New Rules of Lifting for Women group?



  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    Just did workout B of stage 2 for the second time and managed to increase my weights for all exercises - yay!

    This morning I weighed myself and found that my weight had gone up 2.5(ish)lbs and that set me on course for quite a bad day. I felt like giving up, then I felt frustrated because I've tried 'everything' and nothing seems to break me out of this plateau. This is all because I weighed myself. I've lost weight, inches or body fat :sad: :sad: :sad:

    Now, I've been thinking, seeing as the scales aren't budging and I'm overly concerned with the excess spare tyre around my tummy I think I'm going to ditch the scales until the end of this stage and just focus on strength and inch loss.

    I'm also going to drop my calories back down again as even though I took the advice of 'everyone' and started eating more, I gained weight so that tells me that I'm consuming too many calories.

    Please tell me your thoughts - I know it's only 10lbs and I'm not majorly overweight but I need to shed this excess body fat ASAP
  • mrsmorris13
    mrsmorris13 Posts: 225
    Yay! So glad to find this group here! I am new to MFP and I am in Stage 1....I've completed A and B twice. Lovin in. I really want to lose a few pounds however I really want to gain muscle. From the book it seems like it's hard to do both. I will look back at the post and read everyone's info...but for now....can anyone tell me that they are losing body fat, gaining muscle and losing lbs on the scale.....TELL ME IT"S POSSIBLE!!!! :laugh:
  • mrsmorris13
    mrsmorris13 Posts: 225
    I hear ya! I have 9lbs that I would like to lose...but I have lost 3% body fat and a bunch of inches....but I am such a slave to the scale. I dont think I am able to ditch the scale. You are braver than me :)
    I, also, want to be strong and lean. I keep saying I dont care about the scale, but I do. Ijust lowered my calories but I upped my protein and lowered my carbs and fat....we'll see.
    Keep on keepin' on Girl! Strong is the new Skinny!
  • kensky
    kensky Posts: 472 Member
    I've yet to get my body fat measured but, just visually, I'd say I gained at least a little muscle since starting NROLFW. I've lost weight that I suspect is mostly bodyfat. I guess the real tell is that since starting getting serious about lifting I've gone down 3 pants sizes. I think for beginning lifters that it is certainly possible to gain both muscle while losing fat. I think that I am only now reaching the stage (closer to goal weight) that I may need to start with an either/or mentality in regards to losing fat/gaining muscle.

    I am on stage 4 and enjoying my time with no body weight matrix. No joke! I do like both workout A and B which is a rare treat.

    My new favorite is step ups! I like them now! Amazing! I think I had to get to the point where I was doing some heavier weight (40 lbs...heavy is all relative) to make it feel like I was doing them right/effectively.

    My new challenge is the front squat to press. I can front squat (just the bar though I bet I could front squat with a couple of 5s on there) fine it's the press that I get shaky on approaching the 7th rep. So far I've not been able to get past 7 without feeling like I am going to drop the bar. Next round I will 1) ditch my baseball cap (hiding 5 am bedhead!) because I think that I get psyched out that the bar is going to knock into my hat/head while pressing the bar up 2) just do it and know that if I drop the bar OH WELL.
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    I've yet to get my body fat measured but, just visually, I'd say I gained at least a little muscle since starting NROLFW. I've lost weight that I suspect is mostly bodyfat. I guess the real tell is that since starting getting serious about lifting I've gone down 3 pants sizes. I think for beginning lifters that it is certainly possible to gain both muscle while losing fat. I think that I am only now reaching the stage (closer to goal weight) that I may need to start with an either/or mentality in regards to losing fat/gaining muscle.

    This is music to my ears as being smaller is what's most important to me. I'd love to lose one or two clothing sizes. I'm between a US 6 and 8 (although the 8's are too big, but some 6's are a little small :explode: :noway: :sad: )

    I'm gonna keep going and hopefully get to my first goal of being a proper size 6 then I may work my way down to a size 4 - if I still feel like I need to.

    I hope to lose a dress size by the time I get to the end of stage 2 in about 3 weeks time - fingers (and toes crossed) :smile: :smile:
  • mocha76
    mocha76 Posts: 184 Member
    I've yet to get my body fat measured but, just visually, I'd say I gained at least a little muscle since starting NROLFW. I've lost weight that I suspect is mostly bodyfat. I guess the real tell is that since starting getting serious about lifting I've gone down 3 pants sizes. I think for beginning lifters that it is certainly possible to gain both muscle while losing fat. I think that I am only now reaching the stage (closer to goal weight) that I may need to start with an either/or mentality in regards to losing fat/gaining muscle.

    This is music to my ears as being smaller is what's most important to me. I'd love to lose one or two clothing sizes. I'm between a US 6 and 8 (although the 8's are too big, but some 6's are a little small :explode: :noway: :sad: )

    I'm gonna keep going and hopefully get to my first goal of being a proper size 6 then I may work my way down to a size 4 - if I still feel like I need to.

    I hope to lose a dress size by the time I get to the end of stage 2 in about 3 weeks time - fingers (and toes crossed) :smile: :smile:

    You will get there!!!!

    Slow and steady wins the race!!!
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    Hey ladies! I haven't updated in a few days.

    I did the last workout A of Phase 1 yesterday! I do B8 tomorrow, then next week are the special workouts. I can't wait to move onto Phase 2!

    To your question, sunshine, I have been gradually losing weight (literally .2 lbs at a time), getting stronger, and getting smaller, and I eat a lot! Just check out my diary! Most days I eat 1750, some days I eat around 2000 or more. I am sitting at 148.2 right now.

    I hope stage 2 isn't as bad as some of you are saying it is! lol!
  • mocha76
    mocha76 Posts: 184 Member
    Yay! So glad to find this group here! I am new to MFP and I am in Stage 1....I've completed A and B twice. Lovin in. I really want to lose a few pounds however I really want to gain muscle. From the book it seems like it's hard to do both. I will look back at the post and read everyone's info...but for now....can anyone tell me that they are losing body fat, gaining muscle and losing lbs on the scale.....TELL ME IT"S POSSIBLE!!!! :laugh:

    Welcome Shannon!

    I can not answer for sure because I did not have my BF tested when I started NRLW. But I have lost 11 lbs since I started the NRLW. I have gone from a 10 to 8. I am fitting some 6's (the big 6's LOL). I think I have lost a lot of fat and now I am starting to see the muscle that has been hiding under my fat and that I am developing during this lifting program. I can not wait to see the results after I am done with the complete program.
  • mrsmorris13
    mrsmorris13 Posts: 225
    Thanks for the welcome! Sounds like you are doing great. I feel like I am living in Sore mode all the time these days....but I LIKE IT! I am getting remeasured afer 3 weeks we will see........STAY TUNED :)
  • mrsmorris13
    mrsmorris13 Posts: 225
    Ok, I have a change in plan :)

    I had my measurements done today with my trainer. I also set some timeframe/ weight/ body fat goals....
    I have realized that my previous goals were a bit contradicting with my actual "program"

    So, here it is:

    Goal 1: Drop 10 lbs
    Goal 2: be @ 20% BF

    for the way I want to look, I really need to get "smaller" first before I put the muscle back on....

    So my plan is.....continue lifting...but putting NROLFW on back burner, until I drop weight. Getting more cardio in to burn calories, to also drop weight.

    I'd like to stay in this group, pretty plz....I will get back to this program once I have slimmed down a few.

    Thanks for letting me chat and get my goals on track in a way that I can be more accountable :)
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    Stage 2 workout A completed for the 3rd time today - Those one point dumbell rows are still pretty challenging but I Love the cable horizontal wood chops at the end because they really target my most troubled area. I think I may do those every day just to work that area a bit more.

    I'm trying really hard not to focus on the fact that I have a lot of excess fat around my middle and just focus on increasing my strength.

    If I increase my weight each time a do each workout and am getting stronger does that necessarily mean muscles will get bigger????
  • mocha76
    mocha76 Posts: 184 Member
    Ok, I have a change in plan :)

    I had my measurements done today with my trainer. I also set some timeframe/ weight/ body fat goals....
    I have realized that my previous goals were a bit contradicting with my actual "program"

    So, here it is:

    Goal 1: Drop 10 lbs
    Goal 2: be @ 20% BF

    for the way I want to look, I really need to get "smaller" first before I put the muscle back on....

    So my plan is.....continue lifting...but putting NROLFW on back burner, until I drop weight. Getting more cardio in to burn calories, to also drop weight.

    I'd like to stay in this group, pretty plz....I will get back to this program once I have slimmed down a few.

    Thanks for letting me chat and get my goals on track in a way that I can be more accountable :)

    Of course you are welcome to stay in the group!!

    Your comment brings up a good point. I keep hearing that it is hard to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time. And I also hear that you should definitely strength train and do cardio at the same time. My question is the same as yours. If I want to still lose 10lbs and drop BF%, is it counterproductive to be doing NROLFW right now? I just do not want to stall my fat loss by doing this heavy strength program. Do not get me wrong, I know this program works, but I am getting a little nervous because I am on my last 10lbs and do not want it to take another 6 months to get there.

    Any suggestions or comments, ladies? I would love to hear your thoughts.
  • kensky
    kensky Posts: 472 Member
    I think the lose fat/gain muscle comments are for those who are already at their "ideal" weight (this may very well apply to you, mocha76!). With that said, even hardcore bodybuilders who are on a long-term "cutting cycle" do two things that are NROL-approved. They eat (though ridiculously clean) a good amount of calories and they continue to lift heavy. The only thing that I've read that would be different is that cardio *is* emphasized more than in a stage that is primarily focused on muscle growth.

    When I get a few pounds lower and really want to emphasize fat loss above all else (I believe I am still at a stage when both is easily possible) I will eat at least 1600 calories of mind-numbingly clean foods with a focus on protein protein protein and up my HIIT. I will still lift and am thinking about cycling through NROLFW again.

    Remember that the muscle that is gained will help maintain the healthy weight that we all have struggled (are struggling) to achieve!
  • mocha76
    mocha76 Posts: 184 Member
    I think the lose fat/gain muscle comments are for those who are already at their "ideal" weight (this may very well apply to you, mocha76!). With that said, even hardcore bodybuilders who are on a long-term "cutting cycle" do two things that are NROL-approved. They eat (though ridiculously clean) a good amount of calories and they continue to lift heavy. The only thing that I've read that would be different is that cardio *is* emphasized more than in a stage that is primarily focused on muscle growth.

    When I get a few pounds lower and really want to emphasize fat loss above all else (I believe I am still at a stage when both is easily possible) I will eat at least 1600 calories of mind-numbingly clean foods with a focus on protein protein protein and up my HIIT. I will still lift and am thinking about cycling through NROLFW again.

    Remember that the muscle that is gained will help maintain the healthy weight that we all have struggled (are struggling) to achieve!

    Thanks for the comments, Kensky. That is the thing, I have no idea what my ideal weight is. I am 5'6" and 154lbs is the high end of my healthy BMI range. I am currently 159 lbs. I have a pretty muscular build and feel like if I go under 150 lbs, I will look too thin. But I won't really know until I get closer to my goal. I am currently eating 1550 lbs per day and doing NRLW 2-3 times a week and Zumba, 2 times a week. Maybe the intervals in Stage 2 will help push things along. I have always trusted this process, but I think I am getting impatient about a few stubborn areas of my body (like my stomach and thighs). :-)
  • jtintx
    jtintx Posts: 445 Member
    Hey everyone! I think this might be the group for me.

    Two years ago I had my body fat checked using the Bod Pod. At that time it showed that I had 43 lbs of fat. I have been working out religiously for the past two years and have lost 7 lbs. total since then. So, I decided it was time to recheck my body fat. I was so disappointed! I still have 43 lbs. of fat but my lean muscle has dropped by 7 lbs.!! (I’m at 30% body fat) That is not good at all. So I decided that I have to start lifting. I’ve been using the machines and some free weights (biceps and rows) and I ordered the NROLFW. I read the whole book but it seems like they want you to do some unconventional things. I would feel kind of strange doing some of these moves in the gym. I.e. Swiss ball exercises. Do you all do exactly what’s in the book or do you stick to the basic exercises that the guys are doing? Also, I don’t know how to use the racks and bars. How did you start out? Any advice for a beginner? Thanks.
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    Hey everyone! I think this might be the group for me.

    Two years ago I had my body fat checked using the Bod Pod. At that time it showed that I had 43 lbs of fat. I have been working out religiously for the past two years and have lost 7 lbs. total since then. So, I decided it was time to recheck my body fat. I was so disappointed! I still have 43 lbs. of fat but my lean muscle has dropped by 7 lbs.!! (I’m at 30% body fat) That is not good at all. So I decided that I have to start lifting. I’ve been using the machines and some free weights (biceps and rows) and I ordered the NROLFW. I read the whole book but it seems like they want you to do some unconventional things. I would feel kind of strange doing some of these moves in the gym. I.e. Swiss ball exercises. Do you all do exactly what’s in the book or do you stick to the basic exercises that the guys are doing? Also, I don’t know how to use the racks and bars. How did you start out? Any advice for a beginner? Thanks.

    Welcome to the group.

    I'm am by no means an expert but I'm currently doing NROLFW and I work with a Trainer once a week and he's taught me loads.

    Firstly, don't be scared of the machines etc at the gym. Ask one of the staff how to use them (that's what their paid for LOL). I'd recommend following the book as it's a great work out. Try the moves at home to familiarise yourself with them if this helps.

    Also, don't be intimidated or afraid to do the workout in the gym. The fact that you have a guide to follow means that you have something to focus on. No one will be looking at you, if anything you'll have people helping you.

    Give it a go and I'm sure you'll feel great after your first session just like we all did.

    p.s - I'm in a very similar situation to you in terms of body fat but I know that lifting will make all the difference
  • sparkle327
    sparkle327 Posts: 98
    Good Morning – I completed my 1st Stage 1 workout this morning! The hardest things for me were the pushups and the jack knife. I really have to work on balancing on the stability ball.
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    Happy Monday, everyone! (Not really, I'm really craving some caffeine right now)

    I am almost officially done with Stage 1. Today I am doing Special Workout A, and Wednesday is Special Workout B. Next Monday I will begin Stage 2!

    I know everyone is different, but I will try to answer everyone's gaining muscle/losing fat questions from my experience. Before I started NROLFW, I was 156 lbs and around 26% body fat according to my handheld body fat analyzer. As of this weekend, I am 147.2 and 23% body fat. So I have lost about nine pounds, and if I did my math correctly, this means most of that loss is body fat (edit: I tried to demonstrate the equations below), give or take a few pounds for water fluctuation.

    156 x .26 = 40.56 lbs of body fat
    147.2 x .23 = 33.856 lbs of body fat

    40.6 - 33.9 = 6.7 lbs difference

    I am almost 99% sure that I haven't lost any lean muscle, because both my husband and I have noticed increased muscle definition all over my body, increased strength, and DEFINITELY shrinking in my overall figure. :) The numbers above aren't 100% accurate, but the handheld analyzer is the best thing I could go off of. The Health and Wellness Center on base has a bodpod, and I will schedule an appointment soon!

    I eat on average 1750 cals/daily and I'm not too strict with this number. Sometimes I eat around 2000, sometimes I eat around 1500. I eat as clean as I can, but I do enjoy treats occasionally, such as ice cream, Full Throttles, sweet potato fries, etc. My main focus is making sure I don't have more than one gluttonous day per week, and I try to get at least 150g of protein/day.

    In addition to NROLFW, I do two days a week of pace tempo running (kind of like HIIT or interval training) and one day a week of an endurance run. When I begin Stage 2, I will omit the HIIT from my workout since I already have two whole days per week devoted to it! I should also mention on my endurance run day, I normally burn about 400 calories, so this is usually my highest calorie day. :)

    Honestly, I think all of you should eat more. Eating slightly below maintenance level has allowed me to lose continuously over the course of two months without making my body feel deprived. Keep in mind I've been losing slowly, but I'm 98% sure it's mostly fat that's been lost. I only have 7 lbs of fat left to lose before I hit 140 and I will officially up my calories to maintenance level, and I can't wait!
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    Hi ladies,

    Glad to see everyone's posts, you are all doing so well.

    Now, I need some feedback on my current situation. I'm on week 3 of stage 2 (have done both workouts 3 times each) of NROLFW, loving it. I weighed myself this morn, the results:
    - weight 150lbs (no significant change)
    - body fat 27.6% (down from 29%)
    - inch loss - no change

    Does this make sense? Can my body fat have gone done and I see no loss in inches or actual weight?

    Am I doing something wrong????? I'm not giving up as I'm making good strength gains but I'm a little miffed. I'm thinking of just sticking with it and maybe things will change soon. My aim is to lose BF AND inches - help!!!:explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode:

    FYI I'm doing NROLFW 2 x per week
    strength and core work with my trainer 1 x per week
    boxing/sparring 1 x per week
    Spin class 1 x per week
  • mocha76
    mocha76 Posts: 184 Member
    Hi ladies,

    Glad to see everyone's posts, you are all doing so well.

    Now, I need some feedback on my current situation. I'm on week 3 of stage 2 (have done both workouts 3 times each) of NROLFW, loving it. I weighed myself this morn, the results:
    - weight 150lbs (no significant change)
    - body fat 27.6% (down from 29%)
    - inch loss - no change

    Does this make sense? Can my body fat have gone done and I see no loss in inches or actual weight?

    Am I doing something wrong????? I'm not giving up as I'm making good strength gains but I'm a little miffed. I'm thinking of just sticking with it and maybe things will change soon. My aim is to lose BF AND inches - help!!!:explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode:

    FYI I'm doing NROLFW 2 x per week
    strength and core work with my trainer 1 x per week
    boxing/sparring 1 x per week
    Spin class 1 x per week


    It sounds like you have the exercise part in check. But I did take a look at your diary and it doesn't look like you are eating enough. You are doing a good amount of exercise and it doesn't appear that you are eating your exercise calories back. Also, what are your macros set at. Your protein looks a little low. These are just a few things that I saw. Also, look at prashley post above, she hits on one of these points.
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