New Rules of Lifting for Women group?



  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    Good news! My ankle is feeling lots better, enough to support doing squats anyway, so I think I am going to resume my strength training routine tomorrow with 1A5, with my ankle brace that the doc gave me. I am still going to hold off on running until next week (boo :(), but I am happy to get back into at least part of my training plan! Yay.
  • tolygal
    tolygal Posts: 602 Member
    That's awesome!! But be careful - stop if you feel anything out of the ordinary! My shoulders are hanging in there okay too. I hope they are all better before I start phase 2. I'll take another week off when I complete phase 1 (two weeks!!) if I have to. Can't wait to move on!
  • mocha76
    mocha76 Posts: 184 Member
    Hey everyone! Ashley and Tonya, I hope you both get back 100% soon. I know it must be hard trying to scale it down and not go full out.

    I'm heading out to the gym to complete 1A8. Whoo Hoo!! After today, just one more workout B, then the two special workouts and I am done with Stage 1!! I am so ready to move on. I am trying to decide if I am going to take a week off in between stages like the book recommends. We'll see. :-)
  • tolygal
    tolygal Posts: 602 Member
    How exciting, Mocha!!!! I've been holding off even looking at phase 2 workouts so I don't get too excited. I'm only taking a week off if my shoulders aren't fully healed yet this time. But I do plan to take a week off after the other stages - they sound much harder (from what I've read here - I haven't looked at the actual excercises yet), and I figure my body will need it - especially since the phases are closer to 3 weeks long (if I remember right).
  • kensky
    kensky Posts: 472 Member
    I never take a week off between stages. I thought (and my memory can be a bit selective, I admit) that it was only for the period of time between the last two stages? Like I said, don't ask me where I got that perception!

    It seems that I am finally in the groove of the HIIT aspect of the routine.

    I have not yet found my groove as far as the body weight matrix goes. I need to suck it up and do the matrix right on the stretching mat part of our gym because it's been hurting my knees when I skulk off to an unpopulated hard-floored corner to sweat and curse.

    I think I only have one more workout each 'til the end of stage 3! It's flying by for me!
  • tolygal
    tolygal Posts: 602 Member
    .....when I skulk off to an unpopulated hard-floored corner to sweat and curse.

    I'm sorry, but I'm LMAO at this. I do this too and understand exactly what you mean. I'm still LOL!!!
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    Eck, my ankle is still feeling better but I'm worried about the step-ups on my left side.. hmm.. perhaps I will do light weights? :\

    Since I missed a day, I am going to only take a couple of days off instead of a whole week after I complete stage 1. I pushed my pt test back to July 11th (it was scheduled for June 20th) so I can have plenty of time to prepare for my run. I really want to run a sub 12 for my mile and a half!

    I can't wait to be done with Stage 1, either! And I can't wait to get down to 140 lbs so I can actually eat what the book recommends.. it is just too hard for me to imagine eating 2100 calories EVERY day right now. We women are so silly.
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    I'm looking to buy a Swiss ball and step platform so I can begin the program (at home). I'm looking online (Amazon, Target, Walmart) and there are SO many choices and of course prices are all over the place. I can't afford to spend too much but I know I can't buy the cheapest either, for quality-sake. Does it matter if the ball is weighted or not? Some have sand in them. Any tips or suggestions on exercise balls and steps?

    Thank you! Biz
  • tolygal
    tolygal Posts: 602 Member
    Hi Bizco,
    My ball is not weighted and it is not fancy. It's just a simple ball - I'm not sure if I bought the cheapest one or not, but it didn't have anything fancy on it and it works just fine for me. Oh, and the first one I bought said it was good for my height... but it seemed far too small, so I returned it and got the one for taller people. I like that one far better (I'm 5' 4").

    For the step, just make sure you get something that you can raise up to be a high step. This is the one I want to get (and they sell additional risers seperately):

    I already have a step at home that adjusts from 6 to 14 inches, so I can't justify the expense right now, but it's on my wish list!
  • sparkle327
    sparkle327 Posts: 98
    Hi Lifters - I just bought the book last night. I am reading up now and I need to get my equipment. I will be doing the work out at home for now. I will definitely check back in. I am trying to get a hold on the workouts now.

    I am headed on vacation next week. I will officially start the program on June 6th. But I may have some questions before then.

    I did Body for Life some years ago. I can't wait to get started on this!! I love what he has to say about eating. I feel like I have been eating far too little in my effort to lose weight. I know I can not continue this way. My body has already started to tell that this is not working. I am definitely ready to readjust me eating plan in my journey to be stronger!!
  • kensky
    kensky Posts: 472 Member
    Hi Bizco! I thought I posted a response but I guess not! A swiss ball is not typically weighted. (Swiss balls = exercise/yoga balls = if you are a hippie kumbaya mom like me you might have rocked on one during labor) I don't think they are super expensive and I'm not sure at all if price makes a difference (not like a heart rate monitor where from what I've heard you get what you pay for). The weighted balls I know about are medicine balls which are basketball sized-ish and weigh from 5-20 lbs. It looks like Tonya already gave some good advice re: steps.

    Hi Sparkle! It's good to meet somebody whose stats and goals are similar to mine!
  • ColoradoRobin
    ColoradoRobin Posts: 510 Member
    After reading most of New Rules of Lifting for Abs, I chose to sub out some of the core exercises a bit. I'm doing prone jackknifes still, but doing them flat rather than lifting my butt up as I roll on the ball. It certainly worked my abs, as they are sore from my workout on Sunday! Instead of ball crunches, I'm doing planks. If I get good at them (I'm not yet!) I will go with a harder variation from the book. New Rules for Abs seems to be very interesting and based on some newer ideas. The main goal isn't to work your abs to make them bigger, but rather to make them better at core stabilization.

    I'll see how I'm doing with lunges tonight. I keep messing them up for various reasons. It's funny because I did a lot of body weight lunges in EA Sports Active 2 on the PS3. I think the spin classes and biking I've been doing, in addition to the other lower body exercises is making my legs feel shaky in lunges. My knee is definitely not liking it. Maybe a stretchy brace would help a little.
  • pacovsky9
    pacovsky9 Posts: 1
    hey everyone, im starting my nrolfw today, ive had the book a while to read it, i was pretty confused on how to start til i read this message board, thanks everyone. nice to see alot others doing the program is encouraging.Im excited to begin this life journey to eating healthy and proper excercise.

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    So, in Stage 1 how long is it typically taking you ladies to complete the routine? I am between 26-28 mins or so. Are you wearing HRM while lifting?
  • mocha76
    mocha76 Posts: 184 Member
    So, in Stage 1 how long is it typically taking you ladies to complete the routine? I am between 26-28 mins or so. Are you wearing HRM while lifting?

    Welcome to all the new people!!!!! Glad to have you!!

    I have 3 workouts left in Stage 1. At the beginning, it was taking me about 25-30 mins to complete. Once I got into the sets of 3, it went to about 35 mins. I do not own a HRM yet, but I do want/need one.
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    I just now got into the three sets of 10 on stage one, and my workout on Monday took me about 35 minutes including a 3-5 min warmup and a 5-10 min cool down. When I started out, it was around 20 minutes.
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    thanks Ladies!!! I am starting 12 reps stage 1 today...I missed a workout this week so I need to get in today. Its a must!!! Then back on schedule starting tomorrow.
  • kensky
    kensky Posts: 472 Member
    I'm on the last workout of Stage 3 today. Oh yeah!

    I'm hoping that the holiday hours/weekend will mean less bodies to dodge in the gym. :happy:
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    I'm on the last workout of Stage 3 today. Oh yeah!

    I'm hoping that the holiday hours/weekend will mean less bodies to dodge in the gym. :happy:

    I worked out Friday (I had it off too) and went to the regular gym on base (instead of the one at work I normally use). Even though I got to use the lat pulldown machine instead of doing the alternative exercise, there was still waaaay more meatheads. It was awkward being stared at, like, "what is this chick doing with the 20-lb dumbbells?"
  • Kimbie500
    Kimbie500 Posts: 388 Member
    Hi Gang!

    Great WO last night - the first in Phase 1 where you do 3 sets. Those prone jackknifes are getting better - I did not fall off the ball last night like I did the first time I did 'em!

    Anyone else shake for 20 minutes after finishing a WO and like it?? I think I must be a freak! :wink:

    Lift heavy, ladies!