New Rules of Lifting for Women group?



  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    P.S. I officially started zigzagging my calories. I'll let everyone know how successful I am! :happy:
  • dailyorange
    dailyorange Posts: 128
    seventysix06 - I know what you mean about getting to the gym when nobody is around. I did the second workout at night, which was a little less busy. Overall it went well, you can read my previous post. I was confused about the lateral flexion, but other than that It went well.

    Today I'm suppose to do Workout A, Phase 2, but I'm feeling sick-ish. I'm going to take a rest day today and return to the gym tomorrow for the weights. Happy Cinco de Mayo everyone =)
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    Today I'm suppose to do Workout A, Phase 2, but I'm feeling sick-ish. I'm going to take a rest day today and return to the gym tomorrow for the weights. Happy Cinco de Mayo everyone =)

    Sorry you're feeling sick! I hope you get to feeling better soon. :flowerforyou: I'm sure your body appreciates the time off though.
  • seventysix06
    seventysix06 Posts: 88 Member
    seventysix06 - I know what you mean about getting to the gym when nobody is around. I did the second workout at night, which was a little less busy. Overall it went well, you can read my previous post. I was confused about the lateral flexion, but other than that It went well.

    Today I'm suppose to do Workout A, Phase 2, but I'm feeling sick-ish. I'm going to take a rest day today and return to the gym tomorrow for the weights. Happy Cinco de Mayo everyone =)

    I know what you mean about the lateral flexion! Hmm...I kind of wish the exercises described the body parts that are targeted. Sometimes it's obvious. The lateral flexion is one where it isn't so much. Is it a stretch? :) Oh well. Sore today!

    Hope you feel better.
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    seventysix06 - I know what you mean about getting to the gym when nobody is around. I did the second workout at night, which was a little less busy. Overall it went well, you can read my previous post. I was confused about the lateral flexion, but other than that It went well.

    Today I'm suppose to do Workout A, Phase 2, but I'm feeling sick-ish. I'm going to take a rest day today and return to the gym tomorrow for the weights. Happy Cinco de Mayo everyone =)

    I know what you mean about the lateral flexion! Hmm...I kind of wish the exercises described the body parts that are targeted. Sometimes it's obvious. The lateral flexion is one where it isn't so much. Is it a stretch? :) Oh well. Sore today!

    Hope you feel better.

    My husband said he does those at physical therapy for his sciatica.. so I think maybe it's supposed to strengthen the muscles around your hips and glutes? I haven't reached phase 2 yet so I haven't performed this exercise. I hope that helps, though. :)

    I am on 1A2 today.. I am going to drink some green tea before I work out. Heard it really improves performance!

    Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    Hey girls,

    I feel like I'm spamming because I post to this so often, but I did 1A2 today and definitely saw improvement! Went up 10 lbs to 55 on squats, did 17 pushups for both sets, and did the same weight of everything else easily (it would have been too much to go up due to the available increments!). The green tea and jack3d (I tried this today also--my husband uses it before working out) might have increased my performance, but I'm not sure if it was a huge difference. I don't have awesome body/muscle awareness though. I do, however, feel great! Except for...

    I've been having horrible pain in my right delt/trap around my shoulder. I think it's due to the pullovers I did on Wednesday.. I was trying too hard to get 15 reps out using a 20lb barbell, and I let my form slip on the last few reps of both sets. I'm hoping it feels better by Monday--I got a 15 minute chair massage today and the therapist said it was extremely tight and had lots of trigger points. I've been dealing with back pain since the summer of 2008, but it's never been concentrated on one side before.

    The only workout I have planned for the weekend is interval running tomorrow and maybe walking the dogs or yoga on Sunday. I know I will be heating, icing, using the foam roller, and bugging my hubby to massage it over the weekend! I just started this journey and I do NOT want to pause just because I was stubborn and sacrificed quality for quantity. *sigh* Crossing my fingers for solace and loosening of the muscles over the weekend!
  • kensky
    kensky Posts: 472 Member
    Hey ya'll. I am getting ready to move on to Stage 3 and I'm so ready. (I really disliked the 2nd workout of Stage 2 for some reason.)

    I had a bad workout and figured out some obvious things: 1) eat at least a little something before lifting even if it is at 5 in the morning. 2) a warm up set with lighter weight helps me lift what I should be lifting!

    NSV: I can do real-deal pushups now. Did I post that here already? I have been excited about the development, I admit. :drinker:
  • ColoradoRobin
    ColoradoRobin Posts: 510 Member
    I'm heading to the gym to give this a shot as soon as I print a log page. Wish me luck!
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Hey ya'll. I am getting ready to move on to Stage 3 and I'm so ready. (I really disliked the 2nd workout of Stage 2 for some reason.)

    I had a bad workout and figured out some obvious things: 1) eat at least a little something before lifting even if it is at 5 in the morning. 2) a warm up set with lighter weight helps me lift what I should be lifting!

    NSV: I can do real-deal pushups now. Did I post that here already? I have been excited about the development, I admit. :drinker:

    You'll like 3 - I also disliked 2. The only thing I am skipping on stage 3 is the overhead squat with dumbbells - it just doesn't work for me (too awkward and I feel like I am going to hurt myself).. I just use a barbell and do it the normal way. Overhead squats are hard enough with the barbell.
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    Happy Monday! How was everyone's weekend? Mine was pretty good. Saturday was my husband and I's six month anniversary, so we had an awesome meal of 1-lb ribeyes, garlic and parmesan roasted red potatoes, french bread, and half a pint each of Starbucks Java Chip Frappuccino ice cream. It was all delicious! I ended up eating around 2600-2700 cals that day, but that's alright. It was worth it!

    Sunday was my low calorie day for the week, so I didn't see too bad of an increase on the scale this morning. Today I'm doing 1B2, and I am going to pay lots more attention to my form and make sure when it starts decreasing to be done with the set! My back is feeling better, but it's not 100% yet, so I need to be careful.

    I have to say.. looking at a lot of people and seeing people post things like, "working out for an hour or more a day to get ready for summer," it makes me happy to know that I'm getting the same (or better) results, working out about 30 mins a day, six times a week, AND not starving myself.

    Work smarter, not harder. I hope everyone has a great week!
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    I'm currently reading this book and I'm excited to finish it and begin the program! I'll need to buy heavier weights first. I'd like to become part of this group once I have everything I need. I'm sure I'll have a lot of questions. Thanks!
  • LauriinSB
    LauriinSB Posts: 34 Member
    I just ordered the book from Amazon and should have it this week. I'd love to join once I start
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    Welcome, ladies. We await your return! :)
  • kensky
    kensky Posts: 472 Member
    I start stage 3 on Wednesday. I can't wait!

    I also am delighted to report that I think I'm starting to kinda like planks!
  • tolygal
    tolygal Posts: 602 Member
    Welcome to all the new ladies!! I'm relatively new myself. I'm 3 weeks into phase 1 right now and I'm really enjoying having a real plan to work with!!

    Except...... my shoulders are killing me. I think I hurt them by pushing myself too hard. DANG IT!!! I'm really upset about this. I'm debating on taking a week off, but I really really don't want to. I would rather lower my weights and take it easy for a week, but I'm not sure which is the "right" thing to do. So anyway, I just put a question out there and I hope someone knows the right thing to do. I need it to go away, but I really need to keep working!! UGH!

    I need to start looking ahead to the phase 2 workouts - I'm so excited to move on! Phase 1 is so long, but I guess it's a good thing since I have to nurse my stupid shoulders!!
  • ColoradoRobin
    ColoradoRobin Posts: 510 Member
    So I finished 1A1, and to my surprise, I was able to do the prone jackknife without falling off the ball. I did have the ball further towards my knees than suggested, but I will work on getting it right as I go along. I was terrified that I'd fall off and make an idiot out of myself at the gym, but it never happened!

    I did go both low and perhaps light on the step ups, but those are new to me, and I also have mild arthritis in my knees. I'm not sure I'm low enough on my squats, but for the same reason, I don't want to push it. I'll work on form there as well. It went by quickly, although some of my rests were too long as I wandered around seeing where all the right equipment was for each exercise. The gym is new, so I'm still learning the layout.

    I did a bit of slow lap swimming after the lifting and felt pretty good. I think I may do a spin class tomorrow (it would be my first one ever) if I don't have a lot of muscle soreness.
  • tolygal
    tolygal Posts: 602 Member
    rmonogue, That's awesome!!! And I think it's fine that you work your way into things - especially when the excercise is brand new to you! Just try to increase what you're doing slowly each time and you'll do great! I think it's important to get stronger using safe form, which sounds like just what you are doing. I can't wait to hear how you feel today :-)

    I've decided to take a week off from lifting. I'm VERY upset about this whole thing. But I do need it to get better so I can really move on, and I certainly don't want it to get worse. But - I'm kind of nervous now about moving forward. I don't want it to happen again. Will I be scared to push myself again? UGH!!
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    rmonogue, That's awesome!!! And I think it's fine that you work your way into things - especially when the excercise is brand new to you! Just try to increase what you're doing slowly each time and you'll do great! I think it's important to get stronger using safe form, which sounds like just what you are doing. I can't wait to hear how you feel today :-)

    I've decided to take a week off from lifting. I'm VERY upset about this whole thing. But I do need it to get better so I can really move on, and I certainly don't want it to get worse. But - I'm kind of nervous now about moving forward. I don't want it to happen again. Will I be scared to push myself again? UGH!!

    I agree with Tonya.. I think the reason Phase 1 is so long is to let you ease gently into the lifting scene. Just go at your own pace and you'll do fine.

    Tonya, I think taking a week off will do you good.. make sure and ice your shoulders every day and take some anti-inflammatories! If you have someone to massage them, apply heat first to loosen up the muscles. :)

    I injured my back last Wednesday, with the pullovers I think, so I was careful on my Friday workout and took it super easy over the weekend with lots of motrin and ice and pleaded massages from the hubby. :) I took it easy yesterday with the pullovers, and it was still challenging when I cut my weight in half, and my back still feels great today. I'm sure you'll heal in no time!
  • mocha76
    mocha76 Posts: 184 Member
    Hi everyone!! Welcome to all the new ladies! I'm sure you will enjoy NRLW as much as we all do!

    Tonya, so sorry to hear about your shoulder. I hope you heal quickly! Just take it easy and listen to your body!

    Kensky, you go girl on the planks!!!!

    Ashley, Happy six month anniversary!!!!

    I am ready to move on to stage 2. I am starting to get bored with repeating the same exercises over and over. I am going to the gym tonight to do 1B6. Four more workouts in Stage 1 after that and I am moving on!! Oh yeah!
  • ColoradoRobin
    ColoradoRobin Posts: 510 Member
    NSV: I can do real-deal pushups now. Did I post that here already? I have been excited about the development, I admit. :drinker:
    That's awesome! I'm still working on the 60 degree ones, which I can feel way more than the ones from the knees I've done in the past.

    I hope your shoulder recovers quickly Tonya. I hurt my knees trying C25k for 4 days (not in a row) and they took maybe a week or so to recover. That's when I got an x-ray and found out that I have the early signs of arthritis. Not that I hadn't guessed that before. :tongue:

    As for this morning, I'm a bit sore in a variety of places, but it's not that bad. I can tell I worked those muscles so I think the weights I was using were about right. It's kind of cool how I can feel it in places like my biceps and triceps without any isolation exercises. My butt and hamstrings are definitely letting me know they are there!

    In case anyone wondered, I changed my user name since I've become more active on the forums.