New Rules of Lifting for Women group?



  • ColoradoRobin
    ColoradoRobin Posts: 510 Member
    My soreness was much worse yesterday, but after doing some web surfing about whether it is okay to lift when you still have DOMS, I went ahead and did my 1B1 workout. My lunges suffered for it terribly. Even with just body weight, my legs felt kind of weak, and I only managed 2 sets of 9 reps (1st set with a 10lb dumbbell in each hand). Ugh. My knees are not great, so they can get kind of unstable when I do things like lunges and the muscles are tired. I tend to hold the rail when I run down the steps, and it's saved me once or twice when my knee decided to give out. Part of why I want to do the leg exercises is to strengthen those muscles and take the pressure off the joints.

    So should I wait a day to recover more between workouts if I feel that way? I'm going to see how I feel tomorrow morning before heading over to the gym.

    I did a spin class today just to try it out and burn some calories. That may or may not add to the soreness thing, but I am feeling good right now - only slightly sore. The class was actually fun, and I like the fact that I don't have to try to keep up without knowing the steps in an aerobics class, it didn't hurt my knees, and I can adjust the workout to my own fitness level. I could not stand in the pedals a whole lot, but I worked on doing it when I could.
  • kensky
    kensky Posts: 472 Member
    Oh that number is a baseline number. I add (and aim to eat) my exercise calories which can bump that up from 200-600 calories depending on the workout.
  • tolygal
    tolygal Posts: 602 Member
    My soreness was much worse yesterday, but after doing some web surfing about whether it is okay to lift when you still have DOMS, I went ahead and did my 1B1 workout. My lunges suffered for it terribly. Even with just body weight, my legs felt kind of weak, and I only managed 2 sets of 9 reps (1st set with a 10lb dumbbell in each hand). Ugh. My knees are not great, so they can get kind of unstable when I do things like lunges and the muscles are tired. I tend to hold the rail when I run down the steps, and it's saved me once or twice when my knee decided to give out. Part of why I want to do the leg exercises is to strengthen those muscles and take the pressure off the joints.

    So should I wait a day to recover more between workouts if I feel that way? I'm going to see how I feel tomorrow morning before heading over to the gym.

    I did a spin class today just to try it out and burn some calories. That may or may not add to the soreness thing, but I am feeling good right now - only slightly sore. The class was actually fun, and I like the fact that I don't have to try to keep up without knowing the steps in an aerobics class, it didn't hurt my knees, and I can adjust the workout to my own fitness level. I could not stand in the pedals a whole lot, but I worked on doing it when I could.

    How are you feeling now? Have you done more of the workouts since the first one? These workouts should hopefully help your knee strength - hopefully you notice really fast improvements there!!
  • tolygal
    tolygal Posts: 602 Member
    It looks like I'm going to have to sit out another week on lifting. My shoulders still hurt and as much as I really want to jump back in, I know it would be stupid and just do more damage. So, I guess I'll sit it out. My upset because this weekend I'm wearing a sleeveless shirt and after two weeks off lifting, I'm worried that my arms won't look as toned :-( I'm VERY VERY VERY dissapointed about that. It makes it really hard to sit out another week - Part of me feels like I could just lift light weights and skip the pushups for now (or do them against something instead of on the floor). Thoughts???? I just want my hard work to show the best that it can. I still have fat on my arms that needs to go, but the muscle was really starting to show through, and now I feel like I'm going backwards. I could just cry!!
  • megruder
    megruder Posts: 216
    Bump... for later 8-)
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    It looks like I'm going to have to sit out another week on lifting. My shoulders still hurt and as much as I really want to jump back in, I know it would be stupid and just do more damage. So, I guess I'll sit it out. My upset because this weekend I'm wearing a sleeveless shirt and after two weeks off lifting, I'm worried that my arms won't look as toned :-( I'm VERY VERY VERY dissapointed about that. It makes it really hard to sit out another week - Part of me feels like I could just lift light weights and skip the pushups for now (or do them against something instead of on the floor). Thoughts???? I just want my hard work to show the best that it can. I still have fat on my arms that needs to go, but the muscle was really starting to show through, and now I feel like I'm going backwards. I could just cry!!

    Have you been to a doctor yet? I think this would be a question best suited to ask him/her! I know how you feel though.. my back hurts all the time. I used to use it as an excuse to not lift weights, saying things like, "Well, weight lifting irritates my back muscles" so I wouldn't do anything but cardio.. but as I've found out, my back hurts whether I lift weights or not. I'm finally going to get an MRI, though.. but I dread that they will tell me I can't lift. So the point of all that rambling was.. ask your doctor for their opinion, but when it all comes down to it, you know your body best. Maybe try one workout and see if your shoulders hurt even worse afterwards. If you do work out once, make sure you stretch reeeally good and warm up really good too.
  • ColoradoRobin
    ColoradoRobin Posts: 510 Member
    Be careful with your shoulder, and do consider getting it checked out if it continues to bother you. I hope you recover soon!

    My weight went up last Tuesday after my first day of lifting, and hasn't really dropped since. Of course this Friday and Saturday were crazy busy, with helping some friends get ready to move. I ate barbecue at their place on Friday, and part of a donut on Saturday. :ohwell:

    So what should happen on Saturday but me pulling a tendon or something in my groin (high on my right leg) just squatting down to get something. It wasn't bad, and seemed fine yesterday. I did 1A2 yesterday, but had issues with it. I did some squats, and the first set was okay although I couldn't do 15. I noticed that tendon feeling a bit shaky, so took 10 lbs off the bar. On my second squat on that set I couldn't get up and had to dump the bar onto the safety rails. I also had trouble on the prone jackknife set. I did a dozen, but it hurt a little, so I didn't do my other set. The stepups were much less of a problem than I had expected, although I did them just with body weight. Swimming afterwards I had trouble doing the kicks that require you to move your legs out sideways (the frog kick), which was too bad as I was trying to teach some different strokes to my son. I guess I'll just keep an eye on it.
  • tolygal
    tolygal Posts: 602 Member
    Sounds like you might have to take some time off too - bummer!!! I hope you feel better soon!!
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I got one thing to say - squat jumps kick your butt!
  • ColoradoRobin
    ColoradoRobin Posts: 510 Member
    It looks like I'm going to have to sit out another week on lifting. My shoulders still hurt and as much as I really want to jump back in, I know it would be stupid and just do more damage. So, I guess I'll sit it out. My upset because this weekend I'm wearing a sleeveless shirt and after two weeks off lifting, I'm worried that my arms won't look as toned :-( I'm VERY VERY VERY dissapointed about that. It makes it really hard to sit out another week - Part of me feels like I could just lift light weights and skip the pushups for now (or do them against something instead of on the floor). Thoughts???? I just want my hard work to show the best that it can. I still have fat on my arms that needs to go, but the muscle was really starting to show through, and now I feel like I'm going backwards. I could just cry!!
    You could probably do something, but you need to avoid aggravating your shoulder any more. Don't worry about sleeveless shirts - two weeks won't make any difference there, and I'm sure you'll look plenty toned. It's better to be sure you are healed fully so that you can resume your normal routine as soon as possible. Further injury will delay it more. So if you really want to do something, maybe do body weight exercises for your lower body and core, but avoid using that shoulder. You might even be able to do some of the arm isolation exercises like a preacher curl where your shoulder isn't really working. Just be careful!
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    hi all...looks like this group is still active. Ive had NROLFW for a while now and have even played around with it a little but want to start it again. So I did workout A Stage 1 last night. Now, to clarify...I am suppost to do the 5 exercises in workout A and then thats all. Then on my next lifting day...5 exercises in Workout B....and so on??? Correct?

    I was looking ahead to Stage 2 and it says to do each workout 4 times and that Stage 2 only lasts.. you know what...if someone could explain the breakdown of the workout schedule in Stage 1 and so on that would be greatly appreciated.

    I need to go back and read all your pages of posts, but will have to do it later.

    thank you so much....
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
  • tolygal
    tolygal Posts: 602 Member
    hi all...looks like this group is still active. Ive had NROLFW for a while now and have even played around with it a little but want to start it again. So I did workout A Stage 1 last night. Now, to clarify...I am suppost to do the 5 exercises in workout A and then thats all. Then on my next lifting day...5 exercises in Workout B....and so on??? Correct?

    I was looking ahead to Stage 2 and it says to do each workout 4 times and that Stage 2 only lasts.. you know what...if someone could explain the breakdown of the workout schedule in Stage 1 and so on that would be greatly appreciated.

    I need to go back and read all your pages of posts, but will have to do it later.

    thank you so much....

    Hi there!! and welcome!!

    What you said sounds correct if I followed everything. Stage 1 consists of two different workouts (Workout A and Workout B). You do only one workout on a given day. The idea is to chose three days of the week (with at least a day off between each) to do the workouts. So what I do is Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Tuesday started with Workout A. Then Thursday was Workout B. Then Saturday was Workout A again. The following Tuesday was Workout B. And so on until you have done each excercise 8 times (for stage 1).

    Some of the excercises are to be alternated. For example, in Stage 1 Workout A, your first excercise (Excercise A) is the squat. You do this excercise by itself for however many sets/reps the day calls for. Then you move on to Excercise B. Excercise B consists of two different excercises (Excercise B1 and Excercise B2) - pushups and seated rows. For this one you alternate them. First you do pushups. Rest for 60 seconds. Then do Seated Rows. Rest for 60 seconds. Then do pushups, etc. until you have completed all of the sets/reps for the day. Then you move on to Excercise C.

    Some of us have created some excercise logs and stuff that you may find helpful. I can send you what I have created so far if you'd like. Just send me a PM with your email address and I'll send them off to you. You will have to put your email address in code because it won't send with the symbols. So for example, "name [at] hotmail [dot] com"

    Hope that helps!
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    TonyaGonya~ yea, thanks!! sounds like I am on the right track then. Just 5 exercises doesnt seem to be enough, but I will do it the way it is suppose to be done.

    oh and the exercise logs would be greatly appreciated. Thank you...I will PM you right now.
  • tolygal
    tolygal Posts: 602 Member
    TonyaGonya~ yea, thanks!! sounds like I am on the right track then. Just 5 exercises doesnt seem to be enough, but I will do it the way it is suppose to be done.

    oh and the exercise logs would be greatly appreciated. Thank you...I will PM you right now.

    If you sent something, I didn't get it yet. Make sure you don't use the symbols in your email address or it won't send.
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    Monday's workout was killer.. I increased the weight on everything, and I also added two more sets of pushups and two sets of curling 20-lb dumbbells at the end. Needless to say my entire upper body is feeling it still!

    I think today I am going to add more ab stuff to the end of it. After my PT test is over, I won't be doing any additional add-ons.. I just want to make sure I'm prepared to max out pushups and situps. :)

    I get an MRI today for my back, finally. After almost three years of back pain, I might actually find out why soon! Yippee!
  • mocha76
    mocha76 Posts: 184 Member
    Monday's workout was killer.. I increased the weight on everything, and I also added two more sets of pushups and two sets of curling 20-lb dumbbells at the end. Needless to say my entire upper body is feeling it still!

    I think today I am going to add more ab stuff to the end of it. After my PT test is over, I won't be doing any additional add-ons.. I just want to make sure I'm prepared to max out pushups and situps. :)

    I get an MRI today for my back, finally. After almost three years of back pain, I might actually find out why soon! Yippee!

    I hope everything goes well with your MRI today!!!!

    By the way, congrats on hitting the 140s!!!
  • kensky
    kensky Posts: 472 Member
    I use the werkit NROLFW logs. If you google it, it should come up easily (I can't seem to find the link right now). I have a clipboard and very often my decrepit NROLFW book that I cart around with me around the gym for the first (sometimes second) workout of a new routine. The logs I've found online all require a password (a passage from the actual book to prove that you have a copy in your hand) but I think they make the workouts less confusing for sure!

    I can deadlift the real-deal bar now! Huzzah! I am so chuffed.
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    UGH. I am supposed to do 1A5 today, FINALLY getting into 10-rep sets, but last night I rolled my ankle. Just got back from the doc. She gave me an aircast to wear for a week and an ankle brace to wear for a few weeks after that. She said to stay off it for a week, keep it elevated, take motrin, and ice it as much as possible. Soo.. now I can't do any HIIT for at least a week, and I can't do any strength training exercises that involve using my foot for stability, i.e. squats, deadlifts, lunges, step-ups, etc. :angry:

    So today I guess I am going to do as many upper body exercises I can come up with that don't involve my foot. Bench press, shoulder press, curls, skullcrushers, back rows.. maybe one-legged pushups? Sigh. This throws a wrench in my plans.

    I'm so mad! Guess I will start 1A5 next Friday instead. :cry:

    Edit: Ugh, this means I also have to lower my calorie intake! Dammit! :grumble:
  • tolygal
    tolygal Posts: 602 Member
    Oh prashley, I know how bad that sucks being out!! Ankles can be buggers though, so make sure it's feeling good before you do any running or things like that!! Hang in there....