helps me keep proper form.
  • kensky
    kensky Posts: 472 Member
    One thing I love is the pushup strategy in slowly working your way down in incline instead of even bothering with "girly" pushups. I can see such improvement and I think I may be ready to go full-on into REAL pushups by next week. Love it!
  • mocha76
    mocha76 Posts: 184 Member
    I am about two weeks into Stage 1. I absolutely love this program!! I am so happy to have found this thread.
  • tolygal
    tolygal Posts: 602 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm almost one full week into Stage 1 and I'm soooo happy to have found this thread! Tomorrow I have to get up super early (before the kids) to make sure I get my 3rd workout of the week done. So I'll tell you more about me later - I have to go to bed now.

    Do you all do this at the gym or does anyone do this at home? I do the gym twice a week and once a week at home (first time tomorrow) - I hope it goes well. I've been lifting on my own for probably 2 months, but didn't really know what I was doing - but I tried. Now I have this nice plan and I couldn't be happier.

    Is everyone doing the 3 days a week? And are you doing anything besides these workouts? What are your goals? I've got about 12 more pounds to lose until I hit my original goal. I'll see what I look like then to see if I need to go farther. I hope that between the fat loss and muscle gain (hopefully), I'll be pretty satisfied when I get there.

    Ok - gotta run, but I'll be back!
  • mocha76
    mocha76 Posts: 184 Member
    Hi Tonya! I am doing 3 days a week at the gym. I also do Zumba once a week. Before starting this program, I was doing Zumba and Hip Hop classes about 3-4 days a week. It was very hard for me mentally to cut back on the cardio but my body didn't have a problem at all. lol. So now, I squeeze a class in when I can because I love it so much. I am 9 lbs away from my original goal. And like you, I will assess and see if I would like to go further.
  • kensky
    kensky Posts: 472 Member
    Hey Tonya! Hi Mocha!

    I do NROLFW at the gym 3 days a week. I follow the eating guidelines (including the caloric intake--maybe a little lower than the book recommends but close) as best I can. The weight routine is the only resistance training I do during the week. I do non-interval cardio (what the book so kindly calls "endurance") for 40ish minute stints the other 3 days of the week and I do a complete rest day one day out of the week. I only use the free weights or cable machines featured in the books. I did Stage 1 twice and now I am two workouts into Stage 2.

    I am really glad he didn't recommend cutting out additional cardio...I think I would have rebelled! The eliptical used to be so challenging for me that I feel extra tuff chugging away for 45 minute chunks these days!

    I've hit my first goal of 135 (normal BMI) and am now onto the next ten or so lbs. On my list of things to do is get my body fat percentage measured since that determines how satisfied I'd be at 125 versus ohhh say 119 <----my lightest adult weight. The 119 was attained when I was 24 and lifting heavy weights with a gym partner on the regular.
  • Kimbie500
    Kimbie500 Posts: 388 Member
    Great forum. Giving this a try starting tomorrow. I've been doing BFL-style lifting on and off for a year and a half (mostly off, I guess) and have been having some nagging elbow twinges from all the curls and tri work. Love that NROLW focuses more on "real" movements and not isolating fiddly little muscles. We'll see how it goes. A little scared, honestly....
  • sbilyeu75
    sbilyeu75 Posts: 567 Member
    I'm finishing up Stage 7 this week. The program has definitely given me confidence in exercises that I was just plain scared to do.

    I started off Stage one struggling with push-ups. I started with incline push-ups. Now I can do 15 regular men's push-ups, even though the last 2 are still a struggle.

    I will say that I did not follow the plan exactly. I had a few injuries here and there, I did not follow the meal plan, but I did stay a little above maintenance in calories. Actually, I'm struggling to get back into a deficit after eating so good for so long. I did not do the HIIT, but for a couple of times (again injuries) and I did not do the Body Matrix more than a couple of times (My knees couldn't hack it.) But I still saw improvement and I'm glad I invested the $15 in the book.
  • tellybelle
    tellybelle Posts: 144
    I just got the book today and am going to try and read it this week while I am at the beach ;) I'd live to join the group though and learn what all of you think about the book
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    Joining this group. :) My book will get here either tomorrow or Wednesday, and I'll read all of it before the weekend's over and start it next Monday. I'm already doing cardio 3x/week (twice HIIT once endurance) and doing calisthenics/lifting weights 3x/week. It will be nice to have a structured routine, though. Can't wait to start!
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    I do not have a gym membership (can't afford it) but I do have access to a small gym at my apartment complex that has dumbbells and a multi-function cable-type machine. There is a barbell machine (not free-hand barbell) but I don't know how to use it or adjust it and there are no instructions on the machine itself. I've asked other people in the gym but they have no idea how to adjust it either - the only other people I've seen in the gym are women and they do not lift weights at all.

    Can I do this program using only dumbbells and the cable/pulley machine?

  • dailyorange
    dailyorange Posts: 128
    Hey!! I'd like to join this group too! I've been loosely following Stage 1 for about a month and will probably move onto Stage 2 soon. My calorie goals have been a little lower, but I'm working towards increasing it. I always make sure I hit the 1 gram of protein per lb. I'm a little nervous to move on as I have to learn the new exercises. I definitely will be checking in from time to time! The online forum for the book is really active too, but I haven't been there since last year lol.